Turkish Government Opened $100m Mosque in D.C. as Turkish Intel Spied From Mosques Across Europe By Patrick Poole

One year ago today, Turkish President Recep Erdogan was in the Washington, D.C. area to open a new $100 million mosque complex funded by the Turkish government and operated by the Diyanet, Turkey’s religious affairs ministry.

Needless to say, the opening of the Diyanet complex received national and international media attention:But on the one-year anniversary of the opening of the Diyanet Center of America, questions about its true purpose are being raised. There are ongoing investigations by European officials into widespread spying allegations implicating Turkish government-funded Diyanet mosques across the continent — just like the one opened outside of Washington, D.C. The investigations center on whether the mosques are spying on behalf of the the Turkish intelligence service, the Milli Istihbarat Teskilati (MIT).

Yesterday I reported here at PJ Media on the investigations in Germany, where authorities have conducted raids targeting Diyanet imams and high-ranking officers of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), the official arm of the Diyanet in Germany.

In Germany there are 900 Diyanet mosques and 970 employees serving the three million German nationals of Turkish origin or Turkish citizens living there, representing 70 percent of the German Muslim community.

There, DITIB officials have recently admitted spying on behalf of Turkish intelligence.And it was reported yesterday that a German government probe of senior DITIB officials had been launched into the spying affair.

That is just the tip of the iceberg, however.

Spying affair investigations into Diyanet mosques and imams are reportedly ongoing in Belgium, Holland, Austria, France and Switzerland, and some Diyanet officials have returned to Turkey as the government probes in these countries continue.

Men Confess to ‘Toxic’ Sins of Manhood at University Confessional Booth By John Ellis

Adding to the proof that the left is basically a fundamentalist cult, the University of Regina has unironically set up a confessional booth so that men can confess to the sin of being … well … men. Masked as an initiative to combat sexual harassment, the university’s Man Up Against Violence program is a function of identity politics designed to emasculate men. The first step in that emasculation is requiring men to seek forgiveness for the sin of being a man.

For the record, real men do not enact violence against women. Period. As I raise my son to be a man, and I am raising him to be a man in ways that embrace masculinity, I’m teaching him to respect women and to defend them. Teaching my son that masculinity means respecting and protecting women is a cardinal sin of the left, of course. Fathers like me are pilloried for daring to believe that women might need a man to occasionally protect them. That’s the kind of sin that demands repentance in a leftist confessional booth and then penance of some sort.

Lest you think that the confessional booth set up by leftists at the University of Regina is a one-off event, pay attention to the number of emasculated males who apologize for being men. Many liberal men use their social media accounts as a confessional booth, of sorts. Exhibit A:

It takes little more than typing in the words “men apologizing for being men” to uncover a treasure trove of emasculated men seeking forgiveness for the sin of being men from their new religious leaders. And if you think that I’m overstating the religious aspect of the left, keep in mind that the University of Regina has simply decided to do away with the informality of their cultic practices and formalize those practices by using the language and methods of overt religiosity.

In the 1970s, Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones was a compadre of Harvey Milk. There was a time when the Peoples Temple was a shining feather in the left’s diversity cap. Of course, in a somewhat revision of history, liberals claim that Milk and the liberal elite of San Francisco were conned and then held against their will, in a manner of speaking. According to Harvey Milk apologists, Jim Jones was a dangerous dude and Milk was snookered by the charismatic cult leader but eventually realized the truth. They protest (too much and too loudly) that Milk was frightened and quietly yet earnestly warned others about Jones and the Peoples Temple.

The vast wasteland that is the Sunday news shows… By Patricia McCarthy

No one should waste their time watching any of the five Sunday news programs. They are all of a piece, joined at the hip in their singular campaign against President Trump. The hosts of each show are leftists, including Chris Wallace of Fox; that apple did not fall far from the tree. The rest of them, Dickerson (CBS), Todd (NBC), Tapper (CNN), Stephanopoulos, and Radditz (ABC) are fleas on the same dog. Not one of them is distinguishable from the other. They proudly antagonize any conservative guest then strive and grovel to inflate Democrat guests. They verbally bully every Republican and lick the boots of every Democrat. Whatever talking points are issued to them, they obediently beat them to a pulp. They do this on every show, every week. Each program is a submissive arm of the Democrats. They do not offer objective news, they aim to indoctrinate, to propagandize. Their panels are chock full of progressives with maybe one token conservative who is regularly shouted down. The progs happily pronounce the Trump administration a failure after less than a hundred days in office. These people are out of their minds.

On Sunday April 2, each host continued to push the fake story about Trump colluding with Russia during the presidential campaign. The left has historically been partial to Russia, ready to appease the former Soviet Union in the blink of an eye or on a hot mic, until they pounced on the collusion hoax to explain Clinton’s loss to Trump. There are numerous illicit connections between the Clintons, their foundation and campaign personnel involving millions of dollars but the Democrats have swept all those under the rug. Instead they have devised a fake scandal with which to endlessly indict the Trump administration.

Chris Wallace, while interviewing EPA head Scott Pruitt, cited NOAA numbers without revealing that that institution along with NASA has been caught falsifying those numbers. Wallace cited wildly fabricated predictions on the consequences of increasing CO2 in our atmosphere. The Obama administration’s EPA doomsday “studies” were used over the past eight years to justify ever-multiplying regulations that have hamstrung the economy. It never occurs to Wallace to verify anything that comes from the left; he accepts whatever fake studies they distribute to the mind-numbed media, willing dupes all. These people care not a whit about the country and the preservation of our democratic republic. At this point in time they care only about taking out Trump and they will go to ridiculous and dangerous lengths to do it.

Mysteriously, not one of the five Sunday shows addressed the revelations of Evelyn Farkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia, on MSNBC on March 2, two days before Trump tweeted his “wiretapped” accusation. The video came to light just this past week and verifies what Trump has been saying. She made it abundantly clear that she and her fellow travelers were trying to gather existing and feloniously garnered intel on Trump and to see that it was leaked to the NYT and Washington Post, which it was. This is a dangerous and treasonous bunch, our mainstream media. Obama’s abrogation of the Constitution throughout his eight years in office was effective permission for the media to disregard the few rules of objective journalism that were still minimally observed. Today, it is all-out war against the new administration. Media lies to take Trump down are now de rigueur.

Pacifism Kills By Eileen F. Toplansky

In his 1941 review titled “No, Not One” of Alex Comfort’s novel No Such Liberty, George Orwell explains that the protagonist of the story is put before a tribunal because he has “declared that he will not fight against the Nazis, thinking it better to ‘overcome Hitler by love.'”

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Notwithstanding the bestial attacks in Germany, the carnage against Christians throughout the world, the brutal rapes and assaults being propagated by jihadist “refugees,” the institution of child marriage throughout the Islamic world, the frightening increase in global anti-Semitism, and the censoring of free speech, it is clear that Orwell’s prescient essay needs to be reiterated as he asks that we “consider … facts which underlie the structure of modern society and which it is necessary to ignore if the pacifist ‘message’ is to be accepted uncritically.”

Orwell asserts that “civilisation rests ultimately on coercion. What holds society is not the policeman but the good will of common men, and yet that good will is powerless unless the policeman is there to back it up. Any government which refuse[s] to use violence in its own defence would cease almost immediately to exist[.]”

Yet we see Germany, France, and Sweden unraveling because the police have lost control as Muslim communities become no-go zones and law and order are abandoned. Soeren Kern describes the more “than 40 problem areas” (Problemviertel) across Germany. These are areas where “large concentrations of migrants, high levels of unemployment, and chronic welfare dependency, combined with urban decay, have become incubators for anarchy.” In fact, “the problem of no-go zones is especially acute in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany’s most populous state.”

Speaking of the Nazi scourge, Orwell maintains that “since pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive, pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it.”

Fast-forward to the jihadist scourge that besets the world today. Does not pacifism, by default, become pro-jihadist? Shall we call it pacifism of the soul that the Netherlands finds a courageous man like Geert Wilders guilty of free speech for pointing out the dangers of the Muslim immigration?

Orwell also takes great issue with the “calculated campaign of deception” of news media and asserts that “no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.” He emphasizes that it gives him “the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. After all, the chances are that those lies, or at any rate similar lies, will pass into history.” Echoes of fake news, indeed!

When climate change warriors can’t keep their stories straight By Brian C. Joondeph

Mark Twain, author of the now politically incorrect Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, once said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” Good advice, especially for those who play fast and loose with facts and truth. And relevant in the internet age when articles, headlines, words and photos are preserved in perpetuity.

Lies, built upon lies, eventually become so tangled that the truth may be forever lost down the rabbit hole. Rather than starting with the truth, to avoid having to remember the labyrinthine path taken by each additional falsehood.

CNN, the network famously referred to by President Trump as “fake news”, should heed the advice of Mark Twain. Otherwise they are likely to be tripped up over their own contradictory stories, in this case only a few years apart.

In 2015, CNN ran a story with the headline, “Did climate change cause California drought?” Less than two years later, CNN ran this headline, “California’s drought is almost over.” Is the irony of these two headlines lost on the journalistic mavens of CNN? Probably. But the internet remembers, happy to take CNN to task over their contradictions.

After all, CNN totally missed the humor in a Sean Spicer quip during a recent White House press briefing. In response to reporters pestering him about mythical Trump-Russian collusion, Spicer responded, “If the President puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that’s a Russia connection.” CNN, missing Spicer’s joke just as they missed the irony of climate change causing then somehow stopping a drought, ran a fact checking story to tell us that Russian dressing isn’t really Russian. Thanks, intrepid journalists. Did CNN ever fact check Barack Obama’s claim to have campaigned in 57 states with a news report telling us that there aren’t really 57 states?

Back to the California drought. Despite the accusatory headline tying the drought to climate change, buried in the article is a report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration arguing that the California drought is not due to climate change. In fact, this region suffered “megadroughts” eons ago, long before humans were driving SUVs and burning coal for electricity.

In other words, the recent California drought is one of many in this arid region. Likely made worse by water supply and demand, rather than climate change. A growing population in Southern California, consuming ever increasing amounts of water. And the cyclical nature of droughts.

Who’s Getting Money from NIH? A pair of foreign research organizations have gotten numerous grants for work of unclear value. By Julie Kelly & Jeff Stier

As Democrats and the scientific establishment howl over President Trump’s proposed budget cuts to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Congress is investigating whether that agency misspent U.S. tax dollars to fund two European cancer institutions now under scrutiny for conflicts of interest and dubious science. Key lawmakers are also trying to understand the nature of the cozy relationship between federal bureaucrats with budgets and foreign researchers who are eager to accept grants to promote a political agenda at taxpayers’ expense.

On March 24, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee chairman Lamar Smith sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price (who oversees NIH) requesting information about millions of dollars paid to the Ramazzini Institute, an obscure but controversial cancer non-for-profit based in Italy. The funds were given out by NIH’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), run by Linda Birnbaum; she is also, coincidentally, a Ramazzini fellow.

Birnbaum seems to be at the center of a tangled web of federal contracts, agenda-driven scientists and the largely unaccountable organizations that give them cover. Smith accuses Birnbaum’s office of awarding at least $92 million to Ramazzini and Ramazzini fellows since 2009: “The Committee is concerned that contracts awarded to the Ramazzini Institute and its affiliates may not meet adequate scientific integrity standards. If true, this raises serious questions about the integrity of the acquisition process at NIEHS.” Of the payments made directly to Ramazzini, several are from sole-source contracts that did not go through a bidding process. According to the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, which filed suit this month seeking public documents about the payments, NIH has awarded Ramazzini fellows more than $315 million in grants since 1985; Chairman Smith says that it’s “unclear what services were rendered” under NIH contracts with Ramazzini.

According to the Ramazzini Institute’s website, it achieves “extremely important results at international level [sic] in research into carcinogenic substances present in the environment we live in and in the food that we eat.” Ramazzini claims to work with NIH to develop “experimental data from long-term cancerogenesis bioassays . . . and make available to the scientific community the data of the studies published, and therefore to allow qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk and other research.” Despite this claim, no scientific research or budget information is available on their website.

Secularism Is No Match for Radical Islam It falls to Christian leaders everywhere to work and advocate for their co-religionists in the Middle East. By Benedict Kiely

Trudging around the ruined Church of St. Addai, in the empty Christian town of Karemlash, I saw clearly where radical Islamic extremism leads. This was only days before the attack on Westminster in London on March 22. With broken glass underfoot and the walls of the Church blackened after ISIS firebombed it, perhaps the most powerful symbol I came across in Karemlash was the defaced Cross. Everywhere, in all the churches and monasteries I visited, the Cross was defaced, scratched out, broken, or pierced with bullet holes.

ISIS had spray-painted the message “the Cross will be broken” on the walls of the rectory, and the pastor’s office door was booby-trapped, to kill him when he returned. As I walked around the Christian cemetery, it was clear to me that the followers of the Prophet had dug up the Christian graves. In one instance, I was told, they had beheaded one of the corpses. In the sacristy of the church, they had dug up the grave of one of the priests and thrown his body away. Even in death, the persecuted Christians of Iraq were not safe.

Surveying the horror and the eerily silent town, punctuated only by the distant thump of explosions in Mosul, nine miles away, I asked Father Thabet, the Chaldean Catholic priest who serves as pastor of St. Addai, whether all this destruction represented real Islam. “Yes,” he answered strongly, without a moment’s hesitation. “You wouldn’t be allowed to say that it the West,” I said smiling. He didn’t smile back.

Karemlash, a town of nearly 10,000 people, had been almost 100 percent Christian for centuries. The Iraqi Christian Church, both Catholic and Orthodox, traces its roots back to disciples of Jesus, sent out under the direction of the Apostles. For ill-educated Westerners, who imagine missionaries brought the Christian faith to the Middle East sometime last century, it can come as a bit of a shock to discover that the very opposite is the case. During the awful days of August 2014, as the Islamic State surged across the Nineveh Plain, the ancient Christian heartland of Iraq, the citizens of Karemlash fled, with only the clothes they were wearing.

Now, nearly three years later, the towns are “liberated,” but the houses that were not blown up are burned out and filled with booby traps. A few citizens have been returning, briefly, to check the condition of their houses — very few at the moment, as it is necessary to negotiate multiple checkpoints manned by local militias as well as by the Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga. Unfortunately, some of these people are likely to be killed or maimed, because so far no one has removed the multiple booby traps. ISIS has been wickedly ingenious, putting devices even in television remote controls and vacuum cleaners.

How a Generation Lost Its Common Culture Patrick Deneen February 2, 2016

My students are know-nothings. They are exceedingly nice, pleasant, trustworthy, mostly honest, well-intentioned, and utterly decent. But their brains are largely empty, devoid of any substantial knowledge that might be the fruits of an education in an inheritance and a gift of a previous generation. They are the culmination of western civilization, a civilization that has forgotten nearly everything about itself, and as a result, has achieved near-perfect indifference to its own culture.http://www.mindingthecampus.org/2016/02/how-a-generation-lost-its-common-culture/

It’s difficult to gain admissions to the schools where I’ve taught – Princeton, Georgetown, and now Notre Dame. Students at these institutions have done what has been demanded of them: they are superb test-takers, they know exactly what is needed to get an A in every class (meaning that they rarely allow themselves to become passionate and invested in any one subject); they build superb resumes. They are respectful and cordial to their elders, though easy-going if crude with their peers. They respect diversity (without having the slightest clue what diversity is) and they are experts in the arts of non-judgmentalism (at least publically). They are the cream of their generation, the masters of the universe, a generation-in-waiting to run America and the world.

But ask them some basic questions about the civilization they will be inheriting, and be prepared for averted eyes and somewhat panicked looks. Who fought in the Peloponnesian War? Who taught Plato, and whom did Plato teach? How did Socrates die? Raise your hand if you have read both the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Canterbury Tales? Paradise Lost? The Inferno?

Who was Saul of Tarsus? What were the 95 theses, who wrote them, and what was their effect? Why does the Magna Carta matter? How and where did Thomas Becket die? Who was Guy Fawkes, and why is there a day named after him? What did Lincoln say in his Second Inaugural? His first Inaugural? How about his third Inaugural? What are the Federalist Papers?

Some students, due most often to serendipitous class choices or a quirky old-fashioned teacher, might know a few of these answers. But most students have not been educated to know them. At best, they possess accidental knowledge, but otherwise are masters of systematic ignorance. It is not their “fault” for pervasive ignorance of western and American history, civilization, politics, art and literature. They have learned exactly what we have asked of them – to be like mayflies, alive by happenstance in a fleeting present.

Our students’ ignorance is not a failing of the educational system – it is its crowning achievement. Efforts by several generations of philosophers and reformers and public policy experts — whom our students (and most of us) know nothing about — have combined to produce a generation of know-nothings. The pervasive ignorance of our students is not a mere accident or unfortunate but correctible outcome, if only we hire better teachers or tweak the reading lists in high school. It is the consequence of a civilizational commitment to civilizational suicide. The end of history for our students signals the End of History for the West.

Oswego County homework assignment asks students to defend the Holocaust !!!!????By Julie McMahon

OSWEGO, N.Y. — Archer Shurtliff and Jordan April, both 17, felt “weird” when in February they received an assignment asking students to argue for the extermination of Jewish people.

The words “TOP SECRET” were stamped across the top in red. The “memorandum,” first posted online and addressed to senior Nazi party members, asked students to put themselves in the shoes of Adolf Hitler’s top aides.

Archer and Jordan, who are not Jewish, wondered if they understood the assignment correctly. Did their teacher, Michael DeNobile, really mean for his students to argue in favor of the “Final Solution,” the Nazis’ justification for genocide?

During class the next day, DeNobile randomly assigned half the students to argue for, and half to argue against the extermination of Jews. Archer was assigned to be in favor of the Final Solution, and Jordan was picked to be against.

The students were “disturbed” by the assignment, which they viewed as encouraging anti-Semitism and fascist speech.

The assignment itself notes that the point is “not for you to be sympathetic to the Nazi point of view.”

“Ultimately, this is an exercise on expanding your point of view by going outside your comfort zone and training your brain to logistically find the evidence necessary to prove a point, even if it is existentially and philosophically against what you believe,” the assignment says.

Child ‘suicide bomber’, 7, dressed in full ‘Hazard’ Chelsea football kit is caught by Iraqi troops who disarm him after finding explosives strapped to his chest

Dramatic video shows child aged about seven with ‘explosives’ strapped to waist

This is the dramatic moment Iraqi soldiers disarm a young child in a Chelsea kit who was found with what appears to be a suicide bomb strapped around his waist.

The boy, thought to be about seven, was seized outside the war-torn Iraqi city of Mosul after hiding among families fleeing ISIS.

A soldier can be seen gently lifting up the child’s blue shirt, bearing the name of Chelsea star Eden Hazard, to reveal what looks like an explosive belt fastened to his midriff.

In a tense two-minute clip, he then slowly snips wires and cuts away the device while telling the youngster: ‘Don’t be afraid’.

Video captures the dramatic moment Iraqi soldiers disarm a young child in a Chelsea kit who was found with what appears to be a suicide bomb strapped around his waist


Video captures the dramatic moment Iraqi soldiers disarm a young child in a Chelsea kit who was found with what appears to be a suicide bomb strapped around his waist

Video of the encounter was captured outside Mosul. A caption with the footage, released on LiveLeak, claims that the boy is the youngest ever child suicide bomber – however this has not been verified.

In the clip a soldier can be seen crouching down next to the youngster and speaking to the camera.

He says the video is being filmed on March 18 and then explains that the child, who he says is about seven, was sent by ISIS.

The child, thought to be called Uday, says he was sent by ‘Amo’, which means uncle, with instructions to target ‘the army’.

The soldier then asks him to raise his arms. In the next few moments, the soldier slowly snips off bandages holding up the device, which appears to include a mobile phone and batteries.

When the child flinches, the soldier says: ‘Don’t be afraid’.

The harrowing video emerged as Iraqi government forces attempted to evacuate civilians from Mosul’s ISIS-held Old City on Tuesday so that troops could clear the area, but militant snipers hampered the effort, Iraqi officers said.

They said the insurgents were also using civilians as human shields as government units edged towards the al-Nuri Mosque, the focus of recent fighting in the five-month-long campaign to crush Islamic State in the city that was once the de facto capital of their self-proclaimed Islamic caliphate.

As many as 600,000 civilians remain in the western sector of Mosul, complicating a battle being fought with artillery and air strikes as well as ground combat. Thousands have escaped in recent days.

‘Our forces control around 60 percent of the west now,’ Defence Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Rasool told a news conference in eastern Mosul. ‘It’s the Old City now with small streets and it’s a hard fight with civilians inside. We are trying to evacuate them.

‘We are a few hundred metres from the mosque now, we are advancing on al-Nuri. We know it means a lot to Daesh,’ he said, using an Arab acronym for Islamic State.

The capture of the mosque would be a huge symbolic prize as well as strategic gain for the government as it was there where Islamic State leader Abu Bakr alâBaghdadi declared the caliphate in July 2014 after the militants had captured large areas of Iraq and Syria.

Government forces backed by a U.S.-led international coalition retook several cities last year, liberated eastern Mosul in December, and are now closing in on the west, but the militants are putting up fierce resistance from the close-packed houses and narrow streets.