Every year the UN throws its global warming shindig.
This year it’s “COP28: Climate action can’t wait”. It waited for all the COPS before this, but this time it can’t wait.
Except that sadly Biden won’t be attending this year. Why? The official word is Israel. The less official word? Naptime.
Biden seems to be preserving his energy in other ways. It’s customary on foreign trips for the president to schmooze with other leaders at dinners once the meetings are over. Less formal and structured than the events preceding them, the dinners offer a chance for leaders to bond, talk through differences or amplify a point. On two recent international trips, Biden has chosen to skip the nighttime socializing.
When he didn’t attend a dinner during the NATO summit in Lithuania earlier this month, aides said he was preparing for meetings and a major speech the next day and noted he’d already been overseas for four days. He was a no-show at a dinner with his counterparts in Bali last fall.
Whatever the reason though, by keeping Air Force One grounded and avoiding flying around the world with a massive delegation, he’s already done more to reduce ’emissions’ than everyone at COP28.
COP28, hosted in Dubai, by a major oil state, provides nothing but an opportunity to schmooze and plot to steal taxpayer money.
Biden may be too tried to go around the world again, but at least he’s for once actually reducing his own energy use instead of telling Americans to make do with less.
After struggling to find a campaign theme, maybe he’s finally stumbled on one. Save the planet, stay in your basement.