The Fury of 
the Fatherless by Mary Eberstadt *****

The Trump administration’s recent designation of several American cities as “anarchic jurisdictions” may turn out to have been nothing more than a quixotic gambit in the supercharged run-up to November 3. But the fact that it was thinkable in the first place points to a truth beyond electoral politics: The frenzy that has been enacted in city after American city since May 2020 demands more scrutiny than it has yet received.

It is true that most protests have been peaceful. It is also true that the exceptions—marked by violence and biliousness and unreason and, well, anarchy—have been far more common than many people have understood, at least until recently. As of late September, a USA TODAY/Ipsos poll reports that two-thirds of respondents believe that “protesters and counterprotesters are overwhelming American cities.” The majority is on to something.

According to the first thorough examination of the street protests triggered by the death of George Floyd, undertaken by Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project in conjunction with the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton, more than 10,600 incidents of what is benignly called “unrest” were recorded between May 24 and August 22. Of these, some 570 involved violence. Of those, most have involved Black Lives Matter activists. Preliminary insurance estimates show that the damage will surpass the $1.2 billion in damages accrued during the 1992 Rodney King riots. And then there are the atmospherics that separate these protests from many that have gone before: lusty screaming, ecstatic vandalism, the menacing of bystanders.

The ritualistic exhibition of destructive behaviors in city after city is without precedent in America. Neither the civil rights demonstrations nor the protests against the war in Vietnam looked remotely like this. The differences demand explanation. Blame what you will on the usual bête noirs: ­Donald Trump, cancel culture, police brutality, political tribalism, the coronavirus pandemic, far-right militias, BLM, antifa. All these factors feed the “­demand” side of the protests and rioting, the ­reasons for the ritualistic enactment. But what about the “supply” side—the ready and apparently inexhaustible ranks of demonstrators themselves? What explains them?

Our Real Systemic Problem By Stanley Kurtz

America’s got a problem that’s systemic in nature. This problem has less to do with individual intentions than the structure within which our intentions are formed. That structure explains a great deal about observed disparities in wealth, and other advantages, between various racial and ethnic groups. It helps explain why we’re torn apart by arguments over school shootings and abortion. It even helps explain why we’ve turned away from traditional religion and patriotism and adopted a secular faith built around hollow and pernicious ideas like systemic racism instead. In short, our systemic problem helps explain many of the core disagreements around which contemporary American politics are organized. The challenge I refer to — our real systemic problem — is family decline.

A twist of this issue—and a telling sign of our times—is that we’re barred from discussing it. Charles Murray once said, commenting on the connection between a vast range of positive outcomes for children and being reared by two biological parents who remain married, “I know of no other set of important findings that are as broadly accepted by social scientists who follow the technical literature, liberal as well as conservative, and yet are so resolutely ignored by network news programs, editorial writers for the major newspapers, and politicians of both major political parties.” That Murray himself is periodically shouted down on college campuses adds a nice touch.

While our fake systemic problem is on half the country’s lips, our real systemic problem is verboten. We don’t want to risk offense by mentioning an issue so touchy — and that touches nearly everyone nowadays in some way or other because … well, because it’s systemic. Because the family has been seen since approximately forever as society’s foundation, it makes sense from the traditional point of view that family decline would have pervasive social effects. Yet no one dares discuss it.

Media Treat Trump’s Team Like Dogs, Biden’s Like Puppies The largely celebratory coverage unwittingly emphasizes the triumph of the press’s own class. By Gerard Baker

When Joe Biden gets to the White House, he will, it seems, be bringing with him a menagerie of domesticated animals, eager to roll over and have their tummies tickled by a solicitous first couple.

There will be Champ and Major, the two German shepherds, one of whom, like his master, is a veteran of the Obama administration. There will be the as-yet-unnamed cat who, we learned last week, will prowl the echoing halls of the executive mansion, no doubt mischievous and imperious by turns, like all felines.

Above all there will be a whole pack of cuddly, playful, yelping puppies, eager for attention and desperate to please, gently nuzzling their master and members of his administration whenever they stoop to stroke them or issue a kind word or a stern command.

These fully house-trained pets will sport White House press passes and carry laptops and microphones. They will project a vulpine self-regard and profess a houndlike commitment to hunting down the truth. But it’s clear already that when brought to heel they will have all the independence of mind of one of those nodding toy dogs that used to adorn the dashboards of motorcars.

Return of the Obama Economists Biden’s policy advisers were in charge during the secular stagnation years.

If Joe Biden is trying to distinguish his emerging Administration from Barack Obama’s, he hasn’t succeeded in the choice of economic advisers he rolled out Monday. They’re Obama veterans who believe in more spending, more regulation, higher taxes, and easier money. Let’s hope the result is better than what became known as “secular stagnation” during the Obama years.

Janet Yellen, the Treasury nominee, is an economist with a distinguished political resume. She’s a Keynesian from the James Tobin school who believes in spending as fiscal stimulus and low interest rates. As Federal Reserve Chair in Mr. Obama’s second term, she was slow to raise interest rates and reduce the Fed’s bond purchases. She’ll likely favor a 2009-style policy mix next year with a spending blowout while urging the Fed to monetize it.

Mr. Biden has also signed up Jared Bernstein, an architect of the Obama stimulus who famously predicted in January 2009 that spending would keep unemployment below 8% and hit 7% by autumn of 2010. Not quite. The jobless rate hit 10% in October 2009, stayed at 9.9% through April 2010, and didn’t fall below 7% until November 2013. Mr. Bernstein put his trust in the Keynesian “multiplier” that $1 of new spending yields as much as an extra $1.57 or more of additional GDP. Wrong again.

Mr. Bernstein will join the White House Council of Economic Advisers, where his boss will be Princeton economist Cecilia Rouse. She’s a veteran of the Clinton and Obama White Houses. Her academic work has focused on microeconomic subjects such as education and the labor market, and her research is skeptical of the benefits of school choice.

Powell: Dominion Server Removed From Fulton County While Lawyers Sought Restraining Order By Ivan Pentchoukov

Attorney Sidney Powell said on Monday that someone had removed a Dominion Voting Systems server from a recount center in Fulton County, Georgia.

“Someone went down to the Fulton center where the votes and Dominion machines were, claimed there was a software glitch and they had to replace the software, and it seems that they removed the server,” Powell told “Lou Dobbs Tonight” in an interview aired on Nov. 30.

Powell added that her team does not know where the server is.

Dominion’s software and hardware features prominently in two lawsuits filed by Powell in Georgia and Michigan. The lawsuits claim that the software is vulnerable to manipulation by hackers and was used to alter to vote totals in the presidential election.

Powell prefaced her comment by saying that the alleged removal of the server took place when her team was seeking a temporary restraining order against the resetting, wiping, or altering of any of the Dominion machines. A district court judge subsequently granted the temporary restraining order on Sunday night.

Powell said her team is making significant progress in both cases while preparing to files suits in other states. She said the lawsuits are meant to stop the runoff elections in Georgia in January “because all the machines are infected with the software code that allows Dominion to shave votes from one candidate and give them to another and other features that do the same thing.”

“Different states shaved different amounts of votes. The system was set up to shave and flip different votes in different states. Some people were targeted as individual candidates. It’s really the most massive and historical egregious fraud the world has ever seen,” Powell said.

Trump Ballots Defaulted and Switched to Biden Votes on Dominion System: Maricopa GOP Chairwoman By Isabel van Brugen

Maricopa County GOP chairwoman Linda Brickman on Nov. 30 testified before members of the Arizona State Legislature that she personally observed votes for President Donald Trump being tallied as votes for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when input into Dominion machines.

Brickman, the GOP head of one of the country’s largest counties and a veteran county elections worker, submitted her testimony in a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury. She testified that she and her Democratic partner witnessed “more than once” Trump votes default and shift to Biden when they were entering votes into Dominion machines from ballots that couldn’t be read by machines.

She alleged that she was later threatened by election supervisors at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) for speaking out about what she had witnessed.

“I observed, with my Democratic partner, the preparation of a new ballot, since the original one was soiled, or wouldn’t go through the tabulators. I read her a Trump Republican ballot, and as soon as she entered it into the system, the ballot defaulted on the screen to a Biden Democratic ballot,” Brickman told GOP Arizona State legislators on Monday.

She remarked that when she reported the issue to election supervisors, others in the room also commented that they had “witnessed the same manipulation.”

“We were never told what, if any corrective action was taken,” Brickman continued. “All I know is the next day, I was called outside the room that I was working in for signature verification by a supervisor who said, ‘I understand you caused some problems this week and you thought our machines were not working correctly.’

“I was told at that point in time that I could not discuss anything or talk about what was going on.

Poll Challenger, Dominion Contractor Say Voting Machines in Detroit Were Connected to Internet By Bowen XiaoAO

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems who performed IT work at the TCF Center in Michigan and a former state senator who was a poll challenger both say that the voting machines used in the Nov. 3 election were connected to the internet.

Melissa Carone—a freelance IT worker who submitted a sworn affidavit on Nov. 10 detailing a barrage of what she called fraudulent actions during her time at the voting center—said she was called into a hotel in Allen Park on Nov. 2 where the whole Dominion team was staying in order to attend a training of sorts.

In that hotel conference room, there was a tabulator and an adjudication machine the team was told to walk around the room and look at. Carone said a Dominion manager (the man who initially contacted her for the position) talked for around an hour telling the team where they were going to be assigned for the election.

“They gave us a binder that they told us to go through, which actually was very beneficial to me and a lot of the attorneys because it gave a lot of information regarding their software and image cast and how, yes, the machines were connected to the Wi-Fi. Absolutely,” she told The Epoch Times. “It even says it in there.”


Not a single mention of Dominion or lawsuits or skepticism….

Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame By The Editors


There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes (some jurisdictions, bizarrely, take weeks to complete their initial count), but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

Almost nothing that the Trump team has alleged has withstood the slightest scrutiny. In particular, it’s hard to find much that is remotely true in the president’s Twitter feed these days. It is full of already-debunked claims and crackpot conspiracy theories about Dominion voting systems. Over the weekend, he repeated the charge that 1.8 million mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were mailed out, yet 2.6 million were ultimately tallied. In a rather elementary error, this compares the number of mail-ballots requested in the primary to the number of ballots counted in the general. A straight apples-to-apples comparison finds that 1.8 million mail-in ballots were requested in the primary and 1.5 million returned, while 3.1 million ballots were requested in the general and 2.6 million returned.

Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.

President-as-Leader or President-as-Partisan?

By Richard Brookhiser

Arizona Certifies Election Results for Biden as Giuliani Pushes Unfounded Fraud Claims

By Brittany Bernstein 
Trump’s team is calling on Republican state legislators to appoint pro-Trump electors in defiance of the popular vote.

How Trump Could Have Reacted to the Election

By Dan McLaughlin
Trump Campaign Election Litigation Appears to End in Pennsylvania While Proceeding in Georgia

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Wisconsin Recount Adds 87 Votes to Biden’s Margin of Victory

By John McCormack

Trump’s Michael Flynn Pardon Is Only The Beginning Of The Justice This Nation Deserves: Margot Cleveland

The corporate media has refused to tell Americans the truth, so I will. Here are six key aspects of the case that expose the Obama-Biden administration’s travesty of justice.

On Wednesday, President Trump pardoned an innocent man. Just before Thanksgiving, he signed an executive grant of clemency that provided Michael Flynn a full pardon and ended the criminal case against the retired lieutenant general.

Yet justice has not been served. And it may never be served. Justice for Michael Flynn requires something our country no longer possesses: an honest press.

Justice for Flynn requires the public to understand how the Obama-Biden administration, political appointees, career employees, special counsel attorneys, and a federal judge sought to destroy a war hero’s life to wreak revenge on Flynn for his service to Trump—and with a hope that Flynn’s demise would trigger Trump’s destruction. Justice for Flynn requires that those involved in this scandal be the object of public scorn.

The corporate media has refused to tell Americans the truth, so I will. And the damning facts go much beyond the evidence U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen, whom Attorney General William Barr charged with investigating the prosecution of Flynn, discovered. Here are six key aspects of the Flynn case the press buried that expose the travesty of justice heaped upon Flynn.


Ossoff Defends Warnock’s Anti-Cop Comments  ‘We are running alongside one another as friends and as partners’ by Colin Anderson

Jon Ossoff defended fellow Georgia Democratic Senate hopeful Raphael Warnock over a slew of controversial comments that include referring to police as thugs and bullies.

“We campaign together, and we’re friends and we speak routinely, and we are running alongside one another as friends and as partners,” Ossoff said during a Sunday evening MSNBC appearance. “Shame on [Republican senator] Kelly Loeffler for twisting the words of a man of God spoken at the pulpit to produce these nonsense, fear-mongering attack ads targeting Rev. Warnock.”

Loeffler has criticized Warnock for a number of “radical” sermons the Democrat made as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Warnock said many police officers behave like thugs and bullies in 2015, argued that America must “repent for its worship of whiteness” in late 2016, and said that “nobody can serve God and the military” in 2011. Ossoff’s defense of the speeches could alienate Georgia voters ahead of the state’s January runoff elections—the Peach State is home to the fifth-largest active duty military population in the United States, according to a 2018 Department of Defense report.

While Ossoff was quick to defend Warnock’s sermons, he has repeatedly dodged questions regarding Warnock’s longtime defense of anti-Semitic pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s infamous 2003 “God Damn America” sermon. The speech—which Warnock called a “very fine sermon”—accused American officials of “inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color” and likened the United States to al Qaeda. Wright blamed “them Jews” after Barack Obama condemned the remarks.

“Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me,” Wright said. “They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade a spade.”