Jamaal Bowman Is Transforming into a Memorably Dumb Recurring Sitcom Character By Jeffrey Blehar


A confession: I just assume that anyone as attuned as I am to the ongoing carnival of trolls that is Trump/Biden–era Washington must also be a fan of weird, bleak satire. You can’t do this job without a healthy sense of the absurd, at least not without having your spirit crushed. And I’m coming to realize over time that many of the keenest observers of American politics have become in their own way art critics as well, as one must be in an era of performative nonsense.

So what I’ve come to appreciate about New York congressman Jamaal Bowman is how he has played so predictably to a script, slowly morphing into an entertainingly dense bit player whose intermittent appearances in the news always promise a memorably dumb episode in our politics, like Tim Whateley the dentist converting to Judaism for the jokes on Seinfeld or George Santos showing up to sheepishly reveal a competitive Brazilian drag performance alias. He doesn’t dominate the narrative insufferably, like Matt Gaetz — the smug, prat-faced Wesley Crusher of Congress, forever inserting himself into random narratives as a useless B-story for 15 minutes of time-wasting. Instead you can rely on Bowman to pop up every now and then, get caught saying and/or doing something refreshingly funny in its hopelessly flat-footed stupidity, then disappear backstage again into what threatens to be a marvelously entertaining Democratic primary race this spring.

Like any solid character arc, this one begins a few episodes back, back near the end of Season 2 of the 118th Congress, when (as viewers will recall) Kevin McCarthy got unceremoniously axed from the show. Since National Review doesn’t do clickbait “episode guides,” I’ll just remind everyone that — spoiler alert — the day before McCarthy got decapitated as speaker of the House in an ending that perfectly mirrored the first season of Game of Thrones (most viewers were surprised, but I had already read the book), Jamaal Bowman yanked a fire alarm in the Cannon Building in order to delay a vote on a 45-day temporary debt-ceiling increase. As he had been caught on camera, his left-wing partisans then resorted to a delightfully mounting series of get-me-across-pitch defenses: He was confused! He was late to a vote! (He ran out of gas! He had a flat tire! He didn’t have enough money for cab fare! His tux didn’t come back from the cleaners!)

Joshua T. Katz Double Standards at Princeton The university’s professors defend free speech for people they like and shout down people they don’t.


On July 4, 2020, a few hundred of my then-colleagues at Princeton University signed an open letter endorsing a number of student demands made in the name of “anti-racism” and proposing such alarming policies as the creation of a faculty committee to police “racist behaviors.” Four days later, I published a lone dissent in which I acknowledged the signatories’ right to express their views. I also suggested—and a month later, Conor Friedersdorf came to a similar conclusion—that most of them probably didn’t believe all the things to which they were putting their name or maybe hadn’t even read the document.

Jump to October 7, 2023. In the days after Hamas invaded Israel and committed unspeakable acts of brutality, I was pleasantly surprised that Princeton faculty didn’t issue another such letter. Perhaps, I thought, they had learned that it was unwise to support groups like Princeton’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which had scheduled a pro-Hamas “teach-in” for the same time as a previously announced vigil for the Israelis whom Hamas had slaughtered and issued a screed blaming Israel for Hamas’s evil.

On October 22, however, the Daily Princetonian published “An open letter from Princeton faculty and students in solidarity with Gaza.” This new letter has so far received 664 signatures from people with Princeton affiliations, 69 of them university employees.

Because this letter was not published in the heat of some traumatic moment, instead appearing more than two weeks after the surprise Hamas attacks on Israel, there is little chance anyone signed it without understanding what’s at stake. The fact that it must have been produced with “care” makes its contents especially horrible: far worse, in my view, than the knee-jerk reaction of a bunch of college kids.

After beginning with a brief expression of “bereave[ment]” for “the tragic loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives,” the signatories make clear where they stand: “The ongoing Israeli assault upon the Gaza Strip must be stopped.” They say nothing about the actions of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and mention Hamas only once. They also amplify misinformation about the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital bombing.

Iran’s Genocidal War Against the Jews Biden Must Enforce Sanctions Now by Majid Rafizadeh


Iran has not only been threatening the US with attacks, it has attacked US assets in Syria and Iraq 83 times since Biden became president, and at least 24 times in the past two weeks. Iran also recently threatened again to annihilate Israel, and has reportedly begun ordering its elite militias based in Syria into southern Lebanon “to participate in attacks on Israel.”

Worse, Biden is reportedly again trying to meddle again in the government of a sovereign democracy by strongly intimating that he wants Israel’s duly elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gone. The reason, presumably, is so that Biden can install some weakling who will do whatever Biden and his newly minted, extremely pro-Iran ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, tell him. That doubtless includes approving some horrendous “nuclear deal” enabling Iran’s to have as many nuclear weapons as the mullahs like after Biden leaves office…

By effectively crippling America’s oil production his first day in office and enabling Russia to sell its oil at inflated prices, Biden has literally financed Russia’s war with up to $1 billion a day. In addition, by cancelling sanctions on Iran, Biden financed Iran’s proxy war against Israel. The Biden administration, then, has funded both sides of two wars in two years.

The Biden administration has apparently decided to totally ignore the involvement of Iran in Hamas’s October 7 invasion of Israel. The Iranian regime, meanwhile, has been assisting Russia militarily in its war against Ukraine and is reportedly behind the latest Hamas terrorist massacre in Israel. The Biden administration, by ignoring sanctions against Iran’s oil and gas exports, thereby enabling Iran to accumulate close to $60 billion with which to fund the Hamas war, as well as to advance its own nuclear weapons program.

Iran has not only been threatening the US with attacks, it has attacked US assets in Syria and Iraq 83 times since Biden became president, and at least 24 times in the past two weeks. Iran also recently threatened again to annihilate Israel, and has reportedly begun ordering its elite militias based in Syria into southern Lebanon “to participate in attacks on Israel.”

Worse, Biden is reportedly again trying to meddle again in the government of a sovereign democracy by strongly intimating that he wants Israel’s duly elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gone.

Kentucky Democrats Go Full Racist Against Daniel Cameron Chris Queen |


Democrats love to refer to themselves as the party of diversity. It’s always important for leftists to display how many different demographic categories are among their ranks. But what we don’t see on the left is diversity of thought.

Black conservatives become the targets of disrespect and outright racism from the left. Just ask Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and Condoleezza Rice. The latest example of this phenomenon is taking place in Kentucky, where Democrats are going full racist in attacking GOP gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron, who is black.

Cameron has trailed incumbent Gov. Andy Beshear until recently. According to RealClearPolitics, the latest Emerson poll shows Cameron with a narrow one-point lead over Beshear, while a poll from the same outlet from the beginning of October showed Beshear with a 16-point lead.

Cameron’s surge must have the Democrats scared because a new ad is using racism to target Cameron as insufficiently black. 

Fox News reports:

Black Voters Matter Action PAC, which FEC filings show received millions from [George] Soros’ super-PAC, has been running the radio ad on a local R&B station based in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, describing Cameron as “Uncle Daniel Cameron,” and accusing him of betraying his race by declaring “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.”

“What’s up Kentucky? It’s election time, and all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. Over the past few years, we’ve taken to the streets to demand racial justice, to demand healthcare, and the right to make decisions about our body. And now, Uncle Daniel Cameron is threatening to take us backwards, the same man who refused to seek justice for Breonna Taylor now wants to run our whole state,” the ad says.

Let that sink in. It’s so racist that it is wilder than parody.

Judge Orders New Democrat Mayoral Primary in Connecticut After Seeing ‘Shocking’ Ballot-Stuffing Videos By Debra Heine


A Superior Court judge in Connecticut has ordered a new Democrat mayoral primary in Bridgeport after surveillance videos showed a Democrat official apparently stuffing absentee ballots into an outdoor ballot box ahead of the original primary.

Incumbent Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim won the election by 251 votes out of 8,173 cast, and absentee ballots reportedly played a deciding role in his margin of victory.

Superior Court Judge William Clark ruled that challenger John Gomes’ claims of absentee ballot fraud warranted throwing out the results of the Sept. 12 primary, the Connecticut Mirror reported.

“The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all of the parties,” Clark wrote in his decision.

The video clips show Town Committee vice chairwoman Wanda Geter-Pataky placing what appear to be multiple absentee ballots into one of the four absentee ballot drop boxes in the city.

“These instances do not appear to the court to be random,” Clark wrote in his opinion.

“The issue in this case is not the applications or even the push to deliver absentee votes. The issue is whether that advocacy crossed a line of the established laws. Specifically, whether individuals who were not the voter and were not authorized under statute handled ballots,” Clark said. “Based on the video and the numbers of absentee votes submitted through the drop box method in Districts 136 and 139 in particular, this court finds that such violations did occur.”

Who Created the Monsters Among Us? Victor Davis Hanson


Students at UCLA and on other campuses, some of them on foreign student visas, and others on some sort of taxpayer-funded support, are now marching with the chant, “Israel, Israel you cannot hide, we charge you with genocide.” So, Hamas gunmen break into Israel, slaughter over 1,000 civilians, mutilate them, behead some, and commit any sort of atrocity, and when the IDF responds our students charge “genocide”?

How would you like any of those graduating college chanters operating on your heart, defending you in court, doing your income taxes, or serving you at the DMV?

Note the irony of our students accusing Israel of genocide often simultaneously chanting, “From the river to the sea”—a euphemism for the mass killing of Jews and the extinction of Israel. Those calling for the mass extinction of Jews following the butchery of more than 1,000 inside Israel now claim victim status when the victim responds. And they of all people now charge Israel with the very crimes that they have been clamoring for in their chanting “From the river to the sea”?

How did we accomplish turning our universities into Nazi-like centers of indoctrination?

Answer: the woke/DEI revolution, and its predecessors of identity politics, were mortal sins of both commission and omission.

Students were taught binaries of victims/victimizers or oppressed/oppressors, based on chauvinist, racist romances about “marginalized peoples” and the demonization of so-called “whites.”

These were collectives, or rather racial stereotypes that gave no room for individual differences: you all are what you are based on skin color.

Much of the hatred was predicated on careerism—we saw that in the “shocked” tears of a few “death to Israel” students who lost their invitations to six-figure corporate incomes.

On campus, the more one stressed his “difference” and “otherness,” whether defined by skin color, sexual orientation, or gender, the more exempt he became in descending down into the dark recesses of pre-civilizational hatred.

TGIF: Useful Idiots: Nellie Bowles



 War escalating: Rockets have started flying from Yemen toward Israel, as Iran-backed Houthi rebels (who control the country’s capital) enter the fray. Rockets are also being launched toward Israel by Hezbollah in Lebanon. China’s Baidu (basically Google but more so) removed Israel from its maps. And TikTok’s 150 million users in the U.S. were held like foie gras geese and fed pro-Hamas propaganda through their eye holes. Never before has a foreign adversary had a direct line to feed agitprop into the youth of their enemy, and that’s what China has with TikTok, the viral video app managed by (call me crazy) the Chinese Communist Party.

It seems fitting that all our national defense—the world’s greatest army!—was outsmarted by an app shimmying into our lives with fun viral dance videos, makeup tutorials, and instructional videos on how to have dissociative identity disorder. There’s a great new essay by tech entrepreneur and investor Sam Lessin: “TikTok needs to go.” 

Hamas’s useful idiots: There are a lot of hardened antisemites in this world, but there are also a lot of sweet dumb people who like to go along with things, and that brings us, this week, to a Senate hearing. A group of protesters from CODEPINK, no doubt among whom are some very nice people, directed by some savvy activists, painted their hands red and sat in a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting calling for Israel to declare a cease-fire. They were told to raise their hands up high and they did. Perhaps what they didn’t realize is that the image mirrored a very famous moment. . . of celebrating murder. After a mob in Ramallah lynched two Israeli soldiers, one of the Palestinian men involved raised his hands to show the Jewish blood to a cheering crowd. Do I think the Senate protesters had any idea? No. Or at least, I hope not. But wow: imagine being a Hamas leader right now in some plush Qatar hotel looking at these Americans mimicking that celebration. It’s incredible! And college kids chanting for jihad and praising the martyrs. Could Hamas have ever imagined how successful October 7 would be for them? 

Or watch these peaceful protesters try to lead a group in London cheering: “Khaybar ya yahud.” Which means: “Jews remember Khaybar,” where Muslims defeated a Jewish community. Repeat after me, guys! 5, 6, 7, 8!

Here is Ghazi Hamad, of Hamas’s political bureau, on Lebanese TV on October 24: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country. . . . We are not afraid to say this with full force. . . . We must teach Israel a lesson and we will do it again and again. The Al-Aqsa flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth. . . . We are called a nation of martyrs and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.” The television interviewer asks: “Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?” Response from Hamas chief: “Yes of course. The existence of Israel is illogical.” 

Follow the blood money trail: How billions of dollars for Hamas paved way for Oct 7 massacre By Shirit Avitan Cohen


Sixteen years have elapsed since Hamas took control by force of all the government branches and institutions in the Gaza Strip, and either expelled the Fatah operatives or literally threw them off the rooftops. With the support of international aid organizations, and also to a large extent with the indirect support of Israel, Hamas developed into a governmental terrorist organization.

Various governments in Israel, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, the IDF, and Israel’s Security Agency, better known as Shin Bet, saw the blood money trail but were blinded by the conception that Hamas is now an established governmental entity, and as such it has much to lose, and so despite the accumulation of its military capabilities and power – it will avoid the use of them for any murderous purposes. Economic analysts of terrorist organizations with whom we have spoken in recent days have all expressed their deep frustration and anger at this. For years they have been looking at the numbers, and the funding channels, and providing warnings regarding the capital being used to fund Hamas’ militarization. The figures are here for you all to see. In this case, seeing is not believing, but rather “disbelieving”.

The overall annual budget available to the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip amounts to $2-2.5 billion per annum. This is the figure estimated by Yitzhak Gal, an established expert in Middle East economic issues as a whole and the Palestinian economy in particular, who has engaged in comprehensive consulting work regarding the funding of the Hamas regime. This is an enormous amount compared with the size of the economy in the Gaza Strip. It constitutes 65-70 percent of the Gaza Strip’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product = the overall size of the economy). For the sake of comparison, Gal states, the PA’s (Palestinian Authority) budget for Judea and Samaria is slightly over $3 billion, constituting a mere 20 percent of the GDP of that area. And for the sake of further comparison – in Israel, the budget currently accounts for about 25% of the GDP. Following the massacre in the Gaza border communities, in a document published only a week ago by the US Department of the Treasury, the current estimated value of Hamas’ assets is put at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Dr. Udi Levi, a senior analyst at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS), an expert in economic warfare and the person who headed the Counter Terrorism and Proliferation Finance Bureau (which was closed down in 2016), explains: “In the Gaza Strip a portion of falafel costs NIS 5-7, the unemployment rate is at 50% – and so it was clear that the colossal budget run by Hamas was diverted for the purpose of paying workers who built the tunnels, for the procurement of weapons, for training and employing its fighters – and certainly not for the benefit of the civilians there. We saw all the trucks bringing in metals to the Gaza Strip over the years, and all this just to buy a little peace and quiet. I was the one who screamed out against this conception of allowing the money to flow into the Gaza Strip, I claimed that Hamas should have been undermined by facilitating its economic collapse – but none of this worked. But it is still not too late. Even now, by adopting a series of measures that will not harm even one soldier, the Israeli government can economically choke Hamas and Hezbollah, but it needs to take immediate action.”

An Israeli ‘Pause’ Would Help Hamas Why would the jihadists give up their hostage leverage so easily? Meanwhile, Hezbollah blinks—for now.


President Biden has been stalwart in backing Israel’s right to destroy Hamas after the Oct. 7 massacre. But a political backlash is growing, in the Democratic Party and abroad, to rein in Israel before it can achieve its military objectives. Is the Administration’s support beginning to crack?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Israel Friday to deliver a mixed message: Defeat Hamas—“there cannot and must not be a return to the pre-Oct. 7 status quo”—but pause the fighting and think about a two-state solution for Palestinians “not tomorrow, not after the war, but today.”

He may want to hold off on that last desire. After Hamas used Gaza to carry out massacres, and with some 200,000 Israelis now internally displaced, creating a new Palestinian state near Israel’s big cities sounds reckless even to Israeli doves. Maybe some time down the road.

Mr. Blinken presented “humanitarian pauses” as critical to protecting Gazans, getting them aid and freeing Israeli and U.S. hostages. The “pause” idea was embraced by Mr. Biden Wednesday in response to an anti-Israel protester’s hectoring for a cease-fire. “I think we need a pause,” the President said. “A pause means give time to get the prisoners out.”

On Thursday 13 Senate Democrats echoed that call. Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) even advised Israeli generals to rethink their “current operational approach.”

The President may conciliate some Democrats to his left, but a pause would halt Israel’s advance and momentum in exchange for uncertain gains. Mr. Blinken acknowledged that Israel has raised “legitimate questions” about “how to connect a pause to the release of hostages, how to ensure that Hamas doesn’t use these pauses or arrangements to its own advantage.”

Another New War? Azerbaijan’s Heroes: Soldiers Who Behead Armenians by Uzay Bulut


After Azerbaijan besieged and starved 120,000 Christian Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh in the South Caucuses for nine months, on September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan bombed Artsakh’s communities.

Hundreds of civilians, including children, were murdered. Almost all the Armenians of Artsakh have fled: they know that after all military raids, Armenians who have fallen into the hands of the Azerbaijani military have been treated with maximum cruelty.

Beheading and mutilating Armenians appears to be a long-standing tradition of Azeri soldiers. These actions are promoted and rewarded by the State of Azerbaijan. Azeri soldiers who commit such ISIS-like war crimes not only escape accountability and are never prosecuted, rather they are treated as national heroes by their government.

During Azerbaijan’s military incursion into Armenia in September 2022, Azeri soldiers raped, mutilated and slaughtered a 36-year-old Armenian woman who served in the Armenian forces. They then posted a video demonstrating their war crime on social media. In it, the dead woman appears naked, with both of her arms and legs dismembered. One of her eyes is gouged out. A severed finger appears to be sticking out of her mouth, and another appears out of her private parts…. The Azeri soldiers videotaping can be heard laughing and joking in the background.

So, will the US finally hold the government of Azerbaijan to account? Will it cut US military aid to Azerbaijan? Will it once again watch as Turkey and Azerbaijan massacre more Armenians and invade more Armenian lands?