Professor asserts Black votes should count twice By Eric Utter (HUH?)

“One person, one vote” is no longer enough for progressives, apparently. Professor Brandon Hasbrouck, who teaches criminal law, race relations law and critical theory at Washington and Lee University, believes the votes of Black Americans should be counted twice in all U.S. elections as a form of “voter reparations.” Hasbrouck wrote a piece published in The Nation in which he stated that the core problem is the Electoral College. He posited that it is somehow unfair that the mostly white state of Wyoming gets three electors while Atlanta, which is 58% Black, gets none, and “can only occasionally overcome the mostly white and conservative votes from elsewhere in the state.”

Umm, professor, Electoral College votes are divvied up by state, and Atlanta is a city. And the large black population of Atlanta goes a long way towards determining who wins the state of Georgia, and therefore its Electoral College votes, whether small, rural, white towns and hamlets like it or not. The eminent purveyor of “race relations law” wrote: “Vote reparations would create possibilities to build what W.E.B. Du Bois called ‘abolition democracy,’ or the practice of achieving a racially just society. Abolition democracy invites us to engage with abolition not as a finite goal but as a radical process of challenging injustices wherever and in whatever form they might appear. Vote reparations would empower us to replace oppressive institutions with life-affirming structures of economic, social, and political equality. And if our elected representatives did not prioritize this transformational work, we could vote them out.” Twice.

He added, “Vote reparations would be a giant step toward remedying our nation’s long history of denying and devaluing Black votes. To address systemic racism, we must transform how we choose our government.” By denying and devaluing white votes, in a systematically racist manner! And we already have transformed how we choose our government. We now know leftists steal elections if they aren’t sure if they can win them fairly.

This reveals Professor Hasbrouck’s idea as not only absurdly racist, but entirely superfluous at this point.

Systemic Chaos in Liberal Education Land By Christopher Chantrill

It’s hard to decide whether to laugh or cry at the education chaos in Liberal Land. There’s Dalton, the swank private school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, whose staff has just issued a 24-point anti-racist manifesto demanding, amongst other things, twelve diversity officers, thusly

Expand the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to include at least 12 full-time positions: one Director, one Office Assistant, three full-time staff members per division, and one full-time staff member for PE/Athletics.

Back when I went to a swank private school in England in the 1960s, I’d say the total administrative staff, from headmaster and bursar down to office staff, was no more than five.

Then there’s the school district in swank Brookline, Massachusetts, a town full to the brim with highly-credentialed, well-paid experts and NPR honchos like Meghna Chakrabarti who all seem to have the credentials to boss around the school district and its teachers’ union. Because credentials.

(I wonder if Chakrabarti is a relative of Sandy O’s former eminence-grise, Saikat Chakrabarti? Maybe not: Chakraborty means “ruler of the country,” peasants.)

I have an idea. Maybe this system of politics-and-protest is a good way to cause chaos in our children’s education.

The Birth of Cancel Culture and the Death of Education By R.W. Trewyn

If today’s poisonous cancel culture is ever to be remedied, the cause must be understood.

When deliberating the origin, most just point to America’s universities and say, “they did it.”  And, clearly, that’s where the programming occurs, but it doesn’t explain why.  

Selwyn Duke recently noted that vanguard leftists have “indoctrinated the young in schools to transform them into foot soldiers in the leftist campaign of civilizational rape.”  Those foot soldiers are today’s cancel culture warriors.

But why did old-time educators morph into purveyors of cancel culture hate?  How did it happen?

The Vietnam War did it.  Or, more precisely, the campus antiwar activities did. 

Most are familiar with the undergraduate student deferments used to dodge the draft in the 1960s.  Less well known were the ones for graduate school, in place until 1968.  Those led to a 3-fold increase in Ph.D. degrees — men only — in the ‘60s compared to the previous decade.  The increases prior to that were a couple percent per decade.

And where are most Ph.D. awardees employed?  At universities.

Since their motivation was to avoid government service, it’s not surprising they would espouse principles not supportive of America.  Their negative views undoubtedly spilled over into their teaching, thereby providing foundational cancel culture training — Woke Philosophy 101; Introductory Victimology 202; Mobology 303: Advanced Bullying — identified as such or not.    

Improper Payments: Analyzing $2.3 Trillion Mistakenly Spent By The U.S. Government Since 2004

“Six million Social Security numbers are active for people aged 112 ; however, only 40 people in the world are known to be older than 112 years of age.”


$175 billion in estimated improper payments reported by the 20 largest federal agencies, averaging $14.6 billion per month. Total (FY2004-FY2019): $2.3 trillion.


Billion-dollar Boondoggles: $121 billion (approximately 69 percent) in improper payments occurred within three program areas – Medicaid, Medicare, and Earned Income Tax Credit.


Recapture totaled $21.1 billion of the $175 billion improper payments during 2019 — roughly 14 cents on every dollar misspent. Five-year total: $103.6 billion recaptured/ $747.7 billion improperly spent.


The Fauci Who Stole Christmas The original grinch, as everyone knows, did not succeed in ruining Christmas—and neither should the Fauci. By Julie Kelly

“Every WuFlu down in WuFluville liked Christmas a lot…

But The Fauci, who lived in a very busy home-based TV studio north of WuFluville, did NOT!

The Fauci hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!

(The Fauci also hated Easter, high school graduations, weddings, summer vacations, restaurants and bars, churches, college football games, Thanksgiving, and every venue of happiness and human interaction.)

Now, please don’t ask why.

No one except public health “experts” and Chris Cuomo quite know the reason.

It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.

It could be, perhaps, that his homemade face mask was too tight.

But I think the most likely reason of all,

May have been that his insatiable lust for appearances on “The View,” features in glossy fashion magazines, and his unchallenged dominance over 330 million Hosts in WuFluville made his heart two sizes too small.”

Video: OOPS! China Brags About Deals With Biden Family Meet the puppet heading to the White House.

In this new video, “Man in America’s” Seth Holehouse explains how Joe Biden is the perfect puppet in the deep state plot to steal America, with influence from the DC swamp, the “wolves of Wall Street” and China. Don’t miss it!

Mufti of Jerusalem: Temple Mount ‘is Islamic and Only for Muslims’ No Jews allowed. Robert Spencer

Imagine the outcry if a non-Muslim leader said Muslims were not welcome at the site of an ancient Muslim holy place. But no one will take any particular notice of this. On Wednesday, theJerusalem Post reported that “the Palestinian Authority Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, on Tuesday warned of attempts by Jewish groups to establish a presence on the Temple Mount.” Hussein said: “We affirm, time and again, that the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque, with its entire area of 144 dunams [144,000 sq.m.], is Islamic and only for Muslims. There is no place for non-Muslims in any way in this mosque, whether through schools, churches or other places of worship.”

And the world remained silent, fearing charges of “Islamophobia.”

This is not the first time that a “Palestinian” official has said something like this. In fact, many have declared that no Jews will be welcome in a Palestinian state at all, not on the Temple Mount and not anywhere else. In November 2007, Dr. Sari Nusseibeh, the Dean of Al-Quds University, appeared on Al Jazeera and said: “The Israelis now living in the territories of the future Palestinian state should return to living within the borders of the state of Israel. No Jew in the world, now or in the future, as a result of this document, will have the right to return, to live, or to demand to live in Hebron, in East Jerusalem, or anywhere in the Palestinian state.”

Then in the spring of 2013, Sheik Hammam Saeed, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, appeared on Al-Aqsa TV and said : “We must not forget the enemy, which planted the Jews in our land. It is time we demanded that these enemies and especially Britain, be held accountable. It is time that we held these true criminals accountable.” The idea that the British must be held accountable for having “planted the Jews” in Arab land is false in several ways, but the fact that Saeed said it indicated that he considered the Jews, despite the fact that they have had an unbroken presence in that land for over 2,000 years, are a foreign presence that must be removed.

How Zuckerbucks Funded Biden A flood of money from the Facebook founder gave Dems an unfair and illegal advantage. Matthew Vadum

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife helped buy the presidency for the increasingly frail and feeble former Vice President Joe Biden by improperly influencing election officials as they strategically flooded left-wing activist groups with more than $400 million during the 2020 election cycle.

Those groups, in turn, gave huge grants to election administrators in order to create “a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican strongholds,” Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm focused on religious freedom, wrote in a new report.

Part of the lesson here is that not all privatization is good. Some things need to be done by government alone.

“This privatization of elections undermines the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which requires state election plans to be submitted to federal officials and approved and requires respect for equal protection by making all resources available equally to all voters,” according to Kline.

And this illicit collusion between pro-Biden funders like Zuckerberg and government officials that outsourced election administration to the activist Left helped Democrats prevail in battleground states. It may end up installing a puppet of the Communist Chinese in the White House in the terminal stage of the rolling coup attempt against President Donald Trump that began before he was inaugurated.

This year there was “an unprecedented and coordinated public-private partnership to improperly influence” the election in swing states, which “effectively placed government’s thumb on the scale to help these private interests achieve their objectives and to benefit” Barack Obama’s former vice president, according to Kline, a former attorney general of Kansas.

Trump’s Post-COVID Boom Is Underway, Will Georgia Voters Let Joe Biden Kill It?

After growing at a blistering 33.1% pace in the third quarter, the economy is poised for another double-digit leap in Q4. Now there’s talk of a roaring ‘20s-style revival on the way as two new vaccines start making the rounds and the nation gets back to normal.

None of this was supposed to happen – at least not in this time frame. And none of it will continue if Democrats gain control of the Senate. Let’s rewind the clocks a few months to understand why.

Once the economy came to a screeching halt amid what turn out to be reckless and largely pointless lockdowns, mainstream economists started predicting another slow recovery, while bashing President Donald Trump for saying otherwise.

”White House predictions about how the U.S. economy might rebound from the coronavirus crisis and how quickly a vaccine might be rolled out came under question,” is how one news outlet put it in May.

Politico declared in June that “Trump has been quick to declare victory against the coronavirus recession, comparing U.S. economic growth to a ‘rocket ship’ and predicting ‘GREATNESS, and soon!’ Economists are telling a different story.”

Slow growth and a long stretch of high unemployment was what the nation faced, according to the experts.  

Then the economy blew the experts away with that 33.1% rebound, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. And now, with less than two weeks to go in the year, the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank’s GDPNow forecasts 11.1% growth in Q4, which if it holds up would be more than twice the rate predicted by the consensus of so-called Blue Chip economists.

Meanwhile, the jobless rate, or so we were told, would still be close to 10% by year’s end.

A Path to Better Days Thanks to the innovative power of our market economy, we’re closer to the end of the pandemic than to the beginning. Joel Zinberg

It seems like a lifetime, but it was only one year ago that the world learned about a cluster of pneumonia cases linked to a live animal market in Wuhan, China. The cause: a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that leads to a disease called Covid-19. Fast forward one year, and the U.S., as of mid-December, has seen more than 300,000 Covid-19 deaths and more than 17 million confirmed cases—but also remarkable scientific innovation and reasons for optimism.

Much has changed. An economy that was humming along with record-low unemployment was voluntarily shut down in an attempt to mitigate viral spread and the death toll. Unemployment soared to depression levels, and GDP cratered. In many areas, a third of small businesses have permanently closed. Children have missed nearly a year of in-person school, with short- and long-term effects on their social and educational development and economic prospects. The pandemic deepened political fissures and became the leading issue in the 2020 election, likely leading to President Donald Trump’s reelection defeat.

People were admonished to “follow the science,” though the science was unclear and constantly in flux. The pandemic has confounded experts’ recommendations and predictions. Infections, hospitalizations, and deaths are up around the country, regardless of the approaches that different states have taken. New Mexico, for example, adopted aggressive restrictions, including a mask mandate, self-quarantine orders for travelers, and a ban on public gatherings early on. Yet statewide infections and deaths climbed to new heights in October and November.