“Perhaps once there was a possibility of civil intercourse with those on the Left but no longer, not with the crazies in full command of what laughably sees itself as the ‘progressive’ side of politics. Gender-confused men competing against women, renewables rorters as prophets of green salvation, foes of free speech — there can be no common ground with that lot.”
I briefly caught the Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey being interviewed on Fox News the other day. Heard him say that whoever won the election he hoped Americans would come together. He seemed from the brief bit I saw to be much less radically progressive than his peers. But he’s obviously a dreamer. There is no coming together. There is no possible rapprochement between the loonies that now occupy the political Left and sensible people. As a sensible person myself, or so I like to think, let me make my position crystal clear by way of illustrations.
Last week on the Alan Jones Show, Mark Latham revealed instructional videos teaching teachers in NSW how to corrupt the minds of schoolchildren by teaching them that their sexual identity is a “social construct.” Hey, your willies or vaginas are just in your minds, don’t you know? Moreover, disgustingly, teachers are being advised to keep any expressed gender confusion among little Bills and Jills — and why wouldn’t they be confused attending school these days — under wraps from their parents, lest those old fogies don’t understand.
I have nothing in common with people who perpetrate or support this kind of child abuse and I have no intention of ever giving them the time of day. Where to go now? There are so many examples. Let’s go to the really inane, to rich American footballer Colin Kaepernick and his latest delusional call for the abolition of police forces and prisons: “Another world is possible, a world grounded in love, justice, and accountability, a world grounded in safety and good health, a world grounded in meeting the needs of people. Abolition now.”
It is hard to know where to start in commenting on this utopian tripe. Luckily, I don’t have to, the wonderfully sensible and articulate Heather Mac Donald did it on the Tucker Carlson Show. I will pick out just a few phrases but you should, let me reiterate should, watch the whole 4½ minute clip. She is wonderfully direct and uncompromising. Male conservative commentators could learn a thing or two.