The Statistical Case Against Biden’s Win Steve Cortes

Statistics continue to cast real doubt on the probability of a President Trump loss in the election.

The statistical case is, admittedly, circumstantial rather than conclusive.

But the numbers also firmly point to the intense improbability of the accuracy of the present Biden lead. The statistical case provides more than enough reasonable suspicion to require hand recounts and immediate investigation into fraudulent activities, including the new damning revelations of on-the-record whistleblowers.

There are four key elements to the numerical thesis:

1. Turnout 
Clearly, high turnout was expected in an intensely political year with vastly expanded access to mail-in voting. But the kinds of numbers reported simply defy reasonable expectations.

For Wisconsin overall, the turnout was above 90% of registered voters. Even in a state with same-day registration, such a number seems implausible.

After all, in Australia, a place where voting is mandatory, and failing to vote is punishable with stiff fines, the total turnout for the most recent election was still only 92%.

Even more importantly, looking within the Wisconsin vote, the decisive locale for Biden was, unsurprisingly, Milwaukee. Wisconsin’s largest city reported an 84% turnout to secure a 145,916 vote lead there for Biden.

Consider a comparison to another very similar Midwestern city, Cleveland, OH. Milwaukee has a population of 590,000, 67% of them minorities. Cleveland has 381,000 people with 60% of them minorities.

But Milwaukee’s 84% turnout dwarfs Cleveland’s more believable 51% turnout rate. Like many of the suspect statistical trends evident from last Tuesday, the abnormal factors favoring Biden seem only present in the key swing states that Biden allegedly won.
2. Outperformance vs. Obama
The breakouts higher for Biden relative to Obama’s performances in key areas simply do not seem credible.

Could a candidate as doddering and lazy as Biden really have massively outpaced the vote totals of a politician who boasted rock star appeal?

For example, consider that in key Pennsylvania counties of Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery, Biden bested the Obama election performances by factors of 1.24-1.43 times. For Montgomery County, Obama won this swing county by 59,000 votes in his 2012 re-election.

But in 2020, Biden won Montgomery County by a whopping 131,000 votes, more than twice the prior Obama margin.

Biden’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years.

Such eye-popping outperformance vs.Obama, in just the right places, naturally raises a lot of suspicion.  

The election lawsuit Trump should win by Byron York

THE ELECTION LAWSUIT TRUMP SHOULD WIN. In its effort to challenge vote counts in key states, the Trump campaign has filed lots of lawsuits that have little chance of winning. But there is one suit that it should win — not only for the Trump campaign or the 2020 election but for all elections in the future. It’s the court fight over Pennsylvania’s election rules, and it involves a fundamental issue that is important to all 50 states.

The first thing to remember is that the Constitution gives state legislatures the authority to make rules governing the conduct of elections for federal offices in their state. In October 2019, the Pennsylvania state legislature passed Act 77, which updated and revised the rules for elections in the state. For the first time ever, it allowed all Pennsylvanians to vote by mail if they chose, without requiring that they show they would be absent from their voting district on election day. Remember, this was pre-coronavirus, and Pennsylvania was moving toward greater voting by mail than in the past.

On the question of voting by mail, the legislature made one clear, unambiguous requirement: All mail-in ballots had to be received by 8 p.m. on election day. (It let stand an existing law that allowed military and overseas ballots to be received for seven days after election day.)

Then, in March of this year, after the arrival of the virus, the legislature revisited the law. It made some changes to accommodate voting in a pandemic. It re-scheduled the state’s primary election and included measures to help reduce crowding at polling places. But it left untouched the requirement that all mail-in ballots had to be received by 8 p.m. on election night.



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Ruthie Blum Israel’s president shouldn’t obfuscate the particularity of anti-Semitism

Shame on Reuven Rivlin for marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht by taking a general stand against all forms of hatred.

To mark the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin hosted a global memorial, livestreamed from his official residence in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Ahead of the event, he got together with two of his counterparts, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, and created a video in honor of the momentous occasion, which he posted on social media and promoted through his press people.

It is both curious and disconcerting that Rivlin should consider the content of the short clip worthy of highlighting. If anything, he should be ashamed of himself for taking part in a production aimed at erasing the particularity of Jew-hatred.

“Eighty-two years since Kristallnacht, and the dark shadows of the past have not disappeared from our streets,” Rivlin, Steinmeier and Van der Bellen state in the clip.

So far so good.

What follows, however, is appalling, given the occasion in question: the marking of the “Night of Broken Glass”—the Nazi pogrom against Germany’s Jews on Nov. 9-10, 1938—aptly named after the smashing of the windows of synagogues, storefronts and other Jewish establishments.

“We will stand against hatred. We will stand against racism, against anti-Semitism. We will stand together in Vienna, in Jerusalem, in Berlin,” they say, each reciting a snippet of text. “Never again means never again. Let there be light.”

Iran: Mullahs Celebrate What They Hope Will Be the Return To Their Nuclear Bomb by Majid Rafizadeh

At the beginning, U.S. President Donald J. Trump pulled the US out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, which Iran never signed and which paves the way for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

Tehran’s diminishing resources have also caused Iranian leaders to cut funds to the Palestinian terror group Hamas and the Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah. Hamas was forced to introduce “austerity plans” while Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, has also called on his group’s fundraising arm “to provide the opportunity for jihad with money and also to help with this ongoing battle.”

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has already called for restoring the nuclear deal. It could well be a loss for continuing peace in the region and for finally restoring the violated Iranian people’s hoped-for human rights.

The Iranian regime has excitingly announced former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden’s possible victory in the US presidential elections and is celebrating that the next US administration will, they hope, be from the Democrat Party.

Iranian authorities view even the chance that Biden might take over the White House as a definite win for Tehran. Hesameddin Ashena, an advisor to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, tweeted that Iranians “stood their ground bravely until that coward’s time [Donald Trump] came to leave”. Headlines in the state-controlled newspapers, which celebrated the news, included, “World without Trump!” (Aftabe Yazd newspaper), “Mr Withdrawal is Close to Being Kicked Out of White House”, “Go to Hell You Gambler!” (Sobhe Now newspaper) “Trump’s Card No Longer Valid for Media!” (Aftabe Yazd newspaper), “The Bankrupt US President Got Humiliated” (Mardom Salari newspaper), and “Trump Must Leave” (Donyaye Eghtesad newspaper).

The last three years has indeed been a nightmare for the Iranian regime and its proxies. No US administration before the current one has imposed such a draconian pressure on the mullahs, their rogue state and their allies.

Was Pfizer’s Vaccine News Slow-Walked Until After the Election? Julie Kelly

As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the globe in the spring, President Trump announced his plan to fast-track an effective vaccine that would be available by the new year.

The goal of Operation Warp Speed, launched by the White House in May, was “to produce and deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Congress appropriated $10 billion to fund the ambitious program.

The president and his team spent months touting the success of the public-private partnership. Pfizer, one of five companies selected in June as a candidate with the best chance of meeting the president’s deadline, entered into a $1.95 billion contract with the federal government in July to purchase 100 million doses. The agreement was part of Operation Warp Speed, according to a company press release.

Operation Warp Speed not only involved the use of federal tax dollars but the elimination of government roadblocks that would ordinarily delay a new vaccine’s approval. Hundreds of federal rules and regulations were relaxed to help fight COVID-19 and hasten the private sector’s progress on treatments for the virus. The government’s lengthy, burdensome immunization approval process—which lasts an average of 73 months—was slashed to 14 months. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar promised his agency would “squeeze every last inefficiency” to achieve the president’s goal.

But just like every other aspect of coronavirus, the vaccine has been a political cudgel. Democrats, including Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have fueled public distrust about the vaccine. 

Lawsuit: Poll Workers Allege Voter-Coaching, Back-Dating, Cheating Occurred in Detroit Election Centers By Victoria Taft

Although the media may have made their presidential election pronouncements for Ol’ Joe, the story isn’t over yet.

Two Detroit elections workers have signed sworn statements alleging widespread cheating, voter-coaching, and what appears to be substituting non-voters’ names for other voters.  A lawsuit has been filed demanding that all records be preserved and election certification paused while an investigation takes place.

It follows a lawsuit that was tossed out by a Michigan judge who claimed some of the evidence claiming voter fraud was hearsay.

The amended lawsuit includes whistleblower affidavits making claims that should shock the sensibilities of any patriotic American.

In one complaint, an election worker, Jessy Jacob, claimed that he was ordered to backdate ballots and “directly observed on a daily basis City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these workers and employers going over to voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote.”

A Trump Legacy That Needs To Last: He Withdrew Us From The Paris Climate Scam

It’s still unclear if Donald Trump will remain in the White House come Jan. 21, 2021. But if he doesn’t, at least he pulled America out of the United Nations’ Paris Climate Agreement. It’s an international con, far more harmful than helpful.

The day after the election, the U.S. formally withdrew from the 2015 pact that was sold to the world as a means to shut down global warming. In September 2016, when this country officially joined the agreement, President Barack Obama said it “will ultimately prove to be a turning point for our planet,” and called it an “enduring framework,” the “full implementation” of which “will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change, and pave the way for more progress in the coming years.”

Meaningless words, but a fine opportunity for virtue signaling. And a great moment for the climate alarmists who, as we’ve said before, are more interested in controlling “every aspect of our lives than they are preventing slight planetary warming.”

The timing of America’s withdrawal virtually coincided with a finding of science that showed just how hollow the agreement is. Recent research by physicists William Happer and William van Wijngaarden has “determined that the present levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor are almost completely saturated,” the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow reported in late October.

“In plain language this means that from now on our emissions from burning fossil fuels could have little or no further impact on global warming,” David Wojick, a civil engineer who has a doctorate in the philosophy of science and mathematical logic, wrote for CFACT.

This Isn’t Obama’s Middle East Biden faces new risks and opportunities, with Turkey a rising Islamist threat. By Walter Russell Mead

Even in the closing weeks of America’s presidential campaign, the grisly murder of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty made an impression. As part of a civics lesson, Mr. Paty showed his class of 13-year-olds the Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. Soon afterward, Mr. Paty was attacked and beheaded in the street. President Emmanuel Macron, whose government has been moving right on law and order as the electoral competition with Marine Le Pen of the National Rally heats up, announced a series of measures aimed at limiting what he called “Islamist separatism.”

The reaction from Muslim religious and political leaders around the world ranged from supportive (the United Arab Emirates and some imams) to perfunctory (Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) to sulfurous, with Malaysian former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad helpfully tweeting that Muslims had the right to kill “millions of French people” in retribution for French colonialism.

But the most significant reaction came from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose country is embroiled in confrontations with France in the Eastern Mediterranean. “Macron needs mental treatment,” Mr. Erdogan said, calling for a Turkish boycott against French products. “What is the problem of this person Macron with Muslims and Islam?”

Why a Biden Presidency Would be a Gift to Iran The Mullahs wait… salivating in anticipation. Joseph Klein

Unlike the Obama-Biden administration, President Trump saw right through the Iranian regime’s deceptive veneer all the way through to its malevolent core. Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran had the regime on its knees. If President Trump had been reelected, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his henchmen would have had no choice but to agree to major concessions in order to get any sanctions relief.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s claim last week that “the next US administration will surrender to the Iranian nation” no matter who won the election was empty braggadocio. Behind the scenes, the Iranian regime did its best to interfere in the U.S. election on behalf of Joe Biden. Iran’s leaders have now reaped the fruits of their efforts as they look forward to the Biden-Harris administration’s return to the Obama-Biden administration’s appeasement policies.

On Sunday, after the media projected Biden as the election winner, Rouhani proclaimed, “The next US administration has now an opportunity to make up for the past mistakes and return to the path of commitment to international undertakings by respecting the global rules.” Joe Biden will almost certainly take Rouhani’s advice to heart, falling again for the Iranian regime’s siren song.

Expect Biden to immediately set about reversing President Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran. This will mean trying quickly to lift at least some of the harsh sanctions imposed by Trump to force the Iranian regime to the negotiating table, which Trump will reportedly be adding to every week until Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021. Biden has already proposed to “streamline channels for banking and public health assistance from other countries in response to the health emergency in Iran,” as if Iran’s brutal regime could give a hoot about the health of its people.