Didn’t you want to wipe the sneer off that kid’s face – the one who drove a truck into eight innocent people on that Manhattan bike path?
The Manhattan truck killer should finally get all American patriots to cry out in outrage.
In spite of our heroic military taking casualties, in spite of Trump-Mattis finally calling jihad the named enemy, most of this country is not yet serious. This is war. Our parents and grandparents did not hesitate to declare war on The Day that Lived in Infamy, the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. But a morally weakened, liberal, and feckless U.S. Congress failed to declare war after 9/11/01, even after acts to murder of men, women, and children occurred time and time again, on our soil, and on the soil of our allies. This is the most abject act of plain cowardice in American history, and conservatives now have their own web media to tell that truth.
The United States Constitution reads, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Who has given aid and comfort to our enemies?
First of all, the Democrats under Obama and Hillary, who have declared war – not on the murderous enemy of civilians in Manhattan the other day, but on our duly elected president of the United States. The left-stacked courts may not go along, but the people of the United States can recognize it without the shadow of doubt. Our proper response is not violence, but a loud and clear message by a hundred million voters for Trump that the behavior of the left will not go unanswered anymore. It is time to get serious.
Second, we know that Obama did everything in his power for eight years to surrender to jihad, to turn nuclear weapons over to Iran (which is known to collude with North Korea) with Putin’s collusion. Putin and the Chinese have to know that the American people hold them responsible for their active support of the Iranian (jihadist) and North Korean (self-declared nuclear enemy) of the United States of America.
Third, patriotic Americans must act much more cohesively, in exactly the way we did with the National Football League, which is now in danger of bankruptcy for the way it allowed its employees to show open contempt for the flag of the United States of America.
Fourth, the left, which has a treasonous doctrine in Marx, Lenin, and the rest, must be deprived of our dollars, just as patriots deprived their favorite NFL of dollars in the face and plain and obvious disloyalty.