President Trump Needs To Stop Activists From Controlling The Country With Universal Injunctions So long as universal injunctions exist, plaintiffs will be able to impose their policy preferences on the entire country, if they find a willing judge. by Ben Weingarten

Facing a divided Congress comprised largely of hostile, intransigent establishmentarians, President Trump’s ability to advance his agenda going into 2020 will likely be limited to where he can exercise executive authority. With the clock ticking on his first term, and finite resources, the president’s best strategic play is to fight where he has the greatest odds of winning, and for which the impact of such wins will be most far-reaching.

So if President Trump wishes to achieve his goals now and in the future, particularly in national security and foreign policy, he must challenge the tool the Resistance most uses to thwart him: Universal injunctions.

The concept of universal injunctions would shock most Americans. Such injunctions permit a single one of the more than 600 federal district judges overseeing the case of a single party to block the executive branch from enforcing or implementing a law, regulation, executive order, or policy for every American across the country over the typically many years the case is litigated.

Stated simply: Universal injunctions give an unelected judge power over the president, shunting aside the considered judgment of the people’s representatives in Congress and the presidency.

– Chautauqua Speakers in New York Reveal Plan for Worldwide Islamic State by Rachel Lipsky

In “Jihadist Psychopath,” a vital recently published book the author Dr. Jamie Glazov, reveals the steps by which, “Islamic Supremacists are duplicating the sinister methodology of psychopaths who routinely charm, seduce, capture, and devour their prey.”

Indeed, Islamists now openly admit that a group of Malaysian Islamic scholars have long planned to build a modern-day global Islamic state ruled by Sharia. Once a closely guarded secret, the Islamists have grown emboldened and are hard at work, plotting societal devastation.

Read on, to learn of the instance in which I personally confronted their methodology:

Sharia-supremacist Muslims use innocent-sounding standard interfaith dialogues as a key strategy to destroy Western civilization and install a Caliphate–a global Islamic state ruled by Shari’a law. They openly declare their intent, as they did at New York’s Chautauqua Institution last summer in a seminar I attended with approximately 40 other people.

The Chautauqua “Islam and Sharia” seminar was one of many daily Islamic programs led last summer by Khaled and Sabeeha Rehman. Who are they?

Some quick notes on early coverage of President Trump’s announcement today that pretty much all reporters are missing:

Conn Carrol
Communications Director for Sen Mike Lee (R-UT)

The WH did not make one executive action today. In reality they made three, only one of which involved an emergency declaration.

First, the WH announced they would be funding $601 million in wall construction from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, relying on 31 U.S.C. § 9705. This does not require an emergency declaration.

Second, the WH announced they would be funding $2.5 billion in wall construction under 10 U.S.C. § 284 (this is MilCon $ for combating drug trafficking). This does not require an emergency declaration.

Finally, the WH announced they would be funding $3.6 billion under 10 U.S.C. § 2808. This money doesrequire an emergency declaration.

According to the WH this money will be spent sequentially so the § 9705 money will be spent first then the § 284 money then the § 2808 money.

So depending on how fast they can begin construction, they will have to spend over $5 billion (including the $1.3 billion in fencing appropriations) before any of the emergency money is ever tapped.

“The “emergency” funds may not be tapped till the other, less controversial funds are depleted. Plaintiffs may not have standing to challenge the diversion of “emergency” funds till those funds are in fact allocated.”

Washington Is Missing a Chance to Cut the Federal Workforce By Tom Coburn & Adam Andrzejewski

Both parties have adopted a mantra of protecting federal employees during the recent government shutdown and ongoing showdown over immigration. Last month, all House Democrats and 29 Republicans voted to increase federal pay by 2.6 percent. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said the effort was about “treating federal employees with the respect they deserve and compensating them for the financial stress the Trump-McConnell shutdown has inflicted on them.”

But the reality is federal employees are hardly victims. While it’s true that many are hard-working patriots who could earn significantly more in the private sector, many are not. Still, politicians reflexively defend the status quo out of fear of a political backlash. Their goal is not to protect federal employees or taxpayers, but themselves.

Setting priorities and making smart cuts to lower-priority positions, particularly during a shutdown or crisis, is far more compassionate and responsible than collectively punishing not only all federal employees, but the country and generations that follow.

At, we’ve documented the bloat in the federal workforce.

Today, there are more than 1.3 million federal employees in administrative agencies who cost taxpayers $114 billion in cash compensation alone. There are more than 91,000 federal employees who out-earn the governor of the state in which they are based. Compensation is so out-of-control that painters, mechanics, electricians, and welders employed by federal agencies now out-earn governors.

Wars We Were Never Meant to Win by Linda Goudsmit

It has been over 17 years since George Bush announced the war on terrorism and 47 years since Richard Nixon announced the war on drugs.

Does anyone wonder why the most powerful nation on earth has not won either? I do.

The current border war and heated debate over the building of a security wall on our southern border sounds disturbingly familiar.

Terrorism, illegal drugs, and the flow of illegal immigrants are all weapons in the hybrid war being waged against America by those with common cause to destabilize and collapse America from within. Unlike a traditional military war using bombs and bullets, the hybrid war uses political warfare, lawfare, and fake news to destroy the enemy – but exactly WHO are the players in this unconventional war? Who is the enemy? What is at stake?

America is threatened by domestic enemies within who are collaborating with foreign enemies to destabilize America and bring her into the fold of internationalized one world government. Americanism is being attacked by globalism.

Globalism is not to be confused with global trade. Globalism is a system of internationalized government – a new world order of global citizenship with global citizens being ruled by the globalist elites under the auspices of the corrupt United Nations. So, what is the problem? What is wrong with the globalist vision of one world government? EVERYTHING if you value your freedom! This is the way it works.

America-first President Donald J. Trump is the existential enemy of globalism. He is an American patriot who insists upon national sovereignty, secure borders, and adherence to the Constitution.

So, who are the domestic enemies of American sovereignty, secure borders, and adherence to the Constitution?

● Obama and his entire resistance movement


On this date in 1943, the following 3/4-page ad appeared in the New York Times:

70,000 JEWS

The ad was placed by the Committee for a Jewish Army of Stateless and
Palestinian Jews (CJA), a pressure group founded by Peter Bergson
(Hillel Kook), showman Billy Rose, and Hecht, among others, and was in
response to an offer that had been made to the Allies by upper-echelon
members of the Romanian government to assist in the transfer of some
70,000 Jews from their fascist state to Palestine or elsewhere.

CJA was denounced by mainstream Jewish organizations as alarmist,
unethical, and overly militant, but the campaign did prompt the
American Jewish Congress, with the backing of AFL-CIO unions, to
create a public protest at Madison Square Garden on March 1, demanding
American action to rescue the Jews.

Eight days later, also at Madison Square Garden, the CJA presented a pageant, “We Will Never Die,” with
a script by Ben Hecht, a score by Kurt Weil, direction by Moss Hart, and performers that included Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson. The pageant was performed all over the U.S. and was viewed by Eleanor
Roosevelt, Supreme Court justices, and many other people of influence.
Still, no rescue plan was forthcoming from the State Department.

“The corpse of a people lies on the steps of civilization. Behold it.
Here it is! And no voice is heard to cry halt to the slaughter, no
government speaks to bid the murder of human millions end.” —Ben
Hecht, “We Will Never Die”

Sweden Prosecuting Pensioners, Welcoming ISIS by Judith Bergman

Perhaps the Council of Europe considers Åberg’s successful efforts of turning in fellow Swedes to the police for perceived thought crimes an example that other European countries should emulate?

The pensioner explained during questioning, “I was angry when I read about how it worked with immigrants and how they avoid punishment for everything they do. They get acquitted, though they steal and do other things. It is unfair that those who commit gross crimes can go free….” The pensioner said that she would not have written what she did, had she known that it was illegal. She evidently labored under the misconception that she was still living in a democracy. In January, she was sentenced to a fine of 4,000 Swedish kroner ($443). She lives on a monthly pension of only 7,000 Swedish kroner ($775).

Swedish authorities clearly cannot — or will not — prosecute or convict the jihadists whom they so generously welcome to the country; yet they have no qualms charging and prosecuting harmless elderly pensioners. One might add that a culture that respects the human rights of returning ISIS fighters more than that of the elderly women who are afraid of them, is all but done.

“Violence-promoting Islamist extremism currently constitutes the biggest threat to Sweden,” according to a January 15 press release from the Swedish Security Service (Säpo). “The level of the terror threat remains elevated, a three on a five-point scale. This means that a terrorist act is likely to occur,” said Klas Friberg, head of Säpo.


Jussie Smollett, the “Empire” actor who claims he was assaulted by white supremacists screaming “MAGA COUNTRY” in the middle of a polar vortex in Chicago, just hired the best defense lawyer in town, Michael Monico, after the two persons of interest in the case were released by the Chicago Police Department.The two persons of interest that Smollett claimed were his attackers in an interview on ABC with Robin Roberts turned out to be Nigerian actors who have connections to the “Empire” show.

Jussie Smollett’s ABC by Roger Franklin

Another day, another example of the national broadcaster’s monocular perspective. This time it involves an apparent ‘race hate’ hoax in Chicago and, tellingly, a blind refusal to publish any reports that might diminish the impression crosses are burning in the dark night of Trump’s America.

THERE is no accounting for taste, but it’s a fair surmise that few Quadrant Online visitors are devoted followers of the TV series Empire, which focuses on the intrigues and power plays of rap ‘music’ impresarios. Lately, however, the series might have registered more widely, as one of its stars, Jussie Smollett, was widely reported, not least by our very own ABC, to have been assaulted in the frigid wee hours of a snowy Chicago night by a pair of — yes, you guessed it — red-hatted white men who were said to have waylaid the young actor on his way home from a sandwich shop and battered him more than somewhat. The mystery biff artists were reported to have concluded the incident by dousing him in bleach, which they just happened to be carrying at 2am, while announcing gay black men aren’t welcome in “Trump country”, also hanging a noose about his neck for good measure.

A curious tale to begin with, it has grown more so as the Chicago Police Department’s efforts to establish the chain of the evening’s events have uncovered a wealth of discordant information. Despite the neighbourhood of the alleged assault being monitored top-to-tail by surveillance cameras, not an inch of footage capturing an attack has come to light.

What has been uncovered rather tends to support the theory that Mr Smollett staged the entire affair, perhaps in a bid to raise his public profile and avoid his character being being written out of Empire‘s plotline. More than a week after the purported attack, for example, investigators found a re-used hot-sauce bottle with traces of bleach still inside, a discovery which raised suspicions that it might well have been planted after the fact to bolster the original and daily more dubious complaint to police.

How the Democrats Went Nuts in Three Months By Michael Brendan Dougherty

As centrists, they would clean up in 2020, but instead, it’s leftward ho!

The Democrats swept to power in Congress by campaigning in a way that has been successful for Democrats for generations. “Republicans will take away your health care,” they said, after having focus-grouped it. Now we are preparing for a 2020 campaign in which Donald Trump and Republicans can as easily advertise to the public: “Democrats will take away cows, and your car.” What happened to Democrats?

Back in November, it looked like Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House caucus had found the perfect plan for their party in the era of Trump: Avoid talking about impeachment and stick to simple bread-and-butter issues. Don’t tell swing voters that they are deplorable for having supported Donald Trump, instead, promise to protect the most popular features of Obamacare. Also, remind voters that Republicans cut taxes for the rich. Except for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who ran in a deep-blue district, most of the boundary-pushing progressive candidates lost their elections. All signs pointed to the idea that Democrats just had to be the normal party, and the upper Midwest would snap back in 2020.

But progressives have decided to push the envelope anyway. Fearing a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, blue states such as New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia set about passing expanded legal protections for various later-term abortions. This led to the governor of Virginia’s unforgettable discussion about providing “comfort” to a child born out of a botched abortion before “a decision” is made about whether that child should live or be made to die.