BREAKING: Patriot Jovan Pulitzer’s Team Is Being Shot At! – After They Were Given Directive to Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County By Joe Hoft

Jovan Pulitzer and his team have the ability to save America.  Now they are being shot at.

Jovan Pulitzer and his team have the ability to determine the validity of millions of ballots in a day. He spoke last week in Georgia and offered to review the absentee ballots in Fulton county for free.  He said he could go through the 500,000 or so absentee ballots in the Atlanta based county in a couple hours and determine which ones are valid and which ones are frauds.Pulitzer could save the union.  With his approach, he can audit millions of ballots in a short period of time and have all the swing state votes forensically reviewed in a matter of days.

We pointed out nearly a month ago that Pulitzer’s method for reviewing ballots is the answer to address the horrendous fraud in this year’s election.Late last Wednesday, the Georgia Senate passed a motion to have Pulitzer and his team go through the ballots there.

Jan 3

#WARNING our team members who live in Atlanta are being attached. One team members home took 5 shots through the windows in a drive by. Right through his daughters bedroom window. The #BiasAndHateMustStop

War of the worlds: Cancel Culture versus Western Culture Diane Bederman

Allan Bloom, author of the Closing of the American Mind,1987, wrote that  many of us find our purpose and our intellectual and spiritual connection to the world through the stories and wisdom of the Bible, unlike many people who live with “an open-ended future and the lack of a binding past” and are in “a condition like that of the first men in the state of nature spiritually unclad, unconnected, isolated, with no inherited or unconditional connection with anything or anyone.”

The west is at war. A battle between two cultures that are diametrically opposed to each other.  I believe this war is only possible because we stopped teaching the Judeo/Christian ethic that underpins freedom. Niall Ferguson wrote in 2011: “Maybe the ultimate threat to the West comes from our own lack of understanding and faith in our own cultural heritage.”

The West, promoting freedom, free will, free speech, the knowledge that one is the subject of their destiny because one has the right and the obligation to choose his/her path, and this new culture; Cancel Culture, what writer Wesley Yang refers to as “the successor ideology;” is a culture that takes us back to a time of an artificially designed hierarchy which  promotes the belief that one is the object of one’s fate, hampered, held back, by race, colour, creed religion or sexual orientation. A culture that promotes standing on the shoulders of giants, not to rise up and reach for the stars, but bury them in the dust and then blame others for their personal failures.

Cancel culture is the Siamese twin of Progressivism: “Given the predilection to progress, the past is viewed as an inferior state of existence with various afflictions that wither away over time.”

Cancel culture has no use for the individual.Instead of uniting behind the social contract, the general will and the COMMON good, cancel culture is intent upon dividing us into competing tribes:divide and conquer. Cancel culture did not insidiously infiltrate ours; rather it hit us head on, without mercy and little resistance.

New York Bill Would Let Governor Imprison, Forcibly Medicate People Suspected Of Illness By Jordan Davidson

The New York assembly is considering a bill that would allow government officials such as Gov. Andrew Cuomo and health commissioners to “detain or remove” individuals that they deem a risk to public health.

The bill, first introduced by Democrat New York State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, grants power to Cuomo and state health officials to forcibly confine any individual who is considered a danger due to a contagious disease or a suspected case of that disease to either a medical facility or another type of space appointed by the governor.

“The governor or his or her delegee may, in his or her discretion, issue and seek enforcement of any other orders that he or she determines are necessary or appropriate to prevent dissemination or transmission of contagious diseases or other illnesses that may pose a threat to the public health,” the bill states.

The proposed legislation does not name COVID-19 specifically. Instead, it claims that, in addition to being detained, individuals who are exposed or infected by a “communicable disease” resulting in “severe morbidity or high mortality” may also be subjected to tests, medical examinations, treatment, preventative medication, and vaccination by the state while being held.

Exclusive: Over 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say By Allen Zhong

Pennsylvania election data shows that over 432,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump during the November election, data scientists say.

According to an analysis by the Data Integrity Group, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, votes for Trump—from both Election Day and mail-in ballots—were removed from the totals in at least 15 counties.

Time-series election data shows Trump’s votes decrementing in various counties at numerous time points instead of increasing as would be expected under normal circumstances.

The group said that Election Day vote removals happened during the vote tabulation process in at least 15 counties, including Lehigh County, Chester County, Allegheny County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Northampton County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, Lackawanna County, Dauphin County, Pike County, Carbon County, Washington County, Erie County, and Luzerne County.

Meanwhile, absentee vote removals happened in Allegheny County, Chester County, and Lehigh County.

At least 432,116 votes—213,707 election day votes and 218,409 absentee votes—were removed in total.

The Trump-Raffensperger phone call Fairly reported? Read or listen to the full thing to decide Melanie Phillips

The BBC and other mainstream media went into meltdown today over a phone call on Saturday in which, they claimed, President Donald Trump had pressured Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes to alter Trump’s election defeat in the state.

This allegation came from a Washington Post “exclusive”, a leaked audio recording and transcript of the hour-long call. The paper reported:

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

The media zeroed in on this in particular:

At another point, Trump said: “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

Arabs: An Extremely Important Voice for Peace by Khaled Abu Toameh

When someone with George Kurdahi’s weight and stature openly states that it is up to the Arab countries to decide whether they want to make peace with Israel, this sends a message to millions of Arabs that the idea of establishing relations with Israel may not be a bad one after all.

This, needless to say, is a refreshing change, especially because it is coming from a country such as Lebanon, which is effectively ruled by Hezbollah and the mullahs in Iran.

“If the weapons [of Hezbollah] undermine the State of Lebanon and are an obstacle to the return of many Arabs to Lebanon, then there needs to be re-examination of the situation. Hezbollah must reconsider its positions so that we can ensure a prosperous future for Lebanon.” — George Kurdahi, one of the Arab world’s most influential TV presenters, YouTube, December 26, 2020, Lebanon.

Kurdahi may have “shocked” his audience by speaking out in favor of peace with Israel and by criticizing the Palestinians and Hezbollah. His words, however, hardly surprised those who read and listen to what many Arabs in the Gulf have been saying about the Palestinians and Hezbollah, as well as peace with Israel.

These Arabs also have a clear and powerful opinion of Hezbollah: a manipulative and murderous terrorist group that serves as proxy for the mullahs in Iran and poses a real threat not only to Israel, but to Lebanon and other Arab countries as well.

George Kurdahi is one of the Arab world’s most influential TV presenters. On December 26, 2020, he surprised many of his fans by stating that Arab countries are entitled to normalize their relations with Israel.

The Lebanese-born Kurdahi, ex-host of the Arabic version of the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” also angered many Arabs and Muslims by criticizing the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization and the Palestinians. Until recently, Kurdahi was considered a supporter of Hezbollah and an opponent of relations with Israel.

Peace Agreements between Israel and Morocco: The Wisdom of a King by Pierre Rehov

“30 years is long enough to place ballot boxes.” — Sami Gailani, blaming the UN for the conflict in the Western Sahara that had been frozen for 30 years; Euronews; November 17, 2020.

“There is no Sahrawi people as there is a French, American or Moroccan people,” stated the political scientist Alexandre Greenberg. “The only institution that claims to represent the Sahrawi people is the Polisario Front, a Marxist guerrilla group armed by Algeria.”

Through these agreements, stemming from the Trump doctrine, which redraw the map of an Arab world more united in the face of Iranian threats and Turkish ambitions, a modern myth is shattering — that of “international law” represented by the false omnipotence of the United Nations.

The agreement forged by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the United States is a feat of great statesmanship — a firm diplomatic triumph for peace in the Middle East.

In December 2020, Morocco became the fourth Arab-Muslim country — after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan — to announce the normalization of relations with Israel, including direct flights from Tel Aviv to Rabat.

The relationship between the two countries has long been rooted the large number of Jews who had lived in Morocco before and after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Moroccans who immigrated to Israel in the two decades following its establishment became one of the most important components of the new state’s population. Today, they and their descendants comprise nearly one million people, whom Morocco’s King Mohammad VI can consider distant supportive sympathizers.

Unlike Algeria and Tunisia, whose successive governments have never considered opening negotiations leading to the recognition of Israel, Morocco, under the aegis of its sovereigns, is the only Arab country whose constitution formally recognizes Judaism as a referent of identity, alongside Muslims and Christians.

Election 2020: The consequences for the courts By Peter Taussig

Unlike committed partisans on both sides of America’s political divide, I have no fixed belief about which of the two major party candidates actually won our recently concluded presidential election.

Two things that I do know are that:

1.  Significant and obviously plausible questions have been put forth about the announced results, the manner in which the election was conducted in certain key states, and how the votes were counted in those states, and

2.  Our courts, on technical and procedural grounds, have refused each and every one of a great many efforts to have the above-mentioned questions resolved through an established legal process. 

The desire of judges to avoid jeopardizing the prestige, standing, and stability of the courts as an institution by avoiding involvement in the ugly political mud brawl is understandable.  However, the inevitable consequences of their insistence on remaining above the fray will do the opposite of safeguarding the judiciary, the nation’s institutions, and a peaceable civil society. 

The courts and common law of England — the forerunner and basis for our judicial system — were established and developed to provide a peaceful way for aggrieved individuals to obtain justice without resorting to violence.  Now, as a result of the refusal of the courts to objectively and transparently examine and adjudicate the disputes about the election and its outcome, roughly half the country is being left enraged without any legal way to have the issues adjudicated.  Thus, a very large number of Americans are in the same position as were Englishmen when violence was the only means for resolving strongly held grievances prior to the establishment of a legal system.

That, I submit, does not bode well for the country.

Luke, I am your parent By Marie Richter

Insanity strikes again. The Twilight Zone episode in absentia is the liberal war on family and religion.  The incoming House of Representatives, led by insatiable radical Democrats, is on the verge of adopting rules for the 117th Congress eliminating gender terms as fundamental as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, and sister.  Pelosi & Company justify the changes on the basis of gender inclusivity.  But the ramifications on our cultural norms and the foundations of faith and family will be suffocating.  The speech police will be awarded greater tyrannical authority.  When governing, precedent shadows everything.     

The list of gender terms to be excluded covers father and mother (use parent), son and daughter (use child), brother and sister (use sibling), uncle and aunt (use parent’s sibling), nephew and niece (use sibling’s child), husband and wife (use spouse), father-in-law and mother-in-law (use parent-in-law), son-in-law and daughter-in-law (use child-in-law), brother-in-law and sister-in-law (use sibling-in-law), and so forth for stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, and granddaughter.

So I guess eventually Mother Nature will be called Parent Nature and Father Time will be known as Parent Time.  No doubt Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will come under attack.  One will become Parents’ Day and the other Children’s Day.  The next step will be to eliminate both as it will become insensitive to refer to anyone in terms of biological or family connections.  At best we may be left with People or Person’s Day.  Don’t forget to change Big Brother to Big Sibling and Soul Sister to Soul Sibling.  Better yet, Big Person and Soul Person. 

Wife and husband are on the gender chopping block.  In the movie Jerry Maguire, the line perfectly delivered by Tom Cruise, “I miss my wife” will have to be dubbed over to say I miss my spouse.  It just doesn’t have the same emotional ring.  Democrats are determined to destroy joy and distinction in this world.  The happiness newlyweds feel when introducing their wife or husband is heavenly.  Throughout married life, it remains endearing to call your life love my husband or my wife.  But now such talk will become tarnished and maybe even classified as hate speech.

Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths By Brian C.Joondeph, MD

Imagine changing the rules in the middle of a football game. The halftime score is 14-12, the Raiders scoring two touchdowns while the Broncos kicked four field goals. In the second half the rules change with field goals worth seven points and touchdowns only three points. Suddenly the Broncos are ahead 28-6. Absurd isn’t it?

That’s what is happening with the reporting of COVID deaths versus vaccine deaths, the media and medical establishment now defining deaths far differently in order to push their agenda of COVID bad, vaccine good.

COVID deaths don’t distinguish between death with COVID versus death from COVID. Early in the pandemic, Dr Deborah Birx said as much:

So, I think in this country we’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality. There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now…if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.

Perhaps that is why the US has more COVID deaths compared to many other countries, although in a world ranking, the US is in tenth place in deaths per million, behind Belgium, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Preexisting conditions are certainly important and death is often multifactorial. According to the CDC, only 6 percent of COVID deaths were due to COVID only, meaning no preexisting conditions. But what about the other 94 percent?

Suppose coroners ask the question, “If not for COVID, would this patient be alive today?” If the answer is yes, it will be recorded as a COVID death. But one could easily ask the question differently. “If not for diabetes (or COPD, heart disease, obesity, etc) would this COVID patient be alive today?” in which case any of those other comorbidities could just as easily be listed as the cause of death, rather than COVID.

In other words, the diabetic patient may not have died if they didn’t have COVID but may not have died either if they didn’t have diabetes. It seems COVID trumps everything else in death attribution.