Annexation of Judea and Samaria is a Reality and Vision Whose Time Has Come

June 15, 2020 – Conference of Jewish Affairs spokesman Rabbi Aryeh Spero made the following statement today:

“The Conference of Jewish Affairs looks forward to the day when Israel will annex the portions of Judea and Samaria that from time immemorial have been part of the Land of ancient Israel.  The Jewish people were bequeathed this land and the name of Judea and Samaria was always its official name, even throughout the years of the British Empire. 

“There is and has been an historical and biblical attachment of these lands as a valve in the heart of Israel.  It is legitimately, by law, part and parcel of Israel and was never considered legally apart from the Jewish homeland until very recent years when enemies and bureaucrats hostile to the establishment of a Jewish state in its homeland began finagling international laws. 

“It must be observed that though this land lain mostly fallow since Roman times and no other empire or people developed it, it has been the Jewish people who have restored its cities and made its land productive and a flourishing place.  This achievement,” Rabbi Spero stated,  “was done by no other people except the Jewish people who loved the land, in contrast to other people who make claims on the land but have not dealt with it with love, sacrifice, ingenuity, and destiny.  And that is because the only nation that has been devoted to its fulfillment in and of itself are the Jewish people who are biblically and intrinsically married to it, as opposed to those who make claims for it but never had a history entwined with it.

“Historically there was no Palestinian people except for the Jews who were so named during Roman occupation; and there never was an Islamic state, flag, language, and peoplehood connected with Judea and Samaria.”

Rabbi Spero added, “We wish to acknowledge the singular vision of President Donald Trump and his courage and sense of truth in being the first world leader to finally bring this verity to sovereign reality.  We thank Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his steadfast strength in carrying out the wishes of President Trump.  As we began saying two years ago when President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, there has not been a greater friend to the State of Israel and the Jewish people than Donald Trump, surpassing even the legendary King Cyrus.”

The Price of Lies H.W. Crocker, III

I broke my ankle early in the coronavirus lockdown. So at least I’m locked down by something real; otherwise I think I’d go mad.

I am astonished at how my fellow Americans — a good many of them, anyway — have accepted that they have no unalienable rights, that their lives and liberty depend entirely on the whims of governors and mayors.

I am astonished that so many of our leaders — in government, in corporate America, in our churches — believe that riots in the streets should be met with kneeling and abasement and apologies.

I am less astonished that so few of our leaders will defend Confederate memorials; somehow it has become nearly impossible to articulate a defense of American history that was once common currency, that celebrated the Union’s victory in the Civil War and the abolition of slavery while appreciating the Confederacy’s heroes as America’s heroes. As Theodore Roosevelt put it, America had the “proud right to claim as its own the glory won alike by those who wore the blue and by those who wore the gray, by those who followed Grant and by those who followed Lee; for both fought with equal bravery and with equal sincerity of conviction, each striving for the light as it was given to him to see the light.” Such magnanimity is anathema now.

For too long we have tolerated — some of us out of good manners, some thinking it unimportant, some effectively co-opted by the Left, and some just plain cowards — lies about American history. In the process, we have forfeited our past. The argument that America is morally indefensible has pretty much won the day. Even those who can’t possibly believe it are too cowed to resist it.

But the lies we have to swallow go far beyond American history.

Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution By Tristan Justice

As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st century cultural revolution, here’s a running list of the ongoing insanity.

America is in the midst of a new cultural civil war that for years has been brewing under the surface as left-wing academics breed aggressively woke children now permeating throughout the nation’s mainstream institutions.

Since the killing of George Floyd at the knees of a Minneapolis police officer sparked the worst outbreak of civil unrest in decades, protests that grew out of demanding justice for Floyd morphed into a dark operation to fundamentally transform the nation’s psyche, convincing the people of their own inherent evil from ancestral wrongs.

Battle lines are clearly being drawn, where the radical left has offered Americans a binary choice in a false dichotomy between total submission or unrelenting exile with those opposed to the new woke world order cast out of society as unrepentant racists refusing to atone for past generations’ sins. No justice, no peace. Silence is violence. You’re either with us, or against us. There is no middle ground. Which side of history are you on?

Of course in reality, (and sanity), it’s clearly not that black and white, but if recent events show us anything, they expose that this mentality is no longer one of a fringe left-wing movement but a central tenant of our mainstream culture of what it means to make “progress.” America, according to the now only acceptable narrative, is an irredeemably racist society that was built for the sole purpose to oppress. It has never been great. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is as guilty as the slaveholders who lived more than 150 years ago.

For as long as the nation continues to go mad, purging books, movies, statues and history in its own cultural revolution launched by woke elites, The Federalist will be chronicling its destruction, updating this list with each new event in its collapse. The Federalist will also be keeping tally of those fired from lack of allegiance to the new woke overlords found here.

No, Trump Didn’t Radicalize the Left Julie Kelly

Our current crisis speaks as much to the failures of the old-guard conservative movement, particularly neoconservatives, as it validates the triumph of the Left.

A new poll offers grim but realistic news about America: One-third of our fellow countrymen, including 40 percent of Republicans, say we are on the verge of a civil war. It is a dangerous time—terrifying for parents of children of any age—as the radical Left’s 50-year incursion into every American institution finally is reaping long-sought dividends with the full cooperation of the country’s academic, corporate, and media leadership as well as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president.

Political observers on the NeverTrump Right, however, have analyzed the moment and identified the culprit for the widespread mayhem and destruction: Donald Trump.

Of course.

Always eager to play the role of useful idiot, NeverTrump is blaming the president—not lawless loons on the Left or their powerful guardians occupying executive mansions and mayoral offices and C-suites across the country—for our current state of brinkmanship.

“[Trump’s] spirit of authoritarianism creates a sense of perpetual crisis among his opponents, uniting left-wingers and liberals despite their differences,” wrote Ross Douthat in the New York Times over the weekend. “His spirit of chaos, the sense that nothing is planned or under control, turns moderates and normies against him. And finally, his spirit of incompetence means that conservatives get far less out of his administration than they would from a genuine imperial president, a man of iron rather than of pasteboard.”

Now, imagine witnessing not only the rampage of the past few weeks but also all that has been unleashed over the last several years and tagging Trump as the authoritarian, chaotic, and incompetent one. (Before his diatribe against the president, Douthat admitted his “dire predictions” about Trump’s presidency have been wrong for three years in a row.)

The Party of Science (When They Feel Like It) By David Harsanyi

Lockdowns are subjectively enforced by Democratic politicians whose devotion to science is predicated on circumstance.

Apparently if you protest for a just cause, your body becomes impervious to the respiratory droplets that spread viral diseases. Or so many liberals seem to argue.

Indeed, no event during the coronavirus crisis has put more Americans in closer proximity to each other than the Black Lives Matter protests. During the first three months of the COVID-19 outbreak, every expert told us that mass gatherings were tantamount to murdering Grandma Dolores. Not long ago, opening a small hair-cuttery was “human sacrifice.” Not long ago, race-baiting leftists argued that Republicans had stopped treating coronavirus as a national emergency once they learned black Americans were dying.

Then came the marches. Science-based absolutism was quickly shelved. Today, liberals are mobilizing to preemptively dismiss the notion that Black Lives Matters protests could possibly trigger a spike in cases. New York mayor Bill De Blasio, who’s ineptly presided over the epicenter of the disease, is instructing city contact tracers not to ask infected New Yorkers if they attended marches or rallies.

How long have we been assured that testing and contact tracing were the keys to controlling the spread of the virus? New York City tracers will reportedly ask citizens about “close contacts” — which is defined as standing within six feet of another person for at least ten minutes — but not if a person attended a Black Lives Matters protest where, need it be said, tens of thousands of our most vulnerable citizens were marching shoulder to shoulder, chanting for more than ten minutes — and often without any mask.

COVID-19 Model Failures Show Why Climate Science Isn’t ‘Settled’ Scott Shepard

The scientific models used to predict the global impact of the COVID-19 crisis have cast into acute doubt the idea of iron-clad, unquestionable scientific modeling itself. Model failure has had potentially catastrophic effects on the world economy. It should have similar effects on claims about the indubitable nature of climate-science models, and of policies ostensibly flowing from them.

One devastating example illustrates the problem with the COVID-19 models.  Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London published a report in mid-March based on an infectiousness model that predicted that without total lockdown, half a million Britons and 2.2. million Americans could die of the virus. His report was critical in guiding both Britain and many American states to take extreme lockdown measures, rather than milder and less economically destructive courses.

The model, and the report, turned out to be nonsense. The model was a poorly coded mess that contained vital errors and couldn’t be replicated. Meanwhile, Ferguson so little trusted his own predictions that his mistress continued to travel across London for assignations with him, in violation of rules based on his model and ignoring the risks that he himself had predicted.

All of this illustrates the profound danger of declaring apocalyptic models about natural (or potentially partly natural and partly human-assisted) processes “settled” and certain, and then making drastic policy and business decisions on that basis.

These lessons clearly translate to the climate-policy debate. Proponents of extreme climate action assure us that their models are irreproachable, the science is settled, and their policy path is required. But recent developments have taught us better.

Should Jews Endorse Black Lives Matter? By Eileen F. Toplansky

We are living in a maelstrom of hatred, ignorance, and virtue-signaling that is breathtaking to observe.  Jewish organizations and synagogues are marching in support of Black Lives Matter.  White people are prostrating themselves like slaves “bowing before black people and asking for forgiveness for their ‘white privilege’ and the ‘structural racism’ in the deplorable, irredeemable United States of America.”

Anyone who is appalled at these actions is beginning to wonder about the sanity of this country.

 Of particular concern is the apparent all-in capitulation by American Jewry as they engage in this feel-good liberal response.

An open letter calls on Jewish organizations to endorse Black Lives Matter.

The letter asks Jewish organizations, federations … to commit to fulfilling seven actions within three years.  They are endorsing Black Lives Matter; establishing racial justice as an organizational pillar; having a fifth of staff, senior leadership and board seats be filled by people of color; participating in anti-racist education; investing a fifth of all grants in organizations led by people of color; creating racial justice requirements for grant organizations, including ‘a commitment to replacing contracts with police departments with alternative structures of community safety’; and developing a five-year, $1.5 million ‘communal accountability’ initiative.

The letter was organized by Lindsey Newman, director of community engagement at the Jewish diversity organization Be’chol Lashon; Aaron Samuels, co-founder and COO of the black media company Blavity; and Rachel Sumekh, the founder and CEO of the hunger relief organization Swipe Out Hunger.  ‘We chose these proposals because we believe they are achievable and if put into practice would make significant inroads toward making the Jewish community anti-racist[.]’

Frankly, a burglar intent on doing well in property appropriation couldn’t ask for a better list of demands!

Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masks By Jack Hellner

The CDC now says they have proof that wearing facemasks reduced COVID 19 cases in NYC by 66,000 from April 17th to May 9th.

Face masks reduce New York coronavirus cases by over 66,000, study deems it most effective way to check spread

Health experts have been advising people to wear face masks in public to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and now numbers indicate that it works. A new study shows that wearing a face mask dramatically decreases a person’s chances of being infected by the new coronavirus. Researchers found that using a face mask alone reduced the number of Covid-19 infections by more than 66,000 in New York City from April 17 to May 9.

There is no way they would know this, and it is as made up as the modeling numbers that CDC put out in March that showed that hundreds of millions would get the disease and millions would die. That is the study that destroyed the economy and caused governors throughout the country to require us to wear masks, social distance and avoid large groups for the first time in our lives. 

If they wanted a legitimate story, they would have looked at cases in states without the face mask requirement to see how many cases they had from April 17th to May 9th. Instead of doing that they just made numbers up and the media, like puppets, repeat the bogus numbers to indoctrinate people into wearing masks.

Here are more made up modeling reports, without scientific facts, that have destroyed the U.S economy and forced much of the public to wear facemasks, social distance and gather in small groups for the first time in most of our lives:

Here Are the Heroes Whose Statues Black Lives Matter Has Attacked War heroes, Founding Fathers, explorers, abolitionists, and a Scottish king. Daniel Greenfield

The statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, stands at the corner of Fairfax and Beverly in Los Angeles. When the racist mobs swept through the area, looting Jewish stores and defacing synagogues with “BLM” and “Free Palestine” graffiti, the statue of a man who risked his life to resist fascism and bigotry was one of their targets.

The racists and leftists vandalizing statues across the world claim that they’re fighting hate, but their targets have often been the men and women who courageously stood up to racism and hatred.

When the statue of Churchill was vandalized in London, the thugs who did it went after the one man who had done the most to wake up the world to the threat of fascism. In Philadelphia, the thugs scrawled “murderer” and “colonizer” on a statue of Philadelphia abolitionist Matthias Baldwin and in Boston, they vandalized the ‘Glory’ monument of the African-American 54th Regiment.

In Washington D.C., the Lincoln Memorial and the National WW2 Memorial were both defaced.

This is not the work of anti-racists, but of racists. It’s not the work of anti-fascists, but of fascists.

On Vote-By-Mail by J. Christian Adams

Vote by mail might sound good, until you look at the data. The federal election assistance commission keeps tabs. Their data show that 28,000,000 million ballots mailed since 2012 simply vanished. They were sent out, but never came back and were counted. Some say they are in landfills, others figure they are in file cabinets.

It gets worse. Hundreds of thousands came back but had defects that prevented them from being counted. The voters who sent these ballots probably do not even know that their ballot was not counted after they sent it back.

Making all of this even worse are the hundreds of millions of dollars that leftist foundations dedicate to this process fight. There is money for media outlets to publish stories that voter fraud is a myth. They even lend struggling newspapers foundation-funded “reporters” to work for free, as long as they publish stories saying voter fraud is a myth.

Mail voting also destroys the transparency of our elections. Observers from each side are unable to watch the process. Mail ballots are uniquely vulnerable to fraud because they are voted behind closed doors where third parties regularly attempt to influence the process.

It surprises people to learn that in the middle of an Ebola epidemic in 2014, Liberia conducted an in person national election. Ebola had a fatality rate of 46%, yet people still came into polling places and voted in person. The solutions were simple – sanitization protocols, distancing, disinfectant on surfaces.

Never before in the history of the country has the election process system been under greater attack. In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, heavily funded organizations and lawyers with fat trust deposits have been seeking to undo how we elect the President, Congress and state officials.