He Simply “Hates Christians”: The Persecution of Christians: January 2020 by Raymond Ibrahim


Boko Haram… released another execution video. In it, a masked Muslim child holding a pistol appears standing behind a bound and kneeling hostage, later identified as Ropvil Daciya Dalep, a 22-year-old Christian… kidnapped on January 9 while traveling to his university, where he majored in biology. After chanting in Arabic and launching into an anti-Christian diatribe, the Muslim child proceeds to shoot Ropvil several times in the back of the head. — Independent Catholic News, January 23, 2020; Nigeria.

On January 2, Islamic gunmen abducted Reverend Lawan Andimi, a pastor … in Nigeria. After the terrorists demanded an exorbitant ransom for his release—two million euros, which his church and family simply could not raise—they beheaded the married father-of-nine…. — Morning Star News, January 21, 2020; Nigeria.

“Since the government and its apologists are claiming the killings have no religious undertones, why are the terrorists and herdsmen targeting the predominantly Christian communities and Christian leaders?” — The International Center for Investigative Reporting, January 21, 2020; Nigeria.

After Muhammad ‘Awad, 32, was arrested and questioned as to why he tried to murder Rafiq Karam, 56, he confessed that he did not know him, but that he simply “hates Christians.” — Coptic Solidarity, January 21, 2020; Egypt.

The Slaughter of Christians in Nigeria

During several separate incidents, militant Muslims—whether Fulani herdsmen, Boko Haram, or generic terrorists—continued to attack and massacre several Christians.

Iranians Die By The Thousand of COVID-19 Amidst Ayatollah’s Greed Col. Wes Martin (Ret.)


Within days of requesting $5 billion from the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF), Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei turned down and mocked America’s offer to send medical assistance to fight the spiraling Coronavirus crisis.

At present, restricted information coming from the Iranian government places the Coronavirus death toll at 2,234.  Meanwhile, the government’s primary political opposition organization, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK), is reporting the number of deaths in Iran as having passed 11,500. It was the MeK which exposed the Iranian government’s covert nuclear weapons program. This organization’s ability to extract accurate intelligence out of Iran is always impressive. Furthermore, the 11,500 number is supported by satellite images which reveal extensive expansions of multiple cemeteries throughout Iran.   

In the city of Qom, 60-70 people are dying every day. Being unable to keep up with the burials, clerics asked Tehran officials to accept some of the bodies for interment. The request was denied as Tehran cemeteries are also overwhelmed.

Iran continues to cover-up the fact that it has replaced China as the epicenter of Coronavirus. In early February, Tehran started downplaying the growing medical threat. The ruling fundamentalists did not want interruptions to two interconnected activities: on February 11th the government conducted country-wide anniversary celebrations of the 1979 fall of the monarchy; these celebrations were preludes to local legislative elections conducted ten days later.


Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our planet’s future

By Adam Frank, professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester
Climate change will mean one emergency after another, year after year, as heat waves, floods, fire and storms blow cascades of failures through our systems.

Stanford, Wake up! Annika Nordquist


“Unfortunately, Stanford is in good company. The WHO, for example, seems to be completely inChina’s pocket, and helped sweep the pandemic under the rug. It credulously accepted Chinese state information at face value, such as their January 14 claim that there was ‘no evidence of human-to-human transmission.’

An odd sensitivity hovers over campus (or rather, what’s left of campus). Somehow, it is offensive to blame China for a disaster that is clearly China’s fault.

And by China, of course, I do not mean “people of Chinese descent,”, or even “Chinese citizens,” but rather the repressive Chinese Communist Party.

In February, Dean of Students Mona Hicks sent out an email warning of a “rise in xenophobia,” followed by the ASSU’s condemnation of the President’s use of the phrase “Chinese virus” as “racist and xenophobic.”

CDC issues travel advisory for NY tri-state area after Trump says quarantine ‘not necessary’ By J. Edward Moreno


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel advisory late Saturday night for the New York tri-state area after President Trump said he requested the measure in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus. 

“On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary,” Trump tweeted. 

The CDC finalized the notice late Saturday night. 

The advisory discourages people living in those three states from traveling domestically. It does not apply to those employed by critical infrastructure industries, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, who often commute between the three states.  “Due to extensive community transmission of COVID-19 in the area, CDC urges residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days effective immediately,” the CDC said in an email to reporters.

Chutzpah: ADL Wants a Federal Bailout By Michelle Malkin


When I think of “essential” workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades, they’ve demonized conservatives and Christians as agents of “hate” and treated our very existence as incitements to violence. The ADL’s manufactured outrage machine has broadened its target list to anyone remotely critical of Israel for any reason, President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, “America First” college students, innocuous hand gestures, cartoon frogs and anyone who dares to think or write that “It’s OK to be white.”

Now, in the wake of the “Chinese flu” pandemic, ADL is lining up with all the other federal bailout vultures clamoring for free money. This week, the group issued a statement calling on Congress to include “relief for charities” in any COVID-19 legislation. “In times of crisis,” ADL self-righteously urged, “nonprofits are on the front lines, ready to respond and serve communities across the nation — but funds are needed to continue doing so.” The “relief package” pushed by ADL and several hundred other groups demands $60 billion in “emergency stimulus funding to support our work… during this time of crisis and need.”

What a crock. The primary “front lines” ADL occupies are on the battlefields against American sovereignty and free speech. By my count, the open borders zealots of ADL have filed 17 amicus briefs in our courts supporting obstruction of Trump’s immigration enforcement and national security measures. The group is particularly proud of its brief in Trump v. Hawaii, in which it “led a coalition of six Jewish organizations using our unique moral voice to passionately argue against the so-called Muslim ban, citing three historical examples when our nation later recognized that we were wrong to turn our back, including denying refuge to Jews fleeing the Nazis.” The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the travel restrictions and affirmed the broad plenary powers of the executive branch over immigration.

Emperor Xi Has No Clothes Daryl McCann


China’s celebrated billionaire property-developer Ren Chiqiang did not hold back in his response the teleconferenced speech by President-for-life Xi Jinping’s on February 23, 2020, about the status of COVID-19:

I saw not an emperor standing there exhibiting his ‘new clothes’ but a clown prince who stripped naked and insisted on being emperor.

This is part of a diabolical pattern. The late Dr Li Wenliang was arrested in Wuhan in December last year after alerting people on his microblog to the danger of the novel coronavirus. Dr Li’s crime, according to Communist Party of China (CCP), was spreading rumours to fellow medical practitioners. In reality, of course, Li was being truthful, not only about a new viral respiratory illness, but also the People’s Republic of China: “I think a healthy society should not just have one voice.”

How we respond to the pandemic of 2020 tell us a lot about our long-held biases. The subject of our fury turns out to be, more often than not, what we already believed is wrong with the world. Gail Collins, an opinion columnist for the New York Times, decided on February 26 that her readers should call Covid-19 “the Trump virus”. A more helpful suggestion, perhaps, might be to rename Collins’s four-year case of Trump Derangement Virus (TDV). Elizabeth Lopatto, also suffering from TDV, had this to say in The Verge on March 12: “The best thing he can do for the country, to speed its response to the novel coronavirus, is to resign and let someone capable take over.” Peter Wehner, a day later in The Atlantic, announced the potential good news about the COVID-19 that those who have contracted TDV are so desperate to hear: “The Trump Presidency Is Over.”

For the rest of us, though, potential good news would be more along the lines of a medical cure. Various solutions have already been mooted, although the general availability of a single-purpose vaccine might be as much as 18 months away. That said, at his March 19 White House briefing, President Trump touted a promising, if not scientifically verified, medicine usually used in the treatment of malaria and strong cases of arthritis: “Now, a drug called chloroquine…Hydroxychloroquine. So chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. Now, this is a common malaria drug…But the nice part is, it’s been around for a long time, so we know that if it – if things don’t go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody.” Scientists and scientific journals were quick to note that hydroxychloroquine has not been subjected to “thorough rigorous clinical trials” with regards to COVID-19, even if anecdotal evidence points to its effectiveness as a cure and, conceivably, a preventive measure. Trump, pointedly, made his comment in the context of his support for the Right to Try Act, passed into law in May 2018. This law empowers patients in desperate straits and “unable to participate in a clinical trial” the right to “access certain unapproved treatments”. The widespread distribution of hydroxychloroquine, if properly monitored, is actually “beyond” – Trump’s word – the Right to Try Act, because chloroquine has been available for almost eighty years. There is the added factor that the supervised distribution of hydroxychloroquine, or a comparable undocumented treatment for COVID-19 such as HIV medication Kaletra, could in itself serve as a clinical trial.

Editorial: Where Ties With Communist China Are Close, the Coronavirus Follows Severe COVID-19 outbreaks highlight different countries’ entanglements with Beijing



In the United States, one of the earliest- and worst-hit places was the Seattle area in Wash-ington state. By March 20, the state had seen 74 deaths from the virus, around a third of the national total.

In the late 1970s, in the early days of the CCP’s deceptive economic reforms, it was the port of Seattle that welcomed the first Chinese cargo ships. In the years since, with increasing enthusiasm from local politicians and businesses, Seattle has hosted all four of the PRC’s heads of state, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping.

The decades since saw the CCP wage a secret Cold War against the United States, funneling America’s technology and jobs to mainland China in an onslaught abetted by oppor-tunistic profit-seekers, who compromised America’s conscience. Recently, the CCP has attempted to portray its draconian handling of the epidemic as a triumph for the Party’s authoritarian system, going so far as to pin the blame for a disaster of its own making on the United States.

Misled by the CCP’s propaganda machine and a left-leaning domestic media environment fixated on the failures—whether real or imagined—of the U.S. system, many Chinese residing overseas have made the decision to return home.

But the Chinese historical record is more sobering. Throughout the centuries, plagues and other calamities signaled the downfall of imperial dynasties. And at present—with growing numbers of whistleblowers standing up to contradict official figures that downplay the mainland epidemic—the CCP’s claim that it has curbed the virus rings as false as the lies it deployed last year to cover up the initial outbreak in Wuhan.

Taking history as a mirror, as ancient Chinese scholars did, it is apparent that the pandemic is a calamity linked with the CCP and its 70 years of brutal rule. And today, the world is an interconnected community. Any country, community, or organization that keeps too close to the CCP and falls for its deception will taste the bitter fruits of that involvement.

We’ve been had, and Trump knows it By Geoffrey P. Hunt


While President Trump closed the U.S. border against entry from China at the end of January, his overall instinct was right.  The CCP virus was nasty, but no worse than a supercharged flu.

Health professionals overwhelmed Trump and his inner circle with doomsday scenarios, bullied by panic-obsessed virologists and epidemiologists — begging for attention and copying the alarmist playbook from the climate/global warming extremists, allied with the MSM Trump-haters.

And now the government has completely suffocated economic demand, creating a depression, an unnecessary calamity that is destroying lives, livelihoods, families, and fortunes for a generation.  It is becoming apparent that the end-of-the-world predictions, computer models warning of an apocalyptic black plague worldwide, are all wrong.

Those paying attention were warned that the worse-case scenarios were hysterical, by the likes of Stanford epidemiologist John P.A. Ioannidis.

In dramatic fashion, U.K. Imperial College scientist Neil Ferguson published a doomsday scenario on March 16.  Now, just ten days later, he has reversed his outlook, essentially settling on a prediction no worse than a bad flu season.

La Corona: John Donne Shows Us How Prayer and Faith Can Fight the Virus By David Solway


In response to the deluge of articles, reports, blogs, vlogs, news items, panel discussions, and press briefings that confront us at every turn regarding COVID-19, we apprehensively follow the prescriptions and advisories intended to combat the pandemic. We wash our hands five times a day, we practice “social distancing” (a new term that has entered the lexicon), we hunker down at home, we go into quarantine, we put our wavering hopes in hydroxychloroquine, and we hoard, hoard, hoard though the shelves are now as bare as they perennially were and are under communism. And we worry, too, that the cure may be worse than the disease as financial markets tumble, businesses close, unemployment skyrockets and the supply chains are indefinitely disrupted.

Aside from the various cautionary practices daily recommended and instructions regularly issued, personal and collective prayer has also come to be recognized as an antipathogen. Pope Francis called on followers to pray for the suffering. A National Day of Prayer has been organized in the U.S. to allay the disaster that has befallen us. “No matter where you may be,” said President Trump, “I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith.” Some theologians and no doubt laypersons believe that the Lord’s wrath has been visited upon a decadent and corrupt society, a modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah threatened with the viral equivalent of “fire and brimstone,” which prayer, contrition, and repentance may serve to mitigate.

I have nothing against prayer if it leads to introspection, humility, and personal strength to withstand the trials that afflict us and others, but prayer must be accompanied and supplemented by benign, determined, and virtuous action. The only way to find safety in Zoar (Genesis 19: 22-23) is through profound social and cultural change to overcome our moral decay. Our society indiscriminately slaughters its unborn. Such a society cannot find favor in the eyes of the Lord; consequently, the vast and lucrative abortion industry that thrives in the nation needs to be ended. Those seeking abortions should be subject to counseling and to medical intervention only in cases that are critically pressing.