For decades the American Left condemned ‘patriarchy’ as an oppressive family institution and denied the natural hierarchy of the family structure. Women were encouraged to focus on their careers, postpone or reject marriage altogether and taboos against having children out of wedlock were removed. Progressive policies encouraged husbands and fathers to be thrown ‘out with the bath water’ out of the home.
But real life stood as a challenge to women fully adjusting to such an impossible formula of career and children without a husband. Substituting husbands for a government check has especially hurt low-income women. After decades of promoting the matriarchal family, especially in the inner city, neither children nor women prospered. Boys especially developed impulsive reactions to emotions, sought instantaneous gratification, held a twisted view of manhood, and an inability to self-control with no respect for any authority including their own mothers.
The end results of chaotic homes produced chaotic inner city streets and high-crime neighborhoods. Even though the fatherless home experiment failed miserably, the progressive left refuses to change course even for the sake of these poor women and children. And instead, they doubled down on hating fathers and chose to blame the obvious inner city tragedy on racism. Such progressive stubborn cruelty ended up burdening hard-working ordinary Americans with shame and guilt through a constant threat of calling them racists especially when people choose to move out of high-crime areas.
The challenge of inner-city high crime, have also fallen on the shoulder of law enforcement. The police in America today have the impossible task of becoming the disciplinarian father figure that these young boys and girls never had.