Video: Who Is Stealing America? The first documentary film on the 2020 election investigation.

Following election night, the investigative team at The Epoch Times went to work to uncover the controversy behind the election. Senior investigative reporter Joshua Phillip traveled across the country to swing states to interview whistleblowers, big data experts, and election experts. This film documents what he uncovered. Check out the full film below:

Resolutions 2021 Steps to save America. Loyd Pettegrew

All true conservatives hold hope-upon-hope that 2021 will be better in every way that 2020. The fact that the Republican Party snatched defeat from the jaws of electoral victory has left most of us disconsolate heading into the new year. Being an empiricist academic, now retired, I offer you ten resolutions that will allow each of us to do our part to make 2021 a better year in myriad ways.

Support any policy that restrains China from continuing its infiltration and influence in America while working against their efforts and supporters, especially politicians like Eric Swalwell, who would do China’s bidding for their own gain and to America’s detriment.
Fix our voting system state-by-state by removing all mail-in balloting and keeping only absentee balloting with the proper identification safeguards. This means overhauling the Federal Elections Commission that turned a blind eye to all the state efforts to undo our federal election security.
Require a proper I.D. for all voting. Everyone must already have a proper I.D. that allows them to cash their federal and state checks. No proper I.D., no vote! In Florida when handing in your absentee ballot to the supervisor of elections office, you must show proper I.D. and someone physically matches your signature to that on your I.D. Every other states must do this.

As National Review has presented, “At any given moment, there are millions of people who live and work in our country on temporary employment visas–Temporary Protected Status (TPS). They don’t get to vote no matter how the Biden-Harris administration feels about it… In the service of their renewed push for noncitizen voting, leftists characterize noncitizen voting as a ‘logically unassailable [As Steely Dan once said, “Pretzel Logic”], if not clearly mandatory, democratic practice. Their theory places restrictions on the franchise for aliens into the same category as previous discriminatory efforts to restrict minority groups’ access to voting.”

The Hill asks rhetorically, “Can illegal aliens actually vote in our elections? The simple answer is yes, of course they can, and they do.”

STOP all of this NOW—we must mandate that only certified citizens get to vote!

President Trump Most Admired Man in 2020 Pro-American foreign and domestic policies – and Operation Warp Speed – put the president on top. Lloyd Billingsley

In 2020, 18 percent of Americans named President Donald Trump as the man they admire most, according to a year-end Gallup poll. President Trump thus ends the 12-year streak of Obama, now admired by 15 percent of Americans. Independents are evenly divided at 11 percent for Obama and Trump, a president of undeniable accomplishment.

As Don Feder recalls, Trump revived a moribund economy, made America energy independent, defended the southern border, cut taxes and regulations, appointed three Supreme Court justices, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, promoted the right to life at every opportunity, and put America first in foreign policy and trade.

When President Trump took office, the Islamic State held 17,500 square miles of territory, but “by the end of Trump’s first year in office that was down to 1,930 square miles – a 90 percent decline from inauguration day,” notes Matt Palumbo of the Dan Bongino Show, and ISIS “lost their final strip of territory in March of 2019.” Trump is also “the first president since Jimmy Carter not to get the U.S. involved in any new wars,” and troop are coming home.

Another factor in Trump’s popularity is the peace deal he brokered between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and now Morocco.  The Trump administration also helped normalize economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo. On the domestic front, the Trump’s administration’s Operation Warp Speed “catalyzed the creation of a vaccine in under a year.” For Palumbo, “how Obama has continued making the list remains a mystery,” but it shouldn’t be.

How a Vindictive Classmate and a Cowardly University Ruined a Girl’s Life By Isaac Schorr

And how the New York Times helped justify it.

ARacial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning”

That’s how the New York Times headlined its hit piece on a college freshman for something she had said as a high school freshman. Mimi Groves was still a child when she said, in a Snapchat recording, “I can drive” followed by the “n-word” — the racial slur.

Jimmy Galligan, a half-black student who graduated from Heritage High School in Virginia this past spring with Groves, obtained this video during their senior year. Per Galligan himself, he waited until Groves had been accepted to, and chose to enroll at, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville to release the video — which went viral.

The resulting firestorm led to a torrent of abuse, and to an ultimatum from the University of Tennessee to Groves: withdraw voluntarily or have your offer of admission rescinded. Groves, who is white, chose the former and is now taking courses at a local community college instead of at her dream school — the reckoning.

Should the former two have led to the third on the scale that Groves is now facing? Any reasonable person would say no. Even conceding the obvious — she shouldn’t have used that slur in any context — there’s little indication she used it out of hatred for black people. In fact, the context seems clear: Groves said it casually, as hundreds of hip-hop tracks do every year. That doesn’t excuse the behavior, which should be considered unacceptable. But it is an important distinction from using the slur with animus, which was obviously not her intention.

There are many to blame for what’s happened. If Groves can be held responsible for a poor decision rendered in her mid teens, surely Galligan can be as well for deliberately trying to ruin a classmate’s life four years later — a worse crime at a more mature age. But regardless of Galligan’s culpability, institutions such as the University of Tennessee and the New York Times are far more deserving of scorn than either of these Virginia teens.At the university, cowardice won the day. Facing calls on social media for Groves’s acceptance to be rescinded, administrators bowed to pressure from a vocal minority, forgoing what was right to do what was most convenient. It was easier for university officials to hang Groves out to dry than to withstand the intense but brief storm themselves. So that’s what they did.

Europe’s Disgraceful Betrayal By Jimmy Quinn see note please

Really? This is from National Review, reflexively against Trump. Joe Biden and his foreign policy team will do exactly what the Euros are doing with China…..rsk

According to top EU officials, the new Comprehensive Agreement on Investment between Europe and China is a wonderful panacea of important measures that includes greater market access to European companies in China and pledges to implement the Paris climate agreement.

And, they say, “China has committed to effectively implement [International Labor Organization] Conventions it has ratified, and to work towards the ratification of the ILO fundamental Conventions, including on forced labour.”

No one believes that for a second.

European officials have rushed to cement the trade deal before the end of 2020, and before Joe Biden takes office. In the process, they’ve deliberately overlooked the Chinese Communist Party’s disdain for human rights and its widespread atrocities, including forced-labor practices, in Xinjiang. Although it once seemed that opposition to the deal spurred by concerns for China’s Uyghur minority might have scuttled the negotiations, the two sides completed their talks and signed the agreement earlier today.

Now it awaits approval by the European Parliament, which could vote the proposal down — and a number of the body’s members have already spoken out against the arrangement. Reinhard Butikofer, the Green Party member who runs the Parliament’s China delegation, tore into it on Twitter. The “language on ILO and forced labor is not worth the ink,” he wrote. In another tweet he compared the deal to putting lipstick on a pig. More than a few of his colleagues are expected to express their agreement with him.

How the 1619 Project Aims to Change Middle America If Americans are taught to reject America’s founding principles, that leaves room for us to be defined and shaped by an alternative principle: identity politics.By Brenda M. Hefera

The 1619 Project, along with historical sites such as James Madison’s Montpelier, is part of a deliberate effort to undermine civic education by targeting middle America. For middle America is the final and most formidable obstacle for woke cultural institutions.

The New York Times’ 1619 Project supplants 1776 as the date of America’s founding in favor of 1619, the year slaves were first brought to America. It does this because America’s founding principles are the source of our unity. The ideas of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, along with our shared history, language, land, and institutions, forged us into one people.

If Americans are taught to reject our founding principles, that leaves room for us to be defined and shaped by new ideas and theories. Coincidentally, the 1619 Project proposes an alternative founding principle: identity politics. America is not one people but a plurality of oppressed and oppressor groups. She was born out of a conflict between free and enslaved peoples and is defined to this day by struggles between men and women, straight and gay, black and white, etc.

To construct this narrative, the writers of the 1619 Project had to ignore certain historical facts. Rather than evaluate our history and founding documents objectively, they first crafted a theory and then looked for evidence to fit that narrative.

This strategy and narrative has already successfully captured higher education. Many universities welcome critical race theory but reject freedom of speech. Still, only about 36 percent of Americans over the age of 25 have a college degree. Identitarians understood that they needed to reach more Americans.

VIDEO-Patrick Byrne Latest interview . China / Pakistan access to voters. Friday Oval office meeting

Joe Biden Has No Mandate Mike Lachance

If Joe Biden is sworn in as president of the United States in January, many Democrats and their friends in the liberal media will instantly claim that he has a mandate.

They will be mistaken.

Joe Biden does not have a mandate to effect change, and no amount of complaining from the professional left will change this fact.

The same people who will champion Biden’s non-existent mandate have fought President Trump for four years. They cast doubt on his 2016 victory, they investigated him and members of his team, they claimed he was mentally unfit for office, they called him an asset of Russia, and actively sought to ruin almost anyone who defended him.

These same people who cast doubt on the outcome of the 2016 election for four years now have the audacity to demand fealty. The same election interference they swore stole the 2016 election for Trump is now branded a conspiracy theory if you dare question Biden’s victory.

Democrats who enlisted Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee to declare Trump mentally unfit for the presidency, will now sneer if you question Joe Biden’s obviously frail mental state. Even Bandy Lee is suddenly no longer willing to offer a diagnosis from afar.

Contrary to popular opinion in the media, Trump actually had a mandate. He beat Hillary Clinton, one of the most powerful and well connected players in American politics of the last 50 years.

The people who elected Trump in 2016 gave him a clear mandate. They wanted him to clean up corruption in Washington, protect America’s borders, care about the abandoned middle class, reverse unfair trade policies, end the endless wars, promote the United States Constitution in the judiciary, and be a cheerleader for America.

What is Joe Biden’s supposed mandate? To further the stranglehold the D.C. establishment has on the lives of ordinary Americans? To continue the wars in the Middle East and begin new ones? To place a bigger tax burden on the middle class engine of America’s economy? To advance the left’s efforts to divide Americans by race? Who wants this?

National Security Advisor-Designate Jake Sullivan’s Record by Yoram Ettinger

Worldview and track record

Jake Sullivan’s worldview and track record (e.g., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Dartmouth College, State Department, key advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President-Elect Joe Biden) highlight:

*Attachment to Europe’s culture, history and geo-strategic thinking;
*Multilateralism through expanded national security collaboration with Europe, the UN and international alliances and organizations, rather than unilateralism; 
*Democracy and human rights-driven foreign policy [however, in the Middle East, Arab regimes do not lend themselves to human rights and consider democracy an existential threat];
*The reassertion of the State Department worldview [despite its systematic blunders in the Middle East];
*The restructuring of the defense budget by expanding “civilian tools” and reducing “military tools” of national security [in a stormy world, which requires an enhanced, not reduced, US posture of deterrence].
*The shared worldview and track record of Antony Blinken (Secretary of State-designate) and Jake Sullivan may constitute the ideological backbone of President-elect Joe Biden’s foreign and national security policy-making.


Jake Sullivan played a key role in negotiating the 2015 Iran nuclear accord (JCPOA). He opposes a regime-change policy, believing that Iran’s Ayatollahs are amenable to negotiation and peaceful-coexistence. Therefore, he will ditch the current policy of financial and military pressure, attempting to rejoin the accord – while expanding its duration and scope – which he believes would restore trust and cooperation with the international community.  

The JCPOA was rejected by all pro-US Arab states as articulated on December 28, 2020 by the Riyadh-based Arab News: “We should focus on the original end of the nuclear deal, which is turning Iran into a normal state that does not pose a threat to the security and safety of the international community. It is impossible to accept a deal that prevents Iran from threatening global security and peace for 15 years [which is the duration of the JCPOA], and then allow it to resume the threat. There are no reformists in Iran, capable of persuading the regime to be more open to the West. The JCPOA was not sufficiently reviewed as far as its impact on Iran’s belligerence, internationally and regionally. The Ayatollahs took immediate advantage of the JCPOA to support their [rogue] proxies and allies in the region, boost their missile program, purchase weapons, and strengthen their vast domestic repressive apparatuses….”

In fact, the JCPOA (a model of multilateralism) has not diverted Iran’s Ayatollahs from their fanatic, megalomaniacal strategic goal to control the Persian Gulf, Middle East, the Muslim World and beyond.  The JCPOA has generated a financial and political tailwind to the Ayatollahs’ dominant stature in the region, unchallenged by the US, and posing an existential threat to all US Arab allies. It has bolstered Iran’s systematic subversion, terrorism and wars in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America, aiming to weaken the “Great US Satan,” while emerging as a nuclear power in 10-15 years, or less, following 2015.   

THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA… “This Isn’t the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!” – Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia’s Corrupted 2020 Election Results By Joe Hoft

Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer was in front of the Georgia Senate today and he totally destroyed Georgia’s 2020 election results and offered a plan where for free, he will determine the accurate results by examining the paper ballots used in the election.

Prior to today we’ve requested that President Donald J. Trump write an Executive Order mandating that the ballots and images in select states be audited and reviewed for fraud by Jovan Pulitzer.

We first learned of Inventor Jovan Pulitzer a few weeks ago and reported that he is able to audit millions of ballots in a day based on his method for reviewing ballots and images. His biography and ideas were provided in our article. He believes there was fraud in the 2020 election and that he can prove it quickly:

Today in Georgia Mr. Pulitzer gave a presentation that all of America should see and hear:

Pulitzer shared:

I have no regard for the smoking mirrors of how the machines work, the hidden stuff in the code, or how this machine is suppossed to be programmed.  If the machine worked according to programming none of us would be standing here.  We’re here because something broke.

So I’m saying ‘I don’t care about the machine’.  I don’t even care about the code that was written in the machine.  What I care about is that physical artifact. And you know what?  That physical artifact has material differences from district to district that should not be there…Why are they there?

He shared the people of the state of Georgia trusted the state to ensure the election was valid and fraud free.  The current election results are flawed:

This isn’t the beating of a drum this is the burning of a city.“

Our country was founded on a piece of paper!  Pulitzer can look at the paper and determine almost immediately if a ballot is fraudulent or not.  Pulitzer notes that he can look at 500,000 ballots in a couple hours.