“People have bought this idiot meta-Marxism which is that the way to look at every social relationship that people ever have is through the lens of power,” said Jordan Peterson, bashing the disturbing Hamas-sympathizing protests in America.
Peterson recently silenced leftist Bill Maher and described the underlying issue of pro-terrorist “Palestinian” protests that erupted in the U.S. after the latest Hamas-Israel war began. Peterson explained that Marxism has infiltrated our universities and so brainwashed many Americans into seeing every situation as a power struggle between oppressed and oppressor that they immediately joined in the Hamas propaganda about “colonialist” Israel.
The reality, of course, is that Israel is a small Jewish state surrounded by bigger Muslim nations, and that the Arabs have always refused peace with Israel in favor of waging jihad. Sadly, the heinous Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, as egregious as they were, are only part of an endless terrorist war. Unfortunately, both in universities and in our other schools — from elementary school on up — millions of young Americans have been taught for years to view every situation in the world as a type of Marxist power struggle between an innocent oppressed group and an eeeevil oppressor.