A Hollywood Legend Talks Politics Actor-director Clint Eastwood, 89, weighs in on Bloomberg, Trump, #MeToo and the dispute over a reporter’s depiction in his latest film. By Tunku Varadarajan


‘Many years ago,” Clint Eastwood says—drawing close to me as if to share a secret—“I was in Las Vegas.” The Hollywood actor and director was staying at a hotel owned by Steve Wynn, the casino billionaire. “Steve called me up in the room and said, ‘Do you want to go play golf? We’re going out with Trump.’ I said, ‘Who?’ and Steve said, ‘Trump. You know Trump?’ ”

So Messrs. Eastwood and Wynn ventured out for a morning on the course with Donald Trump. “It was funny,” Mr. Eastwood says, “because every time I was together with Steve”—with the future president out of earshot—“he would say, ‘You know, Trump is doing those damn casinos. He’s going to lose his ass.’ ” And when Mr. Wynn couldn’t hear, “Trump would say, ‘You know, Steve is going to do this big hotel. He’s going to land right on his ass. There are too many hotels now.’ ”

Back and forth the dissing went for hours, Mr. Eastwood recalls: “Together, they were great friends, but separately they were giving each other a hard time. I don’t know how much tongue-in-cheek was in all of that, but it was very amusing for me, the lone guy.”

Mr. Eastwood relates this story over a frugal lunch, in response to my asking for his thoughts on Mr. Trump. We’re seated outdoors at the Tehama Golf Club, which he owns, with views of Carmel Valley and the Monterey Peninsula, among the most expensive slivers of real estate in America.

Victor Davis Hanson: 2020 presidential race will ‘split’ the Dems in a way the Republica Julia Mustons have never fractured


The 2020 presidential election will split the Democratic Party in a way that the Republican Party has never, Stanford University professor and author Victor Davis Hanson predicted Thursday.

In a wide-ranging interview on host Bill Hemmer’s “Hemmertime” podcast, Hanson said that during Wednesday’s ninth presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, Democrats should have gone for front-runner Sanders’ jugular instead of billionaire Mike Bloomberg who was making his onstage debut.

“Democrats should have been going after Bernie Sanders because he poses an existential threat to the Democratic Party,” he said.

“I mean, we talk about the Republican fractures and Never-Trumpers. But, Donald Trump ran on … essentially a Reaganesque agenda: conservative judges, tax reform, more energy. … Even the thing with China — get tough with China — was nationalistic,” Hanson continued.

“But Sanders,” he notes is “not running on anything remotely similar to what Bill Clinton embodied or even Barack Obama. This is a radically socialist agenda that will split the Democratic Party in a way the Republican Party has never fractured.”

Furthermore, numbers show the Democratic race is increasingly neck-and-neck between the former three-term New York City mayor and the millionaire Democratic socialist.

‘A threat to Israel is a threat to Canada’: Peter MacKay to Jewish commander Newly released documents suggest Canada stands ready to help defend the Jewish state


Israel has received private assurances Canada stands ready to help defend the Jewish state, but just how far the Harper government intends to take that commitment remains unclear.

Newly released documents say Defence Minister Peter MacKay told Israel’s top military commander, Maj.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, during a 2011 visit to the Middle East, that “a threat to Israel is a threat to Canada.”

The statement came a year after cabinet colleague Peter Kent was upbraided as junior foreign affairs minister for telling a Toronto-based publication that “an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada.”

The declaration, appearing in an internal summary of Mr. MacKay’s trip to Israel, could have important implications given the increasing military co-operation between the two countries. Under the Harper government, Canada’s support of Israel has been unwavering, even in the face of mounting international tensions over Iran’s nuclear program.

When he met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Ottawa in March, Prime Minister Stephen Harper emphasized Canada wants to see a peaceful resolution in the troubled region, but it’s unclear how far Canada has committed itself in the volatile region.

A spokesman for Mr. MacKay said the defence minister’s comment was intended as an expression of support.

Anti-Jewish Hatred Is Alive and Well by Guy Millière


Just as in the 1930s, National Socialist anti-Semitism and far-right anti-Semitism — and their consequences for the Jews — were of no interest to anyone, the anti-Semitism growing today seems of no interest to anyone.

None of the countries represented at the ceremony to commemorate the Holocaust, except the United States, appeared interested in the threats to Israel or the genocidal intentions of its enemies.

If, seven decades ago, the existence of the new State of Israel had depended on the countries represented this year in Jerusalem… the war that resulted would effectively have been a second Holocaust.

The ceremony held in Jerusalem on January 23 for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp created the opportunity to remind the world about the Holocaust. The commemoration of the only attempt totally to exterminate an entire people by industrial means, which was among the worst crimes in history, offered the international leaders who attended the opportunity to reaffirm the need to fight anti-Jewish hatred at a time when, throughout the world, it is rapidly gaining ground.

“The industrial mass murder of six million Jews, the worst crime in the history of humanity, was committed by my countrymen”, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier humbly said.

One nevertheless feels the need to ask whether those international leaders who attended are actually ready to align their actions with their words.

Almost all the speeches there defined anti-Semitism in a vague way, and when the words became more specific, they pointed only at National Socialism (Nazism) and the “far right”.

People nostalgic for Nationalist Socialism still exist, as well as far-right political movements, of course; so the world, it seems, does need to remain vigilant. Today, however, in the West, political parties that openly supporting National Socialism, or right-wing movements that promote antisemitic ideas, do not, bluntly, exist. Since the end of World War II, there have been no anti-Semitic murders committed in Europe by people from the “right.”

Democrats, you did build that: Chicago named most corrupt city in US By Ethel C. Fenig


A few days prior to President Donald J. Trump (R)’s compassionate announcement that he was pardoning or granting clemency to individuals from a variety of backgrounds, including many Democrats such as disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, thus “making a point about government overreach in prosecutions, as well as reminding people about his First Step Act, which brings reformed (mostly minority) prisoners home,” two professors released a study proving:

Chicago Is The Most Corrupt City In The U.S., According To New Study

Chicago remains America’s most corrupt city, and Illinois the third-most corrupt state, according to a new report from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The report, co-authored by UIC professor and former Ald. Dick Simpson, is based on an analysis of the public corruption statistics published by the U.S. Department of Justice. …

The DOJ’s data used contains statistics from 1976 through the end of 2018.

(Yes, that Department of Justice, and yes, the report definitely covers the years when Chicagoan Barack H. Obama [D] served in the Illinois state Legislature, represented Illinois as a senator and served as president of the United States.  Just thought I’d clear that up.)

Gallup: Trump Has A Positive Approval Rating For First Time Ever William Davis


President Donald Trump is enjoying a positive approval rating for the first time since his inauguration, according to a poll released Thursday.

49% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing, compared to 48% who disapprove of Trump’s performance, according to a Gallup poll published Thursday. The poll also found that the president is enjoying his highest approval ratings among Independents since taking office at 43%.The poll suggests that the current state of the economy could help the president’s re-election efforts this Fall, finding that 61% of Americans believe the economy is getting better compared to 33% of Americans who believe the economy is getting worse. The poll also showed that more Americans are identifying as Republicans, with 32% identifying as members of Trump’s party, compared to 28% in Gallup’s prior two surveys.

Why Bloomberg Can’t Stop Bernie Karin McQuillan


Newly radicalized liberals provide the foot-soldiers and useful idiots backing Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, and the Squad. Bloomberg thinks he can win simply by out-organizing and out-spending them. He is wrong.

Michael Bloomberg is selling the Democratic Party establishment on the idea he can solve the party’s problem with money. He is doing well so far in terms of buying ad time and endorsements, having the leadership bend rules for him, and hiring every Democrat campaign staffer across the country. But his lackluster performance in the Nevada primary debate did nothing to slow Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) momentum. Sanders is already showing that the leadership no longer calls the shots.

Millennial Democrats have turned socialist in the 21st century. They are identity-politics Marxists with a digital twist—the “woke.” Marxist promises to destroy the rich, followed by free everything for the masses are all there, relabeled as “social justice.” The ugly totalitarian underpinnings are given a virtue-signaling makeover and said to be fighting bigotry and saving the planet from global warming.

The future is theirs unless conservatives stop the progressive perversion of our educational system. We have made little discernible progress in the past three years. With the power of social media and the corruption of the old media, progressives have moved beyond our schools to mainstream their ideas among Democratic voters of all demographics.

Marxists such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to impeach the president with disastrous political results, are not the self-destructive fools they seem. They have the unified discipline, the energy, the numbers, and the money to dominate the Democratic Party.

They are succeeding with their long-term strategy, which is to discredit our republican institutions among Democrats. They have pushed mainstream liberals to the left. Not one single politician has dared confront them.

Global Terror-Finance Watchdog Set to Sanction Iran Blacklist would broaden U.S. effort to isolate Tehran financially and potentially further strain the Iranian econom yBy Benoit Faucon in London and Ian Talley in Washington


A global terror-finance watchdog agency is set to blacklist Iran, broadening a U.S. effort to isolate Tehran financially and potentially straining the already sanctions-battered Iranian economy.

Iran’s blacklisting by the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force is expected to take place Friday and comes after European governments decided to join the U.S., according to American and allied officials.

The task force’s decision will place financial transactions with Iran under additional scrutiny and escalate the pressure on the dwindling number of banks and businesses still dealing with the Islamic Republic to cut their ties.

The blacklisting marks a step forward in the U.S. campaign to use sanctions to compel the Iranian government to end its support for terrorist groups and eliminate its nuclear weapons program. Most Western banks have already severed links with Tehran in response to the U.S. sanctions, which have also drastically cut Iran’s oil sales—its largest revenue source—weakened its economy and helped fuel street protests against the government.

European governments declined to join the U.S. pressure campaign in an effort to save the multination Iran nuclear accord, from which the Trump administration withdrew in 2018.

Palestinians Condemn US for Offering to Help by Khaled Abu Toameh


Palestinians, in short, are saying that they refuse to accept funding by any party that does not accept their conditions and demands.

It is as if someone applies for a loan from a bank but demands that the bank accept his or her demands, and not the other way around. Usually, those who offer the money have the right to set the conditions.

For the Palestinians, it seems, the opposite is true. They seem to believe that they are the ones entitled to set conditions to those who are offering to improve their living needs and help them march towards prosperity and a better future for their children.

Palestinian leaders know that their society is floundering in every possible way. Yet, rather than welcoming the proposed US programs, they are condemning the Americans and inciting their people against the US administration for even making such a generous offer. This is precisely the disastrous dynamic that decades ago landed the Palestinian people in their quagmire, and it is precisely the same dynamic that keeps them trapped in that morass.

Palestinian leaders have gone to great lengths to explain their opposition to US President Donald Trump’s recently unveiled plan, “Peace to Prosperity,” for Middle East peace.

While these leaders are entitled to oppose Trump’s vision for peace, it is not clear why they are also rejecting US financial aid to Palestinians. By rejecting it, Palestinian leaders are denying their people the right to a better life and a strong economy.

France: Macron Vows Crackdown on Political Islam by Soeren Kern


“The problem is when, in the name of a religion, some people want to separate themselves from the Republic and therefore not respect its laws.” — French President Emmanuel Macron, February 18, 2020.

“Turkey today can make the choice to follow that path with us or not, but I will not allow any foreign country feed a cultural, religious or identity-related separatism on our Republic’s territory. We cannot have Turkey’s laws on France’s soil. No way.” — French President Emmanuel Macron, February 18, 2020.

“What we must put in place is not, as I have sometimes heard from some people, ‘a plan against Islam.’ That would be a profound mistake. What we must fight is the separatism….” — French President Emmanuel Macron, February 18, 2020.

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced new measures aimed at countering political Islam in France. The changes would limit the role that foreign governments have in France in training imams, financing mosques and educating children.

Macron also vowed to fight what he called “Islamist separatism” and to lead what he described as a “Republican reconquest” aimed at reasserting state control over Muslim ghettoes — so-called no-go zones (zones urbaines sensibles, sensitive urban zones) — in France.

In a much-anticipated policy speech, Macron, during a visit to the eastern French city of Mulhouse on February 18, said that his government would seek to combat “foreign interference” in how Islam is practiced, and the way that Muslim religious institutions are organized in France. “The problem is when, in the name of a religion, some people want to separate themselves from the Republic and therefore not respect its laws,” he said. “Here in France, there is no place for political Islam.”

Macron outlined a four-pronged strategy to combat Islamism in the country: 1) fight against foreign influences in schools and places of worship; 2) reorganize Muslim worship in France in accordance with the principles of secularism and French law; 3) fight against all manifestations of Islamist separatism and communitarianism; and 4) reassert state control over all parts of France.