An Uncivil War By David Solway

Left-wing thinking effectively blanks out the real distinctions between representative government and totalitarian dictatorship.

–       Roger Scruton, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands

There is a growing consensus among conservative writers and many individual citizens that America has descended into a condition of virtual civil war. It is not, or not yet, characterized by military confrontations on a national scale, as in 1861-65, but the facts on the ground strongly suggest a breakdown of civil order:

·       the irreconcilable conflict between the political left and right;

·       the belligerence and vituperation that passes for a national “conversation”;

·       sporadic acts of violence, flash mobs and organized riots erupting in every corner of the country;

·       the dismal lack of local and state leadership;

·       Orwellian Ministries of Truth, otherwise known as digital platforms, controlling and censoring information;

·       a rabid feminist network intent on destabilizing cultural traditions and mores;

·       a president betrayed by his own generals and party senators;

·       a rogue enclave set up by malcontents and domestic terrorists in the middle of an American city;

·       and racial mayhem fomented and exploited by a class of partisan criminals.

Whether or not we call this situation the preliminary stages of civil war or simply massive social unrest and cutthroat politics may be only a matter of terminology.

President Trump’s Huge Tulsa Rally By Bryan Preston

President Donald Trump holds his first rally since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, forcing major sports, music and all other public events to shut down along with most of the economy.

The same media and health care “experts” who lauded the mass protests of the past few weeks, many of which turned or are still turning violent, have been out in force making Trump’s rally sound like it’s the most dangerous thing for public health since the medieval plague.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has handled these media barrages with style and aplomb.

Trump’s rally also comes in the context of Democrat-run cities allowing protesters to topple statues of figures from American history, and defunding police in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Chauvin has been fired and charged with murder.

Violent crime rates had been declining nationwide since 1994, but are now on the rise again as Democrat-run cities abdicate their responsibilities, even to the point of ceding territory to antifa in the heart of Seattle, Washington.

President Trump has declared himself both the “law and order” president and implemented an executive order toward police reform. He has also led a sentencing reform effort, the First Step Act, with the support of Kim Kardashian and her husband, Kanye West.

Almost Runaway Prosecutor Bows To Rule of Law

“What Would Happen If Trump Refused to Leave Office?” That question is bruited in a headline the Atlantic issued a few months back. It’s been echoing around the Democratic press for months. The answer is that it would be an unsustainable constitutional affront. And what would happen were a United States federal prosecutor to refuse to leave office? We came awfully close to finding out this weekend.

The would-be runaway prosecutor was the United States attorney in Manhattan, Geoffrey Berman. He was appointed in 2018 by the judges of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. They acted under Section 546 of Title 28 of the United States Code. In certain circumstances, it allows a federal district court to appoint a U.S. attorney to serve “until the vacancy is filled.”

Mr. Berman seemed to think that language meant he could stay in his post until the Senate confirmed a replacement, which could have run past the election. Mr. Berman also seemed to think the president’s constitutional power of removal applies only to prosecutors whom the president has appointed and the Senate confirmed. Mr. Berman reckoned prosecutors appointed by court may be removed only by the court.

He faced a problem, though. It turns out that when President Carter was in office, his Justice Department took a look at that precise question. It issued an opinion memorandum by Assistant Attorney General John Harmon. Its subject was “Removal of Court-Appointed U.S. Attorney.” It found that a court-appointed federal attorney could be removed only by the court — unless Congress enacted a law saying otherwise.

And guess what? Congress did enact precisely such a law, Title 28’s Section 541. That section says: “Each United States attorney is subject to removal by the President.” It establishes no exceptions. The Carter-era memo endorsed the point, citing a federal court ruling in New York holding that the law “clearly authorizes the executive to remove any United States Attorney, regardless of the nature of his appointment.”

President Trump Fires Manhattan U.S. Attorney By Andrew C. McCarthy

In a Friday night fray, AG Barr announced that Geoffrey Berman had “stepped down.” When Berman defiantly refused to go, Trump canned him.

Well, we don’t call it the Sovereign District of New York for nothin’ …

There is tumult in the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, where I proudly spent nearly 20 years as a prosecutor. In a nutshell, after the two men met in Manhattan on Friday, Attorney General Bill Barr announced that evening that SDNY U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman was stepping down. Later during the night, Berman issued a statement essentially saying, “Like hell I am!”

Inevitably, President Trump fired Berman on Saturday afternoon, as announced by Barr. That should end the legal dispute over the job, though it may not. And the controversy has only just begun. It would seem strange to accuse the AG of interfering in the work of the Department he is sworn to run; yet, Democrats and the media darkly accuse Barr of impeding SDNY investigations that could negatively impact the president’s reelection bid. That claim seems overwrought, for reasons we’ll come to.

Still, the sudden removal of Berman just four months before the election raises questions. Practically speaking, there is no way the president’s nominee to replace Berman, current SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, would be confirmed before Election Day. There was, moreover, a significant issue regarding the legal eligibility of the prosecutor whom Barr initially named as Berman’s “acting” replacement — Craig Carpentino, currently the interim U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey (DNJ). Wisely rethinking that plan, the AG announced on Saturday that the SDNY would be run by Berman’s deputy, Audrey Strauss, until the Senate confirms a new U.S. Attorney.

The SDNY has a richly deserved reputation for independence from Main Justice in Washington. The office has always had a vigorous public-corruption unit, and boasts other units (major crimes, securities fraud, even occasionally organized crime) that sometimes target and sometimes stumble upon officials great and small, tied to both political parties. These characters are zealously prosecuted, without regard to whether their names are followed by “R.” or “D.” (By the way, corruption is the most bipartisan of political enterprises, and those enmeshed in it tend to see their party affiliation as more a racket than an indicator of allegiance or ideology.)



Covid-19 antibody treatment is now available. Israel’s Kamada (reported here previously) has completed manufacturing the first batch of its plasma-derived Immunoglobulin G (IgG) product for Covid-19 patients. Initial vials of the antibody have been made available for compassionate use in Israel.,7340,L-3834010,00.html
Human trials for possible Covid-19 cure. (TY Dick) In a world first, a trial of Ivermectin – an antiparasitic treatment – has been launched at Sheba Medical Center on Covid-19 patients. Ivermectin has been available since 1981 and in the laboratory was recently found to kill the coronavirus within 48 hours.
Remote detection of Covid-19 complications. Israel’s Clew Medical (reported here previously) has just received US FDA emergency use authorization to remotely identify patients who are likely to experience common coronavirus complications, including respiratory failure and hemodynamic instability.,7340,L-3833655,00.html
Adapting virus test for Covid-19. (TY Hazel) Israel’s MeMed (reported here previously) identifies whether an infection is viral or bacterial. MeMed is now working with hospitals in Israel, the Netherlands and elsewhere to identify Covid-19 patients and the potential severity of the infection.
Israeli progress combating Covid-19. Good video summarizing some of Israel’s latest projects to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
More telemedical devices. Israel’s Beecardia connects patients, doctors and remote specialists. The startup of ex-Ukrainian immigrants has developed a portable cardiograph, a wireless ECG recorder, a digital stethoscope, a portable spirometer (measuring lung capacity), a pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor and glucometer.
Donating blood saves lives. New video featuring Magen David Adom’s blood donation service and how vital it is for use in surgical operations and medical research. Also, blood plasma helps patients with compromised immune systems. Finally, construction of the world’s first underground blood bank is proceeding well.
Self-healing electronic artificial skin. Muhammad Khatib, PhD student at Israel’s Technion. has developed a polymer that is strong, water resistant, conducts electricity and is super elastic. Furthermore, when it is cut and put into water it will repair itself! Future applications include robotic skin, prosthetics and wearable devices.
Focusing protons to kill cancer. (TY I24 & WIN) A new video from Israel’s P-Cure (reported here previously) that is using its focused proton radiation therapy device to destroy cancer tumors.

Thank goodness for Hillsdale College At least one institution is standing firm against the mob of kneelers and capitulators and sentimentalizers Roger Kimball *****

Did you go to college? If so, then it is overwhelmingly likely that you have been the recipient of a nauseating communication like this one from ‘Maud’ (that would be Maud S. Mandel, President of Williams College) explaining how Williams will ‘confront and fight racial and social injustice.’

I hope that you are impressed by both Maud’s bravery and her virtue. In an earlier communication, just as the wave of violent hooliganism began rolling over the country at the end of May, she let us know that she is ‘disgusted, saddened and angered by ongoing racism in all forms and places’ (every last one!). What a paragon she is! Maud then went on to ‘state unequivocally’ (unequivocally!) ‘that Williams condemns racism, violence, and injustice and will continue using its resources’ (almost $3 billion) ‘to help students — and society writ large — better understand these forces so we can continue to fight them.’

There are a few things to note about all such communications. One is how similar they are to one another. It’s as if all those college presidents and CEOs of woke companies are working from the same list of bullet points distributed some semi-literate affiliate of antifa or Black Lives Matter. You’ll see the same clichéd phrases dusted off and crammed together in drearily conformist globules of thought-free emotive sentimentality. Claudius disingenuously said that Denmark was contracted in ‘one brow of woe’ because of the elder Hamlet’s death. Something similar can be said about the incontinent displays of pseudo-anguish by our elites.

A second, and related, thing to notice about such communications is how inexpensively purchased is their distress. ‘Disgusted, saddened, and angered,’ indeed. Do you believe it? Or do you think the outrage is 99 percent manufactured, off-the-rack posturing?


I cannot vouch for authenticity but it is a good scolding….rsk

This letter is a response from Oxford to Black Students attending as Rhodes Scholars to remove the statue of Oxford Benefactor, Cecil Rhodes.

“Dear Scrotty Students,

Cecil Rhodes’s generous bequest has contributed greatly to the comfort and well being of many generations of Oxford students – a good many of them, dare we say it, better, brighter and more deserving than you.

This does not necessarily mean we approve of everything Rhodes did in his lifetime – but then we don’t have to. Cecil Rhodes died over a century ago. Autres temps, autres moeurs. If you don’t understand what this means – and it would not remotely surprise us if that were the
case – then we really think you should ask yourself the question: “Why am I at Oxford?”

Oxford, let us remind you, is the world’s second oldest extant university. Scholars have been studying here since at least the 11th century. We’ve played a major part in the invention of Western civilisation, from the 12th century intellectual renaissance through the Enlightenment  and beyond. Our alumni include William of Ockham, Roger Bacon, William Tyndale, John Donne, Sir Walter Raleigh, Erasmus, Sir Christopher Wren, William Penn, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), Samuel Johnson, Robert Hooke, William Morris, Oscar Wilde, Emily Davison,
Cardinal Newman, Julie Cocks. We’re a big deal. And most of the people privileged to come and study here are conscious of what a big deal we are. Oxford is their alma mater – their dear mother – and they respect and revere her accordingly.

And what were your ancestors doing in that period? Living in mud huts, mainly. Sure we’ll concede you the short lived Southern African civilisation of Great Zimbabwe. But let’s be brutally honest here. The contribution of the Bantu tribes to modern civilisation has been as
near as damn it to zilch.

The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More By David Limbaugh *****

Lately, it seems that we conservatives can’t win even when we’re winning. But the country is under siege, so we cannot indulge in the luxury of being discouraged.

This year has been one body blow after another to the nation we love. First, there was the coronavirus, and we thought, “How can this get any worse?” Then came the economic shutdown and the incalculable pain and suffering it brought. Next were the riots, the radicals’ unopposed seizure of a section of Seattle, and the maniacal efforts throughout the country to defund the police. Now a series of rulings from the “conservative” Supreme Court is wreaking untold havoc on the Constitution and the rule of law.

It wouldn’t take a Christian fanatic or an excitable conspiracist to conclude that America is now the target of an intense spiritual onslaught — brought on by its own rampant descent into decadence.

The left has been at war with America as founded for decades, and it has made great progress in transforming our culture and institutions. Leftists are activism-oriented and relentless. They pursue their goals 24/7, exhausting their less activist and less calculating opponents, and advance their agenda by sheer attrition.

But a more important factor in the left’s success is the depressing naivete of too many conservatives about its ultimate aims. If you underestimate the extremism and determination of your opponents, how can you counter them?

Perhaps one silver lining emerging from the Democrats’ enabling of the proliferating lawlessness in America is that unsuspecting patriots are finally awakening to the horrors facing us and the left’s cynical exploitation of them.

Teen Vogue Faces Widespread Condemnation for Article Praising Karl Marx By Eric Lendrum

Teen Vogue, a magazine primarily aimed at American teenagers, faced backlash after sharing a glowing article about the founder of Communism, Karl Marx, according to Fox News.

Although the article was written in May 2018, Teen Vogue’s official Twitter account linked to it again on Wednesday, with the caption “Welcome to Marx!” The article is titled “Everything You Should Know About Karl Marx,” and describes Marx as an “anti-capitalist scholar” with ideas that are “probably more prevalent than you think.”

Written by far-left activist Adryan Corcione, the article claims that Marx’s ideas “inspired social movements in Soviet Russia, China, Cuba, Argentina, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and more,” and that Marx also influenced such public figures as Malcolm X and Helen Keller. Corcione then asks, “How can teens learn the legacy of Marx’s ideas and how they’re relevant to the current political climate?”

The magazine was slammed on social media, with many pointing out that Communism was responsible for over 100 million deaths over the course of the 20th century, particularly during the nearly 50-year period known as the “Cold War.”

Marx’s influence on politics is still felt to this day on the American Left, as represented by outright socialists such as Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

Turkey: Erdoğan Wishes “Many More Happy Conquests” by Burak Bekdil

In Turkish jargon, the difference is simple: It is “conquest” when we do it and “invasion” when others do it.

In this year’s celebrations, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. “I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests,” he said….

A serious question remains to be asked: When Erdoğan wished God to grant Turks “many more happy conquests” which non-Turkish lands is he hoping to “conquer”?

In Turkey, every May 29 brings up the country’s “conquest fetish.” Turks are proud that their Ottoman ancestors, in 1453, “conquered” (not “invaded”) then-Constantinople, today’s Istanbul. It is bizarre enough that a proud nation is commemorating, every year, the capture from another nation of its biggest city by the “force of sword.” This year’s 567th anniversary was no exception: The celebrations euphemistically referred to the fall of Constantinople as “conquest” — not “invasion.”

In Turkish jargon the difference is simple: it is “conquest” when we do it and “invasion” when others do it. In this year’s celebrations, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan raised the stakes when he spoke of the conquest prospectively not just retrospectively. “I am wishing that God grant this nation many more happy conquests,” he said at a celebration where he recited from the Quran.