A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data John P.A. Ioannidis

https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/17/a-fiasco-in-the-making-as-the-coronavirus-pandemic-takes-hold-we-are-making-decisions-without-reliable-data/ John P.A. Ioannidis is professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center. A nurse holds swabs and a test tube to test people for Covid-19 at a drive-through station set up in the parking lot of the […]

Israeli scientist: You’re not going to see millions of people die from COVID-19 The new coronavirus is ’80 percent identical’ to the 2002-3 SARS, says Prof. Shy Arkin. On the whole it causes a mild respiratory tract infection. But the elderly are the exception

https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-scientist-youre-not-going-to-see-millions-of-pe Isaiah (Shy) Arkin is a professor of Structural Biochemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, whose research, among other achievements, has shed new light on the inner workings of viruses. The Times of Israel spoke to him to try to understand more about the coronavirus, how it compares to other viruses, how its spread […]

Neither Biden Nor Sanders Remotely Has The Basic Competence To Be President  Francis Menton

https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2020-3-17-xd8qchptp7qyv9l3j120iv19c0ljll Just a couple of days ago, in the run-up to the latest round of Democratic presidential primaries, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders faced off in a one-on-one debate. Mano-a-mano, as they say. I’ve lately adopted a strategy of not watching these debates (it’s too painful), but rather getting a transcript after the fact. I […]

Questioning the Clampdown Will people lose faith when they find out they are expected to get the virus anyway? By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/questioning-the-clampdown-11584485339?mod=opinion_featst_pos1 Experts now agree the virus’s spread can be slowed but not contained. It will take its place among mostly seasonal respiratory infections. After a time, recurrent outbreaks will be moderated by a large number of potential carriers who have immunity from their last infection. And then we can ask some questions. The cost to […]

The Sorry History of Socialism And the sinister tactics socialists utilize to take over a political system. Bruce Hendry


Below is Part 8 of a new essay written by Bruce Hendry: Democrats, Progressives and Socialists. Stay tuned for the ensuing chapters. [See links to previous chapters below this article].

19. Economic Fundamentals.

One of the dangers to our democracy is the total lack of understanding of basic economics. Most K-12 teachers can’t teach economics because they don’t know it. Yet every organization from a children’s lemonade stand to the largest company, and of course to a country, is subject to immutable and unseen laws of economics. How can you possibly understand the implications of your political decisions if you don’t have any understanding of their economic impact?

Economics is simply the quantification of human behaviors and decisions. Economic conservatives believe in making decisions based upon facts, logic and the idea of a free market system. Democrats believe in making decisions based upon wishful thinking, emotions and socialism. Both groups say that they are for equality for all citizens and are against discrimination in their societies, but they have different views of what is meant by “equality.” The free market conservative group thinks that everybody should have an equal opportunity to succeed, while the socialist Democratic group believes in equal outcomes, enforced by the power of the government.

Understanding beginning economic theory is foundational to understanding what actually works in a society. This understanding is necessary in order to dispel the wishful thinking, denial, and community-held mythologies that result in electing officials that codify things that don’t work or are actually hurtful to those that the laws are supposed to help. 

The Left Exploits a Pandemic Never letting a crisis go to waste. Joseph Klein


Americans are trying to cope as best they can with the devastating coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their everyday lives. Some have turned to prayer. Last week, President Trump declared Sunday March 15th a “National Day of Prayer for All Americans Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic and for our National Response Efforts.” What was Islamist Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s response? She retweeted anti-gun activist David Hogg’s disgusting rant, which said in part: “F**k a National day of prayer.” Then she tried to walk back what she had done with this lame explanation: “My retweet was not to be an attack on prayer. It was to bring attention to the need for meaningful action to combat this public health crisis.” Evidently, in Tlaib’s warped mind, cursing a National Day of Prayer for Americans of all faiths is an effective way of bringing attention to a crisis that all Americans and their elected leaders are facing with all hands on deck.

For leftists, the coronavirus crisis provides them with the perfect opportunity to infect America with their own viruses of radicalization and hate. Denver city councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, a self-professed democratic socialist, went so far as to tweet her “solidarity” with another leftist Trump-hater’s twisted post, which said, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.”

Soros-Funded Group to Spend Millions Attacking President Trump Over Coronavirus Daniel Greenfield



Sure, that money could help actual affected people, but during an economic crisis and a pandemic, the Democrats will use big donor money to smear President Trump and undermine the administration. How patriotic of them.

A Democratic super PAC said Tuesday it would spend $5 million on digital advertising flaying President Trump for his response to the novel coronavirus, one of several groups that planned to devote resources to this type of messaging.

The campaign from Pacronym — a political action committee affiliated with the nonprofit group Acronym — represents the first major pivot to coronavirus-related advertising fewer than 250 days from the election.

“This is a public health issue and a national security issue, but it’s also a public policy issue and thus a political one,” said Tara McGowan, the founder and chief executive of Acronym, whose board includes veteran Democratic operatives like David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama’s 2008 bid.

And mostly it’s an opportunity. 

Already the group has run a handful of ads about the lack of tests for the novel virus.

From Wuhan to Washington State With ‘Love’ Suffer the innocent, helpless critters. Suffer the old and the infirm. God help us all. By Ilana Mercer


U.S. travel restrictions came too late for the poor residents of the Life Care home in King County, Washington State.

Patient Zero, who very likely infected Washington State and beyond, arrived in my state, from Wuhan, China, on Jan. 15.

Thanks to the patient’s own diligence, he was tested on January 20 and diagnosed with COVID-19. However, CDC contact tracing fell woefully short. As is done in South Korea and Israel, the man’s whereabouts—not his identity—ought to have been made public. In this way, anyone who had come in contact with the Man from Wuhan could have been quarantined and taken the necessary precautions to prevent further transmission.

Genetic sequencing of virus extracted from infected patients allows scientists to pinpoint the virus’ origins and the timing of the “seeding event.” That the virus that continues to kill elderly people in homes for the aged and the infirm in King County came from Wuhan is indisputable.

Writes Trevor Bedford, a sequencing scientist at the Fred Hutch Research Center: “The first case in the USA was . . . from a traveler directly returning from Wuhan to Snohomish County on Jan. 15.” But there was another traveler whose virus was related to that of Patient Zero, and who had,

exposed someone else to the virus in the period between Jan. 15 and Jan. 19, before they were isolated. If this second case was mild or asymptomatic, contact tracing efforts by public health would have had difficulty detecting it. After this point, community spread occurred and was undetected due to the CDC’s narrow case definition that required direct travel to China or direct contact with a known case to even be considered for testing. This lack of testing was a critical error and allowed an outbreak in Snohomish County and the surroundings to grow to a sizable problem before it was even detected. [Emphasis added.]

Trump called it the ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ for a legal — and commonsensical — reason By Andrew C. McCarthy,


Amid the truly weighty concerns attendant to the COVID-19 pandemic, the silly season, of course, broke out in Washington: A debate over whether the infectious disease in question should be referred to as the “Wuhan coronavirus” or whether doing so is, as the anti-Trump left and its media megaphone allege, emblematic of racism.

The manufactured controversy is as transparently political as it is ill-conceived. The question of the pathogen’s source is being framed to imply Trumpist xenophobia. To the contrary, it is a relevant consideration in the federal government’s legal authority to respond.

Early this year, as the outbreak became manifest in China and began its relentless march through Southeast Asia and into Europe, the American press itself alluded incessantly to the Wuhan coronavirus. The sudden case of talking-head amnesia over this is being greeted in conservative media by hilarious video montages featuring the same scolds, who now decry the term, matter-of-factly invoking it back then. 

Sensibly, it could not have been otherwise. Wuhan province was the epicenter of the outbreak. The major story at the start involved suppression by the authoritarian communist regime in Beijing of news and vital information about it. 

No need to fear Shin Bet technology for curbing corona Anyone who is terrified that tracking cell phones for health reasons is a slippery slope to an Orwellian dystopia should get a grip. The sole purpose of enlisting the aid of the Shin Bet is to keep the virus at bay. Ruthie Blum


During the wee hours of Tuesday morning, the Israeli government unanimously approved an additional emergency measure to track and trace the steps of citizens infected with COVID-19.

The decision to use the Shin Bet internal security agency’s digital technology as a weapon in the war on the coronavirus did not come as a surprise. Indeed, in one of his many press conferences to update the public on the global pandemic in general and on specific directives to prevent its spread in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that discussions were underway on how best to implement the controversial move without egregiously violating civil and human rights.

Netanyahu acknowledged the problematic nature of employing methods normally reserved for surveilling terrorists to monitor everybody. This, he said, was why he was in consultations with legal and security experts to come up with a formula that safeguards public health and provides guarantees of minimal privacy invasion.

Falsely calling the move “clandestine”—because the decision on its immediate implementation was taken in the middle of the night—critics are going wild, attacking it and Netanyahu from every direction. Although the technology in question tracks cell phones, the argument about individual liberty has been upstaged by coalition politics and legalese. The 23d Knesset was only sworn in on Monday, for example, and the next government has yet to be formed.