On May 12, former Vice President Joe Biden said he was “unaware” of the Obama era case and spying, known as “Crossfire Razor,” against General Michael Flynn during an interview with ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos. When pressed, Biden changed his story, saying he was aware of an investigation but nothing more.
“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden first said.
“I was aware that there was…that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else,” he attempted to clarify.
We first knew this statement was untrue when declassified documents, released in May, showed Biden as one of the Obama administration officials who unmasked Flynn during the 2016/2017 presidential transition period.
Now, we have additional verification Biden’s statement to ABC News was completely false. Not only did Biden know about the details of the Flynn investigation, he was suggesting ideas about how to go after him through the Logan Act. In other words, guiding the FBI and DOJ about how to nail Flynn with criminal charges. As Matt detailed last week: