“The National Institutes of Health is the government agency primarily responsible for biomedical and public health research. After SARS and, again, after H1N1, the NIH, along with the CDC, should have been paying close attention to illnesses emerging in China and other Second and Third World countries.”
If there’s one thing the coronavirus experience has taught us, it’s that bureaucracies don’t function as well as they’re supposed to. In New York, the bureaucracy opted to spend $500 million on illegal aliens instead of on ventilators. Likewise, during the Obama administration, after the 2009 H1N1 epidemic, the Obama administration, despite warnings, never bothered to replenish stockpile of N95.
It turns out now that the NIH was also doing the bureaucratic equivalent of twiddling its thumbs when it should have been acting to prepare America for the next pandemic. It’s sheer luck – mixed in with Trump’s foresight about China and good management skills – that John Hopkins, in late 2019, ranked America as the best-prepared country in the world for handling a pandemic.