Persia was the greatest empire on the planet and the most civilized nation until she was infected with Islam and suffered a slow death. A Muslim is required to abide by and live under the laws of Sharia and not the Constitution of the United States of America or any other laws. Because it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be a both Muslim and an American at the same time. They are incompatible with the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and our Judo-Christion values.
Like a virus, Islam is an invader. I am no longer worried about Persians because Persians by the millions have either left Islam or are on their way out. I am concerned about Western Civilization which is on the verge of death with the help of Islam apologists, Islam enablers and their collaborators: the liberal media, Hollywood celebrities, the liberal University professors, and both Democrats and many Republican politicians.
When our so-called educated leaders, call Islam a “religion of peace,” they are appeasing, if not lying outright. We, the people, elect our leaders and we hold them accountable to be honorable to their oath. When they use their voice to call the deadliest threat to everything we cherish, they not only legitimize Islam but also, they confuse the rest of the uninformed population with a false belief.Therefore, those politicians will become the agents of death, using political correctness to advance their own lofty agenda.
Ignoring the smoldering fire and relying on a few local “firefighters” to keep the fires from spreading is either naive or outright criminal, and it is certainly the easiest thing to do.