After Seeing Biden’s Tax Plan, Rapper 50 Cent Hops On The Trump Train: Evita Duffy

Rap icon 50 Cent, also known as Fif, announced he is endorsing President Trump in the upcoming 2020 election after a look at Joe Biden’s tax plan. The Grammy award-winning musician shared a photo on Instagram of the top tax rates by state under the new Biden tax plan.

The rapper, who lives in New York, where the top tax bracket will be 62 percent under a Biden presidency, wrote in his caption: “👀WHAT THE F**K! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT, 🏃‍♂️💨F**K NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway. 🤷🏽‍♂️I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya fucking mind. 😤”

The post is a big turn-around from 2016, when Fif endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Until now, Fif has expressed a distaste for Trump’s policies. This April, he said of President Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, “You wanted a reality show host as president, well now you’re on ‘Survivor.’”

Fif has said many times that Trump has the “attitude of a rapper.” What is a rapper attitude? Fif explained in 2018 when he went on Conan O’Brian’s late-night talk show.

How to Put a Stop to Twitter’s Game-Playing on Censorship Congress does not need to repeal Section 230 to do it. By Andrew C. McCarthy

T he much-misunderstood Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act is in the spotlight again. Twitter and, to a lesser extent, Facebook, suppressed reporting that Joe Biden abetted his son Hunter’s cashing in on the then-vice president’s political influence. Since there are plenty of alternatives to these social-media platforms, their actions merely drew more attention to the story while calling into question their qualification for Section 230 immunity from lawsuits.

The Biden news was broken by the New York Post, the nation’s fourth-largest daily by circulation, whose Twitter account (with 1.8 million followers) remains suspended as of this writing — irrationally so, given that the social-media site is no longer blocking other users from sharing links to the reports that prompted the Post’s account to be locked. Twitter also locked the account of Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, as well as that of the Trump reelection campaign.

Twitter’s bogus rationale for the suspensions was the claim that the Biden information had been “hacked” from a laptop computer that appears to have belonged to Hunter. In fact, there is no evidence that the emails, photographs, videos, and other materials on the laptop were hacked or otherwise misappropriated. Hunter suffers from drug addiction and is notoriously erratic. The laptop was brought to a repair shop in Delaware and never reclaimed. The shop owner, in addition to being given consensual access to the data, reported it to the FBI. Plus, Fox News reports that the work order prepared when the computer was dropped off appears to bear Hunter Biden’s signature.

The Need to Know Recent news about Hunter Biden’s emails puts our country’s institutions in a harsh spotlight Charles Lipson

Hunter Biden’s laptop, abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, is now the centerpiece of what could potentially be a huge pay-to-play controversy that directly affects the presidential election. The incendiary emails and pictures on the computer detail lucrative business dealings by the former vice president’s son. They were first reported on Wednesday, October 14, by the New York Post, which received them from Rudy Giuliani. More emails are sure to be disclosed between now and the November 3 election.

These emails raise two overriding questions:

Are they real? Or are they a dirty trick by Joe Biden’s domestic political opponents or a foreign enemy?
If the “Delaware emails” are real, do they implicate the vice president himself? Or do they simply detail the dealings of a man who profited enormously from his family name but did so without his famous father knowing, helping or profiting?

Americans deserve to know the answers to both questions. And we need to know now, before Election Day.

The term “Delaware emails” is important here because there are others that potentially point to corrupt insider dealings. Specifically, the emails on the laptop are different from another set of 26,000 emails belonging to Hunter Biden’s ex–business partner, Bevan Cooney. Those, too, include troubling details about business arrangements with foreign partners, many closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party. Cooney is now in prison for some of his corrupt deals. A second partner, Devon Archer, is awaiting sentencing. Hunter Biden was never charged. Cooney has now given direct, unfettered access to his email account to Peter Schweizer, a journalist who specializes in official corruption. Schweizer has begun releasing the emails and his findings through Breitbart. So far, no one, including the Biden camp, has raised any questions about the authenticity of the Cooney emails.

Dems Are In Full Panic Mode By Joan Swirsky

After the 2016 presidential election, Democrats were consumed with anger, indignation, and a burning unquenchable fury. They had basked in smug satisfaction during the previous eight years as Barack Obama began to fulfill his campaign promise of October 28, 2005 of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” from our Democratic Republic into a socialist utopia. And they were blind with rage that Hillary had been denied the next eight years to complete the mission. 

Even more infuriating was the fact that everything the 2016 victor stood for was a repudiation of nearly a century of leftist strivings. In fact, candidate and then President Trump promised to overturn the Regressives’ most cherished “values,” including sky-high taxes, open borders, a weakened military, flawed foreign treaties, ongoing wars, the illiteracy roadmap called Common Core, and generations of impoverished, uneducated, imprisoned Blacks, et al.


Rejecting nearly 250 years of the peaceful transition of presidential power, Democrats launched a four-year war against President Trump, manufacturing a Russian-collusion hoax, a Ukraine hoax, a Stormy Daniels hoax, an impeachment hoax, on and on. All came to naught, but their efforts did expose the deep systemic corruption at the highest reaches of the Obama regime––corruption involving crimes as serious as sedition and treason!

“Coincidentally,” on the heels of the impeachment failure came the China virus, not only bringing our economy––and the entire world––to a halt, but giving rise to unrestrained violence by bought-and-paid-for anarchist groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter in about 15 Democrat-run cities. 

Ruthie Blum Arab-Israeli politicians against peace

The Joint List—the third-largest faction in the Knesset—is more hostile to Zionists than the sheikhs of Abu Dhabi and Manama.

 An overwhelming majority of Israeli parliamentarians, including those in the opposition, voted on Thursday to ratify the U.S.-brokered Abraham Accords. With 80 members of 120-seat Knesset in favor of the treaty with the United Arab Emirates and 27 in absentia, the remaining 13 lawmakers were unable to block the historic peace agreement that was approved unanimously by the Israeli Cabinet on Oct. 12.

Though the quantity of MKs nixing the deal was negligible, their identity is not. All of the more than dozen legislators who reject Israel’s peace-making—not only with the UAE, but with Bahrain as well—are Arab citizens of the Jewish state, belonging to the Joint Arab List.

The Joint List is a bloc of disparate communist, socialist, Islamist and Arab-nationalist parties Balad, Hadash, Ta’al and the United Arab List, supported by an increasing number of radical Jews disillusioned with the Zionist left.

It is headed by MK Ayman Odeh, who said last week that Israel’s normalization with the Gulf states is based on “twisted logic” that [the Joint List] cannot accept … either morally or nationally.”

He was referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s long-standing view that a lack of peace with the Palestinians is not at the root—or even a blip on the radar screen—of Middle East strife in general or of traditionally regional hostility to Israel in particular. It is this position that the Israeli left, obsessed with the failed “land for peace” paradigm, cannot tolerate.


The left’s favorite way to rebut foes: Silence them 

Twitter Won’t Unlock NY Post Account Until Hunter Biden Posts Deleted

 Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

Mark Levin: Joe Biden’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ Will Destroy Every Aspect of Our Culture and Society

Bush Staffers Go All In for Joe Biden with Campaign Ads Attacking Trump

Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communism

Western Lives Matter: Teacher Beheaded in Paris by Giulio Meotti

“This is not an act of ‘separatism’, it is a declaration of war that must be dealt with accordingly”. — Pascal Bruckner, French author.

France’s elites… fail to understand the ideological war that the enemies of open societies have declared on them. You can see it from the targets of the attacks by extremists: Jews, a priest, cartoonists, tourists, ordinary people, policemen, now a teacher.

An entire community of immigrants, who enjoyed all the freedoms we had granted them, ambushed him…. It is a racism condoned by imams who had called [the beheaded teacher] Paty “delinquent”.

“[T]here is the continuity of our submission. I am convinced that if we had known how to say no, we would not be here. They all bowed their heads out of fear of appearing racist or out of patronage.” — Élisabeth Badinter, author, Le Point, October 16, 2020.

If the French authorities do not take the many warnings to heart, even after a school teacher was beheaded in broad daylight by a terrorist shouting “Allahu Akbar”, it means that the fight is over and they might as well raise a white flag over the Eiffel Tower.

Western Lives Matter. We should ask all the journalists, the politicians, the clerics, the people of the street, to kneel for Samuel Paty. This French school teacher was the victim of the most ferocious racism that circulates today in Western democracies, that of fundamentalist beliefs against “infidels”. The Chechen terrorist, after beheading Paty, called him a “dog”. “In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful…,” the terrorist wrote after the attack, “Macron, the leader of the infidels, I executed one of your dogs who dared to belittle Muhammad…”.

Paty was murdered for having carried out his work as a teacher with conscience and courage, educating his students to respect the founding values ​​of our societies and the three words mounted over the doors of his school: Liberté, égalité, fraternité, freedom, equality, brotherhood. Paty had shown Charlie Hebdo’s Mohammed cartoons to his students to sensitize them to freedom of expression. He had also asked his pupils to create a drawing based on those three words.

“A borderline in the abominable has just been crossed” essayist Pascal Bruckner said.

Turkey: The Dark Side of Religious Sects by Burak Bekdil

The school curriculum teaches boys that the female sex is inferior and second-class, while it teaches girls to be a slave to a man. — Professor Esergül Balcı, Report from Izmir September 9th University, September 5, 2020.

In 2010 a scandal in Siirt in southeast Turkey revealed serial rapes in this conservative little town, including cases of adults raping minors and minors raping toddlers, even killing one…. “This is a small town,” the mayor said… “Almost everyone is related to everyone.”…. No one was prosecuted.

When, in 1925, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, banned all Islamic sects, dervishes, lodges and other religious cults dating from the Ottoman times, he publicly said, “The Turkish Republic cannot be a republic of sheiks, dervishes and their disciples. The only right sect is the sect of civilization.” Almost a century after the birth of a modern nation, nevertheless, the Turkish Republic has indeed become a republic of sheiks, dervishes and their millions of disciples.

The findings of an academic from Izmir’s September 9th University are worse than scary. The following is from Professor Esergül Balcı’s alarming report:

Islamic sects, cults and orders in Turkey have flourished in coalition with [President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s] Justice and Development Party (AKP) as their members have successfully built networks in public service.
The number of madrassas [Islamic schools] has risen sharply [since the AKP came to power in 2002].
The Treasury’s financial support for schools run by Islamic sects has reached TL 1 billion [approximately $126 million].
About one million pupils attend schools run by sects.
A total of 2.6 million Turks have some kind of connection with a religious order.
There are primarily 30 sects, their 400 branches and 800 madrassas.
Parents enroll children as young as three years old at religious schools. A third of Turkey’s 10,000 private schools have links with at least one sect. So do 2,800 of the country’s 4,000 private dormitories.
The school curriculum teaches boy students that the female sex is inferior and second-class, while it teaches girls to be a slave to a man.

How Big Tech Masks COVID-19 Realities Julie Kelly

Dr. Scott Atlas warns the country is in dangerous territory if people who show data contrary to conventional wisdom are silenced.

Since the early stages of the coronavirus crisis, any viewpoint or research running afoul of the accepted doctrine conceived by the credentialed class has been censored.

Social media platforms, internet search engines, and other monopolistic guardians of information decided at the very beginning that they would determine which content would be available for public consumption; “false claims or conspiracy theories that have been flagged by leading global health organizations and local health authorities that could cause harm to people who believe them” would be subjected to Facebook’s reject button, according to a January 2020 statement released by the company.

Twitter announced it would prompt users to follow “credible, authoritative information” on the virus. None other than the World Health Organization, the agency that has flubbed the pandemic every step of the way, partnered with Twitter to judge what is credible and what is not.

A YouTube video produced in March by Dr. John Ioannidis, an early critic of the government’s handling of the virus, was removed for violating the company’s terms of service. Another widely-viewed video featuring two California emergency room doctors describing their experiences with people suffering the consequences of lockdowns and the emerging data about the virus’ lethality met the same fate in April. Ditto for a July video that showed several doctors condemning the detrimental effects of the lockdowns and promoting the reopening of schools and businesses nationwide.

Posts about hydroxychloroquine, including a tweet by the president’s son, are also banned. The president’s tweet earlier this month claiming the flu is as deadly as COVID-19 was flagged by Twitter for “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information” about the virus.

Elect Joe Biden: He’ll Be The Worst President In U.S. History

Ranking modern presidents, from first to worst, is an entirely subjective matter. That said, we’re quite sure Joe Biden will be, if elected, the most destructive president of our lifetimes if not of all time.

At I&I we tend to look at Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama as being the worst presidents from our lifetimes. Carter saw himself as the caretaker of the country’s inevitable decline rather someone who would lift it from its malaise. Obama managed the worst economic recovery in our post-war history, allowed ISIS to grow into a terrorist power, and rolled over for Iran’s mullahs. His was the most divisive presidency of modern times. If this nation is on the brink of another civil war, as some suggest we are, it’s because he set the tone for the bitter separation we see today among Americans.

At least Carter led the deregulation of the airline, trucking and rail industries, and in his 1978 State of the Union address acknowledged “we really need to realize that there is a limit to the role and the function of government.”

Biden would neither do nor say any such thing.

Here, though, is what can expect from a Biden presidency: