The Free Speech Union on Twitter: “1/ An alarming number of people are losing their jobs at the moment – or being suspended from them, pending investigations – because they’ve criticised some aspect of the Black Lives Matter movement.”

The Thoughtless Campaign against Western History By Madeleine Kearns

I n his recent cover story for National Review, Andrew Roberts, the most recent of many biographers of Winston Churchill, warned that, though their methods are “obviously not so appallingly extreme,” a new wave of zealots — as found among Instagram influencers and the dominant media class — are “now succeeding where Adolf Hitler and the Nazis failed” in undoing Western civilization. That’s a strong statement. And yet, these days, the examples bombard us.

Across Europe, as in America, many have taken to attacking statues of controversial historical figures. In Bristol, England, a 125-year-old statue of Edward Colston, a 17th-century slave trader, was thrown into a nearby harbor. In London’s Parliament Square, a statue of Winston Churchill was graffitied with the words “is a fascist,” (“wait until they hear about the other guy,” one Twitter user responded). The mayor of London has promised to review all statues, landmarks, and street names associated with slavery to ensure that they “suitably reflect London’s achievements and diversity.” The Spectator’s satirical column, “Steerpike,” suggested starting with Downing Street (“named after George Downing, who defended from first-hand experience the economics of West-Indian slavery”) as well as Buckingham Palace (“built by John Sheffield . . . who was the founding governor and largest shareholder of the Royal African Company”).

Stand up America! American Privilege is Colorblind! by Linda Goudsmit

Get off your knees and stand up America! Americans stopped kneeling to tyranny in 1776.  

Our country vehemently rejects submission and adamantly rejects white supremacy AND black supremacy. Racial pandering and prostrating is un-American. It is reverse discrimination and political exploitation of the black community by race-baiting Democrats. Law-abiding Americans, black and white, want equality and ordered liberty. Freedom and equality is a colorblind American privilege. 

Rioting and anarchy never lead to peace – they are the precursors of tyranny. Costumed, kneeling Nancy Pelosi and her globalist handlers are deliberately fomenting racial divisiveness, social chaos, and anarchy in their bid to make America ungovernable and defeat President Trump in November. Chaos is the Democrat party political strategy and the preferred political strategy of tyrants. This is how it works.


Tyranny is a binary social structure of rulers and the ruled. The ruling masters, monarchs, oligarchs, emperors, and dictators all consider the subjects they rule to be property. Not in America! In America we belong to ourselves. It is a privilege to be an American citizen and to live in a society where individual rights, upward mobility, and private property create a robust middle class that supports freedom. Equal opportunity, not equal outcome, is the privilege and guarantee of equality in America.


A Left-wing Private School in Los Angeles Pledges to Fight for “Racial Equity” and “Antiracism” Janet Levy’s Response ******

 I just received the school’s appeal which stated:

“This is a moment in history. Our children will ask us one day, if they have not already, what we did as a community to make lasting, positive, and meaningful change from this moment. And we must ask ourselves this same question. Our hope is that the Oakwood community will fulfill its mission and continue as a leading institution committed to the work of racial equity and antiracism.“

As a proud momma of a graduate, an ER doc who assists the National Guard in his spare time, I wrote:

“Our children will ask us why we allowed the destruction of our communities, stood by as law enforcement and civilians were beaten by radical Leftist groups, allowed businesses (including those belonging to blacks) to be burned and permitted looting – all activities that are inimical to a law and order constitutional republic.

They will also ask us if “black lives mattered,” why was there no outcry about the 7,000 black Americans murdered annually, most at the hands of other blacks?  Our children will want to know where the protest was when retired black St. Louis police chief, David Dorn, was murdered as a result of the radical Leftist mayhem.

They will ask us why we didn’t do anything to stop the amalgamation of Maoists, Marxists and Islamic radicals that make up Antifia, BLM, La Raza, CAIR, etc.  Why did we permit the destruction of our cities in the name of one black man with an extensive criminal record who died at the hands of one bad cop?

Most importantly, our children will ask us how we squandered the legacy of our Founders, lost the greatest experiment in liberty and individual freedom the world has every known, defiled the most enduring symbol of freedom (the American flag) and supplanted the greatest document in history insuring self-government, individual liberty and the rule of law in return for the misery of totalitarianism, poverty and lawlessness. 

Our children will scream, “How did you turn the United States of America, where millions of immigrants aspired to live, into Communist China in record time and leave us to live a life of enslavement and misery?”

 Janet Levy

Stacey Abrams: Still Sowing Discord in Georgia – “The Fourth Estate’s favorite loser is at it again.” David Catron

Stacey Abrams, the less-than-graceful loser of Georgia’s 2018 Democratic gubernatorial election, took a few hours off from her embarrassing bid to become Joe Biden’s running mate to accuse the Peach State’s leadership of voter suppression in Tuesday’s primary. She has appeared on various talking-head shows and insists the Georgia Secretary of State is guilty of “incompetence and malfeasance.” Abrams provides no evidence to support this charge, of course, other than the presence of long lines at the polls in urban counties, where elections always devolve into chaos pursuant to the utter ineptitude of their Democratic election officials. Abrams inevitably claims the root problem is Republican skulduggery.

I live in Georgia and have voted there in every election since 1994, during the governorships of Democrats and Republicans. The only problems at the polls I have witnessed occurred during my sojourn in a densely populated, Democrat-run county. Long lines, despite Abrams’ assertions, are endemic to such counties — particularly Fulton and Dekalb. In 2000, when Democrat Roy Barnes was Georgia’s governor, I stood in line for hours so I could cast a ballot for George W. Bush and keep former Vice President Al Gore out of the Oval Office. Four years later, when Republican Sonny Perdue was governor, I waited just about the same length of time to vote for Bush’s reelection.

I later moved to a smaller county where the local election officials are more efficient. This not only renders it far more convenient to cast a ballot in person but also makes absentee voting easier. Having spent much of my work life traveling, I have cast many such ballots. My six-year-old grandson could handle the process with ease. If you watch this CBS interview with Abrams, however, you will hear a somewhat different story.

Andy Ngo reports from Seattle: ‘Hard for me to overstate the anarchy that is on the streets’ Charles Creitz

Andy Ngo details Seattle ‘autonomous zone’ set up by protesters 

Seattle protesters take over neighborhood and declare ‘autonomous zone’ with no police; The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo weighs in.

The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo told “The Story” Thursday that it was “hard for me to overstate the anarchy that is on the streets” of Seattle following the establishment of an “autonomous zone” by anti-police protesters in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood earlier this week.

“You have here a group of several hundred people who have laid siege to a territory and have claimed it as a separate political entity from the United States,” Ngo told host Martha MacCallum.

“And, aside from images of then dancing and having a good time, they also have people going around who are armed and acting as security, and also border checkpoints. So to go through, you have to go through these physical barriers that have been set up, and it is complete anarchy, because the police precinct has been boarded up, the police have abandoned it”

MacCallum noted that 30-year-old rapper Solomon “Raz” Simone appears to have become the zone’s de facto enforcer, carrying a high-powered rifle and making announcements through a megaphone.

In an interview with Ngo, Simone said he wants the so-called “CHAZ” (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) to be “more positive than what it has been.”

A Brief History of Antifa: Part I by Soeren Kern

Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups.

Antifa’s stated long-term objective, both in America and abroad, is to establish a communist world order. In the United States, Antifa’s immediate aim is to bring about the demise of the Trump administration.

A common tactic used by Antifa in the United States and Europe is to employ extreme violence and destruction of public and private property to goad the police into a reaction, which then “proves” Antifa’s claim that the government is “fascist.”

Antifa is not only officially tolerated, but is being paid by the German government to fight the far right. — Bettina Röhl, German journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020.

“Out of cowardice, its members cover their faces and keep their names secret. Antifa constantly threatens violence and attacks against politicians and police officers. It promotes senseless damage to property amounting to vast sums.” — Bettina Röhl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has blamed Antifa — a militant “anti-fascist” movement — for the violence that has erupted at George Floyd protests across the United States. “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” he said.

Barr also said that the federal government has evidence that Antifa “hijacked” legitimate protests around the country to “engage in lawlessness, violent rioting, arson, looting of businesses, and public property assaults on law enforcement officers and innocent people, and even the murder of a federal agent.” Earlier, U.S. President Donald J. Trump had instructed the U.S. Justice Department to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Academics and media outlets sympathetic to Antifa have argued that the group cannot be classified as a terrorist organization because, they claim, it is a vaguely-defined protest movement that lacks a centralized structure. Mark Bray, a vocal apologist for Antifa in America and author of the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” asserts that Antifa “is not an overarching organization with a chain of command.”

The Trump plan, political wisdom and double standards – opinion By Alan Baker

After having rejected the peace plan, the Palestinian leadership and the international community cannot, with clean hands, condemn Israel for declaring its aims to apply parts of the plan.

The long awaited Trump peace plan introduced in Washington on January 28, 2020 has thrown the Middle East and the international community into a maze of confusion, conflicting declarations and intense discussion as to its meaning and mode of implementation.

Regrettably, even before its conception, the peace plan was plagued by obstinate refusal of the Palestinian leadership to cooperate in its development and formulation. Their subsequent refusal to accept or even to consider it, despite the considerable political, economic and financial benefits that it proffered to the Palestinians threatens to undermine any possible return to a genuine mode of bona fide negotiation.This refusal emanated from an acute sense of betrayal felt by the Palestinian leadership, principally following President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, and his decision to locate the US Israel embassy in Jerusalem. It also was the result of deep personal enmity by Mahmoud Abbas, head of the PLO, to Trump, to the point of serious and most undiplomatic public insults voiced by Abbas against him.

Palestinian principled opposition to, and practical obstruction of a realistic attempt to reopen the impasse in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, even before they were aware of the contents of the plan, represents a serious, ill-advised mistake on the part of the Palestinian leadership. This especially so since their opposition to the plan has never been based on any substantive reasoning or analysis of its content, but more on personal pique and animosity.


When you call a hospital or physician, the first message is: “If this is an emergency, hang up and call 911.”

Well if Mayor de Blazphemy has his way this is what will happen if you encounter an emergency and dial 911:

Answer: “You have reached this office of social justice in law and order. Press 1 for Spanish, for English stay on the line To report a hate crime press star 3. To report abuse press star 4 For emergencies press star 5.….Next canned music for 15 minutes interspersed with ” Your call is important to us, please hold.”

Finally an answer: “Please state the nature of the emergency” you respond “I need an ambulance” and the voice states: “Press 1 for Spanish and for English stay on the line…..”…..rsk

Democrats, Not Republicans, Protect Dirty Cops Democrats’ selective outrage about police abuse doesn’t square with recent history. Julie Kelly

Abuse and inequality—at the hands of American law enforcement—comes in all forms.

The death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has been condemned broadly—by everyone from the Republican president and leaders of both parties to Americans of every color, religion, and partisan affiliation.

The nation now is engulfed in a heated and inarguably dangerous debate about “systemic racism.” Every aspect of the nation’s law enforcement apparatus, activists insist, is the framework that enables this alleged travesty.

“Many Americans . . . do not see these levers of power as protecting them, or even representing them,” U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a June 6 statement. “And rightfully so. The same offices that can be used for good, can and have been used to oppress. That must change.”

Calls for police reform and accountability are happening on a bipartisan basis. That has not been the case, however, when it comes to Obamagate. Democrats, led by the forked-tongue Schiff, have spent the past three years defending, even justifying, unprecedented abuses by the nation’s top law enforcement chiefs related to their targeting of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family members.

The Trump-related victims of James Comey’s FBI may not be black, they  were unfairly targeted nevertheless. It was not race that motivated their persecutors, nor was it any actual suspected wrongdoing. They were targeted because of their political views.