Tal Fortgang, Jonathan Deluty More Pro-Hamas Than Hamas The terrorist group’s disingenuous denials of its atrocities catch its Western allies—which had celebrated them—in an awkward position.


To call someone “more Catholic than the Pope” is to satirize their presumptive piety. What should we call it when someone is more pro-Hamas than Hamas? That is the level to which the terrorist organization’s cheerleaders in the West, most vocal on American university campuses, have sunk.

Hamas terrorists committed the worst atrocities imaginable in Israel last weekend, on a scale difficult to fathom. Their barbarities are stomach-churning—and Hamas even admitted as much, in an official statement released on Wednesday, in which it claimed that it did “not target children,” and that those who believed it had done so were blindly siding with “the Zionist narrative, which is full of lies and slander.” In other words, it would be a slander, says Hamas, to claim that its terrorists had massacred children in their beds, beheaded them, burned them alive, or kidnapped them.

Of course, they are lying. They cannot un-publicize the horrific scenes Hamas terrorists gleefully projected across social media. But they are backtracking, because they now recognize that they overplayed their hand, overestimating the world’s tolerance for atrocities against Jews. They have lost their PR edge and now understand that murdering children is wrong, always—even for them.

This about-face catches Hamas’s Western allies in an awkward position. American members of groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) now appear in a uniquely atrocious light. While Hamas has chosen to deny (falsely) its atrocities, thereby confirming them as atrocities, SJP and similar organizations have already accepted that Hamas’s inhumane actions are true—and celebrated them.

When reports of beheaded babies and kidnapped Holocaust survivors first emerged into public awareness, the National SJP organization posted on social media that Hamas’s actions were “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance,” cheering, “this is what it means to Free Palestine: not just slogans and rallies, but armed confrontation with the oppressors.” Drawing on the language of Frantz Fanon-style post-colonial academics and activists, these ostensible progressives went further even than Hamas, celebrating the slaughter of Jewish babies and the rape of Jewish women.

Somehow, campus chapters managed to outdo even the National SJP’s sorry record. At UC–Berkeley, 51 student organizations signed a Bears for Palestine statement offering “unwavering support” for Hamas’s actions. “We honor Palestinians who are working on the ground on several axes of the so-called ‘Gaza envelope’ alongside our comrades in blood and arms, and what is coming is greater,” they wrote. “Victory or martyrdom.” They concluded: “We support the resistance, we support the liberation movement, we indisputably support the Uprising.”

The University of Virginia’s SJP chapter announced that it “unequivocally” supports “Palestinian liberation . . . by whatever means they deem necessary.” Remember that the people writing such statements already had access at this point to many of the details of the pogrom. Reports had circulated widely about mobile killing squads mowing down Jews by the time the UVA chapter of SJP wrote, “by whatever means.” Dozens of SJP chapters, among other “human rights” groups and identity-based organizations, have issued similar statements. They have staked out their positions, justified them with jargon, and proudly declared, in effect: spill more Jewish blood, rape more Jewish women, kill more Jewish children.

University administrators have long tolerated SJP and downplayed anti-Jewish rhetoric couched in academic pseudo-babble coming from pro-Palestinian campus groups. But the stark contrast between Hamas’s disingenuous denial of the mass murder of children and SJP’s even more extreme stance in favor of it makes it clear that SJP as an organization should be considered beyond the pale of decent American society. Yet campus administrators, fearful of blowback from these vocal and ruthless cheerleaders of terrorism, continue to issue mealymouthed statements that try to placate, as always, “both sides.”

Campus administrators should consider making significant changes before the American people realize what they are condoning. Our universities are under no obligation to tolerate groups that have shown themselves to be adherents to a moral code more repugnant than even Hamas’s, and at least equally thirsty for Jewish blood. These organizations are no better than any hate group that our universities routinely (and rightly) condemn and exclude. Indeed, they have revealed themselves as worse.

ACT test scores for US students drop to new 30-year low By Cheyanne Mumfrey


High school students’ scores on the ACT college admissions test have dropped to their lowest in more than three decades, showing a lack of student preparedness for college-level coursework, according to the nonprofit organization that administers the test.

Scores have been falling for six consecutive years, but the trend accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students in the class of 2023 whose scores were reported Wednesday were in their first year of high school when the virus reached the U.S.

“The hard truth is that we are not doing enough to ensure that graduates are truly ready for postsecondary success in college and career,” said Janet Godwin, chief executive officer for the nonprofit ACT.

The average ACT composite score for U.S. students was 19.5 out of 36. Last year, the average score was 19.8.

The average scores in reading, science and math all were below benchmarks the ACT says students must reach to have a high probability of success in first-year college courses. The average score in English was just above the benchmark but still declined compared to last year.

Many universities have made standardized admissions tests optional amid criticism that they favor the wealthy and put low-income students at a disadvantage. Some including the University of California system do not consider ACT or SAT scores even if submitted.

Godwin said the scores are still helpful for placing students in the right college courses and preparing academic advisors to better support students.

“In terms of college readiness, even in a test-optional environment, these kinds of objective test scores about academic readiness are incredibly important,” Godwin said.

At Denise Cabrera’s high school in Hawaii, all students are required to take the ACT as juniors. She said she would have taken it anyway to improve her chances of getting into college.

“Honestly, I’m unsure why the test was ever required because colleges can look at different qualities of the students who are applying outside of just a one-time test score,” said Denise, a 17-year-old senior at Waianae High School.

She’s looking at schools including the California Institute of Technology, which implemented a five-year moratorium on the standardized test score requirements during the pandemic. Denise said she knows the school is not considering scores but she doesn’t want to limit her options elsewhere.

About 1.4 million students in the U.S. took the ACT this year, an increase from last year. However, the numbers have not returned to pre-pandemic levels. Godwin said she doesn’t believe those numbers will ever fully recover, partly because of test-optional admission policies.

Jews Fear Rising Threats: ‘We’ve Seen This Film’ President Biden has called the Hamas attack the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust


The Hamas attack that killed at least 1,300 people in Israel has left Jewish communities around the world on edge, as Jews confront rising vitriol, threats and violence.

The U.K. has seen a rising tide of antisemitic threats since the attacks last Saturday, and children from several Jewish schools in London were told to stay home Friday. Australian officials apologized to the Jewish community after chants of “Gas the Jews” broke out at a pro-Palestinian protest there last weekend.

In China on Friday, a 50-year-old Israeli man who works at Israel’s embassy was stabbed in broad daylight on the streets of Beijing. Chinese police said they were investigating the attack, and it wasn’t clear if it was related to events in the Middle East.

In the U.S., some parents fretted about sending their children to school Friday as police stepped up their presence. A bomb threat over social media prompted a congregation to evacuate a Chicago-area synagogue.

“Every Jewish institution is on high alert,” said Rabbi David Ingber, the founding rabbi of Romemu, a synagogue in Brooklyn and Manhattan’s Upper West Side, in New York City. Both locations were still open Friday but with heightened security. “Our number one responsibility is to protect our people at this moment,” Ingber said. 
President Biden has called the Hamas attack the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. Israel’s military has responded with a military campaign aimed at dismantling Hamas, a group the U.S., Israel and others have designated a terrorist organization.

“When antisemitism runs rampant in Israel, ultimately, it affects Jews all over the world. And even in America, there’s no exception,” said Rabbi Shaanan Gelman, of a synagogue in Skokie, Ill.

Synagogue leaders decided to evacuate the facility this week after a bomb threat circulated among high-school students on Snapchat, Gelman said. Nothing came of it.

“When former officials from Hamas publicly declare a day of rage and antisemitism and attacking Jews, of course we’re going to be frightened because we’ve seen this film play out many times in history before,” said Gelman, who has family members living in Israel. “But our response is absolutely not to cower.…We’re not going to be afraid to worship in our own way.”

The Marxian Roots of Campus Anti-Semitism The left can’t behold Israel’s prosperity without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbors. By Barton Swaim


If you thought claims of anti-Semitism on university campuses were exaggerated, you can’t think it after the past week. The spectacle was appalling: university presidents responding to the murder of hundreds of Jews by pretending that the fault lies partially with Israel and that reasonable people can differ over whether Hamas’s atrocities are justified; student groups issuing letters proclaiming solidarity with Hamas; campus protesters brandishing signs bearing such slogans as “resistance is justified” and “from the river to the sea”—the latter signifying the goal of extirpating all Jews from Israel.

How is it possible hundreds of Jewish civilians—including children and the elderly—were gunned down, bombed in their homes, raped, abducted and beheaded, and some of America’s elite students, academics and college administrators commiserated with the perpetrators? Again and again you hear otherwise intelligent people expressing vacuous phrases—“state-sanctioned violence,” “Zionist apartheid”—solely to excuse the butchery of Jews.

They will hotly deny that they hate Jews, but their denials don’t bear scrutiny. Even if all they say about Israel were true—in fact, it’s filled with distortions and lies—you’d still be left wondering why they’re unbothered by brutality when carried out by Hamas or anyone else other than Israel.

Where are the campus protests against Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang? Governments brutalize citizens in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria and many other places, but this week’s campus demonstrators bring their placards to the quadrangle only against the Jewish state.

That anti-Israel protests erupted on elite campuses this week—not after the accidental killing of a Palestinian demonstrator but after the systematic murder of at least 1,300 people in Israel—signifies an egregious failure at the heart of American higher education.

After the Hamas deluge Time to uproot and destroy the terrorists Mark Durie


On 7 October Hamas jihadis launched Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge, entering Israel to kill over 1,000 people, and take more than a hundred captives, many of them women and children, as well as an unknown number of male IDF soldiers.

In scenes reminiscent of Isis atrocities, one video shows a room full of young Jewish women being held captive. Another displays the semi-naked body of a young woman – a German citizen, identified from her tattoos by her relatives – being paraded through the streets of Gaza, and spat upon by passers-by, to cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’. Another video shows a jihadi hacking a man’s head off using a hoe. Yet another video shows a young Jewish boy, around five years old, who had been taken captive to Gaza, being tormented by Muslim children. Israeli soldiers have reported horrific scenes in the villages where the attacks took place; young families slaughtered, babies beheaded and mutilated corpses.

Hamas has called on Muslims all over the world to come out in support, and in the light of all this horror, it is disturbing just how many voices have been raised in support of the 7 October attacks, including in Australia.

Support can take many forms, ranging from direct praise, through to indirect assertions of Palestinians’ right to ‘resistance’, and objections that too much is being made of Jewish victimhood.

Al-Azhar University in Cairo is considered the premier Sunni center of learning in the world. Its head, Sheikh Al-Tayyeb, was quick to issue a statement to celebrate the attacks: ‘The honorable Al-Azhar salutes with utmost pride the resistance efforts of the Palestinian people.’

At a Muslim street rally held in western Sydney on Sunday night after the attacks, Imam Ibrahim Dadoun, a prominent Australian-born preacher affiliated with the United Muslims of Australia, was shouting with joy, his phrases punctuated by roars of ‘Allahu Akbar’ from the enthusiastic crowd around him: ‘I’m smiling and I’m happy. I’m elated. It’s a day of courage. It’s a day of happiness. It’s a day of pride. It’s a day of victory! This is the day we’ve been waiting for!’

How the Biden Administration Helped Iran’s Mullahs Try to Fulfill Their Dream of Annihilating Israel by Majid Rafizadeh


Look, it’s not even just this $6 billion, which clearly is going to further enrich Iran. It’s closer to $60 billion. If you look at what the Biden administration has done to help this Islamic terrorist regime in Iran by [stopping enforcement of] sanctions, by lifting restrictions, by allowing Iranian oil to increase by 650% over the last year from 400,000 barrels of oil a day to 3 million barrels of oil a day – all of this has strengthened” the Iranian regime. — Former US Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, Fox News, October 9, 2023.

Iran provides roughly $100 million a year to Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and $700 million a year to Hezbollah.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, meanwhile, has already announced that his country will use the new $6 billion “wherever we need it.”

“Our strategy is to erase Israel from the global political map.” — Major General Hossein Salami, now commander-in-chief, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, MEMRI, February 4, 2019.

So far, the Biden administration, in a welcome about-face, has been superb about promising to help Israel defend itself. It is to be hoped that this policy will continue, in Ukraine as well.

Sadly, however, to the Biden administration, the glaringly central role of Iran, without which Hamas would be able to do nothing, remains nowhere in sight.The Biden administration, despite knowing that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the largest funder of the terror group Hamas, nevertheless decided to relax sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

Black Lives Matter. But Jewish Lives Don’t Diane Bederman


The attack by Hamas in Israel led to the greatest number of Jews murdered on one day since the Holocaust.  A 9/11 moment. Yet, we have groups like BLM standing with Hamas. Does BLM know that there are thousands of BLACK Jews in Israel? Black Jews, 14,300 of them, were air-lifted by the Israelis from Ethiopia when their lives were in danger. And how about former NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire, an Orthodox Jew?

BLM Chicago tweeted out a photo captioned “I stand with Palestine.” BLM Washington D.C. retweeted anti-Israel statements.

BLM Grassroots in Los Angeles wrote on Instagram, “Their resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.” The post continues with, “as a radical Black organization” they “see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.” Some in BLM blamed Israel for the attacks. Hmmm. Hitler blamed the Jews for their extermination.

BLM founder Patrisse Cullors in 2015 called for the eradication of Israel.

Second Armenian Genocide is Underway Perpetrated by Turkey and Azerbaijan. by Uzay Bulut


On 24 April 1915, approximately 250 leading intellectuals of Constantinople’s Armenian community (including political leaders, journalists, and religious leaders) were arrested by Turkish officials. They were then slain. This event marked the beginning of the 1915 Armenian genocide.

By 1923, Turkish deportation and annihilation policies resulted in the deaths of approximately 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children in jihad genocide during which Armenians and other Christians were targeted mainly for their religion.

108 years later, Azerbaijan and its ally Turkey have committed the same crime against the Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

Since 2020, around 120,000 Armenians in their ancestral homeland of Artsakh located in the South Caucasus were subjected to an aggressive war, siege starvation, bombardment, crimes against humanity, and a military invasion committed by Azerbaijan. Social media is filled with videos and photos of Armenian men and women that Muslim Azerbaijani soldiers beheaded or mutilated.

Just like Ottoman Turkey did in 1915, the government of Azerbaijan arrested the Armenian leaders of Artsakh following its September 19-20 bombardment and invasion of Artsakh.

The detained include:

Davit Babayan – former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh

Arkady Ghukasyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Arayik Harutyunyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Davit Ishkhanyan – chairman of the National Assembly of Artsakh Republic

Davit Manukyan – former deputy commander of the Artsakh Armed Forces, general

Levon Mnatsakanyan – former commander of the Defense Forces, general

Bako Sahakyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Ruben Vardanyan – former State Minister of Artsakh Republic.

Egypt Shuts Down its Border to Palestinian Refugees from Gaza While Hamas calls on Gazans to be ‘human shields’. by Christine Williams


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Israel and has pledged U.S. support as the Israeli military bombards Hamas-ruled Gaza with airstrikes, and is preparing for a possible ground invasion. Hamas jihadis have fired thousands of rockets into Israel, and continue to do so. Egypt has now committed to providing humanitarian aid, but it has shut down its border to Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Israel also currently refuses to allow goods to enter Gaza “until around 150 hostages taken captive by Hamas during a weekend attack are freed.” 2.3 million people are now blockaded between Israel and Egypt. The bottom line is that while Egypt is willing to serve as a mediator and even to advance the view that Israel return to pre-1967 borders, its president, Abdel Fatah El-Sisi, is committed to his own country’s security interests. Egypt fears what Gazans may bring into Egypt if it opens its borders.

As result of the high level of terrorist activity and threat among Palestinians over the decades, Egypt is shutting down the only other escape route from Gaza besides Israel—the Rafah crossing. According to Reuters:

Egypt has long restricted the flow of Gazans on to its territory, even during the fiercest conflicts. Cairo, a frequent mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, always insists the two sides resolve conflicts within their borders, saying this the only way Palestinians can secure their right to statehood.

Gaza is saturated with jihadists, and Palestinians are now facing the ruins of a war that was started by Hamas — the jihadist group that Palestinians themselves chose to rule Gaza — an area also dominated by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

How Israel Will Attack Bibi will get his chance to finish the job. by Kenneth R. Timmerman


There is an old saying, that professional militaries tend to fight the last war.

But Israel has learned its lesson, in particular, the lessons of the failed 2006 war against Hezbollah. This time there will be no pinprick attacks. Israeli will go big and hard and heavy. This will be Fallujah on steroids.

I reported on the 2006 war along the border zone for Newsmax and NBC News. After nearly two weeks of air strikes in response to thousands of Hezbollah rockets smashing into Israeli towns and villages, then Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered elite IDF units to launch small probing cross-border strikes, in the hope of disrupting Hezbollah supply lines.

One of those units was Battalion 51 of the famed Golani brigade, which was ordered to take Bint Jbeil, a Hezbollah stronghold and the birthplace of fabled Hezbollah terror mastermind, Imad Fayez Mugniyeh.

The operation had been a total michal, or fawda, Israeli terms which have many unprintable equivalents in U.S. military slang. This is how I described the survivors in an forthcoming book, The Iran House:

The Golani troops carried enough food, water and ammo for a forty-eight-hour mission – and wound up staying five and a half days.

They humped fifteen kilometers in the dead of night to the outskirts of the village, then in the pre-dawn hours received the order to move into the town itself. And that’s where everything fell apart. They entered a narrow alleyway between houses when Hezbollah fighters appeared on all sides and opened fire. Eight soldiers were killed in less than a minute, and twenty-two more were wounded. Even more would have died, one of the survivors told me, if the deputy commander of their unit, Major Ro’i Klein, hadn’t spotted a grenade rolling toward them and jumped on it.