Ian Kingsbury A New Front in the War on Merit Researchers propose measuring the “diversity factor” of new scientific discoveries.


Millions of academic studies are published each year. Some fundamentally alter the course of history, while others never even get cited. Those curious about the effect of specific researchers, papers, or journals often turn to a metric called “impact factor.” This metric counts the number of citations accrued by a researcher or research paper, or the average number of citations for studies in a specific journal. It’s a sensible and simple method for measuring influence.

According to a new “study,” it’s also an exercise in racism and sexism.

The paper, “A new tool for evaluating health equity in academic journals; the Diversity Factor,” published in PLOS Global Public Health, correctly points out that impact factor is an imperfect measure of cultural and scientific reach. Among the problems: researchers game the stats through self-citation, and journal-impact factors are skewed by studies that pick up extremely high numbers of citations. Still, impact factor represents a reasonably good proxy of the thing it purports to measure. While sensible researchers know not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, activists instead see imperfection as opportunity. Enter: the “diversity factor.” 

The authors propose that henceforth studies should be scored according to both impact factor and their new diversity metric. Though they admit that the diversity factor is still in development, they suggest it should award points on the basis of diversity within the dataset (for example, representation of ethnic minorities), representation of authors from multiple countries, greater female representation within the authorship group, and affiliation with non-prestigious universities. These recommendations, the authors contend, will offer “a more complete perspective on factors aligned with scientific excellence based on contribution to advancing diversity and inclusion, improving health outcomes, and achieving equity.”

These exhortations represent a solution in search of a problem. It’s true that the predominance of men in the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge was for a time propagated by racial and ethnic bigotry and sexism. But the goal of impact factor is to offer a snapshot measure of scientific influence, not to referee the ethics of the social and political environment in which a discovery was made. Jonas Salk’s scientific legacy ought to be defined by the development of the polio vaccine, not the absence of Aboriginal trans men on the research team that developed it.

The Cluster B Society How psychological dysfunction has been embedded in our institutions. Christopher Rufo VIDEO


You’re not imagining that the world has gone mad.

Healthy debate has been replaced by activist hysterics. Speech is declared violence, while violence is excused as speech. Masculinity is condemned as regressive, while men in skirts and heels are celebrated in the public square.

It’s easy to laugh at these outbursts as the ravings of a small but vocal minority, but the compromised health of our body politic is not a trivial concern. A strange, new pattern of psychological dysfunction has infiltrated our most prestigious institutions, our corporate bureaucracies, and the highest offices in the land.

In short, we’re sick. Our society is out of balance. We’ve been consumed by a cluster of disorder that appeals to our worst instincts and deranges our most important social functions.

We need to recover our sanity. But to do so, we must first know exactly what we’re dealing with: the emergence of a Cluster B Society.

Milley, ‘National Intelligence Estimate’, Chinese Spy Balloon Wasn’t Spying on Us Milley: “There was no intelligence collection by that balloon.”


“The good news is that Milley, unlike the spy balloon, didn’t transmit intelligence back to China because he doesn’t have any.”

A goat picking lottery numbers. Having criminals watch your wallet. Cuban medicine.

These are a few of the things that people have even less confidence in than a national intelligence estimate. But a national intelligence estimate is still down there. Way down there. Even before Russiagate, NIEs were politicized garbage. Remember the 2007 NIE falsely claiming that Iran had halted its nuclear program mocked up as part of a Democrat campaign to undermine the Bush administration?

The difference is that back in 2007, people still took NIEs seriously. Now all you can do is roll your eyes.

It was surely the most bizarre crisis of the Biden administration: America’s top-of-the-line jet fighters being sent up to shoot down, of all things, a balloon – a Chinese spy balloon that was floating across the United States, which had the nation and its politicians in a tizzy.

A tizzy. A spy balloon. How hilarious. Don’t worry folks, it’s all okay. Gen. Milley says so.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells “CBS News Sunday Morning” the balloon wasn’t spying. “The intelligence community, their assessment – and it’s a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon,” he said.

I believe that there was intelligence collection by the balloon, what I don’t believe is that there was any intelligence collection by Gen. Milley and the “intelligence community”.

It’s time for President Biden to grant Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection These are not normal times. They are dangerous ones. Charles Lipson


Presidential candidates don’t normally receive Secret Service protection until the summer before the election. But these are not normal times. They are dangerous ones — for candidates, elected officials and federal judges. When candidates face lethal threats, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did last week, it’s time to give them protection.

The decision is up to President Biden. If he orders the Secret Service to protect Kennedy, it’s done. If not, not. And “not” is Biden’s current decision. It’s a dangerous, mean-spirited political calculation. Political? Yes, surrounding Kennedy with a Secret Service detail elevates his status as a serious candidate. That doesn’t help Biden’s own candidacy.

The president’s willingness to leave a political opponent in danger ranks right up there with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to withhold protection from Supreme Court justices, who were being intimidated and threatened at their homes. Garland’s failure ignored a clear-cut statute and a concrete danger to federal jurists.

You don’t have to favor those justices or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to demand our government do its best to ensure their safety. The government has that general responsibility for all citizens, but the responsibility is much greater when those citizens are running for office, serving as elected officials or sitting as judges. The responsibility is acute when the threat is tangible.

For both Kennedy and the Supreme Court justices, the lethal threat is not imaginary. In the justices’ case, a man traveled across state lines with guns, ammunition, duct tape and zip ties, intending to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh and perhaps others on the High Court. He told the arresting officers he had purchased the gun to kill Kavanaugh.

Another Month Set Aside for Politicized History Only those identities defined by “oppression” are useful enough to be celebrated. by Bruce Thornton


Last week began yet another month set aside for celebrating the history of victims of  “systemic racism,” “white supremacy,” slavery, colonialism, and imperialism, to name a few of the historic crimes perpetrated by “whites.” What started as a correction of historical writing vitiated by partiality and prejudice, today has degenerated into rank politicization that provides leverage to some political factions––mostly progressive Democrat clients–– at the cost of historical truth.

The first problem with “Hispanic Heritage Month” is the name. The only meaningful definition of that imprecise word “Hispanic” is something like “Hispanophone,” those who speak Spanish. Such a category includes nearly half a billion people comprising a vast diversity of ethnicities, nations, religions, customs, cultures, mores, cuisines, folkways, and histories. So which of those thousands and thousands of “heritages” will we be celebrating all month?

We can be sure that the lion’s share of these “heritages” will be Mexican. There’s a good reason for that: until recently, most of the legal or illegal immigrants have come from Mexico. The American Southwest, after all, was conquered and settled by Spaniards, and became part of Mexico after the 1821 revolution. This history, including the Mexican War of 1846-48 which ended with Mexico ceding the Southwest to the U.S., is part of American history, and should be taught as such, warts and all.

But in fact, what is generally taught from grade school to university is a politicized history that serves the leftist, Howard Zinn melodrama of racist “white” Euro-American invaders and colonizers who destroyed the indigenous peoples and their idyllic cultures in order to monetize their stolen lands with oppressive capitalists and their Christian flunkeys.

Every Columbus Day, for example, we are regaled with such simplistic, often cartoonish narratives that leave out all the complexities and nuances of real history. Typical of this ahistorical mentality is the “Wanted Poster” promulgated in 1992 by a South American indigenous organization, which lists Columbus’s crimes as “grand theft, genocide, racism, initiating the destruction of a culture, rape, torture, and instigating the big lie.”

Liz Peek: Fetterman dress code fail begs big question about America’s steep decline


Democrat John Fetterman is not just a prime example of arrested development; he is a symbol of the dumbing down of standards and expectations that is undermining our great nation.

Fetterman, the overgrown man/child elected to the senate last year, is mainly known for wearing hoodies and gym shorts, a look that he thinks is cool and which also serves as a middle finger to the establishment. The Pennsylvania legislator is so uncomfortable wearing the normal garb of successful people occupying important roles in our society – a suit and tie, for instance – that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has relaxed the senate’s dress code, apparently to accommodate this slovenly member of that august body.

Historically, there was no written dress code of the Senate; all members were adults, and they did not need to be told that respect for the institution required them to dress as such. No longer.

The elimination of the senate’s dress code is the least of our problems. Much more worrisome for our country is that the same lowering of standards is taking place everywhere, often in the name of “equity” or “racial justice.”  

Educators across the nation are ditching tests and grades, prompted by declining performance and self-serving teachers’ unions complicit in that decline. In Portland, Oregon, authorities are considering new “equitable grading practices,” which would no longer penalize kids who cheat or who skip their homework, because “historical data shows racial disparities in students’ pass/fail rate.” The new approach is meant to be more “fair.” Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.   

Degrading traditional assessments does not help the kid who gets away with cheating and falls into life-long bad habits or who may need extra help in the classroom. It certainly does not help children who behave and who work hard; they deserve recognition and reward.  

Even in higher ed the push for “equity” is lowering the bar. The Metropolitan State University of Denver no longer requires that students use “Standard American English (SAE)” because it is “a social construct that privileges white communities and maintains social and racial hierarchies.” 

‘Emergency’ Spending By John Stossel


Did you survive the budget cuts from the last debt ceiling fight?

President Joe Biden called them “draconian,” while Republicans praised the deal’s “historic reductions in spending.”

But both parties conned us, as my new video explains.

What they call “cuts” were just a reduction in their planned spending increase. Instead of raising spending by 7.8%, they increased it by “only” 3.9%. Only politicians get to call an increase a cut.

Biden praised the deal, saying, “We’re cutting spending and bringing the deficits down at the same time!”

But they didn’t.

Now they’re using tricks to spend even more.

“Call it an emergency — done,” says Cato Institute budget specialist Romina Boccia. “Spend the money on whatever you want.”

Boccia reports how the Senate is moving to increase spending beyond the agreed-upon caps simply by calling it “emergency” spending.

“They gave $296 million to NASA for ’emergency infrastructure.’ What’s ’emergency infrastructure?’” I ask.

“That’s not really a thing,” she replies. “It’s just a way to plus up the NASA budget … a huge slush fund.”

“How do they justify this?” 

The Democrat J6 Insurrection Hoax Keeps Getting Worse By Stephen Kruiser


The exact moment when the Democrats ramped up their efforts to turn the United States of America into a Third World banana republic may be difficult to pinpoint, but we know it happened around the time that they decided that January 6, 2021, would be their new holiest of holy days. Oh, they can pretend to be horrified about what they say went on that day, be we know that they privately chuckle at how they’ve been able to turn their false J6 narrative into a weapon to destroy their political opponents.

The formation of the J6 House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues saw the Democrats fully embrace kangaroo court justice and ever since then they’ve just been rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

With their ultra-slim majority in the House, Republicans have at least been able to slowly uncover information that the Democrats would have preferred to stay buried had they remained in charge.

We keep finding out the Trump-hating FBI may have been a little more, um, active than was first thought. Matt has some of the latest on that:

There’s a lot about the riot that Democrats simply don’t want us to know, and when we’ve managed to learn a few things that are, shall we say, not good for the preferred narrative, they get dismissed as conspiracy theories.

Some of the lingering questions about the riot are how many FBI agents and informants were embedded amongst the demonstrators and what role they played in instigating the violence. It’s long been suspected that there were several feds involved, but the true number may be much larger than we thought. In fact, according to a report from the New York Post, there were so many paid informants in the crowd that the House Judiciary Committee literally “lost track” of them and had to perform an audit to determine how many were there.

Democrats Discover A New ‘Threat To Democracy’ — The U.S Constitution


We’ve been cataloging how the left has taken to labeling every candidate it doesn’t like and every policy it opposes a “threat to democracy.” But even we were surprised to see the U.S. Constitution itself added to the list of these threats.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said over the weekend that: “The Constitution has some profoundly anti-democratic, which is to say anti-democracy components, like the Electoral College and the two senators per state, for example.”

Mind you, this aired on Sept. 15, just two days before Constitution Day, which this year marked the 236th anniversary of its signing.

O’Donnell was talking to Jamelle Bouie, a New York Timers columnist, who after nodding his head in agreement with O’Donnell, added that “I think we’ve witnessed over the last couple years especially with the attempt to overturn the election, the ways that the constitution, its rules, can actually be used against what Americans think identify as a Democracy.”

Bouie (and others on the left) has been singing this song for a while. Last year, at a conference sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania’s Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy (named after NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent), Bouie said “The threat to U.S. democracy is coming from inside the house. The Constitution itself is the problem.”

The Democrats’ Deal With the Devil The party struck a bargain in 2020 that put Biden and them in power. It will be harder this time. By Daniel Henninger


Readers of this column know that I give historic significance to February 2020, when Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn endorsed Joe Biden in the South Carolina presidential primary. It’s worth a review because that decision now haunts a Democratic Party said to be haunted by Mr. Biden’s “age.”

The existential threat to the Democratic establishment as the 2020 presidential primaries unfolded was Vermont’s socialist senator, Bernie Sanders. Coming off a big win in the Nevada caucuses, Sen. Sanders headed to South Carolina with a leading delegate count of 45—and momentum. The Democrats’ No. 2 vote-getter then wasn’t Joe Biden. It was, incredible to recall, Pete Buttigieg, holding 26 delegates after the voting in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Mr. Biden was third, with 15 delegates after a poor showing in Nevada. Trailing was Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive who lacked Bernie’s mysterious charisma.

The Clyburn endorsement, which sent a signal to the state’s black voters, boosted Mr. Biden to a 48.6% win in South Carolina. Bernie was second with 19.8%. Abetted by the moderate voters who were Rep. Clyburn’s target audience, Mr. Biden eked out a win in November. Nearly four years later, the party establishment that sent Mr. Biden toward the presidency is talking about sending him packing. A CNN poll says Nikki Haley would beat Mr. Biden today by 6 points, and the incumbent president is tied statistically with all the other non-Trump GOP candidates.

Let’s understand what happened back in South Carolina. One of literature’s great allegories is the story of Dr. Faustus, who in return for receiving great powers from the devil, agreed to let Mephistopheles come for his soul sometime in the future. By throwing the party behind Mr. Biden, Rep. Clyburn and the Democrats made a conscious Faustian bargain.

The conceit now, or euphemism, in every conversation or poll is that Mr. Biden is “too old.” As in the 25th Amendment’s capacity concerns. But the Biden inner circle knew in February 2020 that the former vice president was already on the brink of being “too old.” Thus the Delaware-basement campaign. But by committing to Mr. Biden, the Democrats got possession of the powers of the presidency for four years. They also got a passive president who held open the door for the largest outpouring of spending and regulation in generations.

Now that fellow on the other side of Faustian bargains has shown up to tell the Democrats their payment is due. After giving them four years of extraordinary power, he’s taking back Joe Biden. What lies ahead for the Biden-less party could be a hard slog.