I have officially found a new author that I am adding to my ‘favorites’ list. His name is Fred Lucas. He has written a superb book entitled: Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump. If you want the truth about what went on during the witchhunt to impeach Trump, this is the book. I can’t recommend it enough and I personally believe everyone should get a copy.
Just as I strongly suspected, President Trump’s enemies had a plan in place to remove him even before he was inaugurated. Leftists could not stand the way the election turned out and how Hillary Clinton lost, so they implemented a strategy to bring a sitting president down in a soft coup. That coup had many facets, but the impeachment angle was one of the key elements of their plan. The hit job culminated in an election-year impeachment trial.
In the beginning… of the impeachment, per Lucas:
“And I document this in there that one of the first actions taken was [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren actually put forward a Senate bill on emoluments saying that Trump would be committing a high crime or misdemeanor if he did not divest all of his business holdings immediately. That bill went nowhere, but it was sort of symbolic.”
“From that point on, you had [Rep.] Maxine Waters pushing forward … what she called the “Impeach 45” movement. It had like a whole host of liberal nonprofits such as Tom Steyer, John Bonifaz, who ran this group Impeach Donald Trump Now.”