No Raising Hands: Easier To Fool The Public In Democrats’ Next Debate — Written by Thomas McArdle

For all of Donald Trump’s moral flaws – the women, the profanities, the routine personal insults, the continual unpresidential conduct – he has raised the moral bar in one all-important area: This president has kept a great many of his promises (even if that wall is nowhere near to being built). And this outsized fact will be a huge advantage next year against whichever conventional politician wins the Democratic nomination.

CNN’s decision not to allow any “raise your hand” questions in the Democrat candidates’ next round of debates, which the cable news channel will telecast on July 30 and 31 from Detroit, is first and foremost an example of pure media bias. Thanks to those no-escape-hatch questions in NBC’s first round of debates last month, we learned that virtually all of the candidates would extend taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens; most would downgrade illegal entry into the United States to a mere civil offense; plus a number of them, when asked in such direct terms, could not hide from the fact that they would scrap all availability of private health coverage. Trump wasted no time gloating the next day that it meant he had already won his 2020 re-election.

Like George H.W. Bush’s breaking of his “read my lips: no new taxes” 1988 campaign pledge, and Barack Obama’s “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” falsehood, the forced raising of politicians’ hands last month was the victory of clarity over these elected officials’ practiced craft of obfuscation and euphemism. When there’s viral video of you holding high your hand for paying illegals’ medical bills, it makes it quite a challenge to slide toward the center after securing the nomination next spring or summer.

And juxtaposed with that is Trump holding to his 2016 campaign list of Supreme Court nominees. Also among his promises kept are tax cuts, deregulation, removal of the U.S. from the Paris climate accord, and relocation of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Plus a greatly improved U.S. economy, with new records in employment levels and the markets, indicating the success of Trump’s promised policies.

European Union: A Massive Expansion of Top-down Powers by Soeren Kern

An examination of von der Leyen’s main policy proposals reveals that she is calling for a massive expansion of top-down powers of the European Commission. Her proposals would substantially increase the role of Brussels in virtually all aspects of economic and social life in Europe — all at the expense of national sovereignty.

Von der Leyen warned that Brussels would overrule EU member states opposed to her tax overhaul… She called for a comprehensive “European Rule of Law Mechanism” to ensure the primacy of EU law over the national laws of EU member states. She warned that there would be financial consequences for member states that refuse to comply…. She called for a change in rules so that the EU could act even without the unanimous consent of EU member states.

“What you’ve seen from Ursula von der Leyen today is an attempt by the EU to take control of every single aspect of our lives. She wants to build a centralized, undemocratic, updated form of Communism that will render [obsolete] nation state parliaments, where the state controls everything, where nation state parliaments will cease to have any relevance at all.” — Nigel Farage, European Parliament, July 16, 2019.

Former German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has been narrowly confirmed as the next President of the European Commission, the powerful administrative arm of the European Union.

In a secret ballot in the European Parliament on July 16, von der Leyen, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, received 383 votes, only nine more than the 374 required — the lowest margin since the position of President was established in 1958. She will take over from Jean-Claude Junker in November 2019 for a five-year term.

Before the vote, von der Leyen promised an ambitious left-leaning policy program on climate change, taxes, migration and the rule of law. Many of her pledges — which would require transferring yet more national sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels — appeared aimed at enticing support for her candidacy from Greens and Socialists in the European Parliament.

In the final vote, however, the Socialists were divided in their support for von der Leyen and the Greens formally opposed her. Interestingly, von der Leyen won with the support of eurosceptics in Central and Eastern Europe after she publicly criticized the way the EU has treated them due to their opposition to mass migration.

Eat Iran’s Lunch Before They Have Us for Dinner by Tawfik Hamid

Diplomatic efforts notwithstanding, the free world must realize that the threat posed by a nuclear Iran would be different from any other nation obtaining such weapons.

At the very least, Iran, once it had both nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them, would not even have to use them: the threat to do so would be sufficient to blackmail other countries into doing whatever it asked. If it wanted to control the oilfields of Saudi Arabia or its holy cities, Mecca and Medina, how could Saudi Arabia resist?… What about the tempting oil fields of Abu Dhabi or Kuwait?

Since its revolution in 1979, Iran, often through its proxies such as Hezbollah, has dedicated its resources to expansion and terrorism — not only in Yemen, but also in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and by funding Hamas in the Gaza Strip — to create a geographical arc from Iran to the Mediterranean. Iran has also for years been expanding into South America, particularly Venezuela.

Iran has crossed a new threshold in nuclear enrichment. This means that the nine nations in the world’s nuclear weapons club soon might be forced to acknowledge a new member. Iran’s emergence as a nuclear weapons state, however, if it occurs, will not be merely an addition to the roster of nuclear powers — it will be a terrifying game-changer.

Iran has already reached uranium enrichment levels of around 4.5 percent, Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told the semi-official Fars news agency. Mr. Kamalvandi warned that enrichment could reach 20 percent in the future. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency have confirmed Kamalvandi’s assertions.

Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, in an apparent attempt to increase pressure on ongoing diplomatic negotiations, said that Iran would exceed some other unspecified limit in 60 days.

Is There Any Hope For Western Europe? An interview with Bruce Bawer, author of ‘While Europe Slept.’ Mark Tapson

Years ago as I was awakening from my long Democrat slumber and educating myself about Islam, one of the most eye-opening books that I read was a 2006 page-turner titled While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West From Within, by a gay American living in Western Europe. Not only was it enlightening, but it made me an instant fan of Bawer’s compelling storytelling. In addition to following his subsequent books such as Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom, The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind, and even a thriller about Islamic terrorism called The Alhambra, I was fortunate and honored to become friends with Bruce through our mutual work for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Now Bawer has released a new volume with a stark black cover titled Islam: The Essays, a massive collection of well over three hundred of his articles on this crucial subject dating from the fall of 2002 through the summer of 2018. Though he suggests that the reader undertake the book chronologically in order to understand the evolution of his understanding of the topic (“Early on, for instance, I refer to ‘fundamentalist Islam’; soon enough, I drop the word ‘fundamentalist,’ having realized that Islam itself, properly understood, is fundamentalist.”), Bawer is such an engaging, perceptive writer that one can open the book at random to literally any page and find it impossible to stop reading. A chilling chronicle of the Islamization of multicultural Europe over the last 17 years, Islam: The Essays is a must-have for FrontPage Mag readers and for others in need, like I once was, of awareness and insight into the Religion of Peace™.

Bruce Bawer was able to find time to answer a few of my questions about the book and about the Islamization of Europe today.

Washington Post Runs Glowing Profile of Libyan Islamist Sanctioned by US Treasury for Rocket Attacks on Ambulance Workers Daniel Greenfield

Democracy dies in Islamist propaganda. 

Forget Jamal Khashoggi. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos, found an even worse Jihadist to rally behind.

(Reuters) – The U.S. Treasury Department said on Monday it had imposed sanctions on Libyan Islamist commander Salah Badi, accusing him of undermining security by directing attacks on groups aligned with Libya’s U.N.-backed Government of National Accord.

The U.S. State Department said Badi had also been placed under financial sanctions by the U.N. Security Council’s Libya Sanctions Committee, and the listing requires all U.N. members to impose an asset freeze and travel ban

The Treasury said in a statement that Badi’s militia forces had used highly destructive Grad rockets in densely populated areas in the latest round of fighting in the capital Tripoli in September.

Here are the UN sanctions. Here are the Treasury sanctions.

Tommy Robinson’s Guilty Persecutors The UK wants to snuff out the fighting spirit that Tommy represents. Bosch Fawstin

The way the UK government operates today makes me believe that the question it most asks itself is: Will this please or displease Muslims?

A few examples: last year, a Muslim “protestor” who cracked a police officer in the skull with his stick at a Tommy Robinson rally was spared jail, which pleased Muslims. Tommy Robinson was thrown in prison – twice – for the trumped up charge of “contempt of court” and “causing distress” to Muslim rapists, which pleases Muslims. Mohammad cartoons were absent from the UK’s Media “Freedom” Conference’s display of censored political cartoons, which pleases Muslims.

Tommy Robinson has been referred to as “the most hated man in Britain”. He’s also loved by many Brits for being one of the only prominent voices in the UK to speak out against Islam – and his country’s submission to it. But about him being the most hated man in Britain: hated by what standard? By the standard of the UK government and of the powerful and influential leaders who knew about and said and did nothing about decades of its young citizens being raped by Muslim gangs, which they euphemistically refer to as “grooming gangs”. They’ve disgraced themselves and their country by doing everything they can to defend Islam, and doing everything they can to vilify, criticize and legally punish Islam critics, exactly as an Islamic dictatorship would do.

Tommy Robinson is a fighter in a country that no longer fights. That’s one of the main reasons why he’s so hated. He’s a fighter in a country where many have given up, and where many are taught to believe that fighting is “uncouth”. His fighting spirit is rejected in a country where many are resigned to allow Islam and leftism to destroy it once and for all. Tommy Robinson is most hated by those in the UK who’ve given up on the UK, and they don’t want to be reminded of it by someone who condemns them for being the sellouts that they are.

Israeli Court Tells the Truth About Palestinian Authority and Terror Sanctioned and paid to murder. Caroline Glick

On July 9, an Israeli court ruled that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for several attacks by Palestinian terrorist organizations against Israel — a landmark decision that could, and should, have international implications.

The ruling by Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Drori – which he submitted as he went into retirement – regarded lawsuits submitted on behalf of Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism against the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and senior PLO and PA leaders.

The main question that the lawsuits raised was whether or not the PA was directly responsible for Palestinian terrorist attacks carried out against Israelis. The lawsuits related to 17 different Palestinian terrorist attacks which cumulatively murdered 34Israelis. The attacks occurred in 1996 and between 2000 and 2002.
The question of the PLO/PA’s direct role in terrorism is one that Israeli and U.S. officials have shied away from since the PLO and Israel embarked on the so-called peace process in 1993. The PLO, which was founded in 1964, and its component organizations were the architects of modern terrorism.

The peace process between the PLO and Israel was predicated on the assumption that the PLO would abandon terrorism and advance the cause of peaceful coexistence with Israel. Only then could Israel recognize the legitimacy of the PLO as a peace partner, and begin transferring control over land in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza to the PLO and its leader, Yassir Arafat.

NYU Brademas Center Panel Claims “Islamophobia” is “White Supremacy” The dry rot afflicting prestigious academic and policy-making institutions.Andrew Harrod

“Take a deep breath…This topic is heavy,” stated Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC) cofounder Namira Islam on June 26 at New York University’s (NYU) Washington, DC, center. Speaking on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s upholding of President Donald Trump’s temporary travel restriction, Islam’s panel presented “Islamophobia” as exemplary of an nonredeemable, bigoted America.

Alongside Vanessa Taylor, whose views I have previously discussed, Namira Islam, during the event “Beyond the Ban: Resisting Structural Islamophobia,” claimed that the Supreme Court’s 2018 decision “reflected a longer history of structural systems of oppression.” Considering “immoral policies” such as Trump’s falsely described “Muslim ban” prompted her to call upon the auditorium audience of about 40 to perform deep breathing relaxation exercises. These listeners included like-minded leftists including Institute for Policy Studies Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow Khury Petersen-Smith and National Religious Campaign against Torture Executive Director Ron Stief.

Islam’s jargon references to “undocumented [i.e. illegal alien] Muslims” and how in America “certain communities become white over time” reflected both the panel’s and MuslimARC’s sectarian ideologies. MuslimARC’s “Anti-Racism Guide for White Muslims” screams strident racial shibboleths with statements concerning how Americans “live in a society where all people are racialized from the time we are born.” White Americans “have been socialized as white people, with messages from our families, teachers, media and society about whiteness under an umbrella of white supremacy, both subtle and overt.”

Free Tuition and Forgiving Student Debt will Not Save Radical College Faculty By Robert Weissberg

Americans are keen supporters of higher education and Washington has traditionally generously concurred. But, in the 2020 presidential Democratic primary, several prominent potential nominees have endorsed once-unimaginable levels of government aid for college students. Elizabeth Warren, for example, recently announced that if elected she would spend $1.5 trillion (raised by higher taxes on the very rich) to eliminate up to $50,000 in student loan debt for those in household with incomes below $100,000 with smaller cancellations for households earning less than $250,000.  Her plan would also abolish tuition at all public colleges while offering government grants for non-tuition expenses. Meanwhile, a $50 billion fund would help financially struggling historically black colleges and universities (HBCU).

Some 42 million Americans would benefit, especially 75% of those with federal government-funded college debt. Washington would also encourage non-government debtholders to further eliminate student debt. What’s more, her plan would require an “annual equity audit” to ensure that low-income and students of color were proportionately represented in both admission and graduation. 

Warren’s plan ostensibly helps poorer students and minorities climb up the economic ladder into well-paying middle-class jobs, but left unsaid is that college professors and administrators would appear to be even greater beneficiaries. After all, cancelling student debt and free tuition at public colleges may help millions of American youngsters obtain diplomas and be debt-free, but the parchment hardly guarantees a good job. By contrast, opening the floodgates to BA seekers via government subsidies will, it would seem, create yet more academic jobs.

Let’s Talk about Real Discrimination By Eileen F. Toplansky

“Just look at the plight of the Palestinians — not from Israel, but from other Arabs.”

The epithet “racism” is bandied about so much these days that most people using the term have no concept about what it really entails.  The R-word as used by the Left and its jihadist accomplices is meant to silence anyone who disagrees with their principles.  Thus, it is imperative that the lies perpetuated by these nefarious groups be continually highlighted.

In fact, real discrimination is at its height in the Muslim Middle East.  The discrimination against the Palestinians in Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Libya, and Gaza should be headlined every day in all the major news outlets.

Don’t hold your breath.

Did you know the following?

Palestinians are not allowed to become citizens of Arab countries, in accordance with Arab League Decree 1547 for 1959, “in order to preserve the Palestinian entity and Palestinian identity.” Even in Jordan they can no longer become citizens.

Palestinians face severe travel restrictions throughout the Arab world. They do not receive passports and their travel documents are only accepted by a few countries.

Palestinians cannot vote or run for office in national elections in the Arab world.

Children born to Palestinians do not get citizenship in their host countries[.]