Yes, There Was Election Fraud. The Question Is How Much By Margot Cleveland

Was the fraud just at the fringes? Or was there fraud on the rampant scale former Illinois governor and convicted corruption connoisseur Rod Blagojevich suggested on Friday?

“My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory,” Joe Biden proclaimed late Saturday night after news outlets declared him the winner of the 2020 election. Biden’s speech came while several battleground states remain mired in too-close-to call tallying and litigation, and while recounts promise to delay the official outcome in the additional states Democrats claim as securing Biden 279 electoral votes.

If history is a guide, the certified winner will match the press’ preordained victor, but all Americans should nonetheless want the process to proceed because we know there was fraud and we know there were illegal votes tallied (see below). The only question is how much and who was complicit.

Was the fraud just at the fringes? Or was there fraud on the scale former Illinois governor and corruption-connoisseur felon Rod Blagojevich suggested on Friday?

“If the question is are the Democrats stealing votes in Philadelphia, my answer is, ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ It’s a time-honored tradition,” Blagojevich said. “Big Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, my hometown, Philadelphia, to do precisely what they’re doing now I’ve never seen such a magnitude because this I think is an indication of just how widespread it is, how deep it is.”

America Won’t Trust Elections Until The Voter Fraud Is Investigated By Matthew Cochran

If all the evidence of voter fraud is not investigated and properly accounted for, half of America will fervently believe that the election is a fraud no matter who ultimately wins.

We should not be surprised at what a mess this election has become, not only because of the uncompromising nature of our current politics, but also because of the warnings we received well beforehand. President Trump has been bringing up voter fraud long before Nov. 3, and the left had been weirdly insistent that he accept the results without double-checking the entire time.

Afterward, of course, the evidence for that fraud is rapidly piling up. There has been eyewitness testimony about falsifying the postmarks on late mail-in ballots. Election observers were being harassed and kept away from the counting tables in Detroit. Software glitches have been discovered switching votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan, and the same software is being used in other battleground states.

There have been statistical anomalies like 90 percent voter turnout in Wisconsin and bizarre late-night vote spikes for Biden in several states. All of this evidence and more strongly suggest the Democrats and their media allies are indeed attempting to steal the election.

A True Progressive Looks At The Election Results Francis Menton

While we wait for final results in the race for President, other interesting data from the voting have begun to emerge.

For example, NBC has come out with an exit poll of voters, that breaks down the Biden/Trump vote by demographic factors like age, sex and race. You might wonder how to do an exit poll in these days where well more than half the vote arrives either early or by mail; but NBC claims that they have accounted for that:

The exit poll also includes interviews with early in-person voters and a telephone poll is conducted for absentee voters.

Of course this exit poll seems to have overestimated the Biden vote similarly to most of the pre-election polls. (They have the overall vote at about 53/46 in favor of Biden; actual is more like 51/48.)

With those caveats, this poll has some very interesting information in the category of results by race, ethnicity and sex. Most notably, the poll estimates that 18% of black men, and 8% of black women voted for Trump. Thus the black male vote has gone from 5% for McCain in 2008, to 11% for Romney in 2012, to 13% for Trump in 2016, to 18% for Trump just now. The black female vote for Trump was substantially less at 8%, but still represented a large increase from on 3/4% in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Trump also scored some notable gains among Hispanics, particularly men. According to this exit poll, Trump won 38% of Hispanic men and 34% of Hispanic women, compared to 34% of Hispanic men and 30% of Hispanic women for McCain in 2008.

So how would you look at this if you were a true progressive? Let’s check in with New York Times op-ed columnist Charles Blow on November 4:

Attorney Lin Wood On Why He Joined Trump’s Legal Team!! – “They Took a Victory from Donald Trump and They Called it a Lie…This Country is Under Attack.” Joe Hoft

Top attorney Lin Wood spoke at a rally in Georgia on Saturday about why he joined the Trump team in its fight against Democrats, Big Media and Big Tech lies and attempts to steal the election for Joe Biden. He was outstanding.

Wood began his speech on why he was joining the Trump team with this:

I was sitting around Tuesday night watching the election returns, I’ve loved politics all my life, since I first voted in 1972.  And I saw what I assumed was going to happen.  I saw President Trump building up what I believed was going to be almost an historic landslide victory.  Then all the sudden every network, including FOX News, started doing what they do best – they started lying to the American public.  And they took a victory from Donald Trump and they called it a lie.  They took a defeat from Joe Biden and lied and said he won.  And they sent you to bed, turning off the count of the vote so you could wake up the next morning like I did and go ‘What happened?’

What happened?  When I was asked by President Trump to help him in Georgia and perhaps other places around this country, I said ‘yeah’…

…I said yes because there is a cloud over this country.  And if we don’t get it right and we don’t figure out what happened that night, that cloud is going to get darker and darker until it turns into a storm cloud and we’re going to lose our freedom.  So it is time to fight back…

… This is a constitutional crisis and if we don’t fix it and find out what happened and get it right, we’re going to lose our constitutional rights…

…43 years of practicing law I never dreamed the day would come where I would be in the United States of America and there would be censorship.  If they take away your right to free speech what are they going to take away next?…

…Let’s find out what happened.  This is about truth versus lies…

…If you don’t think this was planned, enjoy losing your freedom under the Kamala Harris Administration. And she’s not going to be running this country.  There are people who are going to running this country who are rich, they’re globalists, some don’t even live here, a lot of them are involved with foreign countries.

It’s time to tell the truth and be truthful and face the truth.  This country is under attack.  This was nothing more than a revolution.  They’re trying to take away your rights.  They’re trying to take away your Constitution. They’re trying to take away ultimately your freedom.  Don’t let them do it.  Donald Trump is for the people that’s why the people voted for him…

… [Trump] he’s troubled because he sees what being done to the people…

The True Deplorables Laura B. Regan ,

With the manufactured “news” that Pennsylvania and Nevada have been called for Joe Biden by news media, liberals celebrating the supposed victory of the purported 46th president took to the streets in euphoria and revelry. It seems logical to assume that many of today’s celebrants were also participants in the street protests four years ago when Donald Trump beat their gal Hillary.

Hillary Clinton made the fatal mistake of revealing the way she truly thought of half of the American population that supported Trump by calling them “a basket of deplorables.”

Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” moment 

And the next four years we witnessed the greatest revolt in our nation’s history since the Civil War. The half of the country that supported Hillary refused to accept the results of the election and have been protesting – often violently — ever since.

They were joined by the media that spent four years lying and echoing the narrative spoon fed to them from the likes of Adam Schiff and the rest of the Democrats from Obama on down. We now know that the deep state took immoral (if not illegal) steps to not only make it impossible for Trump to govern successfully but that they refused to allow a smooth transition of power, produced a disinformation campaign the likes of which we’ve never seen before, and finally found a lame excuse to impeach Trump in his final year – the good of the country be damned.

Now that the media have anointed Biden the winner, people are asking whether the right will take to the streets in protest of Biden. Unfortunately, if they do, they will certainly be justified, as we learn every day of another voter fraud accusation, unseemly incidents at polling places preventing legally-mandated observers from doing their jobs, and statistically impossible returns, all favoring Biden from ballots appearing out of nowhere.

Joe Biden: A Man Without A Mandate

Now that the media have declared the election over and Joe Biden is president, the left is busy trying to conjure up a mandate for his administration. But if there is anything clear in this disaster of an election, it’s that Biden and his band of socialist Democrats have not been ordained to do anything.

On Friday, Biden said his voters have “given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism.” On Sunday his deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, said that Biden had “campaigned on an incredibly progressive and aggressive agenda” and that “he’s going to make good on those commitments.

Let’s leave aside the fact that there are still legal challenges and recounts, and despite what the media say, states have not certified their results. In other words, Trump hasn’t lost the election yet.

But assuming Biden prevails after all these challenges, what possible claim does he have to a mandate?

Despite what his campaign is now claiming, the only issue that Biden actually ran on was COVID-19, and even there he didn’t offer any solutions. All he did was blame President Donald Trump for the deaths it caused.

Everything else about his agenda was kept carefully hidden in Biden’s basement. At the Democratic convention, Biden’s agenda never came up, as speaker after speaker droned on about how empathetic he was.

Seriously, beyond a national mask mandate – on which Biden shifted positions half a dozen times – how many Biden voters could accurately describe any of his economic, environmental, or social policies?

Victor Davis Hanson: The NeverTrump Never Again Perhaps bad men can do a few good things, but they cannot do a lot of good things. And Trump did a lot more good for the country than had prior supposedly good presidents.

NeverTrump was a loose term for lots of different Republican apostates. First, were a small cadre of self-described conservatives and doctrinaire Republicans, who under no circumstances would have ever voted for Trump or embraced his agenda, or in some extreme cases, ever voted for any who would vote Trump. 

So there are gradations of NeverTrumpers. But mostly the general pique comes down to cultural, comportment, class—and often careerist—concerns, rather than policies per se. After the election, we can now see better the contours of who and what these NeverTrump cliques were.

The Hardcore

Give the hardcore tiny credit for consistency: they hated candidate Trump. They swore that he would never be nominated, never be elected, never finish his term, and never be reelected. Since 2015 most of their lives have been consumed by joining everyone from the Anonymous nonentity to the Mooch in damning Trump.

A few claimed that they still remained conservative, but their venom prompted them to oppose almost all Republican Senators and House members for their apostasy of Trump support. Some claim they want names of Trumpers as if they are Stalinist prosecutors. In fact, they are akin to nerds in high school who snooted about the people on their no-invite lists for parties none of those people wanted to attend, anyway.

They did not just vote against Trump, but voted enthusiastically for Biden and raised many millions for their affiliated firms and friends to work toward his victory. A few have now become unapologetic liberal Democrats, or perhaps returned to their earlier selves. How strange that in their fury against a purported racist, corrupt, and mentally enfeebled Trump, they voted for a race-jabbering, segregationist-praising careerist, of a corrupt family syndicate, and someone who would likely flunk the much-ballyhooed Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test.

But again, many insist they are still Republicans. In narcissistic fashion, these activists, lobbyists, consultants, pundits, grifters, and ex-politicians envision a Phoenix scenario, with themselves of course at the center of the rebirth.

The Election is Not Over by Chris Farrell

[T]he “journalists” of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming “President-elect Biden.” That is make-believe. The media does not determine the outcome of the election. Governors of states will send electors to Washington DC in early December. That is the Electoral College, and their vote will decide the presidential election. So, the string of reports and stories and projections and suppositions about the new Biden administration is all part of an information operation to psychologically condition the public to accept Biden/Harris as a fait accompli.

[I]f President Trump were serious about challenging the outcomes in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona (maybe even Virginia), then he would be back on the campaign trail, holding rallies in those states. The best way to motivate the electorate, and the vote counters and the judges making rulings in the legal cases pending in the courts and jurisdictions of those states, is to show up.

President Trump may wish to reconsider his leisure time should he wish to successfully challenge the currently scripted outcome of the election.

The president MUST get personally involved and FIGHT.

The election is not over. President Trump may wish to put down the golf clubs and get back to rallying his supporters.

As predicted and explained in “How to Steal an Election” – Parts I, II and III – the Left has manufactured an Election “season” (as opposed to “Day” as required by 2 U.S.C. §7), and the “journalists” of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming “President-elect Biden.” That is make-believe.

Sitting in Limbo Those who want to keep our Republic strong and free need to fight fire with fire. Bruce Thornton

Despite the Associated Press announcing Joe Biden’s victory, we’re still not done with the election. Several legal challenges from the Trump campaign and the Republicans are still in play, especially given the copious evidence of electoral fraud and skullduggery. We may yet see the AP’s announcement turn into “Dewey Beats Truman.”

As of now, we’re still facing three possible outcomes: Donald Trump wins and the GOP holds on to the Senate; Biden does win and the Democrats retake the Senate; Biden wins but the Republicans keep the Senate.

The first scenario is the best for all who believe in the Constitution’s limited and balanced government, unalienable rights at home, and a well-armed military that abroad puts our country’s interests and security ahead of various bankrupt globalist utopias.

In his first term Trump made progress on both fronts: at home revitalizing the economy with tax-cuts, pushing back on regulatory tyranny, defending the Bill of Rights, appointing originalist federal judges, and challenging the illiberal, leftist identity politics that has targeted much of the Bill of Rights in its efforts to complete the transformation of the U.S. from a republic of limited federal powers into a technocratic tyranny of “experts” who know better than the citizens do what is good for them and the country

Abroad, he has put America first, calling out free-riding allies all too happy to cozy up to China and Iran. He has exposed the failure of multi-national global institutions that have winked at China’s gaming of the “rules-based international order” to aggrandize its global reach and power, and weaken the U.S. He’s rejected the two egregious Potemkin multinational agreements, the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Climate Accords, the former of which endangered our own and our regional allies’ security, the latter our economic strength. And both comprised empty promises, feckless bribes, and soothing diplo-babble that will not achieve their professed goals. Indeed, his triumph in brokering the normalization of relations between Israel and three Middle East Muslim states was based on rejecting one of the “moralizing internationalists’” most cherished foreign policy shibboleths: a Palestinian state “living side-by-side in peace” with Israel.

Orchestrating Hatred SJP’s toxic campus campaign of bias toward Jews. Richard L. Cravatts

In September, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights reached a settlement with New York University for the school’s apparent discrimination against its Jewish students, based on a student’s complaint that “the university discriminated against students of Jewish descent, on the basis of their national origin, by failing to respond appropriately to incidents that created a hostile environment for Jewish students at the university.”

When President Trump signed a 2019 executive order that instructed government agencies to be guided by “the non-legally binding working definition of anti-Semitism adopted on May 6, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA),” it empowered the Education Department to use Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to withhold funding from any schools that allow discrimination on campuses based on “race, color, or national origin.” And Trump’s executive order expanded the language of Title VI so that Jews, recognized as having a distinct national origin or ethnicity, now enjoy protection as a group.

The IHRA definition, which includes “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews,” is also critical to Title VI enforcement because it includes the notion that denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their historic homeland, Israel—in other words, anti-Zionism—manifests itself as a contemporary form of anti-Semitism. On campuses where anti-Israel activists regularly excoriate the Jewish state, deem it illegal, wish for its destruction, malign its supporters and slander them as Zionists, racists, and perpetrators of an apartheid regime in the name of Zionism, it is obvious that campus anti-Semites have frequently been able to mask their actual anti-Semitism with what they claim is merely “criticism of Israel.” In fact, Adela Cojab Moadeb, the student who filed the NYU complaint, confirmed that “[m]uch of the discrimination we faced, if not all, was propagated by anti-Zionists on campus.”

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign a similar Department of Education complaint was just filed on behalf of the school’s Jewish students who have endured “an unrelenting campaign of antisemitic harassment,” a situation caused by the administration’s failure to provide “a discrimination-free academic setting” despite having been put on notice of the “developing hostile environment.”