Only a left-wing liberal living in subjective reality could promote the hijab, the quintessential symbol of feminine oppression, as fashion. The idea is so spectacularly stupid that it defies description.
This is yet another salvo in the attempt to Islamicize the West by making the unacceptable dictates of sharia law acceptable.
Psychologically speaking, it is well known that familiarity brings acceptance – so the purpose of making the hijab fashionable and familiar is the sinister purpose of making hijabs /oppressive sharia law acceptable.
This is a deliberate strategy of indoctrination and social engineering designed to change public perception of the hijab from a symbol of oppression (objective reality) to a symbol of fashion (subjective reality). Anyone who participates in this idiocy is a useful idiot.
A “Women’s” March organized by Linda Sarsour is another contradiction in terms. Sarsour supports honor killing, female genital mutilation, wife beating, and every other sharia tenet that denies individual freedom to women and the LGBT community.
Is this what these marching women want?? Fascism, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia are the hallmarks of Islamic sharia law. The Women’s March was a March of Dhimmis.
To make sense of the nonsensical willingness of non-Muslim women to participate in a march organized by a Muslim misogynist we can examine the stunning announcement by Nihad Awad Executive Director of CAIR:
To understand Nihad Awad’s outrageous statement you must speak the language of CAIR and learn its language of opposites and projection.
Whatever CAIR accuses Donald Trump of doing is actually the OPPOSITE of what Trump is doing but exactly what CAIR is doing.
The same language is spoken by Linda Sarsour, the DNC, the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, Barack Obama, and of course George Soros and his innumerable front organizations.
Their language, like Doublespeak, is a deliberate strategy designed to create the cognitive dissonance required to manipulate and dupe an unsuspecting public into believing their egregious lies.
Language, borders, and currency are required to have a sovereign country. Doublespeak is a deliberate attack on America’s language and an assault on our ability to understand each other.
The word peace in Islam is understood to mean the time when the world is ruled by sharia law. Americans understand the word peace to mean pluralism, tolerance, and freedom. So, when Nihad Awad claims he wants peace he does not mean peace in the way the American public understands the word.
There is no “right” to come to America. It is a privilege to come to America and LEGAL vetted immigration is what protects all Americans from those who wish us harm. It is cultural suicide to allow mass immigration of any population with cultural norms hostile to our own.
Europeans are finally learning the language of opposites and beginning to understand that they are losing their countries. Sarsour’s defenders are doing more than ignoring her liberal critics – they are being duped by her doublespeak into ignoring her misogyny.
So, why do left-wing liberal apologists prefer their fictional subjective reality to factual objective reality regarding the tyranny of Muslim extremism and oppressive sharia law?
Why do they ignore the xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, supremacy, and barbaric honor killings, genital mutilation, rape, wife beatings, and overarching desire to conquer the West and impose sharia law worldwide?