‘What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. … This is the most unethical sham since I’ve seen in politics.’
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham eviscerated his Democratic colleagues for their behavior on Thursday at the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Shortly after several Democratic senators urged Kavanaugh to call off the confirmation process until the FBI could investigate the allegations of sexual assault made against him, Graham chided them by saying they could have asked the FBI to look into the matter themselves.
“If you wanted an FBI investigation, you could have come to us,” Graham said to his Democratic colleagues. “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. You’ve said that! Not me. … When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them Lindsey said ‘Hello,’ because I voted for them. I’d never do to them what you’ve done to this guy. This is the most unethical sham since I’ve seen in politics and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy.”