So it’s getting absurd again. The Kurds were fighting Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran long before President Donald Trump was even born. And The Donald has been on the public scene for a while. But he was not yet born when this war was raging.
Yet, in typical dishonesty, the liberal news media and the Democrat/Republican establishment is (as always) blaming President Trump for problems that the establishment actually created themselves or they failed to solve decades before Trump announced his candidacy.
President Trump pulled around 28 special forces troops out from near the Syrian border with Turkey. Trump did not explain any of this. Public relations matters. Trump’s roll out of his decision was a blunder. Trump has still not explained fully. But for critics to argue that moving 28 soldiers caused a war is just delusional.
The Kurds earned a place in our hearts when these brave but lightly-armed warriors, without a professional standing army, fought the ISIS Caliphate. The Kurds did the job that Barack Obama just wouldn’t do. While the Obama Administration pretended to fight ISIS, and actually strengthened the Muslim Brotherhood, the Kurds (also Muslims in most cases) fought the radical Islamic Jihadis for real. Americans love the underdog.
So America’s political world is stirred by the cry that the Kurds were our allies in the war against ISIS. That’s confusion. Turkey is also our ally…. and by binding treaty.
Around Syria and Iraq everyone was fighting everyone. Advocates for moral outrage wanted to over-throw the evil Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But the Obama Administration repeatedly supported Muslim Brotherhood extremists to overthrow secular and moderate Middle Eastern leaders. Others would stop breathing because Russians breathe air, and we wouldn’t want to do anything that Russians do. Some would cut off their noses if Russia told them not to. The free-for-all was nowhere near as simple as suggested now.