Iran’s Ayatollahs and their subordinates, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas, represent the wave of Islamic terrorism, which has plagued the Middle East – primarily Muslim societies – since the 7th century, surging into Europe, Asia, Africa, South, Central and North America.
In fact, most Muslim regimes have risen to power – or lost it – through violence, subversion and terrorism, as recently demonstrated by the Arab Tsunami and the civil wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Moreover, three of the first four Caliphs, who succeeded Muhammad, were murdered: Umar ibn Abd al-Kahttab (644 AD), Uthman ibn Affan (656 AD) and Ali ibn Abu Talib (661 AD).
Anti-US Islamic terrorism has been an integral feature of US history since 1776, as presented by the following US personalities, who were unrestrained by 2019 political correctness.
For example, in 1786, Presidents-to-be John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, then US Ambassadors to Britain and France, reported to Congress a message from the representative of the Tripoli’s Barbary Muslim pirates, which articulated the reason for Muslim hostility towards the US: “[Islam] was founded on the laws of the Prophet, as written in the Quran. All nations which had not acknowledged [Islam’s] authority were sinners. It was [the Muslims’] right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to enslave them. Every Muslim slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise. A commission paid [by the US] would secure some temporary lenience….” During 1801-1805, President Jefferson deployed the US Navy and Marines to Tripoli, defeating the Muslim pirates and freeing all US slaves.