Ten Lessons from a Tumultuous 2020 By Steve McCann


“The Democrat party is now the fully owned subsidiary of the Marxist/socialist American left.  While the party hierarchy clings to the façade of moderation by trotting out the old faces from a bygone era, such as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, the party is now the vehicle to radically transform the nation into a hybrid Marxist/socialist state by any means either illegal or unethical.  It is also an entity that does not care about the poor, working class, or marginalized groups enough to place their interests above a political agenda.”

This year has been not only stunning but eye-opening.  The list of what we as a nation have learned about ourselves is not limited to the political arena but includes the scientific and medical communities as well as modern-day American society.  Among the most notable lessons are the following.

The Chinese Coronavirus pandemic has revealed that virtually all Democrat elected state and local government officials are fully capable of doing the unthinkable: creating a de facto police state.  They have issued orders and edicts or convey preferences with no legal authority and with little consideration of the human cost while callously disregarding individual rights.  Further, they have relentlessly fostered unfounded fear among their citizens as well as deliberately prolonged their economic hardships by enforcing lockdowns for no sound medical purpose, solely to defeat Donald Trump in November.

What is at stake in this election? Freedom, liberty, justice, law and order By Patricia McCarthy


Despite their obvious contempt for the restrictions the Constitution places on government, the Democrats are not above citing it constantly as if it means something to them, as they are during the Barrett hearings.  Their sad candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris, pretend to revere it but if they win, they will set about undermining it, as Barack Obama certainly did, to the point of tearing it to shreds.  

The genius of the Constitution is, first and foremost, its reverence for individual freedom, liberty and justice for all and, the basis of any civil society, law and order.  In the presidential debate with President Trump, Biden refused to utter the words “law and order.”  Throughout the summer months that saw numerous cities destroyed by rioting, looting, and arson, neither he nor Harris condemned the destructive violence.  It will take years and years and billions of dollars for Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, and other cities to recover — if that is even possible.

Harris not only approved of these “peaceful protests,” she encouraged them by vowing they would not end before nor after the election.  She raises money to bail out the violent thugs who perpetrated the barbarity.  Once free, some of them have gone on to commit further crimes, even murder in a couple of cases.  As everyone knows, most of the rioting has been committed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both groups financed by a variety of shadowy groups that embrace Marxism/communism.  Members of these two groups are recruited, trained, supplied with the necessary gear for rioting and transported to every flashpoint on a moment’s notice, put up in nice hotels and sent out to do as much damage as possible.  They mean to destroy America as founded.

Will All The Name-Brand People Who Pushed The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Get Off Scot-Free?By Drew Holden


The Russian collusion hoax has fallen apart more every day. And we haven’t heard a word of comment from any of the people responsible for pushing it and helping fracture this country.

A year ago, the story dominating headlines was the allegation that President Donald Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. The idea of impeaching President Trump due to these allegations was gathering steam, with accusations from elected officials and beyond that the president of the United States was a Russian puppet, a Manchurian candidate installed by Vladimir Putin, and even an agent of a hostile foreign power for the last 30 years.

You don’t need to be a fan of Trump to be outraged about the Russian collusion conspiracy. But it’s a mark against your patriotism, your judgement, or your intellect if you aren’t. Beyond just being perhaps the most defining political scandal of our time, the hoax gets under my skin because I fell for it. And I’m enormously angry for having been duped.

Now that this narrative has been proven false and possibly influenced by actual Russian disinformation, it is time to revisit how it was created and dominated U.S. politics for so long, as well as demand justice for its perpetrators.

Cuomo Memoir Blames Republicans, Right-Wing Media for Nursing Home Coronavirus Controversy By Zachary Evans


New York governor Andrew Cuomo in his new memoir blames conservatives and right-wing media for the controversy over coronavirus outbreaks in the state’s nursing homes.

Around 6,700 nursing home residents in New York were known to have died of COVID-19. However, if a nursing home resident dies in a hospital, the state does not record that casualty as a “nursing home” death.

This has led to speculation that coronavirus deaths among New York nursing home residents is higher than reported. A June analysis by the Empire Center, an Albany-based think tank, found that it was more likely that 10,000 nursing home residents had died of COVID-19 up to that time.

Critics have charged that New York’s outbreak was worsened by a March 25 executive order, signed by Governor Cuomo and approved by New York health commissioner Howard Zucker, requiring nursing homes to readmit residents even if they were infected with coronavirus. Cuomo has repeatedly dismissed concerns about the executive order.

The Fragments of a Civilization By Victor Davis Hanson *****


Government crimes and coverups, a corrupt media, a candidate hiding and lying to the public, and plans to undo the foundations of the republic.P iece by piece, our civilization is beginning to disassemble. And the agents of fragmentation are as obvious as the efforts to conceal them are frantic.

In nonchalant fashion, we learned last week from newly released government documents that Hillary Clinton’s campaign team cooked up the Trump-Russia collusion hoax as a way of diverting attention from her own ongoing embarrassing email scandals.

Clinton, through three firewalls, paid foreign ex-spy Christopher Steele to create a bogus smear-Trump dossier. Steele, who had no data on, or information about any such collusion, apparently drew largely on fabrications dreamed up by a former Russian spy working at the liberal Brookings Institution. The convoluted conspiracy baffled even the sneaky Russians, who were confused when they got wind of it — possibly through the direct participation of one of their own assets.

Did we then spend millions of dollars on Robert Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation, a wild goose chase consuming millions of collective media hours hyping fantasies, and paralyzing an administration for three years — all for Hillary Clinton’s machinations, the apparent true and only Russian colluder?

John Brennan’s CIA intercepted Russian concerns over such a ruse. He even briefed President Obama on the Clinton caper. Yet the U.S. investigatory and judicial branches did not stop Clinton’s efforts to subvert a rival’s campaign. Indeed, many of the highest officials of the Obama administration shortly joined her efforts to seed the fraudulent Steele dossier throughout the Obama government and thus into the media as well — their efforts peaking in timely fashion right before the November 2016 election.

Translate all that, and the evidence grows that Hillary Clinton, in felonious fashion, paid for the Steele dossier to subvert an election and, after the election, to destroy a presidential transition and indeed a presidency itself — government efforts that historians one day will assess as the most intense effort on record to destroy a U.S. president.


Republicans running for Senate are  in competitive races. Though almost  all of the competitive races are Republicans representing Republican held seats, Democrats have raised far  more money than the Republicans  in virtually every one of these races. In some races , local media advertising is less expensive, so your dollars could go further- Iowa, Montana, Kansas, Alaska, Maine. The closest races are Iowa, Maine, Montana, South Carolina, Georgia (Perdue seat) , and Michigan. Kansas and Alaska are tougher to judge state of the race since there is infrequent polling. North Carolina seems to be tightening due to the Democratic candidate’s extra curricular activities. 

So here are the links, and a brief state of the race for each:
Pickup chances:

Alabama: Tommy Tuberville holds a lead of just over 5 points versus Democratic Senator  Doug Jones. This is one of two races where Republicans could pick up a seat. 


Michigan: John James, an African American war veteran,  has pulled into a near tie with Democratic Senator Ralph Peters. This is one of the few recent bright spots in GOP polling. This is one of two races where Republicans could pick up a seat.https://johnjamesforsenate.com

Republicans defending seats:

Texas: Senior John Cornyn is ahead in  polls, by a bit more than 5%. 


Arizona: Senator Martha McSally is trailing in polls by a bit over 5%:


Georgia: Senator David Perdue has a small lead in polls- 2-3 point against Jon Ossoff:


Georgia has a second Senate race this year to complete the term of Johnny Isaacson. Appointed Senator Kelly Loeffler and Congressman Doug Collins are in the jungle primary on election day against several Democrats, with one of them,  Raphael Warnock, the principal competition. If no-one gets 50% on November 3 (likely), then the top two will have a runoff in January, with one of the two Republicans against Warnock. Generally, Republicans do well in special elections in the state, but if control of the Senate were at stake, turnout could be higher than usual, and result is uncertain.

 https://kellyforsenate.com         https://www.dougforgeorgia.com

Montana:  Senator Steve Daines is in a very close race with Governor Steve Bullock, maybe a 1-2 point lead. 


Maine: Senator Suan Collins is slightly behind (2-3 points) versus Sara Gideon


North Carolina: Senator Tom Tillis is a few points behind  Cal Cunningham, who seems to be an active serial philanderer. 


Iowa: Senator Joni Ernst is slightly behind  (2-3 points) Theresa Greenfield


South Carolina: Senior Lindsay Graham is in a very close race against Democrat Jaime Harrison. Graham may have a very small lead but Harrison has set fundraising records for a Senate race.


Colorado: Senator Corey Gardner is trailing against former Governor John Hickenlooper by over 5 points.


Kansas: Roger Marshall is the Republican coveting in an open seat race for a currently GOP held seat (Pat Roberts).  He has a small lead (less than 5 points) over Democrat Barbara Bollier in this infrequently polled race.

 . https://kansansformarshall.com

Alaska: Senator Dan Sullivan, has a small lead of 5 points or less over Democrat/Independent Al Gross  in this infrequently polled state. Democrats have started spending heavily this race, suggesting they chink seat can be flipped.. https://secure.winred.com/alaskans-for-dan-sullivan/ad?utm_source=AD&utm_medium=





Time to end this culture of impunity No wonder anti-Israel activists plot ever more brazen outrages Melanie Phillips


Anti-israel “hacktivists” create propaganda on vandalised bus

In the Middle East, with hitherto unimaginable overtures of peace and reconciliation being made towards Israel by certain Gulf states, there are hopes of a potentially momentous change for the better in the century-old Arab war of extermination against the national homeland of the Jewish people.

Clearly, however, those in the west still committed to Israel’s extermination haven’t got the memo. Indeed, they are now ramping up their hate-mongering activities to ever more alarming levels.

Last Saturday, five people were arrested for criminal damage and assaulting the police after Palestine Action protesters threw red paint at the London office of Elbit, the Israeli defence electronics company which helps equip Britain’s armed forces.

In recent months, Elbit has become the cause du jour for Israel-bashers. Huda Ammori, a prominent member of Palestine Action, said it was “up to the people to take direct action to shut Elbit down for good.” The group, which was launched earlier this year, said it had targeted Elbit sites across the country “over a dozen times”.

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’-Henna Maria


This is one of the most important posts I have ever made, so please read it. I have written a transcript of some highlights from Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson’s recent and extremely pressing video message, which was translated from German into English by Claudia Stauber.

Original video by Griesz-Brisson 

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about facemasks and their effects on our brains: 

“The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. 

The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system. 

However, when you have chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the under-supply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress. 

Scott Atlas blasts critics of Trump’s comeback rally ‘I don’t even know what the controversy is about’ Amber Athey


Dr Scott Atlas, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, is slamming critics who deemed President Trump’s comeback rally in Florida unsafe, alleging that they have an ‘agenda’ separate from health concerns.

Atlas, who is also a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, told The Spectator in an interview Tuesday that the President met the standard of care necessary to be cleared for public events. According to the Center for Disease Control, individuals who have COVID-19 may be around others if it has been 10 days since their symptoms first appeared and if they have gone 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medication. However, various media outlets criticized the fact that the mask-less president had not yet tested negative for the virus when he scheduled the rally.

‘He meets that [CDC] definition,’ Atlas told The Spectator. ‘I don’t even know what the controversy is about him being outside, doing his job. I mean, he’s like all other Americans. He knows he has to go to work. And he’s not infectious. He’s not contagious.’

The incredible vanishing World Health Organization


‘Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer’

The lockdown is dead…long live the lockdown?

In an interview last Thursday on Spectator TV, WHO special envoy David Nabarro warned seven months too late that the ubiquitous global response to the coronavirus pandemic might be a bit of an oopsie-daisy:

‘We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,’ Nabarro said. ‘Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer… It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.’

Now, there was nothing astonishing about Dr Nabarro’s claims. It’s been obvious since April, when Sweden’s outbreak crested, that lockdowns are not necessary to manage the coronavirus danger. And it’s been obvious since the US lost 6.6 million jobs in one week that lockdowns are an elaborate form of economic suicide. In fact, it was obvious before a single lockdown was ordered. Only a government bureaucrat with six weeks of paid vacation and a salary set by statute could believe that the economy can simply be turned off and on with no consequences.

So it wasn’t Nabarro’s words that were remarkable. What was remarkable was that they were coming from the World Health Organization. It was so remarkable, in fact, that Cockburn suffered a crisis of confidence. WHO’s track record on predictions is so abysmal that you could build a tidy fortune asking it to pick football results and then betting the opposite way. The same organization which suggested the coronavirus couldn’t spread person-to-person, which attacked travel bans as bigoted and which doubted the existence of Taiwan, now suddenly says that lockdowns are bad policy? That’s the best argument possible in favor of lockdowns being excellent policy.