The myth of the ‘stolen country’ – What should the Europeans have done with the New World? Jeff Funn-Paul

Last month, in the middle of the COVID panic, a group of freshmen at the University of Connecticut were welcomed to their campus via a series of online ‘events’. At one event, students were directed to download an app for their phones. The app allowed students to input their home address, and it would piously inform them from which group of Native Americans their home had been ‘stolen’.

​We all know the interpretation of history on which this app is based. The United States was founded by a monumental act of genocide, accompanied by larceny on the grandest scale. Animated by racism and a sense of civilizational superiority, Columbus and his ilk sailed to the New World. They exterminated whomever they could, enslaved the rest, and intentionally spread smallpox in hopes of solving the ‘native question’. Soon afterwards, they began importing slave labor from Africa. They then built the world’s richest country out of a combination of stolen land, wanton environmental destruction and African slave labor. To crown it all, they have the audacity to call themselves a great country and pretend to moral superiority.

​This ‘stolen country’ paradigm has spread like wildfire throughout the British diaspora in recent years. The BBC recently ran a piece on the 400th anniversary of the Plymouth landings, whose author took obvious delight in portraying the Pilgrim Fathers as native-mutilating slave drivers. In Canada, in the greater Toronto school district, students are read a statement of apology, acknowledging European guilt for the appropriation of First Nations lands, before the national anthem is played over the PA system every morning.

​As a professional historian, I am keenly aware of the need to challenge smug, feel-good interpretations of history. I understand that nationalism and civilizational pride carry obvious dangers which were made manifest by the world wars of the 20th century. And I understand that these things can serve as subtle tools not only of racism but of exploitation of many stripes, and as justification for a status quo which gets in the way of meritocracy and fairness.

Serbia and Israel: The triumphs and tragedies of two nations The failure to withstand supremacist Islam is dhimmitude or death By Victor Sharpe see note please

The President of Kosovo is  Hashim Thaci who was  indicted in late June for war crimes and crimes against humanity by a special tribunal investigating the 1998-1999 conflict with Serbia. When Thaci was Prime Minister of Kosovo,he was accused of being the “boss” of a “network of unlawful activity,” which included prisoner abuse and organ harvesting. rsk

Serbia’s troubles with Kosovo parallel Israel’s problems with the terrorist Palestinian Authority. It is very fitting that Serbia and Israel should have political, economic and cultural ties as the similarities between each of the embattled nations are considerable and significant in historical terms. Like the ancient Land of Israel and the modern Jewish state of Israel, Serbia has a magnificent yet tragic history. Both peoples have suffered from Islamic threats, aggression and an uncaring and, too often, hostile world as during World War 2.

In the 14th century, the Byzantine Empire began to crumble, finally falling to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. But in 1389, the Ottoman Turkish sultan, Murad, had begun to lead his Muslim horde against the armies of the Serbian Christian prince Lazar.

Prince Lazar had already been active in resisting increasing Muslim raids against Christian lands in the Balkans and the place chosen to make a stand against the Turks was at Kosovo Polje (the Field of Blackbirds) – the heartland of the Serbian nation. It was in June, 1389, on St. Vitus Day, (Vidovdan), that the rival forces met. The battle began at first with Serbian successes and the great Serbian hero, Milos Obilic, killed the Muslim sultan, Murad. For a while the Turks were in disarray but they managed to recover and by sheer weight of numbers ground down and finally defeated the Serbian army.

Thus began 500 years of Christian suffering under the Muslim yoke

It was not a mere military defeat but the end of Serbian independence. But worse still, the Serbian heartland of Kosovo was lost. For the Serbian people, the blood shed at the Battle of Kosovo in the Field of Blackbirds marks Kosovo as eternally Serbian.

The Taboo On Reporting The Race Of Criminal Suspects Francis Menton

When you read something, you generally notice the things that the writer explicitly mentions, while you rarely take note of what the writer omits. So at first it’s easy to skip over the omission, in nearly all reporting about violent crime in the United States, of the information about the race of the perpetrator or suspect. Still, if you read enough about this subject of violent crime, at some point you just can’t help noticing this universal omission. Indeed, should you once start to look for information on the race of criminals or suspected criminals, you will quickly realize that something weird is going on.

Is it appropriate that this subject of race of perpetrators almost never gets mentioned? Perhaps there is some legitimate concern about not wanting to potentially tar all members of a race with the suspected bad conduct of a relative few. But that concern would not explain the extremes to which the suppression of this information gets carried. Even when the race of the perpetrator is known and could be helpful to the public in potentially assisting the police in identifying a suspect, you won’t find the information in a media report of the crime. Clearly there is a powerful taboo at work. Maybe it’s a rule officially prescribed and enforced by media higher-ups; or perhaps it’s one of those unspoken orthodoxies that reporters must follow in order to avoid being “canceled” by their erstwhile friends and colleagues.

This subject turns out to be important. The reason it is important is that the general suppression of information about the race of suspects enables narratives to arise that run directly contrary to facts, but the facts have been so effectively suppressed that no one knows them. The obvious narrative at issue here is the narrative that police across America unfairly target young black males in enforcement of the criminal laws.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s trainer does push-ups in front of her coffin at the Capitol by Courtney Pomeroy

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the first woman to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol Friday. She may also be the only person to lie in state who has had a mourner do calisthenics in front of their casket.

Bryant Johnson, Ginsburg’s longtime trainer, dropped and gave the Justice a quick trio of push-ups when it was his turn to approach the flag-draped coffin shortly after 10:30 a.m.

Nancy Pelosi still doesn’t think Biden should debate Trump David Moye

The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is set for Tuesday, but Rep. Nancy Pelosi still wishes it wasn’t happening.

The House Speaker said last month that she didn’t think there should be presidential debates this year since the president will “probably act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency.”

She doubled down Friday in an interview with CBS This Morning but emphasized that it’s not because she feared Biden might not do well.

It’s “not that I don’t think [Biden] will be excellent, but I just think the president has no fidelity to fact or truth,” Pelosi said. “And, actually, in his comments the last few days, no fidelity to the Constitution of the United States.”

Pelosi added that comments by Trump “and his henchmen” suggest he won’t accept the election results if he loses, which poses “a danger to our democracy.”

“Why bother?” Pelosi asked. “He doesn’t tell the truth. He isn’t committed to our Constitution.”

Interviewer Gayle King suggested that Pelosi’s use of the word “henchmen” is as insulting as Trump calling her “crazy.”

Pelosi’s response? Bring it on!

“Every knock from him is a boost for me,” she said. “If he wants to help me raise money, he can keep knocking me.”

You can watch the complete interview below. Pelosi’s comments about the debate start around the six-minute mark.

Trump’s New C19 Advisor Cites Research Showing Widespread Immunity! Calls out CDC Head Redfield’s False Testimony to Stunned Press

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to watch a physicist try to explain quantum mechanics to a room full of delinquent kindergartners, we finally have a pretty good idea.

Most of our readers probably already know that Trump appointed Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford University’s prestigious Hoover Institution to his COVID-19 task force last month.

As I noted when the good news broke:

Dr. Atlas is one of the thousands of medical experts the Democrats and their media enablers don’t want you to know about who’ve been trying to put the breaks on the suicidal, anti-science response to COVID-19 they’ve conned us into following.

Way back in April, Dr. Atlas tried to save America from the deadly quack medicine we were convinced to guzzle down like a junkie who’s stumbled on a gallon jug of cough syrup in an op-ed titled:

The Data Is in — Stop the Panic and End the Total Isolation.

He explained five facts that were already apparent a month after lockdowns started and some of which should have prevented anyone from ever even suggesting the heretofore unheard-of lunacy.

The Arson Party By Kevin D. Williamson


“What evidence do we have that the Democrats will abide peaceably if they lose? Portland? Seattle? St. Louis? Washington? “Never concede”? Why are we talking about peace and order in November rather than peace and order right here and right now?”

A bout that peaceful transfer of power . . .

Ah, but Republicans, of all people, must affirm their peaceable intent. Anybody remember a bunch of guys in short-sleeved white button-down shirts and ties from Jos A. Banks raising hell in Provo when Mitt Romney lost? Of course you don’t — it didn’t happen. The only time National Review subscribers have ever been close to rioting was when the ship’s bar temporarily ran out of Glenmorangie on one particularly thirsty post-election cruise.

Republicans are always right on the edge of political violence, or so we are told — by people who refuse to acknowledge that Democrats have gone over that edge. Democrats can shoot, loot, and burn all day, and it’s a “mostly peaceful protest.” During the 2000 Florida recount, some Republicans did the very un-Republican thing of staging a protest — not a “mostly peaceful” protest but an actual, honest-to-goodness peaceful one. What did the Democrats call it? “The Brooks Brothers riot.”

Joe Biden’s China Dilemma: “Save the Planet” or Protect Taiwan? By Rupert Darwall

Is climate change an existential threat, one that overrides all other challenges? Or does an expansionist China pose a grave and growing danger to the strategic interests of the U.S.? Two questions with only one “Yes.” President Trump makes no secret of his views on China. He was one of the first public figures to realize China as an economic threat. He denounces the decision to admit China to the World Trade Organization (WTO), seeing it as a disaster for America, and especially for American workers. And it is not hard to guess where Trump resides on the continuum from climate-change-as-hoax to climate-change-as-existential threat.

By contrast, Joe Biden supported China’s accession to the WTO and has placed all his chips on the opposite end of the climate spectrum from Trump. Campaigning for the Democratic nomination, Biden tweeted his belief that climate change poses an existential threat. Since then, he has committed to implementing the most draconian greenhouse-emissions cuts ever proposed by a serious candidate for the presidency.

Global warming is, well, global. There is no point in cutting America’s carbon dioxide emissions unless the rest of the world follows suit. During his first year in the White House, Barack Obama attempted to get China to sign a treaty that included emissions targets. It ended in the fiasco of the Copenhagen climate conference in December 2009. The lesson Obama took away from Copenhagen was that Beijing held the keys to a new global climate compact. To justify the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan to sharply cut power generation emissions, there had to be a realistic prospect of a new UN climate treaty—and that meant being friendly to Beijing.

Woke Science Is an Experiment Certain to Fail Advancing knowledge, not imposing diversity, should be the goal of federal research funding.By Heather Mac Donald

President Trump has ordered an end to training on “white privilege” and “critical race theory” in the federal bureaucracy. The directive is a good first step toward removing identity politics from federal operations. Next up should be the millions of taxpayer dollars devoted annually to cultivating race- and sex-based grievance in the sciences. The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all embraced the idea that science is pervaded by systemic bias that handicaps minorities and women. Those agencies have taken on the job of extirpating such inequity on the theory that scientific advancement depends on a “diverse” scientific workforce.

Earlier this year the NIH announced a new round of “Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research.” Academic science labs could get additional federal money if they hire “diverse” researchers; no mention was made of relevant scientific qualifications. This latest grant solicitation expanded the agency’s social-justice agenda into novel territory. Besides the usual preferences for blacks, Hispanics and women, the NIH would fund student researchers who were or had been homeless, who were or had been in foster care, who had been eligible for free school lunches, or who had received WIC payments (a food program for low-income mothers) as a child or mother.

The federal science agencies have absorbed the vocabulary of academic victimology—from “intersectionality” to “heteronormativity” and “stereotype threat.” Intersectionality holds that people who can check off more than one victimhood box are particularly burdened by American bigotry. Science labs angling for the latest NIH diversity supplements will increase their chances of federal funding by hiring a woman who is also an underrepresented minority, disabled or from a “disadvantaged background.”

The National Science Foundation is currently doling out $29 million through its “Advance” program. Advance seeks to use “intersectional approaches in the design of systemic change strategies” to combat bias in the STEM fields. Successful applications will recognize that “gender, race and ethnicity do not exist in isolation from each other and from other categories of social identity.” The NSF funders are particularly concerned about policies that “do not mitigate implicit bias in hiring, tenure, and promotion” and that lead to “women and racial and ethnic minorities being evaluated less favorably.”

Revealed: The Shocking Full Extent of Big Tech Censorship of Conservatives Pamela Geller

Allum Bokhari, the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News, has performed an extraordinarily valuable service by giving us his new book #Deleted: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election. While the social media giants’ efforts to suppress all dissent from their far-left, anti-American agenda have been going on for years, few people are aware of the full depth and breadth of this sinister initiative, or of how it is much more than just a bias toward the left, but a carefully planned and coordinated endeavor that, if left unchecked, will do nothing less than relegate our First Amendment right of freedom of speech to the dustbin of history.

In #Deleted, Allum Bokhari tells the whole shocking story. For those who don’t realize the implications of what is going on, he includes a Prologue entitled “The Typewriter That Talked Back” that is as amusing as it is disturbing, and that makes abundantly clear even to the most technically challenged among us what is really happening to our foremost and most important freedom, right under our noses. Bokhari paints a vivid picture of a 1968 in which a typewriter refuses to type, typing instead its own message: “We regret to inform you that your last letter violated our terms of service (Rule 32: Abusive & Offensive Content). We have suspended access to your typewriter for 24 hours.” Newsstands remove from sale magazines that third-party “fact-checkers” have deemed to be “fake news.” The Post Office returns your mail because you told a joke in a letter that a censor found offensive.

It’s all funny until you realize that all this is exactly what email providers and big tech censors are doing to Americans today, every day on the Internet. In the pre-Internet world of 1968, it would have been preposterous. Americans would not have accepted it. But it has all happened gradually, as we gave away our freedom by clicking our agreement to dense and unreadable Terms of Service that turned over our right to say what we believe to shadowy, anonymous guardians of acceptable opinion. Most Americans today are only dimly aware, at best, that it is happening at all, and those that are approach it with grim resignation. After all, what are you going to do? Start your own Facebook?