Presidential Hopeful Marianne Williamson Proposes Federal ‘Department of Peace Creation’ By Nicholas Ballasy

Marianne Williamson, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, has proposed the creation of two new federal agencies: the Department of Peace Creation and the Department of Children and Youth.

Williamson was asked how the Department of Peace Creation would differ from the State Department.

“Well, the State Department works with international issues and I do believe that we need a far more robust relationship between the State Department and the Defense Department. I have great respect for the U.S. military. We all should and must. My father fought in World War II and as I said, you know, you’re the president. You’re the commander-in-chief but I see the military like the surgeon. If you’re going to have surgery, you want to have the best surgeon,” Williamson said during a CNN town hall on Sunday evening.

“And I don’t think anyone would doubt that America has to have the best possible military but at the same time, you avoid surgery, if at all possible. Even Donald Rumsfeld, who was the secretary of defense for George Bush, said we also have to wage peace.

Horrific Honor Killings in Phoenix By Meira Svirsky

A Muslim man in Arizona was arrested for four honor killings — his wife, two daughters and the man with whom he believed his wife was having an affair.

According to Phoenix Police Sergeant Tommy Thompson, “[Austin Smith] said that the reason he shot these individuals is because in God’s eyes, it was all right for him to deal with someone in this manner who had been involved in adultery, extramarital affairs.”

Smith also told police he killed his seven-year-old daughter because she was “weeping for the wicked.”

According to court documents, he said spared his three-year old who was found hiding under a bed because she reminded him of himself.

As in many cases of honor crimes, some will protest this was merely a case of domestic violence (not withstanding the horrific nature of the crime). And in truth, what is the difference?

Quite simply, even though we don’t know Smith’s psychological profile, we can surmise someone capable of killing his children in cold blood – not to mention his wife and her suspected lover – has to be deranged on a certain level.

Fire devastates Notre-Dame, beloved architectural gem at heart of Paris

PARIS (Reuters) – A fast-moving fire consumed Notre-Dame Cathedral on Monday in a massive, roaring blaze that devastated the Parisian landmark, a searing loss for the city and for France.

Bill Barr, Dirty Cops, and the O.J. Simpson Trial By Charles Lipson –

When Attorney General Bill Barr testified last week that, yes, “spying did occur” in the government’s Trump-Russia investigation and that spying on a political campaign is a “big deal,” the Democrats were apoplectic. How could he dare say such a thing? The saintly James Comey went even further. He told an audience that he didn’t even know what spying meant. No, siree, he had no idea.

Barr’s candor is what Michael Kinsley famously called a “Washington gaffe,” where the naked truth somehow slips out. Naturally, it set off a firestorm.

Democrats demanded an immediate retraction but got only an anodyne rewording. Use a synonym and call it “surveillance.” The real question, Barr explained, was not whether there was spying—there obviously was—but whether it was legally justified. That is precisely what he intends to find out, he told Congress. He will also find out if the spymasters lied to Congress, about which he has now received criminal referrals.

The Democrats’ ferocious pushback confirms the gravity of the issue. Their fears are well-founded. The Obama administration politicized the Department of Justice, FBI, and intelligence agencies, and a serious investigation is very likely to find criminal wrong-doing. The response of top Democrats is to smear Barr as a partisan hack.

Ben Weingarten:Why Democrats Freaked Out When Barr Said The Trump Campaign Was Spied On

There are two reasons the political media establishment is growing increasingly hostile towards Attorney General William Barr: First, he serves under President Donald Trump. Second, he is not only the messenger of the demise of the Russiagate conspiracy theory that the Deep State and its aiders, abettors, and enablers in the political media establishment worked so hard to perpetuate, but he could also be the source of the demise of the establishment itself, if he ends up exposing their whole sordid affair.

Should Barr conduct a thorough investigation of the Russiagate investigators, and the associated leakers and colluders, and dispense justice to the fullest extent of the law, it would drive a stake through the heart of the establishment writ large by demolishing the unjust system of double standards from which it has benefited, while punishing its foes.

Germany: Talk of ‘European Army’ was Meant ‘Allegorically’ by Stefan Frank

Since taking office in 2013, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has done little to alleviate the problems in the military. The best-known projects during her tenure were kindergartens for the soldiers’ families; the procurement of flat screen television sets and mini-fridges for the barracks; the announcement of efforts to make the German army “more attractive for gay, lesbian and transgender people”; buying uniforms for pregnant soldiers, and making battle tanks suitable for pregnant soldiers. As worthwhile as these efforts may be, they do little to address the core problems.

“Apparently the readiness of the Bundeswehr is so bad that the public should not be allowed to know about it.” — Tobias Lindner, a Greens Party member, serving on the budget and defense committees.

“We are committed to the emergence of a European army”, German chancellor Angela Merkel pledged in January, backing a plan first launched by French president Emmanuel Macron in 2017. Merkel thus confirmed a position she had voiced in November 2018, when, speaking to the European parliament in Strasbourg, she said: “We have to look at the vision of one day creating a real, true European army.”

Members of the opposition Free Democratic Party (FDP) in the German federal parliament (Bundestag) wanted to know what was meant by the term “European army” and submitted this question to the government.

The EU Still Appeasing the Mullahs by Majid Rafizadeh

Despite Iran’s destructive behavior, such as support for terror and militia groups across the region, the European Union has chosen to help the ruling mullahs of Iran, ostensibly to maintain the flimsy, illegal, never-signed, unratified “nuclear deal” — but possibly even more as an embarrassingly transparent attempt, if the EU could be embarrassed, to navigate around US economic and political pressure and continue doing business with the regime.

If the EU does not change its position and continues its support of Iranian leaders and the nuclear deal, Tehran’s aggressive policies in the Middle East will persist, and Tehran will keep on pursuing its subversive agenda of attacking Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States via Yemen, Israel through Syria and Lebanon, and the US via Venezuela.

While President Donald Trump may have his critics, his hard-line sanctions are the only kind of political message the Iranian leaders can understand.

The European Union, in an unfathomable move, has been taking the side of the Iranian government, and turning its back on its old transatlantic partner, the United States, which recently announced plans to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO), reportedly to take effect this week.

The Trump administration has taken a tougher stance towards Iran’s dark and hegemonic ambitions. Meanwhile, despite Iran’s destructive behavior, such as support for terror and militia groups across the region, the European Union has chosen to help the ruling mullahs of Iran, ostensibly to maintain the flimsy, illegal, never-signed, unratified “nuclear deal” — but possibly even more as an embarrassingly transparent attempt, if the EU could be embarrassed, to navigate around US economic and political pressure and continue doing business with Iran’s regime.

Beto Vs. Bibi A Democratic presidential candidate demonstrates his rank hypocrisy and ignorance. Ari Lieberman

The crowded field of Democratic Party hopefuls contains more than its fair share of odd characters. Corey Booker actually referred to himself as Spartacus while John Hickenlooper bragged about watching a porn flick with his mom. Kamala Harris claimed she smoked her fair share of weed during her college years while listening to Tupac and Snoop Dog, years before these rappers put out their first labels. But the candidate who takes top prize for the most truly bizarre is Robert Francis O’Rourke, aka “Beto.”

O’Rourke admitted to eating dirt after his failed bid to take Ted Cruz’s Texas senate seat. He also allegedly tried tricking his wife into eating baby excrement, telling her that it was an avocado. Rounding out O’Rourke’s insanity was his obligatory apology for his “white privilege” and a host of other irredeemable transgressions including his alleged misogyny, insensitivity to his wife and a past desire to run over kids with a car (yeah, you read that last bit correctly).

But while O’Rourke’s talents qualify him to play an extra on “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” they’re not necessarily portable to the presidential realm. O’Rourke learned that the hard way when just days before Israel’s general election, he called Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “racist” and noted that Netanyahu does not represent “the true will of the Israeli people.” O’Rourke also leveled criticism at the Palestinian Authority’s unelected chieftain Mahmoud Abbas, but it was more subdued and couched in terms of policy rather than base ad hominem attacks.

Jamie Glazov Takes on Rep. Omar Over 9/11 VIDEO

Some people did something on 9/11. And some people are fighting back.

On this week’s Glazov Moment on the eponymous Glazov Gang, Jamie Glazov, the author of Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us, takes on Rep. Ilhan Omar over her denial and dismissal of the worst Islamist terror atrocity inflicted on the United States.

Jamie delves into the intersection of CAIR, 9/11, Omar and the Islamist agenda. Be sure to watch.

The Problems with America’s Best Teacher Training Programme written by Daniel Buck

A question central to Plato’s Republic is “What should we teach our children?” Judging from the parents I’ve talked to, this question is not getting the consideration it deserves. Parroting a common conservative refrain regarding what some believe schools teach, a colleague referred to them as “liberal-producing factories.” Thankfully, that’s not quite the case. While the teaching profession as a whole leans left, most educators are aware of their bias and, with varying degrees of success, try to push against it. Unfortunately, this is not true of the programs that train the nation’s school staff.

I received a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, one of the premier schools of education in the country, occasionally nudging out Columbia and Harvard for the top spot in U.S. News and World Report’s ranking of education programs. In reality, it was a series of graduate courses that featured various arts and crafts projects.

To their credit, the faculty seek to ameliorate legitimate and pressing concerns that our schools face: racial disparities, stagnant scores that are falling behind other countries, defective spending structures, high teacher turnover, and a host of other problems. However, they promote a philosophy of education that is effective at exposing these problems but impotent to solve them. The root issue is that the three elements of a progressive worldview I discuss here—restorative justice, contemporary literary theory, and an antipathy to intellectual diversity—result in an education that questions all systems but fails to offer students a coherent alternative.