You have perished; but, Oh! Not in vain! Through your sacrifice an ideal was maintained, a cause was saved, freedom is still a reality, the dreams of your brothers and sisters, perhaps the child who will not know you, are still possible.
We who have returned and who knew you-we are grateful From the Book “Burma” from the 435 Squadron
Not anymore.
What kind of country devalues their veterans in favour of paying off student loans and housing illegal immigrants? What kind of country provides state delivered death to veterans as a way of taking care of them?
We have devolved.
Veterans, the men and women, who fought for freedom are not even second class in Canada and America.
How did we get to a place where military and political leaders prioritize sexuality over bravery and merit? Why does Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau spend time and money placing tampons and sanitary napkin dispensers in military men’s rooms?
Thirty days to celebrate being gay! Wow. What an accomplishment!
One day to celebrate our veterans.
Says it all.
WWII was the greatest exhibit of courage and bravery after the horrific trench wars and devastation of WWI.