England’s Conservative Party, which is headed by newly elected PM Boris Johnson has called for an urgent investigation into globalist billionaire and currency manipulator, George Soros according to the Daily Mail.
The party, otherwise known as the Tories have called for an urgent Electoral Commission probe into George Soros’s US-based Open Society following evidence revealing that it funneled approximately $4 Million into anti-Brexit campaigns leading up to the historic 2016 vote.
His Open Society Foundation, which is based in New York, transferred the funds to the pro-EU group ‘Best for Britain’ using a London affiliate. This allowed him to circumvent a law against foreign donations to political organisations within the UK.
Best for Britain (BfB) designed a website instructing British citizens how to vote tactically for anti-Brexit candidates in hopes of decimating Johnson’s chances of a majority in parliament.
Hungarian-born Soros helped make his billions by shorting the sterling on what’s known as ‘Black Wednesday’ back in 1992. This event caused panic in ex-UK PM John Major’s Government.
Soros claims that his love for Britain led him to campaign against the ‘tragic mistake’ of leaving the EU. He also claimed that the money he has given to anti-Brexit campaigns were ‘not used for partisan or electoral purposes. They were used to educate the British public’.
As of 2017, BfB has received £2.7 million ($3,5 Million) from Soros’s foundation. The data has been revealed in the accounts of his organization’s London branch, who shares an office building with other anti-Brexit groups, such as Open Britain and European Movement.