Indoctrination versus education; or a disgraceful school district versus a wise teacher By Andrea Widburg

A California school district teaches its students LGBTQ+ ideology, racism, and antisemitism, while a teacher helps a smart student learn how to think.

For 250 years, education in America meant reading, writing, and arithmetic, along with peripheral subjects such as the Bible (in early America), history, civics, and science. During those years, with a mostly literate, numerate population, we were a stunningly successful nation. Now, in leftist-controlled school districts across America, reading, writing, and arithmetic have been supplanted entirely by leftist values, such as LGBTQ+ ideology, racism, and antisemitism. It’s Maoism, with ideology supplanting reason. Two items on the internet today highlight the difference.

On the Maoist front, the Daily Mail reports that an elementary school in Hayward, California, part of the San Francisco Bay Area, using federal taxpayer funds, has shifted its entire focus from education to indoctrination. The outcome for the children is tragic:

A Bay Area Elementary School has spent $250,000 on a ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program only to see its student’s literacy and numeracy rates plunge.

The ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program states its mission as an ‘abolitionist early learning ecosystem’ that trains teachers to uproot white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression which are barriers to learning.

After spending the federal money on the program Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward saw numeracy among its 474 students fall to a new low of just 4 percent and literacy just 12 percent.

The scores, recorded last Spring two years into Woke Kindergarten’s three-year contract, represent a 4 percentage decline in each category.

The school also remains on the state’s lowest-performing level on the Comprehensive School Improvement list and has a lower rate of attendance than before the program was introduced.

If you go to the linked article, you’ll see that the program focused on such hard-left topics as defunding Israel to “rebuild Palestine,” abolishing the police, and supporting so-called transgenderism. In addition, a third-grade teacher has been encouraging kids to “disrupt whiteness” and to imagine America’s and Israel’s annihilation.

Hell Must Be Empty By J.B. Shurk

In New York City, the bad guys have long understood an unwritten rule: you don’t hit a cop.  In the past, doing so put you at the top of the NYPD’s to-do list and ensured that you would not be free on the streets for long.  When 30,000 officers are tasked with securing a metropolis of nine million residents, the impenetrability of the “thin blue line” is a matter of life and death.  When video emerged of a group of illegal aliens wrestling two cops to the ground near Times Square and beating them with fists and feet, that thin blue line got thinner.  When news broke that the offenders were released without bail and that a left-wing “charity” had likely given them a free ride to California, the blue line all but disappeared.  

By looking the other way as criminal invaders attack the people charged with protecting the city, NYC mayor Eric Adams and district attorney Alvin Bragg not only betray their duties to those who risk their lives every day for others’ safety, but also prove their complicity with those who wage war against citizens of the United States.  Before he disappeared without a care in the world, one of the foreign nationals apprehended for the attack left Manhattan Criminal Court with two middle fingers extended into the air and a broad smile across his face.  It was an “F you” to all Americans from a man who should never have been allowed to illegally enter the United States in the first place.  At the same time, it sure felt as if Adams, Bragg, Biden, Mayorkas, and all the other open-borders advocates and politicians were really the ones flipping off desperate American citizens whose decades-long pleas for secure borders have been entirely ignored.  

Ever since Obama’s presidency, Democrats have demonized police officers and lionized criminals.  They lied about “hands up, don’t shoot”; maligned cops as Klan members with badges; and instigated race riots throughout the country.  They excused criminal behavior, cut bail requirements, reduced felonies to misdemeanors, and celebrated unethical prosecutors who have used their powers to lock up police officers for spurious charges while treating violent crime as some kind of race-based civil right.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder (the corrupt attorney general who regularly abused the law to protect friends and target political enemies) set the country down a dangerous path, where criminal gangs are psychologically empowered to target law enforcement officers for assassination and municipal politicians are so desperate to prove their soft-on-crime bona fides that they release violent criminals from jail in order to make room for unjustly indicted cops. 

UNRWA Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize amid Investigation into Staffers’ Hamas Links By Haley Strack

An Norwegian parliamentary official said that he nominated the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the Nobel Peace Prize this week, after Israeli intelligence alleged that UNRWA employees participated in Hamas’s October 7 attack against Israel.

At least twelve UNRWA staffers participated in the attack, an Israeli intelligence dossier revealed last week, and 1,200 of UNRWA’s 12,000 staffers in Gaza have ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Several countries, including the U.S., have since suspended funding for UNRWA.

Labour MP Asmund Aukrust said he nominated UNRWA “for its long-term work to provide vital support to Palestine and the region in general,” and added that “this work has been crucial for over 70 years, and even more vital in the last three months.”

Qualified officials select hundreds of individuals to nominate for the Noble Peace Prize annually. The Norwegian Noble Committee will announce the Nobel Peace Prize laureate in October, an award that should go to the individual “who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses,” Swedish industrialist and Nobel-prize founder Alfred Nobel wrote in his will.

UNRWA has made desperate pleas to the international community to regain its funding since Israel revealed U.N. employees’ links to Hamas. A spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said last week that UNRWA funding is slated to run out by the end of February.

Supreme Court Allows West Point’s Race-Conscious Admissions Policy to Continue for Now By Brittany Bernstein

The Supreme Court will allow West Point to continue considering race as part of its admissions decisions as a lawsuit over the policy plays out.

On Friday, the Court rejected an emergency appeal that sought to axe the inclusion of race-conscious admissions as the military academy makes admissions decisions for its Class of 2028.

The unsigned order said the decision “should not be construed as expressing any view on the merits of the constitutional question.”

The lawsuit comes after West Point and other military academies were left out of the Court’s ruling in June that ended affirmative action in admissions at other colleges.

The Court ruled then that the race-conscious admissions policies of Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the six-justice majority that, “The Harvard and UNC admissions programs cannot be reconciled with the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause. Both programs lack sufficiently focused and measurable objectives warranting the use of race, unavoidably employ race in a negative manner, involve racial stereotyping, and lack meaningful end points. We have never permitted admissions programs to work in that way, and we will not do so today.”

Yes, America is Being Invaded Time for Biden to step aside and let the states do his job for him. by Betsy McCaughey

Across the globe, hostile nations like Russia are using migration as a weapon of war. War is being waged with migrants, instead of tanks, to destabilize and even bankrupt a country and facilitate terrorists attacks from within.

Migration is being used to attack Finland, Italy, France, Poland and — no surprise — America. But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat.

Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is rightly sounding the alarm about what he calls an “invasion.”

So are 10 top-ranking former FBI executives, who sent a warning letter to Congress on Jan. 17 about a “new and unfamiliar” type of warfare. Heed their words.

The letter points to the danger of a large number of military-age men “who could begin attacking gatherings of unarmed citizens,” duplicating the horrors of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

The letter also warns that some of the migrants are on the terror watchlist or are from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.

Europe gets it. French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin cautioned back in October that failing to expel illegal immigrants has led to past terrorist incidents, and will again.

The Left claims it’s “racist” to refer to migration as an “invasion.” Nonsense. Ask Finland.

Finland locked its eastern border in November, after Russia flooded the country with migrants from as far away as Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria, likely in retaliation for Finland joining NATO.

Stunning NBC Poll: Biden Presidency ‘in Peril, Declined on Every Measure’

President Joe Biden hit yet another new low in his approval rating (37%) in the latest NBC News poll released Sunday, raising concern of the Democrat pollster, who said the “damning” results show “a presidency in peril.”

Former President Donald Trump not only leads Biden by 5 points (47%-42%) in the national poll, but also leads by big margins:

23 points on mental and physical health to be president (46%-23%)
22 points on handling the economy (55%-33%)
21 points on dealing with crime and violence (50%-29%)
16 points on being competent and effective (48%-32%)
11 points on improving America’s standing in the world (47%-36%)
35 points on securing the southern border (57%-22%)

Illegal immigration has been widely deemed the No. 1 voting issue, according to exit polls in the early GOP primary states.

“What is most concerning is the erosion of Biden’s standing against Trump compared to four years ago,” Democrat pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates told NBC News.

“On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. Most damning, the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job — the chief tenet of the Biden candidacy — has evaporated.”

The numbers look great now for Trump and “difficult” for the incumbent going into the heart of the 2024 primary cycle, according to Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

NYC Launches $53M Program To Provide Pre-Paid Credit Cards To Migrant Families

New York Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has embarked on a $53 million pilot program designed to aid migrant families residing in city hotels. The initiative, managed by New Jersey-based Mobility Capital Finance, will distribute pre-paid credit cards to asylum seekers at the Roosevelt Hotel for purchasing necessities.

The program aims initially to benefit 500 migrant families living in temporary hotel accommodations, supplanting the current food services available to them. These cards are exclusively accepted at local bodegas, grocery shops, supermarkets, and convenience stores. Recipients of the program must commit, through an affidavit, to spend the allocated funds solely on food and baby items. Failure to comply with this agreement would result in their removal from the program.

Dubbed the Immediate Response Card initiative, the program resembles New York’s SNAP food stamp program by providing financial assistance on an identical scale to cover meal costs.

The assistance amount loaded onto each card will be determined by the family size and any additional income earned. For example, a family of four could receive close to $1,000 per month for their nutritional needs, equating to roughly $35 per day. The cards are scheduled for replenishment every 28 days.

This method of support is not unprecedented, as economically disadvantaged citizens in city housing previously received a similar type of card to assist with holiday meal expenses.

MoCaFi CEO Wole Coaxum commented on the partnership with New York City, highlighting MoCaFi’s mission to extend access to financial resources to the unbanked populations, including asylum seekers, while simultaneously boosting the local economy.

‘Build The Border Wall’ Americans Once Again Tell Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

he hot topic of immigration has come to a boil in recent weeks with a clash between President Joe Biden and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over the building of a border fence to keep illegal entrants from crossing into the U.S. Americans lean strongly toward Abbott in the feud, expressing strong support for a border wall, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Along with the economy and health care, immigration has leapt to the fore among the many issues that concern Americans this election year. The latest national online I&I/TIPP Poll, including 1,402 registered voters, asked three questions related to the topic, with special focus on the U.S.-Texas border row.

To begin with, voters were asked: “Do you support or oppose building a wall along the southern border to combat illegal immigration?”

The score wasn’t close: Among all respondents, 59% supported constructing a wall along our southern border, either “strongly” (41%) or “somewhat” (18%). Just 32% oppose the idea, either “strongly” (17%) or “somewhat” (15%).

As with many other things in America these days, political differences can be huge. Democrats are split close to evenly, with 43% supporting a wall and 47% opposing it. Republicans overwhelmingly like the idea, with 85% support and just 11% opposition. A slight majority of independents (51%) back a wall, while 37% reject it.


Israel’s resilience in the wake of the Oct 7 onslaught has astounded many of its overseas supporters and opponents alike. Israel is making an astonishing comeback, as this week’s positive newsletter highlights. Michael Ordman

There should be an antonym for genocide probably “benecide” a new word for doing good should be added to the dictionary, particularly about Israel. Israel, even during wartime, achieves more to benefit the world and ease suffering and deprivation than all the participating stooges in the United Nations and international kangaroo courts that routinely libel the Jewish nation. Read the positive news below.  rsk

Helping wounded soldiers recover. New York based NGO Belev Echad (With One Heart) supports wounded IDF soldiers, providing respite, rehabilitation, and emotional support. Volunteers who make hospital visits are mostly army veterans who were themselves wounded in battle and have been through the recovery process.
IDF recovers tractor stolen by Hamas. One of the videos that Hamas broadcast on Oct 7 was of a tractor that they stole from Kibbutz Nir Oz and drove through the streets of Khan Yunis. The IDF have since found the tractor, repaired it, and driven it out of the Gaza strip.  It will return to work in a rebuilt Kibbutz Nir Oz.
Christian group supports with visit and donation. A delegation from the Christian Passages group traveled to Netiv HaAsara and Kfar Aza in the Gaza Envelope – two of the hardest-hit communities on Oct. 7, to express their friendship. They gave a donation of $250,000 to help each community rebuild.
JNF-USA plants trees at ground zero. More than 100 Jewish National Fund-USA volunteers planted trees at Kibbutz Re’im, near the site of the infamous NOVA music festival during Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees. It was part of JNF-USA’s broader efforts to revitalize and renew the battered region.
He raised the flag he lowered 19 years ago. Zvi, an IDF reservist volunteer, lowered the last Israeli flag in Gaza when he was the last IDF soldier to leave in 2005. He kept that flag for 19 years and has now raised it again in Khan Younis.
Bar Mitzvah boy treats soldiers to dinner. Amichai Jackson, from Elazar in the Gush, canceled his Bar Mitzvah party and used the money to prepare a lavish dinner for 200 IDF soldiers. He wasn’t sad about missing his party, “When I saw the soldiers eating and enjoying themselves, that was 1,000 times more meaningful.”
Showing reality to overseas students. The Maccabee Task Force fights against Antisemitism on college campuses. It brought 40 US student leaders (Jewish and non-Jewish) to see wartime Israel for themselves and then use the knowledge gained to make a difference on campus when they return to the USA.
Kibbutz printing press reopened in 3 days. Kibbutz Be’eri was famous for having the largest printing press in Israel.  Despite the devastating Hamas attack, by Oct 10 factory workers were back at work and within the week, President Isaac Herzog officially reopened the press in a special ceremony.
Displaced volunteer EMT is still working. United Hatzalah volunteer paramedic Vicky was evacuated from the upper Galilee to escape Hezbollah rockets. Now in a hotel in Tzfat she is the first responder for all residents, treating panic attacks, pneumonia, etc. She also co-ordinates doctors, insurance, incident training, and more.
We shall not be moved. (TY Hazel) The residents of Hurfeish, a Druze town of 7,000 in the Galilee just 1.5 miles from the Lebanese border, refused to be evacuated. As the commander of the first response team said, “We’ll fight to the end. Whoever tries to infiltrate or harm us or the State of Israel, we’ll stop them.”
Amazing rescue. The remarkable story (could be a movie) of I24 News employee Noam, who was shot in his car on Oct 7 while his 9-month-pregant wife Noa was under attack in their Kibbutz Mefalsim. Noam was rescued by two men, both who were shot but survived. He woke up in hospital in time to hold his newborn son.
Partnering to develop solid tumor therapy. (TY OurCrowd) India’s Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories is partnering Israel’s Edity Therapeutics (see here previously). They plan to build a platform for developing intracellular proteins to destroy solid tumors.
“Locked in” woman can speak again. The Israel ALS Research Association IsrA.L.S. It has worked with Israel’s D-ID (see here previously) to develop a virtual avatar for Debbie, a woman with ALS who can only move her eye muscles.  The AI technology recreated Debbie’s image, voice, facial and lip movements.
3D printer helps rebuild shattered leg. (TY Yehoshua) Doctors at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital used a 3D printer from Israel’s Stratasys to reconstruct the fractured knee of wounded IDF soldier Shilo Segev. The printer model identified a lack of upper thigh bone which surgeons rebuilt using bone from Shilo’s pelvis.
A better world for animals. University of Haifa’s Tech4Animals lab (see here previously) is developing AI-powered analysis of video, sensor, and audio data to determine animals’ emotional states. Its most advanced project is Cat Reader, a mobile app for detecting cat pain – initially for veterinarians, and later for cat owners.
Israel’s first Advanced Therapies Award. Israel’s Bonus Biogroup (see here previously) is the first Israeli company ever to receive an Advanced Therapies Award, winning in the Cell Therapy Biotech Innovation category. Bonus Biotech has two products in advanced human trials – MesenCure and BonoFill.
A home for graduates with disabilities. The “Line for Life” Association has completed a new NIS 6 million home for its graduates. Situated in Kibbutz HaGoshrim, it will house eight individuals aged 21+ who will integrate into the local community, study at Tel Hai College, and then work in the surrounding communities.  
Knights deliver rice to Israeli food charity. The order of the Knights of Malta (full title “Maltese Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St John of Jerusalem”) delivered 24 tons of rice to Leket Israel to support the people of Israel during the ongoing war. It was financed by Governor of the Nevada Commanderie David Flippo.
Israeli Arabs visit Auschwitz. It was a historic event when the first Arab Israeli delegation visited the Auschwitz death camp on Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day).  Israel-Arab Yussef Haddad features on this special documentary of the emotional journey of dozens of Arab Israelis to Poland to learn about the Holocaust.
Bedouin eco-village turns desert into oasis. Project Wadi Attir in the northern Negev (see here previously) aims to show the world that proper land stewardship and technologies can turn an unlivable place into an oasis. It opened an agricultural school in 2018, grows medicinal plants and produces health and skincare products.
Promoting Arab-Jewish unity. The non-profit Tsofen (see here previously) has launched a new campaign to promote unity among Jews and Arabs working in Israel’s high-tech sector. Its slogan is “working together – right now we are making a voice of partnership.” Startups Intuit, Hailo, and Sanofi have joined the campaign.
Helping protect ships in the Red Sea. This article mentions five Israeli startups that either are being used or could be used to help keep cargo ships safe from attack in the Gulf. Windward, and theDOCK hub startups WaveBL, Hoopo, ConboAI and DockTech. They all have previously been included in this newsletter.

Donald Trump, Imperfect Vessel, Is Our Only Hope Ben Bartee


Looming global war. Global abandonment of the U.S. petrodollar. A gangrenous southern border. Total subversion of national sovereignty via WHO “pandemic treaty.”

It’s now down in the primary to Nikki Haley, an entirely superficial donor creation with no grassroots supports, vs. Donald Trump. For all intents and purposes, the primary is over, and arguably was before it ever started; even if Trump is in a jail cell come convention time, he will be the nominee. Nothing stops this train.

What we have looking ahead is a two-front political war brewing.

In the general, it will likely come down to Trump vs. Biden, barring a strategic substitution by the Democrats of their candidate with a fresher, more diverse puppet.