Donald Trump, Meet Rutherford B. Hayes Peter O’Brien

“The electoral standoff that sees Donald Trump in court and Joe Biden jumping the gun to proclaim himself ‘president-elect’ is an invitation to soar into the stratosphere of speculation. Could this affair, like another contest 144 years ago, end up being decided on Capitol Hill? If so, Trump wins.”

I am, by nature, sceptical of conspiracy theories. But the arrival on my doorstep of Keith Windschuttle’s new book, The Persecution of George Pell, reminded me that they do indeed happen, not least in the State of Victoria, where the Nicola ‘Lawyer X’ Gobbo travesty and the conspiracy of silence surrounding hotel quarantine have still to be fully exposed. Despite the protestations of many commentators, including some for whom I have great respect, I cannot shake the feeling that the US election is being stolen from President Trump.

If that is so, it might be due to an overarching conspiracy, or it could simply be a series of uncoordinated, opportunistic frauds at the local level — ballot stuffing and the like inspired by not-so-noble-cause corruption. Or it could be a combination of both. Setting aside the overarching, ongoing and irrefutable collusion between the Democrats, the mainstream media and Big Tech to ignore or besmirch Trump’s achievements (Middle East peace pacts) and harp on failings real and imagined (Russia! Russia Russia!) while burying Biden’s deficiencies and liabilities (son Hunter’s laptop), I confine my remarks to the election itself.

The reasoning of those commentators calling for Trump to cool it is that, even if there was some fraud, it could not have been on such a scale as to overturn the “result” so eagerly called by the media and, further, that speculation and accusations concerning vote fraud damages faith in democracy. There is irony aplenty there: if elections are bent, the greater crime is to mention it lest the citizenry lose faith in, well, bent elections.  These pundits are contemptuous of Trump’s legal gambits being allowed to play out and his expanding file of sworn statements detailing mischief and malfeasance given their day in court.  ‘What evidence’, they shout, ‘these are no more than unsubstantiated allegations’. It’s a fatuous claim since, by definition, allegations are always unsubstantiated. Only when substantiated do they become facts. That is a process for the courts.

It is a daunting task to tackle the weight of this orthodoxy. Most readers will understand the term ‘chaff’ used in a military sense.  Developed during Word War Two, it involved the dropping thousands of small metal strips to confuse the enemy’s radar systems.  There is a lot of chaff flying around at the moment, most of it, I suspect, coming from Trump supporters predisposed to promote any and all allegations that might help to reverse their candidate’s fortunes.  Much of it may well be true, but it is very difficult to sort out the wheat.  For example, President Trump has tweeted that the Dominion software, used by many states for automated vote counting, has stolen, literally, millions of his votes. It boggles the mind to think a conspiracy so vast might be more than the fever dreams of angry and depressed Trump supporters, yet there is at least one proven instance where this happened. In Antrim county, Michigan, a ‘glitch’ transferred 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. This error was corrected by the electoral official who noticed it and, purportedly, no other harm was done. But who is to say it didn’t happen elsewhere and go unremarked?  Computer glitches tend not to be random, isolated events and, when they happen, they are far more likely to spawn incoherent cyber gibberish and system crashes, not the neat and tidy transference of numbers from one column to another. The only places scepticism about the election result seems not to have arisen is in newsrooms.

The Vote-Switching Ghost in the Machine Tony Thomas

“In many Republican strongholds a curious thing happened on election day: while his party received the votes it expected, Donald Trump’s tallies were way down. According to a bipartisan team of computer scientists and data analysts, there is only one explanation: the fix was in.”
It now looks like Deep State criminals have tweaked voting machine software to switch Trump votes – possibly millions of them —  to Biden to create the illusion of a Democrat victory. You don’t have to believe me on this. If you still retain a smidgen of high-school algebra, the data patterns in voting in the swing state of Michigan speak for themselves.

A team of three engineers and software analysts have demonstrated that a minimum of 69,000 votes there were switched from Trump to Biden. Biden is supposed to have won Michigan and its 16 Electoral College votes by about 146,000 votes in an electorate of 5.4 million.

If the vote switching occurred, the two candidates would be virtually neck and neck, Trump probably ahead. The same voting machines and their software were used through all the swing states. Another ‘if’: if similar fraud is accepted by courts to have prevailed in those states, the US is headed for a giant constitutional crisis.

The Michigan auditing team was Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT trained data scientist and Fulbright Scholar and now Republican Senate candidate; Bennie Smith, a Democrat and software engineer, data analyst and an election commissioner; and Phil Evans, engineer and data analyst. They analysed voting patterns in Michigan’s four biggest counties and concluded the patterns must have resulted from an inserted algorithm that switched salami-slices of votes from the Trump tally to the Biden column. The greater the voting support for Trump and Republicans, the bigger was the slicing-off for Biden. This can be shown by straight trend lines in the graphs, which would normally display a wide scatter.

Could Nancy Pelosi get the boot? By Monica Showalter

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been looking miserable lately, and for good reason.

In what should theoreticaly be her season of jubilation, supposedly ousting President Trump, she may well be looking at her own ouster, too.

The House election results are still rolling in, and all are bearing bad news for her supposed House majority.

According to RealClearPolitics, the score stands at 221 House Democrats, and opposition 209 Republicans. Democrats have (so far) lost 9 seats and unseated no Republicans. Republicans, meanwhile, have gained 8. Apparently Joe Biden had absolutely no coattails, which is weird stuff in a presidential election, unless maybe something funny was going on.

Five races have yet to be tallied, two in California, one in Iowa, one in New York and one in New Jersey. All show the Republican, so far, ahead, or else unexpectedly close and in the running to overtake. California’s 21st district, won by ballot harvestors in 2018 by Democrat T.J. Cox, now shows Republican David Valadao, an authentic farmer who held the seat earlier, ahead by 50.6% to Cox’s 49.4, with now 99% of the ballots counted, presumably even from Kern County, which encompasses Bakersfield, where leftists were supposedly abundant. Yeah, it could flip. But it might not.

Same deal in California’s 25th, where Republican Mike Garcia leads Democrat Kristy Smith by 104 votes, a technical tie with 99% of the vote in, and a few hundred more to be counted. The district encompasses places like Simi Valley, home of the Reagan Library, parts of Ventura County and Santa Clarita, which are prosperous places with adjacent right-wing back boonies, and far from solidly blue places.

Trump Adds Sidney Powell to Election Legal Effort Ivan Pentchoukov

President Donald Trump on Saturday night announced the addition of Sidney Powell to his campaign’s election legal team.

Powell gained the national spotlight when she took over as the defense attorney representing former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

The president also said Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, and Jenna Ellis have joined the legal team led by his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

“I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Powell engineered a stunning comeback in the Flynn case. Since she took over the case, the Department of Justice moved to drop the charges against Flynn. A federal judge has yet to rule on the request.

Powell responded to Trump’s announcement by tweeting the hashtag #ReleaseTheKraken.

According to conservative radio show host Mark Levin, scores of attorneys are volunteering to aid Trump’s legal effort.

The Dangers of Historical Revisionism Ginette Weiner

In this original op-ed, Ginette Weiner explores the dangers of mainstream media downplaying the severity of historical anti-Semitism. The author is a member of the CAM Contributor Network. 

The NY Times has now exceeded their previous depths of All the Lies, All the Time, and managed to accomplish two feats at once: revictimizing the murdered Jews of the Holocaust, and issuing a blueprint for future genocide.  “The Times described a notorious partnership between Nazi Germany and an antisemitic leader, Husseini, as a collaboration that targeted “Zionism,” as opposed to Jews. The claim, which appears in the Oct. 6 story “Saudi Prince Accuses Palestinian Leaders of Failing Palestinians” by Isabel Kershner and Ben Hubbard, whitewashes the antisemitism of both the Nazis and their Palestinian ally, Amin al-Husseini, and downplays the nature and extent of their alliance.  Both al-Husseini and the Nazis were rabidly antisemitic, and both were motivated in their collaboration by that antisemitism. To be anti-Zionist as well as antisemitic does nothing to erase or override the antisemitism, and in fact is perfectly consistent with it.”

Al-Husseini called on his followers to enact Islamic Koran’s calls to “Kill the Jews wherever you find them.”  Nazi official Wilhelm Melchers, “the mufti was an accomplished foe of the Jews, did not conceal that he would love to see all of them liquidated.”  In his book on Nazi propaganda in the Arab world, Herf describes al-Husseini’s “intense hatred of Jews, who “lived like a sponge among peoples, sucked their blood, seized their property, undermined their morals,” and so on. Jews had “tormented the world for ages” and were “the enemy of the Arabs and of Islam since its emergence.”  The United States Holocaust Museum, “Husseini is a vicious antisemite and actively supportive of Nazi Germany’s efforts to annihilate world Jewry.”  Yad Vashem, ‘The mufti loaned his support’ to the ‘Final Solution.’ “Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat) took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.“

Biden’s Media Campaign By Charles C. W. Cooke

In which the media were the campaign.

It is often said that a free press is necessary to the maintenance of a free republic. It is less frequently said that, in order for this to be true, that press must be both virtuous and useful. The American press is certainly free — freer than any press has ever been in the history of the human race, in fact — but it is not virtuous and it is not useful. Until it changes, it will continue to invite the mistrust and opprobrium to which it has of late become accustomed. As for the free republic . . . well, we’ll see.

It is no great overstatement to say that, in the 2020 presidential election, the media did not so much cover the Biden campaign as they were the Biden campaign. What, had they been officially charged with that task, would they have done differently? During the last year, major outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Atlantic, and NPR got into the habit of prominently featuring any news that could plausibly hurt President Trump while assiduously refusing to run stories that might have hurt Joe Biden. Thus it was that the story about Hunter Biden’s exploits in China was smothered without any good explanation other than that it might serve as a “distraction” (well, yes) and that it could possibly be a plot, while a relatively inexplosive New York Times story about President Trump’s taxes was blasted out with abandon. Thus it was that the coronavirus was deemed to be simultaneously so lethal as to warrant the shutting down of Trump’s campaign rallies and so benign as to have no effect through mass protests. Thus it was that a fairly dull Tom Cotton piece arguing for the deployment of the military to help quell riots was deemed too radical for a New York Times opinion page that had recently invited contributions from Vladimir Putin and the Taliban, and would later run a submission from an anti-democracy apparatchik of the Chinese Communist Party, and that had run a piece by Charles Blow arguing that “white women” liked to “use themselves as instruments of terror,” there being “too many noosed necks, charred bodies and drowned souls for them to deny knowing precisely what they are doing.”

Dominion Machines Cover Millions of Voters, But Watch How Easy It Is To Rig One of Them

The credibility and accuracy of a major supplier of voting equipment are now in question after a chaotic election, with a disastrous resurfaced video only heaping fuel on the fire.

Despite a flurry of fact checks from the establishment media jumping to defend Dominion Voting Systems, the world was shown years ago how easily manipulated the company’s machines are.

When the New York Times posted their 2018 expose on the faults in our election infrastructure, the nation was at the height of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

Naturally, the Times piece, “I Hacked an Election. So Can the Russians,” focused more on what foreign actors could do. To demonstrate the potential harm, computer scientist Alex Halderman rigged an informal election.

Putting up an Accuvote TSX machine (manufactured by Dominion, according to Verified Voting) at the University of Michigan, Halderman asked students which was the greater university — their school, or its rival, Ohio State.


Massive Crowds March in DC to Show Support for Trump, Demand Election Integrity
Pro-Trump Rally in Washington, DC; MAGA MARCH

Antifa, Black Lives Matter Linked to Violence Against Trump Supporters in Washington
WATCH: Antifa Accosts Women, Children, Elderly, and Restaurant-Goers After MAGA March 
Trump blasts ‘ANTIFA SCUM,’ media after violence mars MAGA marches in DC
Media shames Trump challenging election results after giving credence to Al Gore’s battle in 2000, video shows
The Whistleblowers Against Electoral Fraud are Emerging
It’s Happening: MIT Scientist Offers President Trump Proof that Computer Algorithm Likely Transferred 69,000 Votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan
Flashback: Democrats Warned of Voting Machines ‘Switching’ Votes Last Year

The Empire Strikes Back, But MAGA Will Strike Harder Never bet against Donald Trump or his supporters. By Roger Kimball arder/

I’ve written many times that I thought Donald Trump would win the 2020 election. The question always was whether he would win it beyond the margin of fraud and litigation. 

Did he? It’s touch and go. Television networks and even some foreign heads of state tell us Joe Biden won the election. The electors have yet to be appointed and meet to vote. Still, the forces arrayed against Trump are formidable. It’s not just, as Joe Biden bragged, that the Democrats had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” That does appear to have been the case. 

But if Donald Trump loses, it won’t only be because of that “extensive and inclusive” organization. Perhaps more important is the ambient jelly in which that organization has operated. I mean the eructations of the swamp, or to give it a more cinematic name, “The Empire.” 

Children in the United States are (or at least they used to be) told that in America, anyone can become president. 

Of course, that has never really been true. At any given time, there are plenty of people who, for various reasons, could never become president. But the pleasing story did name a sort of half-truth that was also an ideal, an ideal that revolved around the effort to maintain a society that rewarded talent, ambition, and hard work more than it valued wealth, connections, or pedigree. 

Donald Trump put that ideal to the test. The test failed. 

Trump was the first candidate since Andrew Jackson really to challenge the dominant narrative. Trump was rich, which is a plus for candidates these days. But he came not just from the wrong sort of family, but also from the wrong consensus, the wrong universe of opinion and sentiment. 

It was not so much his particular policies that were at issue. It was rather what he himself represented. Some people have banged on and on about Trump’s “character,” which they said was a bad character. But I do not believe that his character was ever really the issue. The issue was that he represented an existential threat to the governing consensus. 

This consensus is not fundamentally Democratic or Republican. It is not really even left-wing or conservative. John Fonte came close to identifying it with his phrase “transnational progressivism.” The “transnational” part was just as important as the “progressive” element, not least because the definition of “progressive” is always a mutable and hungry thing. Yesterday’s progressive ideas routinely become tomorrow’s reactionary throwbacks because the critical thing is not specific policies but specific attitudes. 

The US Elections: An Episode in a Cultural War by Amir Taheri

“If this election was about an attempt at ditching the American narrative, it failed. But the cultural war is far from over.”

Now, however, that narrative is challenged by a good segment of the American elite, especially in academia and media, in favor of a new narrative that replaces heroism with victimhood. In that narrative you must show that you or your ancestors have somehow suffered, granting you the status of a victim deserving empathy, apology and compensation from “the system.”

With the confederacy of minorities in mind, he [Biden] promised to protect and advance community rights, while forgetting that human rights, as spelled out in the Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, also largely an American product, are individual not collective rights.

For more than a century, America offered the world a different socio-politico-economic model, implicitly trying to make others like itself…. The classical American model remains the most attractive around the world. The irony, however, is that the model in question is being challenged inside the US itself. Rather than wanting to make others like the US, a growing segment of US establishment wants to make the US like others, notably European social democratic models.

Although we don’t yet know the denouement of last week’s election in the United States, one thing is already clear: this was an exceptional event in America’s more than 200-year-old democracy.

To start with, this was the first time that the election was not fought within the rules of the traditional two-party system. The Republican Party offered no manifesto or program, allowing the exercise to become a duel between President Donald J Trump and his opponents. That, in turn, gave the election a personal aspect never seen before. The Democratic Party did offer a program, but mostly to furnish the vacuum — a program half of which canceled the other half. The party’s presidential candidate, Joe Biden, claimed he had a secret plan to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic but mostly campaigned as anti-Trump and attracted support from diverse sectors largely on that basis.