Disentangling the Renewable Energy Scam By Norman Rogers


The solar energy industry is telling its pals in Congress that it are willing the lose most of its subsidies.  The current subsidy for solar is 30% of the construction cost.  To that subsidy, an additional 10% subsidy is available due to special fast depreciation for solar energy plants.  The 30% subsidy is scheduled to ramp down to 10% by 2022 and thereafter remain at 10%.  This is not a consequence of declining costs of solar that makes the industry no longer in need of such a large subsidy.  Solar electricity is a mature industry, and cost declines are moderate.  The real reason the solar people are happy with a lower subsidy is that the 30% investment tax credit (ITC) is not their most important subsidy.  The real subsidy is more complicated and better hidden.

The real subsidy is rooted in renewable portfolio requirements in about 30 states. These states require that a certain percentage of electricity come from renewable sources. The quota ramps over time. For example it might ramp from 20% now to 50% by 2030.  These quotas create a chain of events that guarantee solar and wind energy a market for years to come with a guaranteed profit. If that is not enough, the industry is trying to freeze the quotas into state constitutions so as to make it difficult for the electricity consumers to get out of the trap that has been set for them.

Apocalypse Now: Charles Koch and George Soros Team Up for Foreign Policy Initiative By Stephen Kruiser


The Boston Globe:

BESIDES BEING BILLIONAIRES and spending much of their fortunes to promote pet causes, the leftist financier George Soros and the right-wing Koch brothers have little in common. They could be seen as polar opposites. Soros is an old-fashioned New Deal liberal. The Koch brothers are fire-breathing right-wingers who dream of cutting taxes and dismantling government. Now they have found something to agree on: the United States must end its “forever war” and adopt an entirely new foreign policy.

In one of the most remarkable partnerships in modern American political history, Soros and Charles Koch, the more active of the two brothers, are joining to finance a new foreign-policy think tank in Washington. It will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, and bombing.

We should begin with a little clarification here. George Soros is actually a raging progressive and the Koch brothers are very libertarian. A left wing rag like the Globe rarely gets things like this right.

What they’re trying to do is paint Soros as some sort of centrist and the Kochs as fringe loons, when the opposite is true.

Either way, this is a most interesting alliance. These are the two most financially influential entities in American politics in recent years. That they are finding common ground is worth paying attention to.

The Lie of Portland’s Antifa By Douglas Murray


There was a time when “anti-fascist” meant what it said. People who opposed fascism called themselves “anti-fascists.” But then the term slipped. The definition of “fascist” became hazy from over-use and so the term “anti-fascist” also began to move. This might seem to be a theoretical matter. But it is one that ends up encouraging and condoning horrific scenes like those in the center of Portland on Saturday.

For some time, self-described “anti-fascists,” or Antifa, have been finding spurious and imaginary reasons for demonstrating in the city. Though these are less like demonstrations than carnivals of civil disobedience, violence and intimidation. One of the very few journalists to have taken an interest in the repeated shutting down of the city center by these groups has been the young journalist Andy Ngo. Despite the police apparently regularly handing over the city to Antifa to do what they want, there has been relatively little coverage of this whole story in the mainstream press. And despite being repeatedly hounded and intimidated by anti-fa, on Saturday Ngo once again went to cover events in Portland.

This time, Antifa went even further than they have before, with several of their number assaulting Ngo, stealing his equipment, and repeatedly smashing his face with weapons and projectiles. It appears that the Portland police once again stood by and allowed this to happen.

Antifa – Fascists? By Andrew Stuttaford


George Orwell, writing in 1944:

[W]hen we apply the term ‘Fascism’ to Germany or Japan or Mussolini’s Italy, we know broadly what we mean. It is in internal politics that this word has lost the last vestige of meaning. For if you examine the press you will find that there is almost no set of people — certainly no political party or organized body of any kind — which has not been denounced as Fascist during the past ten years…

A copious list then follows.


It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless.


Even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.

And the way that penultimate sentence could apply to the vicious assault on journalist Andy Ngo is all too obvious.

In the course of a fine post earlier today on this Corner, Douglas Murray observed:

There was a time when “anti-fascist” meant what it said. People who opposed fascism called themselves “anti-fascists.” But then the term slipped. The definition of “fascist” became hazy from over-use and so the term “anti-fascist” also began to move.

Orwell would agree.

But then Douglas goes on to write this:

Second, anyone in any doubt over who the fascists and the anti-fascists are today should watch the footage of Ngo being attacked. Might the fascists be the thugs who wear face masks in the middle of the day in an American city and carry out mob assaults on journalists?

Terrorist state coming right around the corner, warns Israeli NGO June 30, 2019


More than 28,000 illegal Palestinian structures have been built in areas under Israeli jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria in the last decade, threatening Israel’s future, warns NGO Regavim.

A carefully planned and meticulously orchestrated takeover? More than 28,000 illegal Palestinian structures have been built in areas under Israeli jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria in the last decade, threatening Israel’s future, warns NGO Regavim.

After intensive data collection and a mapping project that took several months, Regavim has now released comprehensive – and extremely troubling – data on the Palestinian takeover of land in Area C, the section of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction.

Regavim’s stated mission is to ensure responsible, legal, accountable and environmentally friendly use of Israel’s national lands and the return of the rule of law to all areas and aspects of the land and its preservation.”

The newly drawn map of the situation on the ground reflects both illegal construction and land-grabs facilitated by “agricultural use” that takes advantage of the archaic system of law currently in force in these areas, says the organization. All of these projects – construction and agriculture in the service of the future Palestinian state – are made possible by massive financial support provided by the European Union, individual European governments and European NGOs.

Outrage in France after civil servants were paid to do nothing for 25 years by David Chazan


A regional authority in the south of France paid some 30 civil servants to do nothing for more than 25 years, it has been revealed. 

French taxpayers have been spending more than €1 million (£897,000) a year to pay full salaries to the “phantom” bureaucrats, despite at least one of them being in full-time private sector employment. 

An official report by the Provence-Alps-Riviera Regional Audit Office disclosed that others benefited from automatic promotions and pay increases based on seniority or length of service.

The report said local authorities had failed to find them posts after their original jobs were scrapped when water services were privatised in the southern city of Toulon – but kept them on the payroll. 

“It is regrettable, to say the least, that the city was not capable of finding new jobs for some of these employees, especially the youngest,” the audit office report said.



Changing gender is easier than ever in NYC schools

By Selim Algar

The city public schools have to deal with violence, low national ranking in language and math skills and this is the drivel that occupies the Dept. of Education…..rsk

City kids can now change their gender status on school records without any legal documentation — and play for the sports teams of their preference, the Department of Education announced Friday.

With parental permission, students can alter their genders, change their names and join sports teams regardless of what appears on their birth certificate, officials said.

“Schools are safe havens for students to develop their passions and discover their true identities, and these new guidelines celebrate and affirm all students,” said Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza in a statement.

“This Pride Month, I’m thrilled to send a clear message to our students — we celebrate you, we respect you, and we support you.”

After submitting a newly created “name and gender change request form,” all school-related documents and data — including report cards, diplomas, and enrollment numbers — will reflect the requested designations.

“With this updated policy, which allows students to change their name and gender on school records without legal documentation, we are signaling our support for all students regardless of gender identity,” City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said in a statement celebrating the changes.

Kids and their families will also be able to self-report names and genders when enrolling in a DOE school.

The regulations will permanently modify how schools calculate their demographics. Instead of tabulating gender numbers through birth certificates, administrators will now rely on self-reported information.

The rule is part of a larger set of new DOE initiatives aimed at minimizing gender-specific practices inside city classrooms.

Trump Meets Kim for Third Time, Becomes First U.S. President to Enter North Korea By Nicholas Ballasy


President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday and became the first U.S. president to enter North Korea.

Kim greeted Trump in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea and asked him if he would like to step inside his country. Trump told Kim he would be “honored” and he took 20 steps into North Korea.

“It is good to see you again,” Kim told Trump through an interpreter. “I never expected to meet you in this place.”

“Big moment. Big progress,” Trump said in response.

Through an interpreter, Kim said that their latest meeting has “a lot of significance because it means that we want to bring an end to the unpleasant past and try to create a new future, so it’s a very courageous and determined act.”

Kim noted, “You’re the first US president to cross this line.”


Journalist Andy Ngo beaten up by antifa activists at Portland protest Police are hit with eggs, milkshakes; crowd ordered to disperse in latest street clash By Valerie Richardson –


An Oregon photojournalist who covers Portland’s frequently violent protest scene was taken to the hospital Saturday after being attacked by black-masked antifa activists.

Andy Ngo, an editor at the online platform Quillette, said he was struck on the head and face “multiple times” by antifa protesters, who also threw objects and a milkshake at him as he tried to walk away.

The attack, recorded in part by the Oregonian and posted on Twitter, came during Saturday’s Rose City Antifa counter-protest against a rally held by the far-right group Proud Boys in downtown Portland.

Mr. Ngo had bloody cuts and bruises on his face, and his hair and shirt were covered with milkshake, as shown in a video he posted on Twitter shortly after the assault.

“I just got beat up by the crowd — no police at all — in the middle of the street,” Mr. Ngo said in the post. “And they stole my GoPro. And they punched me several times in my face and head, and I’m bleeding.”

Mr. Ngo, a right-leaning journalist who regularly films Portland’s protest activity, has written for the Wall Street Journal, National Review, RealClearPolitics and other publications.

Before the protest, Rose City Antifa had singled out Mr. Ngo in an online post promoting the “Community Self Defense Against Proud Boy Attack,” calling him a “[l]ocal far-right Islamophobic journalist.”

Video posts of Saturday’s clash showed a few dozen right-wing activists holding a rally while hundreds of counter-protesters marched in the street amid a heavy police presence.

Cal Thomas: 10 questions Dems should have been asked in debates – But weren’t


The likelihood I would ever be invited to serve on a network panel questioning the Democratic presidential candidates is equivalent to an invitation to take the next trip to the moon.

Still, as I tortured myself watching the two “debates,” which were not really debates, but mostly a show of memorized sound bites, I thought of unasked questions that ought to have been put to them all.

Question 1: Some of you have, or had, the power to change many of the things you now say are wrong with America. Why didn’t you?

Question 2 (for Joe Biden): You and President Obama, for a time, had a Democratic majority in Congress. Why didn’t you reform immigration laws and address homelessness? Your administration deported a lot of people who were in the country illegally, so why criticize President Trump for wanting to follow your example? Do our laws mean nothing?

Question 3: During the second debate, all of you raised your hands when asked if you would provide free health care to immigrants who are here illegally. Aren’t you inviting even more to come to America with such a policy, and wouldn’t that add to our already staggering debt? Follow-up: Trump said we should take care of Americans first. Why would you use American tax dollars to pay for people who break our laws?

Question 4: Is there anything Trump has done that you could praise? Many of you talk as if unemployment hasn’t declined — especially for minorities — and wages haven’t risen. Unemployment is at, or near, record lows and wages are up.