LA Mayor Garcetti Not Apologizing for Supporting U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem By Nicholas Ballasy

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Wednesday that he’s not going to apologize for publicly stating his support for moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem amid criticism from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The Trump administration announced the move in December of 2017. The embassy opening in Jerusalem took place in May of 2018.

The Greater Los Angeles Area office of CAIR “condemned” Garcetti’s support for relocating the embassy.

“It is highly disturbing that Mayor Garcetti would declare support for such a reckless decision made by President Donald Trump to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush.

Garcetti was asked for his response to CAIR demanding an apology.

Watch the full video of Garcetti’s response:

The Impeachment Democrats Trump puts Pelosi on the spot over her agenda or appeasing her anti-Trump ultras.

President Trump walked out of a meeting with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at the White House Wednesday over their accusations against him, and all of Democratic and media Washington is appalled. Doesn’t this President understand that he is supposed to take a daily beating on his way to impeachment while also giving Democrats some policy victories?

Mr. Trump turned what was supposed to be a meeting about infrastructure spending into a display of Trumpian pique. “Instead of walking in happily into a meeting, I walk in to look at people that had just said I was doing a cover-up. I don’t do cover-ups,” he told reporters after the meeting.

He was referring to Mrs. Pelosi’s comments earlier in the day that “we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.” The remark is part of her now-daily act of political cognitive dissonance in which she accuses Mr. Trump of committing impeachable offenses to appease her anti-Trump ultras while opposing impeachment lest it jeopardize swing-district Democrats in 2020.

Mr. Trump has decided to call her bluff and offer a choice—impeachment or bipartisan progress. He probably realizes by now that Democrats don’t want to give him any political victories before 2020 even if they could also take credit. And that may be just as well given that most of the potential compromises—on drug prices or financing for public-works spending—would be bad policy.

But Mrs. Pelosi is facing a momentous choice. If she opens a formal impeachment inquiry, the momentum toward a vote would be hard to stop. Her moderates would be squeezed to take a vote that could cost them re-election. The process would consume media attention for as long as it lasts and well into next year. Forget about what Mrs. Pelosi calls “our agenda for the people.” The new House majority will define themselves as the Impeachment Democrats.

The top 12 ways Israel is feeding the world By  Abigail Klein Leichman

From drip irrigation to hardier seeds, Israeli innovations help fill hungry bellies everywhere, particularly in the developing world.

Food security is a critical concern as the global population expands and natural resources dwindle. Smart solutions for more efficient farming, hardier crops, alternative sources of nutrition, and safer food packaging and storage are essential.

No other single country – certainly not one as young and as tiny as Israel – has contributed more breakthroughs to this area than Israel.

Since the 1950s, Israelis have not only been finding miraculous ways to green their own desert but have shared their discoveries far and wide.

Here are 12 major ways Israel helps feed the world.


I had the misfortune to witness the undergrad NYU ceremony yesterday at Radio City Music HalL.. This was not my first time at the rodeo so I knew what to expect. But this was a whole other level. There was no ‘education’ component to it. It was all propaganda for the most subversive, radical movements in American society. It was, from the first, an orgy of hard left poison. Colonialism! LGBT! Welfare! Socialism! Climate!  Refugees! Climate! Islamic! Native American!  Manhattan is actually Native American land – don’t ya know? The valedictorian from the graduation and post-grad ceremonies both were students at the  NYU Dept.of Social and Cultural Analysis the notorious school that recently ended its official relation with the Tel Aviv campus.

This is the best, the most brilliant of NYU? It is a stunning indictment of the left-wing take-ever of the education system in this country. And our taxpayer dollars is funding this civilizational suicide.

Trans Activists Silence The Science So They Can Claim It’s On Their Side: By Nathanael Blake

It’s telling that, in order to claim that science is on their side, trans activists need to bully actual scientists into silence about what the data and human experience actually suggests.

According to legend, Galileo defiantly muttered “and yet it moves” after the Inquisition forced him to abjure his Copernican views. Although unverified, this story became a popular anecdote in the history of science, giving voice to the passionate love for inquiry and truth, even in the face of dogmatic threats of violence.

If the transgender movement has its way, we shall soon see many more like Galileo, forced by today’s ideologues and inquisitions to deny the plain truth of science and reason. For example, Ray Blanchard, a leading researcher on human sexuality, was recently suspended from Twitter for the clinically correct statement that “Transsexualism and milder forms of gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder.” After an outcry, his account was restored, but the message had already been sent—thoughtcrime will be punished, even, perhaps especially, if it is true.

This might be dismissed as another Twitter tempest in a teapot, were it not part of a trend of trans activists targeting scientists and researchers who reach politically inconvenient conclusions. Another respected researcher, Kenneth Zucker, was defamed and wrongly fired when trans activists smeared him. Lisa Littman, whose qualitative research identified the phenomenon of rapid-onset gender dysphoria, was vilified and lost a consulting position.

Trump Slams Left-Flanked Pelosi, Dumps Infrastructure Talks In Rose Garden Remarks By David Marcus

There was supposed to be a meeting about infrastructure today. Remember infrastructure? The policy area where Democrats and Republicans can find agreement and move forward? Well, not so fast. The scheduled meeting between President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer didn’t quite go as planned after Pelosi buckled to the far-leftists in her caucus and accused Trump of engaging in a cover-up over obstruction of justice allegations stemming from the Robert Mueller report.

Pelosi’s comments came this morning after an emergency meeting in which she apparently barely managed to stave off calls from her colleagues to impeach President Trump. For the time being, her efforts were successful and Democrats in the House will not start impeachment proceedings. But that agreement came at a price for the speaker, who having been outflanked by the left made the damning statements about Trump being involved in a cover-up.

As a result of those remarks President Trump apparently entered the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, did not shake anyone’s hand, and basically told them to kick rocks until their endless investigations into him are over. It is not clear if the president even had time to sit down. It was clear from his blistering comments a while later in the Rose Garden that he was not happy, and would not be working with Democrats anytime soon.

Why The Democratic Establishment Won’t Stand Up To Their Party’s Anti-Semites :Ben Weingarten

Democratic leaders seem to have surmised that to keep together a party splitting both generationally and ideologically, they had to either court the radicals or risk early retirement.

Perhaps the most significant long-term development taking place in the Democratic Party is its surrender to the party’s Blame America First wing. One of many indications of this is House Democratic leadership’s ardent defense of its virulently anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and fundamentally anti-American and anti-Western colleagues.

The Democrat establishment’s cave began when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi chastised Rep. Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitic comments, only to then cravenly acquiesce to party progressives by passing a House resolution that refused to condemn Omar by name, and refused to solely condemn Omar’s offending anti-Semitic rhetoric. It accelerated with the party’s attack on critics of Omar’s comments seemingly trivializing the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Then, in the wake of Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s feckless, supportive responses for Rep. Rashida Tlaib following the firestorm she created with her historically illiterate, Hamas-ian hagiographyof Israel’s founding, the Holocaust, and the Arabs’ role in relation to both, the cave to the Blame America Firsters appears to be complete.

The Democrat Old Guard will no longer engage in even muted criticism of its Party’s provocative Young Turks. Rather, it will wholeheartedly defend the provocateurs and vociferously condemn their condemners

The pertinent question few are asking is, “Why?” Assuming the Democratic leadership is driven above all else by power, I suggest three primary reasons for this shameful shift.

Dem. Rep. Accuses DHS Secretary of Choosing to Let Migrant Kids Die: ‘This Is Intentional’ By Jack Crowe

Representative Lauren Underwood (D., Ill.) on Wednesday accused the acting Department of Homeland Security secretary of intentionally implementing border-security policies that would lead to the deaths of migrant children.

During his appearance before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan was asked to explain why five children have died in federal custody after being apprehended at the southern border since December.

“These stories are appalling and yet they keep happening,” Underwood said, referring to the recent migrants deaths, as well as reports of inadequate housing and medical care for migrant children apprehended at the border. “Now Congress just provided half a billion dollars in February to address the humanitarian crisis at the border and will soon provide more. Why do these tragedies keep happening?”

McAleenan, who succeeded Kirstjen Nielsen in April, responded that the resources provided by Congress are insufficient to address the record number of asylum seekers, many of whom are women and children, arriving at the border each day.

The Brexit Party Poses an Existential Threat to the Tories By John O’Sullivan

Theresa May is probably on the way out, but the European parliamentary elections suggest a bigger threat is on the horizon for the Conservative party.

Theresa May’s departure from Downing Street and the premiership has been promised so many times and not materialized once that I react to the latest version of it like the Charlie Ruggles character to a rival suitor in the great Lubitsch comedy, Trouble in Paradise: “See here. You keep saying you’re leaving and then you stay. Why don’t you say you’ll stay and then leave?”

Last week it certainly looked as if May would finally gratify the wishes of almost all Tories outside Parliament (and now, it seems, most inside Parliament too) and resign as prime minister in early June. She and Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, agreed on a statement that kind of promised she would go but also left open the delicate question of when:

The prime minister is determined to secure our departure from the European Union and is devoting her efforts to securing the second reading of the withdrawal agreement bill in the week commencing 3rd June 2019 and the passage of that bill and the consequent departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union by the summer. We have agreed that she and I will meet following the second reading of the bill to agree a timetable for the election of a new leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party.

The 24 Democrats By Jim Geraghty

Twenty or so are going to end this presidential-election cycle deeply disappointed.

Every presidential primary ends with one winner and a lot of losers. Some might argue that one or two once-little-known candidates who overperform low expectations get to enjoy a form of moral victory. (Ben Carson and Rick Perry might be happy how the 2016 cycle ended, with both taking roles in Trump’s cabinet. Bernie Sanders might be, too.) But running for president and flopping is a deep disappointment, and while the occasional figure can emerge from a failed bid to move on to different victories — Lamar Alexander and Elizabeth Dole became senators, Jerry Brown became governor again, Howard Dean became chair of the Democratic National Committee — a lot of failed presidential candidates fade away into the private sector and obscurity beyond occasional cable-news appearances: Bill Bradley, Tommy Thompson, Wesley Clark, Dick Gephardt, Alan Keyes, Bob Graham, Bill Richardson, Evan Bayh, Michele Bachmann.

The 2020 Democratic primary is going to end with about 23 campaigns falling short of actual victory and any moral victories. Perhaps two candidates will end up in a unity ticket, and perhaps one or two will have set themselves up for another run for another office someday. But the coming year will bring a lot of anticlimax, frustration, and disillusionment for a lot of once-promising figures in the party.

Here are the 24 Democratic presidential candidates, more or less in order of their position, although outside the top four or five, the ranking barely matters.