…….”It appears that David Tucker, a son of the famed opera singer, the late Richard Tucker, spoke out on social media referring to rioters as « thugs ». To be sure, some of the rioters were Black, but also included members of other races, most if not all Americans. No use of racial epithets has been reported, however, on the complaint of an organization calling itself the « Black Opera Alliance », Mr. Tucker was removed from the Tucker Foundation board due to the statement of his opinion.
I do not question the right of the Black Opera Organization to speak out on a matter that concerns it’s members. Such organizations are protected by the Constitution. It is the action by the Foundation that is deplorable as a violation of Mr. Tucker’s right of free speech even as narrowed by state laws which criminalize “ hate speech”.
Were Mr. Tucker to challenge removal as a violation of rights guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution, his suit would stand a reasonable likelihood of success if fairly adjudged on a non political basis and if properly brought would present the Supreme Court with an excellent opportunity to define the meaning of free speech in a time when this right, central to freedom, is under attack by the political left.
Freedom House, a non political civil liberties organization, publishes annually ratings based on how free a country is deemed to be (Freedom Criteria include free speech, free press, freedom of religion, among other rights deemed essential in a free society. The United States has always received the highest rating, a One. Countries that are rated lowest (their grade is Seven) include China, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. “