First Lady Michelle Obama told the 2012 Democratic Party Convention that “being president does not change who you are, it reveals who you are.” Ever since his entry into politics, Donald J. Trump certainly has revealed who he is, but even more importantly he simultaneously reveals the often-uncomfortable reality of who his opponents actually are. In fact, the ruling classes of media and politics revile his unorthodox and pugnacious approach largely because of his uncanny ability to unmask their underlying motivations and philosophies.
Trump’s role as the Great Revealer began as he faced Republican primary rivals in 2015 and 2016. He exposed elitist establishment figures like Jeb Bush for their stale policies and attitudes that alienated working-class voters. Candidate Trump uncovered the harsh reality of frequent GOP complicity in crony political class maneuvers that served the interests of connected globalists — to the detriment of Middle America. He skillfully skewered Washington as essentially a one-party town regarding issues such as unfair trade deals, punitive multilateral climate accords, and endless overseas military interventions. His success in office pursuing economic nationalism and a restrained foreign policy proves the efficacy of a course that diverges from the strictures of the bipartisan Beltway Brahmins.