On the eve of the Republican convention, more than two dozen former GOP lawmakers endorsed Joe Biden for president. Trump Derangement Syndrome is spreading faster than COVID-19.
Retired Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake makes his case for supporting Biden by claiming Trump “is not conservative,” that Biden “will approach his constitutional role with the reverence and dignity it deserves” and “reach across the aisle.”
This is the same argument John Kasich, a former congressman and Ohio governor, made at the Democratic National Convention, when he reassured the public that Biden is “respectful” and won’t “turn sharp left” when he gets in office.
None of this makes any sense, yet a growing number of Republicans are buying into it.
First, how do these Republicans know Biden will “reach across the aisle”? They don’t. Their gullibility and naivete are a wonder to behold.
The truth is, there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe Biden would stay in the center.
A Biden win will surely bring with it a Democratic-controlled House and Senate. We already know what will happen next, since it’s happened before. After Bill Clinton ran as a moderate, he immediately veered left upon taking office, raised taxes he’d promised to cut and tried to impose HillaryCare on the nation.
After Barack Obama wooed Republicans with his calm demeanor, his seemingly sensible positions, and the sharp crease in his pants, he spent the first two years imposing ObamaCare and the economy-crushing Dodd-Frank on the nation.