The Democratic Party has gone off the deep end in many more ways than just pushing socialism. One sign is the fanatical embrace of identity politics, which has become the hallmark of the Party of Obama (POO). Look at Vermont. There, the Democrats’ primary race for governor was won by Christine Hallquist.
What is unusual is that Hallquist calls himself a “transgender woman.” To put it more accurately and without any politically correct gloss, Hallquist is a male pretending to be a woman. His pretending isn’t all that convincing, as evidenced by this YouTube clip from Time magazine.
It’s worth a minute’s time to see Hallquist to connect a face and a voice to the name and see what the Democrats are pushing.
Yes, Hallquist is a man in spite of any superficial changes he has made to his appearance. The chromosomes of the cells in his body haven’t changed, and he can’t erase the fact that he fathered three children when he was known as David Hallquist. Now, it is one thing for an individual to assert himself to be a woman and to act the part. There are always oddities. However, it is something entirely different for a major political party to put forward such a confused person for a high-level position as governor of a state.