Book reveals how Chinese intelligence steals U.S. tech secrets to dominate world Bill Gertz

‘Hey there, do you sell the ‘Poisonivy Program’? How much do you sell it for? i wish to buy one which can not be detect and killed by the Anti-Virus software.”

The email was sent to a Chinese cyber security company from a military officer in a special part of China’s People’s Liberation Army intelligence service, formally known as the Third Department of the General Staff Department.

American intelligence officials know the spy service simply as 3PLA, and it has been one of Communist China’s most successful tools for stealing American military technology through cyber means. A second Chinese military intelligence-gathering arm is called the Second Department of the General Staff Department, or 2PLA. The Fourth Department, or 4PLA, conducts both electronic spying and electronic warfare.

Together the PLA intelligence units have placed China at the forefront of the most significant foreign intelligence threat to American security. All three cooperate closely in stealing a broad array of secrets from the United States. If the information is in digital form, the Chinese steal it.

PoisonIvy is well known in international hacker circles as the favored software of the PLA. It is a remote access tool (RAT) and, while not the most advanced software on the international hacker black market, would turn out to be an extraordinarily effective cyber intelligence-gathering weapon for 3PLA.

Clarifying the Palestine Saga Yoram Ettinger

The Palestinian leadership is rehashing the notion that Palestine has been Arab/Muslim from time immemorial. But, is such a claim consistent with historic documentation?

According to Brown University Prof. David Jacobson, “the Greek Palaistine and the Latin [Rome] Palaestina… appear to refer not to the Land of the Philistines [Pleshet in Hebrew], but to the Land of Israel…. The Philistines [Plishtim in Hebrew] arrived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean from Greece or Cyprus in approximately the 13th century BCE…. The Israelites’ traditional foes, the Philistines lived in a small area along the Mediterranean coast south of what is today Tel Aviv, an area that embraced the five towns of Gaza [hometown of Delilah], Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath [hometown of Goliath] and Ekron….

“As early as the Histories of Herodotus [the Greek founding father of Western historians] written in the second half of the 5th century BCE, the term Palaistine is used to describe not just the [Philistines’] geographical area, but the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt – in other words, the Land of Israel [including the Judean Hills, referred to by some as the ‘West Bank’]…. Like Herodotus, Aristotle [along with his teacher, Plato, the founding fathers of Western philosophers] gives the strong impression that when he uses the term Palestine, he is referring to the Land of Israel…. In the 2nd century BCE, a Greek writer and historian Polemo of Ilium made a similar link between the people of Israel and Palestine….   

“The early 1st century Roman poet, Ovid, writes of ‘the seventh day feast [the Sabbath] that the Syrians of Palestine [the Hebrews] observe….’ Another Latin poet, Statius, and the writer Dio Chrysostom use ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestinian’ in the same sense….
“Likewise the early 1st century CE Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria, occasionally, uses the name Palestine when referring to the Land of Israel….

“’Palestine’ is the Greek equivalent of ‘Israel.’”  The Greek word ‘Palaistine’ is remarkably similar to the Greek ‘Palaistes’, meaning ‘wrestler’…. The name ‘Israel’ arose from the incident in which Jacob [the Patriarch] wrestled with an angel (Genesis 32-25-27).  Jacob received the name Israel because he wrestled successfully (sarita’ in Hebrew) with the Lord (El in Hebrew)…. 

Right from Wrong: A (Likud) party to remember A longtime champion of Likud Pride efforts on behalf of the party, he began his tribute to Cohen by lauding the country’s achievements. By Ruthie Blum

Just when I was beginning to wonder this week whether the wondrous paradoxes of Israeli society had been drowned to oblivion in pre-election sewage, I attended an event in Tel Aviv that restored my faith in the health of the country. It also reminded me of the reason I am a member of the Likud Party, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and will be voting accordingly on September 17.

Netanyahu neither attended the event in question, however, nor was he even the focus of my attention on Tuesday evening. Of course, the fact that he has been keeping Iranian aggression at bay afforded me the luxury to take a short break from obsessing over and writing about the very real and present dangers along our borders.

No, this party was a tribute to Tel Aviv University linguist Dr. Evan Cohen, Netanyahu’s new foreign media adviser. It was a going-away gathering held by Likud Pride – the party’s LBGTQ faction that Cohen headed – to thank him for his years of devoted service to the group, and to welcome his successor, Oded Schwartzberg.

Originally slated for August 8, the party was canceled at the last minute due to the brutal murder that day of 19-year-old yeshiva student and IDF recruit Dvir Sorek, from the Judea and Samaria community of Ofra, at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Like the rest of the country, Likud Pride was in mourning. It was clearly not an appropriate moment to celebrate new beginnings – no matter how starkly the stabbing attack manifested the need to keep a right-wing government in power.

After all, the Left still clings to the false premise that Palestinian terrorism is Israel’s fault. It thus continues to spread the lie that giving more land to the Palestinian Authority, which encourages and pays hefty stipends to terrorists, will make Israelis safe from stabbing, car-ramming, bombing and rocket attacks.

Islamist-inspired Terrorism Returns to Yemen by Con Coughlin

Recent tensions within the coalition between the Saudis and the Emiratis, over which faction they support in the Yemeni government, has added yet another political dimension to the country’s bitter civil war — one Islamist terrorists have been quick to exploit.

The Saudis and Emiratis are now trying to heal the rift by hosting a peace conference involving the rival factions, in Jeddah.

While the political uncertainty continues, however, al-Qaeda and ISIL are taking advantage of the political vacuum to reestablish their own operations in the country, a deeply worrying development that certainly does not bode well for UN-sponsored attempts to end the country’s long-running civil war between the government and the Iranian-backed Houthis.

So long as groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIL are able to act with impunity in Yemen, the more remote are the prospects become of ending this dreadful conflict anytime soon.

As if war-torn Yemen did not have enough violence to contend with at present, the recent spate of terror attacks in its southern port points to the return of Islamist terror groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIL, which are still plying their deadly trade in the country.

In the latest wave of terror attacks last month, a suicide bombing in Aden has claimed the lives of three members of Yemen’s security forces while, in a separate attack, a senior Yemeni security official survived a roadside bomb attack against his convoy in the centre of the city.

Initially Yemeni security officials said the attack had been carried out by al-Qaeda, which has claimed responsibility for a number of recent attacks in government-controlled territory in the south of the country. In early August, for example, an al-Qaeda attack on a military base claimed the lives of 19 Yemeni soldiers.

In what is, however, a graphic illustration of the ease with which rival Islamist terror groups are now able to operate in this lawless country, it was ISIL, not al-Qaeda, that eventually claimed responsibility for last weekend’s attacks.

Brexit – The Saga Continues by Andrew Ash

The lack of concern for a ‘hard Brexit’ shown by both the voters and commentators during the referendum in 2016, was due to a few factors. Those who wanted out, the ‘Leavers’, were interested in only one thing — a clean break, whilst the ‘Remainers’ were so certain they would win the vote, they felt it unnecessary even to contemplate the ‘wrong’ result.

In 1973, when Britain joined the ‘European Economic Community’, as it was then known – there was no similar referendum on joining Europe. The people were simply never consulted.

After experiencing firsthand the broken promises and negative effects of an EU membership in which the British public had no say, it was an easy vote, when the referendum came around in 2016, to ‘Leave’. It was time to flee from an authoritarian system that had no direct elections, no transparency, no accountability, and no mechanism either for un-electing anyone or for leaving. It was, sort of, a Roach Motel: one can come in but not go out.

Alarm began at the introduction of the Euro currency in 2002, and the eradication of our partners’ domestic currencies: these moves magnified the true aim of the European Commission — to control, and make uniform, every aspect of our lives.

What we have learned in Great Britain from the ‘Remainers’, and the US as well, is: there are a multitude of ways to snub the result of a democratic vote.

Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was accused by his opponents of staging a ‘constitutional coup’ by suspending parliament to block MPs from preventing Britain from finally leaving the Europe Union on October 31.

The Labour party’s leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, chimed in — claiming that the new prime minister is behaving like a ‘tin pot dictator’ — thereby inflating the hysterical reaction to Johnson’s bid finally to push through the will of the people.

It has been three years since Britain held a referendum on whether or not to remain in the EU. There was never any talk of a ‘deal’. The vote was simply: leave or remain. The nitty gritty, should we vote to leave, could supposedly be worked out in the run-up to the departure date.

The lack of concern for a ‘hard Brexit’ shown by both the voters and commentators during the referendum in 2016, was due to a few factors. Those who wanted out, the ‘Leavers’, were interested in only one thing — a clean break, whilst the ‘Remainers’ were so certain they would win the vote, they felt it unnecessary even to contemplate the ‘wrong’ result.

The Shiite Crescent and Regional Disaster Shoshana Bryen

For decades, the concept of a “Shiite Crescent” anchored by the radical Shiite supremacists in Iran and passing through Iraq, Syria, and Hezb’allah to the Mediterranean Sea has been understood. It would provide Iran not only with closer access to Israel, but also spread across the northern borders of two key Sunni adversaries — pro-American Jordan, and its most important enemy, Saudi Arabia, guardian of Mecca and Medina. It would further split off Sunni Turkey (a historic foe) from the other Sunni Middle East states.

The Crescent is, for Iran, a single battlefront and the Islamic Republic has spent decades successfully undermining and wrecking each subsidiary member.

Iraq is hardly a functional country. But as a staging ground for Iranian militias and weapons depots headed west, Iraq is a prize. Syria is largely a dead zone. But as a launching pad for Iranian military bases and attacks on Israel, Syria is a bonanza. Lebanon is a corrupt satrap of Syria and Iran, governed by a terror organization with a foreign legion and an international money/drug/weapons racket. But its very weakness and its border with Israel make Lebanon invaluable.

Each member of this “gang of four” maintains a state of war with Israel and threatens it on a regular basis. Israel’s attacks on weapons centers Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are not an escalation of a fragile situation — they are a defensive response to a  high-tech military buildup orchestrated by Iran across the region.

Israel has the support of the United States for its defensive actions. But until now, U.S. foreign and defense policy have actually made things worse for Israel and others in the region by empowering Iran – and even now, when the administration is aware of its malign nature, and has reimposed economic sanctions on Tehran, it needs a strategy against Iranian gains on the ground.

Why Is Trump Surrendering To The Taliban? Thomas McCardle

President Trump may be the author of The Art of the Deal, but how can someone who knows so well that the Obama-Kerry agreement with terrorist Iran was a bad deal, and who understood the importance of annihilating ISIS (and who then did so) at the same time think the terrorist Taliban in Afghanistan will be restrained by a piece of paper backed up by no credible U.S. military pressure?

The administration has enlisted the diplomatic prowess of an admittedly impressive personage in Afghan-American former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (and, before that, to Afghanistan and to Iraq) Zalmay Khalizad, who held numerous foreign policy posts under Reagan and both Bushes.

But has there ever been a more impressive diplomat than Henry Kissinger? Yet the deal he negotiated with North Vietnam in 1973, for which he shared the Nobel Peace Prize, was followed two years later by the Communist North’s conquest of South Vietnam. As the disaster materialized, South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu justifiably declared: “the United States did not keep its word … The United States did not keep its promise to help us fight for freedom.”

The Vietnam Syndrome must stop. There is simply no way to negotiate successfully with an anti-democratic aggressor without military force hanging close over that aggressor’s head. And yet President Trump has already announced that U.S. troops in Afghanistan, where the Taliban has been making territorial gains for years, will soon be reduced by more than a third, from 14,000 to 8,600. A deal would reportedly mean the withdrawal of most U.S. forces by November 2020.

It will soon be 18 years that our military has been in Afghanistan. Let’s scan the early history. “In late 2001, the CIA led a campaign to topple the Taliban with the support of the Northern Alliance, the Taliban’s foe inside Afghanistan,” the Brookings Institution’s Bruce Riedel wrote in 2009, noting that, “the results were spectacular and came quickly. By early 2002 the Taliban were routed, al-Qaida was on the run and the two were retreating into Pakistan.”


I hate the word “moderate”. In the Middle East it is always applied to duplicitous tyrants. Sadat, the “peacemaker” flouted every single paragraph of the Camp David Accords before the ink was dry. Then Arafat was declared a “moderate” in Oslo and the White House lawn, and there segued the PLO’s longest and most brutal spree of terrorism within Israel. Then Mahmoud Abbas was the new darling for those who sought a “moderate.” Turns out that his speeches and actions and corruption were those of a terrorist in a grey flannel suit. And now, the latest “moderate” icon to be exposed is President Sisi of Egypt.

Yesterday, Raymond Ibrahim who has reported vigilantly and courageously about the persecution of Christians throughout the Arab/Moslem world writes.

 “EGYPT REINSTATES NOTORIOUS HATE PREACHER “ So much for President Sisi’s “religious reforms.”

Andrew Bostom warned about Sisi a long time ago:

May 2016 tweets Sisified Egypt’s jihadist insignias on its new line of amphibious assault vehicles praising the killing of non-Muslim infidels with Koranic imprimatur (& citation):

There goes another “moderate” fawned on by the dhimmi-eyed western observers.

Antifa Gives Progressives a Tin-Pot Dictator High Angelo Codevilla

What are you supposed to do if a mob attacks you? If you have reason to believe that the mob intends to hurt you or could kill you, do you have the right to defend yourself with deadly force? Do you even have the right to say you would? Given proper policing, such questions should not even arise. But if they do, the First and Second Amendments should answer them. Increasingly, that is no longer the case.

Antifa, short for the German word antifashistisch, is a congerie of anarchists, socialists, Communists, liberals, and social democrats who disrupt, break, beat, and make it physically impossible for those whom they deem fascists, capitalists, white supremacists, etc. to carry on their activities. Antifa’s slogan is “abolish capitalism, antifascist action, smash fascism.” Their members dress in black, wear masks, and fight under black and red banners. Footage of their violence is readily available online.

In recent years, similarly violent groups have “occupied” Wall Street, shut down freeways in Chicago and Oakland, California, disrupted Trump’s campaign rallies, trashed Washington, D.C. during the 2017 presidential inaugural, and chased conservative speakers from college campuses.

The most interesting thing about this left-wing violence is that it happens almost exclusively in places where the police power is in the hands of progressives—whether mayors or university administrators—whose police stand aside as the violent ones do their work, and who have not prosecuted them. Moreover, since the persons whom these groups attack physically are the very ones whom the media and the Democratic Party attack verbally, it is not surprising that the media tries to put the best face on the violence.

Hence it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the violent groups merely do the dirty work of progressives—indeed that violence in society is essential to progressives’ quest for power. The progressive powers’ constraint of the victims’ right to self-defense caps the conclusion.

Antifa is not a problem in and of itself, any more than any mob would be. Where they lack officials’ protection, Antifa’s numbers and their capacity for mayhem are no match for ordinary police forces—nor for armed citizens.

Cowardly Congress Won’t Condemn the Anti-Semitic BDS Movement Democrats at the national and state levels need to come to grips with their anti-Semitism problem and confront it forcefully. Ned Ryun

Why is it that almost every time the Left accuses the Right of some misbehavior or attitude, it’s actually something the Left is guilty of doing or being?

Take, for example, the regular accusations that Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. Forget the fact that his son-in-law is Jewish and his daughter has converted to Judaism. Those are minor inconveniences in the propaganda war against Trump. It truly does feel like the Left has a spaghetti approach at times: throw anything and everything up against the wall in hopes enough people are foolish and uncritical enough to accept whatever appears to stick.

Anti-Semitism is rampant on the Left. In all seriousness, people should be asking why Democratic leaders hate Israel and the Jewish people so much. They’ve embraced and nurtured anti-Semitism in the form of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targeting Israel.

Democrats argue that the controversy surrounding the BDS movement is really more a debate over policy differences. Not so. The BDS movement is insidiously anti-Semitic, seeking to deny the right of self-determination and sovereignty to Israel. It is nothing short of economic war against the only Jewish nation-state in the world.

Founders and supporters of BDS claim they are all about freedom and equality. They are nothing of the sort: their ultimate goal is to annihilate and remove Israel from the map and they have been hoping that the world wouldn’t notice until it was too late.