The President of Kosovo is Hashim Thaci who was indicted in late June for war crimes and crimes against humanity by a special tribunal investigating the 1998-1999 conflict with Serbia. When Thaci was Prime Minister of Kosovo,he was accused of being the “boss” of a “network of unlawful activity,” which included prisoner abuse and organ harvesting. rsk
Serbia’s troubles with Kosovo parallel Israel’s problems with the terrorist Palestinian Authority. It is very fitting that Serbia and Israel should have political, economic and cultural ties as the similarities between each of the embattled nations are considerable and significant in historical terms. Like the ancient Land of Israel and the modern Jewish state of Israel, Serbia has a magnificent yet tragic history. Both peoples have suffered from Islamic threats, aggression and an uncaring and, too often, hostile world as during World War 2.
In the 14th century, the Byzantine Empire began to crumble, finally falling to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. But in 1389, the Ottoman Turkish sultan, Murad, had begun to lead his Muslim horde against the armies of the Serbian Christian prince Lazar.
Prince Lazar had already been active in resisting increasing Muslim raids against Christian lands in the Balkans and the place chosen to make a stand against the Turks was at Kosovo Polje (the Field of Blackbirds) – the heartland of the Serbian nation. It was in June, 1389, on St. Vitus Day, (Vidovdan), that the rival forces met. The battle began at first with Serbian successes and the great Serbian hero, Milos Obilic, killed the Muslim sultan, Murad. For a while the Turks were in disarray but they managed to recover and by sheer weight of numbers ground down and finally defeated the Serbian army.
Thus began 500 years of Christian suffering under the Muslim yoke
It was not a mere military defeat but the end of Serbian independence. But worse still, the Serbian heartland of Kosovo was lost. For the Serbian people, the blood shed at the Battle of Kosovo in the Field of Blackbirds marks Kosovo as eternally Serbian.