Logic of Trump: Let Us Count The Reasons


It is a squeeze to reduce the number of logically indisputable reasons why President Trump should be reelected to a single column, but I will attempt it. Reelection is the only way of restoring the conditions that Mr. Trump created that eliminated unemployment prior to the onset of the COVID-19 crisis.

This, coupled to his near-elimination of illegal immigration (against fierce Democratic resistance), generated greater percentage income growth amongst the lowest 20% of income-earners than among the top 10% — a noteworthy start on addressing the universal income-disparity problem.

Only a Trump victory would ensure retention of the present relatively low personal and corporate income-tax rates and the avoidance of insane, highly damaging, and counterproductive shutdowns in cowardly terror of the coronavirus, which only mortally threatens 1% of the population, who can be isolated and protected.

Only a Trump victory would prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear military power within five years and North Korea from resuming its missile tests over Japan and South Korea. There are no grounds for confidence that the Democrats would maintain a firm but not belligerent economic and strategic containment strategy towards China, coordinated with India, Japan, South Korea, and other key allies in south and east Asia and Australasia.

We know that if Mr. Trump were defeated, the country would be subjected not just to the self-flagellating provisions of the Paris Climate Accord, but also to the $100 trillion Green Terror assault on the petroleum industry and a bone-cracking rise in electricity costs after closing gas-fired electricity plants.

The Democrats remain committed to giving the Palestine Liberation Organization and Hamas a veto over any resolution of their conflict with Israel, and since they do not accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, that would ensure continued stagnation, attrition, and terrorism, financed by a newly enabled Iran. The Trump strategy is steadily lining up the support of the Arab states in favor of a comprehensive solution that would give Palestine a modest state and a great economic incentive for peace, and security at least for Israel.

New York Times Editors Want to Send $5 Billion More to Iran. Here Are Nine Reasons They’re Wrong. by Ira Stoll


The New York Times is seizing on the coronavirus pandemic to push the idea of easing American economic sanctions on Iran, notwithstanding Iranian interference in American elections.

A staff editorial the Times published earlier this month was headlined, “Iran’s Covid-19 Death Toll Is Rising. Show Mercy, Mr. Trump.” It argued for relaxing the sanctions against Iran, calling them “particularly cruel during a pandemic.” The Times followed up days later by publishing an opinion piece describing Iranians as “crushed” by “extreme US sanctions.” And by publishing a follow-up editorial inaccurately claiming “Sanctions against Iran are opposed by allies and threaten a humanitarian disaster.”

Here are nine reasons the Times editorial line is misguided:

It relies on a discredited expert. The Times editorial says: “Barbara Slavin, director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council, calls the American ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran ‘sadism masquerading as foreign policy.’” Slavin had to apologize in 2017 after being photographed making an obscene gesture to protesters against the Iranian regime. Back in January 2020, Slavin wrote a Times op-ed headlined “Qassim Suleimani’s Killing Will Unleash Chaos.” The chaos she predicted failed to materialize. The Times fails to mention that the Atlantic Council’s funders include foreign governments and foreign individuals, oil companies, a nuclear power company and undisclosed “anonymous” donors, some of which may want to do business in Iran or have commercial interests affected by the sanctions. The line about “sadism masquerading as foreign policy” is clever, but sending money to an enemy country, as the advocates of eased sanctions want to do, is masochism masquerading as foreign policy.

Jim Biden refuses to answer questions about family’s business dealings By Alex Pappas, Marisa Schultz


Jim Biden, the brother of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, refused to answer questions Wednesday when approached by Fox News outside a house in Maryland about claims the former vice president had knowledge about the family’s overseas business ventures.

Approached at a residence on the Eastern Shore, Jim Biden repeatedly rebuffed questions in his driveway as Fox News asked questions from a distance in the street.

“I don’t want to comment about anything,” Jim Biden said.

Asked if he cared to answer questions, Biden said: “Nope.”

Two sources confirmed the person was Jim Biden, including a neighbor who viewed a picture of the footage. The Eastern Shore house is linked to Jim Biden in public records.

It comes a day after Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, told Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in an exclusive interview, that the former vice president’s denials of knowledge or involvement in his son’s foreign dealings are “a blatant lie.”

Asked why he and Hunter Biden allegedly wanted to meet with Bobulinski, Jim Biden replied: “What are you talking about?”

Alex Traiman With bilateral agreements, Trump administration reverses Carter, Obama settlement policies


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the signing “an important victory against all those who seek to delegitimize everything Israeli beyond the 1967 lines.”

Less than one week before Americans will decide whether to entrust President Donald Trump with another four years in office, the current administration completed its reversal of a legacy U.S. policy prejudiced against Israeli settlements.

The United States and Israel signed new bilateral agreements on Wednesday that further enhance the cooperation between the close allies in the areas of science, industrial research and agricultural.

Yet perhaps more noteworthy is that legacy “geographic restrictions” have now been removed from existing agreements.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman noted at the ceremony that the two nations were to “sign a revision that will eliminate the geographic restriction that prohibits the funding of American and Israeli joint research and development and cooperation over the Green Line.”

According to Friedman, the Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD), the Binational Science Foundation (BSF), and the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Foundation (BARD) agreements each contained a passage stating that: “The cooperative projects sponsored by the foundation may not be conducted in geographic areas which came under the administration of the government of the State of Israel after June 5, 1967, and may not relate to subjects pertinent to such areas.”

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Regional and Global Threat Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger


Will the next US Administration sustain the realization that the clear and present threat of the transnational Muslim Brotherhood to every moderate Arab regime in the Middle East and North Africa (second only to the threat posed by Iran’s Ayatollahs) has been a key incentive for the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to conclude the US-backed peace accords with Israel?

Will the next US Administration acknowledge the role played by Muslim Brotherhood subversion and terrorism in Saudi Arabia’s decision to expand security and commercial cooperation with Israel?

According to Prof. Albert Hourani, a leading Middle East historian, Oxford University’s St. Anthony’s College (A History of the Arab Peoples, pp. 445-446), the following are the tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood: “A total rejection of all forms of society except the wholly Islamic one…. The true Islamic society…was the one which accepted the sovereign authority of God [Allah]…which regarded the Quran as the source of all guidance for human life…. All other societies were societies of jahiliyya (ignorance of religious truth), whether they were communist, capitalist, nationalist, [followers of] false religions, or claimed to be Muslim but did not obey the Sharia…. The leadership of Western man in the human world is coming to an end…because the Western order has played its part, and no longer possesses that stock of values which gave it its predominance…. The turn of Islam has come….”

The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Islamic terror organization in the world – supported mostly by Turkey’s Erdogan, Iran’s Ayatollahs and Qatar – with political branches throughout the globe (including in the USA), aiming to rid the Arab world of Western “infidel” influence (which drew the current map of the Middle East), topple existing Arab regimes in a subversive and revolutionary manner, Islamize Arab societies, establish a “divinely-ordained” pan-Islamic regime and spread Islam through violence/terrorism, as well as via political and organizational involvement (e.g., the Freedom and Justice Party in Libya, the ruling Ennahdha Party in Tunisia, the Justice and Development Party in Morocco, the recently dissolved Islamic Action Front in Jordan, the Islamic Constitutional Movement in Kuwait, Jamaat-e-Islami in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the Welfare Party of India).

Moshe Phillips:The Syrian peace mirage posted by the Washington Times Peace with Syria is a suicidal fantasy – the war torn country is unstable, and would insist on Israel giving up the Golan Heights.


As soon as the headlines hit about the breakthrough in Sudan-Israel relations, pundits were already suggesting that the next news in the thawing of Arab nations toward Israel will involve Saudi Arabia. Whether or not this turns out to happen, one thing that is a certainty is that many former U.S. State Department and other American foreign policy alums will continue to push for Israel to make concessions that the vast majority of Israelis will never entertain under any circumstances.

While there is a sense of inevitability for Israelis that further normalization announcements are forthcoming, there are not any Israelis to be found who are speaking optimistically about any sort of peace with Syria while it remains under Assad’s totalitarian rule. But that didn’t stop one former US National Security Council (NSC) staffer from bellowing forth his ideas about this. Ideas that are dangerous and unwelcome in Israel.

In the immediate aftermath of the announcement that Sudan was recognizing Israel and agreeing to relations, Benjamin Netanyahu told the media that “the clear fact of the matter is that for 25 years we didn’t have a [normalization] agreement and under Trump’s leadership we have three deals in six weeks.”

David M. Halbfinger and Ronen Bergman unsurprisingly explained in The New York Times on October 24 that this Sudan news “does not represent the same kind of landmark strategic achievement as the peace treaties decades ago with Egypt and Jordan, once-bitter Arab enemies on its borders.”

The Sudan development is undeniably more closely akin to the evolution of relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain than to the treaties with Egypt and Jordan, although Sudan was actively hostile to Israel and took part in the 1948 War of Independence.

Egypt and Jordan were at various times “confrontation states,” that is, the nations that sent troops to battle Israel on the frontlines in war after bloody war. As did Syria and, it’s worth noting, Iraq.

What is often not understood, though, is that Syria is still officially at war with Israel. While there have been armistices, Damascus in a state of war with the Jewish State.

The Big Picture and the War for the White House By Bryan Preston


Four years ago I was a very reluctant Trump voter.

I had laughed at a friend who told me, about two weeks before the 2016 election, that Donald Trump would win. It seemed absurd. Clinton was a lock. Everyone knew that.

But when it came time to vote, I looked at Trump and didn’t know what I would get. I looked at Hillary Clinton and knew exactly what I would get if she won.

As I weighed up the two candidates I figured at least I might get something I’d like from Trump. Maybe a good judge or two. Maybe a tax cut. Clinton was a guarantee that I would get no policy I could support, no good judges, nothing but corruption, deceit, and endless media fawning over every breath she took. She would be horrible. Trump might be interesting. He might be better than I expected, or worse, but he couldn’t be worse than Clinton.

So I rolled the dice and voted for Trump.

It was liberating. I hadn’t advocated for him. He wasn’t my first choice.

Four years later, as I explain in this week’s War for the White House podcast with Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw and Townhall’s Reagan McCarthy, I wasn’t reluctant at all. Based on my policy preferences and goals for the future of this country, Donald Trump has earned four more years in the Oval Office.

Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee It’s not the Russians exposing Joe Biden, it’s his son’s former business partners. John Solomon


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has offered short, at times, halting defenses of his son Hunter’s business deals in recent weeks after months of ignoring an increasingly clear narrative of a family member pursuing lucrative business deals in the shadows of his vice presidency.

“Not one single solitary thing was out of line,” Biden said last Thursday when the questions about his son’s business dealings came up at the last presidential debate. “Not a single thing.”  

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing, about what are you talking about, China,” Biden said. “I have not had, the only guy that’s made money from China is this guy,” he added, point to Donald Trump.

Other times he and his defenders have rebuffed questions about the family business as a “smear job” or “Russian disinformation.” But Biden’s campaign hasn’t disputed much of the evidence that has become public, instead declaring it doesn’t matter because no crimes have been proven.

“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague, have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official US policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing,” a campaign spokesman said recently.

The DOJ’s Lawsuit Against Yale Is How To Win The Culture War By Sumantra Maitra


For the first time in decades, the diversity bureaucrats dividing the country on the basis of race, class, and sex are worried about losing federal funding and being sued.

In a Bengali poem, one verse roughly translates to “the maddening rage of a caged impotent.” It fits the left’s reaction to the Trump administration’s executive order banning critical race training in federal departments and lawsuit against Yale University for discrimination against white and Asian applicants.

For a long time, the overwhelming majority of sane, hardworking people had to endure being ruled by a handful of ideologues and their crackpot theories, in a long march continued unopposed. Bafflingly, for decades there was zero substantive pushback among Republican lawmakers, even from ostensibly conservative presidents. That has now changed. Whoever takes up the mantle of post-Trump conservatism, things are not going back to meek subservience.

The U.S. Department of Justice has sued Yale for discriminating against Asians and white applicants in undergraduate admissions. The lawsuit argues that qualified Asians and whites are discriminated against in favor of black applicants, and are likely to only win one-quarter of admissions compared to lesser qualified people based solely on race, in what the DOJ considers to be affirmative action.

Twitter, Facebook Confess There Is No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story  By Jordan Davidson


n Wednesday’s Senate hearing on Big Tech and Section 230, both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that neither had any evidence that the New York Post’s reporting on Joe Biden’s knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals is Russian disinformation.

“For both Mr. Zuckerberg and Dorsey who censored the New York Post stories or throttle them back, do you have any evidence that the New York Post story is part of Russian disinformation or that those emails are not authentic?” Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin asked. “Do you have any information whatsoever they are not authentic or they are Russian disinformation?

Dorsey and Zuckerberg both denied receiving any indication that the story was part of a Russian misinformation campaign.

Within days of the story’s censorship, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe explicitly debunked the disinformation claims made by Rep. Adam Schiff, when he reported the intelligence community has no evidence that the bombshell story was a foreign attempt to spread misinformation and interfere in the U.S. election.

“Let me be clear,” he said on Fox News, “The intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that.”

“We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff, or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” Ratcliffe clarified. “It’s simply not true.”