The anti-Trump group made up of former point men for losing GOP candidates and their Tokyo Rose at The Washington Post is predicting a second term for President Trump. It’s an astonishing prediction from the group.
Despite their latest ad depicting President Trump as evil despot Fidel Castro and showing grisly political assassinations in an ad directed at Cuban-Americans in Florida, in another ad “The Lincoln Project” predicts a Trump win next week.
In the ad, a mom tiptoes into her young son’s bedroom to wake him and give him the election results.
“Who won?” asks the sleepy child.
“Trump. Trump won,” says mom.
“I thought you could only be president two times,” says the child, whose eyes begin to open and focus on the face of his concerned mother.
“Not anymore,” whispers mom.
See? The group calls the election for Trump next week. Can’t have a third term without second.