Pennsylvania is Soros Country by: Diana West

Top officials in Pennsylvania charged with ensuring that the state’s presidential election was free and fair are protoges of George Soros. 

1. State Attorney General Kathy Boockvar

Boockvar spent three years , according to Bucks County Courier Times, as the senior voting rights attorney for the Advancement Project, a Soros funded non-profit, whose mission is to see “structural racism” “dismantled” through the “practice of community-centered racial justice lawyering.”

Boockvar also became executive director of “birthing center” Lifecycle WomanCare in Bryn Athyn, Montgomery County (which immediately made me think of 1960s radical/Columbia Nursing School honcho Jennifer Dohrn.)

We know of Boockvar’s public bias against President Trump

Boockvar is also a defendant in this lawsuit seeking to halt the flow of Mark Zuckerberg’s millions around the legislature and into Pennsylvania election system.

Navigating Past Disinformation by: Diana West


The most lethal threat to our nation at this moment in the election crisis is what is deceptively known as the “news” media, now inundating Americans with non-stop propaganda. This threat is nothing new, but the potential lethality of the election crisis itself makes it exceptional. We, the People, are under all-out psychological attack, our perception of these momentous events the main target. The impact is, of course, compounded by the censorship agenda of such platforms as Twtitter and Facebook, now unabashedly expunging and hiding facts about the events that emerge indepedently of the propaganda media. Big Tech’s censorship agenda now regularly extends to statements to the American people made by the President of the United States.

All of which was predictable, all of which was predicted. Finding ourselves at war with our communications compromised and interupted, we need to navigate past the disinformation. To that end, I will be posting valuable information, comments, analysis as I find it throughout the crisis. 

Press round-up, November 6, 2020.

Betsy McCaughey’s “President Trump is simply suing to stop the counting of bogus votes”

…The post-election limbo is a deliberate creation of the Democratic Party. In the months leading up to the election, the Democratic National Committee and allied groups blanketed swing states with armies of lawyers filing suits to challenge voter-ID laws, signature-verification laws and, more than anything else, deadlines for mail-in ballots — as if elections should no longer have deadlines but instead be staged as a rolling, never-ending process.

…The pretext for all these changes was the pandemic. But the fact is, this nation has elected presidents in a timely way during world wars, polio epidemics and many other emergencies without doing away with Election Day finality.

Oslo and the Lack of Peace by Moshe Phillips

Weeks ago, on September 28, it was the 25th anniversary of the Taba signing of the Oslo II Accord — and no one celebrated. Hardly anyone even seemed to notice. Recently, a former high level staffer for Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin penned an article where he claimed, “Oslo was derailed”; he otherwise supported the longtime claims of Israel’s harshest critics in the Arab world and beyond. His idea that Israeli families living in communities in Judea-Samaria are the true obstacle to peace is untrue. This academic and many like him strive to recall the Oslo agreements as something they never were, and still want to assign responsibility for the lack of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to Jews in Judea and Samaria instead of supporters of terrorism in Gaza and the PA itself.

Professor Meron Medzini, who taught modern Japanese history for over 20 years at Hebrew University, made several mistakes in his book review article for the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. The journal is published by the Israel Council on Foreign Relations (ICFR), and Medzini’s piece appeared in issue 14:1. The ICFR is an official part of the World Jewish Congress.

Dr. Medzini claims that “Oslo was derailed because of continued Jewish settlement in the West Bank; heightened Palestinian terror; and the decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to effectively freeze the entire process after he gave up Hebron.”

But Medzini is mistaken on all three counts.

Pennsylvania’s mail ballot results don’t look right By Richard Baehr

All of the major networks started confidently predicting yesterday that Joe Biden would win Pennsylvania after all the mail-in ballots that had been received by the state had been counted. The numbers gurus at the networks reported that Biden was capturing 78% of the votes from mail in ballots, and Trump 21%. In other words, Biden was winning this vote group by 57%,

This margin seems too high, based on the party registration of those whose mail in ballots have been confirmed.  

The party registration data suggests that Democrats were 65.5% of those who returned mail ballots, Republicans 23.4% and independents 10.4%. If independents split their votes evenly, then one possibility was that Biden would win this voter pool by 42.1%, the difference between their 65.5% share of registered voters who returned mail ballots, and Republicans’ share of 23.4%. Let us then assume that independents broke heavily for the Democrats, say 80-20, Then Democrats would have about a 48.3 % lead, 73.8% to 25.5%. Let us further assume that more registered Republicans shifted to Biden than registered Democrats to Trump, so that the real margin was 50%.

How does the Biden victory margin change with different shares of the mail in vote?

At 42.1% (50/50 split of independents returning mail ballots),  Biden wins this pool of 2,506,507 by 1,055,260
At 48.3% (80/20 split of independents), Biden wins by 1,210,667
At 50%, Biden wins by 1,253,279
At 57%, the margin reflecting the state’s announced results, Biden wins by 1,428,737

Utah AG Sean Reyes Alleges ‘Compromised’ Election Process, Will Support Trump By Jack Phillips

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes announced Friday that he will support lawsuits from President Donald Trump’s legal team to deal with the allegedly “compromised election process” in several battleground states.

Reyes, a Republican, alleged that former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden and his allies know that Trump “will win if only verified legal votes are counted,” repeating a claim from Trump about alleged election fraud. “We are making sure that happens but looks like courts may have to decide that,” he said on Twitter.

Reyes then announced that he took personal leave time to “prepare and support litigation in several” states, without elaborating. It’s not clear what state he would be going to, but the Deseret News reported he is in Nevada, where a Trump team-filed lawsuit is pending.

Trump’s team filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and the team announced they would join a lawsuit in Arizona.

The Ascendancy Of The Basket Cases — 2020 Edition

The very first posts on this blog went up on November 6, 2012. By pure coincidence, that was election day — the day when Barack Obama was re-elected to his second term as President. By late that evening we knew the result. (Doesn’t that seem so quaint now?) It did not appear to be close: Obama had won 332 electoral votes to Romney’s 206.

The next day, November 7, I wrote a post about the result, which I titled “The Ascendancy of the Basket Cases.” That post pointed out that the election was much closer than it may have seemed. In fact, the overall result turned on the outcome in a handful of states; and in each of those states, Obama had run up a huge margin in some major city, which was then sufficient to overcome a substantial Romney majority in the rest of the state. The particular handful of cities in question, which had determined the election result, were not just any cities, but what I called the “basket cases”:

What do I mean by “basket case” cities? They are the poster children for the failure of government spending to improve people’s lives and incomes, cities in decline where decades of government programs have brought only shrinking populations, vast vacant zones, fleeing businesses, high crime and low income. Yet they provide very large electoral majorities for the candidate promising to further expand the failed programs.

Which cities? In 2012 it was Detroit (Michigan), Cleveland (Ohio), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and Chicago (Illinois). Obama had won all four of those states. Actually, it would only have taken a flip of any three of the four for the election to have gone to Romney.


Two teachers face long prison sentences for educating Baha’is, who are banned from pursuing further education in Iran. After repeated harassment and intimidation, married couple Azita Rafizadeh and Peyman Kushak-Baghi have been convicted for their involvement with the Baha’i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE). Rafizadeh recently received a summons notice to begin her sentence, and will be forced to leave her six-year-old son behind.

Macron vs. Radical Political Islam in France: A War of Civilizations? By Dr. Tsilla Hershco

France has declared a state of emergency following the recent terrorist attack in Nice, and violent demonstrations are being held across the Arab and Muslim worlds amid calls for boycotts and terrorist attacks against France. Exacerbated by the severe economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this crisis reflects France’s failure to integrate its Muslim minority and to set and enforce clear boundaries against anti-democratic and separatist tendencies within it.

The shocking murder of teacher Samuel Paty by a teenaged Islamist Chechen immigrant provoked a tumultuous emotional response in France. Paty was killed after he showed his students the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad published by the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo that led to the January 2015 Islamist massacre of that paper’s journalists. Paty’s object in displaying the cartoons was to prompt a class discussion on the values of freedom of speech and expression that characterize French society.

This murderous blow to the heart of the liberal French republic, which welcomes refugees and immigrants and grants them civil and economic rights, provoked a heated debate. In the past five years, France has experienced 33 terrorist attacks by French Muslim citizens. The targeting of Paty for assassination, his gruesome public beheading, and the posting of video of the murder on the internet illustrated that Islamic zealots pose an existential threat to France’s basic republican order.

Over the years, French governments have tried to address the problem through two main venues: reforms to improve the economic and social situation in the suburbs and vigorous measures against extremist Islamist elements. The latter included overseeing religious teaching institutions; closing down radical institutions and associations; deporting foreign imams who incite violence, citizens with dual citizenship who were involved in terrorist activities, and illegal immigrants; monitoring extremist social networks; and increasing budgets and manpower for intelligence and surveillance operations. President Macron’s attempt to advance legislation to monitor more illegal immigrants failed due to political disagreements between right- and left-wing parties and the proposed laws’ disqualification by the Constitutional Court on the grounds that they violate human rights.

Trump Administration Set to Sanction Top Pro-Hezbollah Politician Move on Gebran Bassil expected to shake up attempts to form new government in Beirut

The Trump administration is expected on Friday to impose sanctions on one of Lebanon’s most powerful Christian politicians in an effort to chip away at Hezbollah’s grip on power, according to people briefed on the move.

The U.S. is preparing to sanction former Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil for assisting his key ally, the pro-Iranian political movement Hezbollah, said a U.S. official and another person briefed on the plan. The move is likely to upend attempts to form a new cabinet in crisis-ridden Lebanon.

The White House has been expediting key sanctions targeting American foes in the Middle East, just 11 weeks before the end of the current presidential term.

Though a last-minute change is still possible, the decision has been approved in principle by the Treasury Department and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is expected to unveil the sanctions in Washington Friday before noon, one person said.

Treasury Department representatives didn’t return requests for comment. A spokesman for the State Department declined to comment.

Mr. Bassil couldn’t be reached late Thursday for comment. Earlier this year, when asked about the possibility of being sanctioned by the U.S. for his ties to Hezbollah, Mr. Bassil told The Wall Street Journal that working with the group was a political reality in a country in which the Shiite group is a dominant player.

“Everybody should be sanctioned in Lebanon, because everybody deals with Hezbollah in Lebanon, on all terms,” he said.

Muslims: Al-Aqsa Mosque Does Not Belong to Palestinians by Khaled Abu Toameh

These Gulf Muslims are also demanding an end to the Palestinian “monopoly” over the Islamic holy site in Jerusalem.”

“We will visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque because it does not belong to you, it belongs to all Muslims.” — Laila Al-Awadhi, Emirati political activist.

“How wrong we were when we thought that Israel was preventing Muslims from visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” — Ali Al-Aslami, Emirati social media user, Twitter, October 19, 2020.

The furious response of these Muslims to the Palestinian assault on the Emirati delegation is yet another sign of the deepening crisis between the Palestinians and the Arab world, particularly the Gulf states…. Yet, once again, the Palestinians have opted for hating Israel and any Arab who seeks peace with it over improving their basic living conditions.

In the past few years, the Palestinians have regularly condemned Jews for visiting the Temple Mount/Haram Al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) in Jerusalem. The Palestinians depict the visits by Jews as “incursions” and claim that the visitors “defile” the Al-Aqsa Mosque when they enter the compound.

The Jewish visitors, however, do not set foot inside the mosque; they only tour the outdoor compound under the protection of the Israeli police. It is also worth mentioning that Palestinians often hurl insults at the Jewish visitors and try to physically assault them.

The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism and the place toward which Jews turn during prayer. Among Sunni Muslims, the Temple Mount is considered the third holiest site in Islam.

The Palestinians are now saying that they are opposed not only to Jews visiting the holy site, but also to Muslims who believe in peace with Israel.